What Is Alternative Therapy

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What is Alternative Medicine?

Alternative medicine is a term that describes methods and practices used in place of
Alternative medicine is a term that describes methods and practices used in place of
conventional medical treatments. Many people use alternative medicines in addition with
conventional medical treatments. Many people use alternative medicines in addition with
conventional medicines to complement them.
conventional medicines to complement them.

1- Match the pictures with the words in the box:

Acupuncture – Meditation – Herbal Medicine

Acupuncture – Meditation – Herbal Medicine

1- 2- 3-

____________ _____________ __________________

2- In the following text you will find some types of Alternative Medicines. Scan the text and
complete the graphic organizer with the different branches of Alternative Medicine:

The Five Main Types of Alternative Medicines

There are mainly five alternative types of medicines, which include different alternative medicinal

1. Alternative Medical Systems

Alternative medical system is an entire system of theory and practice, which include more than one
type of treatment like Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Homeopathy and many more.

 Acupuncture: It is one of the most widely used alternative medicine treatments, which
involves the use of fine needles. Specific points on the body are stimulated by inserting very
fine needles into the skin and underlying tissues during acupuncture Stimulating these
specific points is believed to unblock the flow of energy. Acupuncture not only acts as a
natural painkiller but also helps to relieve the nausea and vomiting that commonly occur after
surgery. There are very less side effects of acupuncture.
 Homeopathy: Homeopathy involves use of the remedies, which are derived from naturally
occurring substances, such as plant extracts and minerals that are used to stimulate the
body's innate capacity to heal. The more dilute the homeopathic medicine, the stronger it is
considered to be. There may be very few side effects associated with homeopathy.

 Ayurveda: Ayurveda which means science of life is originated in India. Ayurveda uses diet,
exercise, meditation, yoga, herbs, and internal cleansing to achieve the harmony of body,
mind, and spirit and restore balance within the body and with nature.

 Naturopathy: Naturopathy uses body's natural healing abilities in prevention and treatment
of disease through a healthy lifestyle. It builds immunity, improves mental health, and
enhances body functions. Naturopathy mainly focuses on finding the cause of the disease
rather than merely treating the symptoms of disease. It uses diet, homeopathy, acupuncture,
hydrotherapy, herbal medicine, and other therapies to return the body to a state where it
can heal itself.

2.Mind-Body Interventions

Mind-body techniques are based on the theory that the mental and emotional factors can affect the
body's functions and symptoms. Methods such as meditation, relaxation, and biofeedback come
under mind-body techniques.

 Meditation and Relaxation: Meditation means sitting or resting quietly, often with the eyes
closed. Meditation also helps in reduction of pain and relieving stress. Relaxation techniques
are aimed at relaxing muscles and quieting the mind and are mainly designed to relieve tension
and strain. It is also used as an alternative treatment for insomnia.
 Hypnosis: Hypnosis is a sort of conscious sleep or trance that can help people deal with
addictions, pain or anxiety disorders. Hypnosis can be used to treat some physical illness
caused due to psychologic stress and conflict.

 Biofeedback: Biofeedback is type of therapy in which people are trained to exercise some
control over the way their bodies work and involves measuring a subject's bodily processes
such as blood pressure, heart rate, skin temperature using electronic sensors. Biofeedback
helps a person to be more aware of what his body is doing, and to bring reactions under
control. Biofeedback also helps in treating pain stress, insomnia and headache.

3.Biologically Based Treatments

Biologically based treatments mainly involve the use of chemicals derived from natural sources
including foods and herbs.

 Herbal Medicine: Herbal medicine is a system, which uses various remedies derived from
plants and their extracts to treat disorders and maintain good health. Herbal medicines are
available as extracts, tinctures, infusions, pills, and powders.

4. Energy Therapies.

Energy therapies mainly focus on the energy fields thought to exist in and around the body. People
who work with energy therapies attempt to affect fields of energy that surround and pass through
the body. They also involve the use of electromagnetic fields to influence health and healing.

 Reiki: Reiki is a technique, which uses the channeling and flow of energy through the body to
improve health and promote healing.
 Therapeutic Touch: This technique uses the therapist's healing energy to identify and repair
imbalances in a person's biofield. They believe that by placing their hands on or near a
patient's body they can direct energy and correct disturbances.

5.Manipulative and Body-based Therapies

These therapies focus on moving or realigning body parts. Body-based therapies include techniques
that treat various conditions through bodily manipulation.

 Chiropractic: Chiropractic is based on the theory that disease conditions result from
misalignments of body structures, especially the spine Researches have shown chiropractic to
be effective in treating low back pain.
 Massage Therapy: Massage therapy has become an important part of health care for many
people living in today's stressful world. It is the manipulation of body tissues to promote
wellness and reduce pain and stress. It plays an important role in treating illness or chronic
ailments, and contributes to a higher sense of general well being.

 Reflexology: Reflexology is the practice of stimulating points on the feet, hands and ears to
improve health or give a beneficial effect on some other parts of the body. It is commonly
performed on the particular areas of foot that are believed to correspond to different
organs or systems of the body. This helps to eliminate the blockage of energy responsible for
pain or disease in the corresponding body part.

Adapted from: http://www.tarunaoils.com/articles/alternative-types-medicines.asp

3- Choose two types of Alternative treatments and complete the chart:

Types Technique Advantages for your



4- Would you try any of the alternative treatments you have read about in the text? Which
ones/s? Why? Word limit (30-50)


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