Mughal Empires Rulers With Flowchart and Imp Points From Upsc Pov of Each

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Babur (1526-1530)

● Founder of the Mughal Empire

● Defeated Ibrahim Lodi at the Battle of Panipat in 1526
● Established a strong central government
● Promoted religious tolerance
● Introduced new technologies, such as the printing press
● Built the city of Agra
Humayun (1530-1540, 1555-1556)
● Son of Babur
● Briefly lost the throne to Sher Shah Suri
● Regained the throne in 1555
● Died in an accident in 1556
Akbar (1556-1605)
● Grandson of Babur
● Considered the greatest Mughal emperor
● Expanded the Mughal Empire to its greatest extent
● Introduced a new administrative system
● Promoted religious tolerance
● Built many important monuments, such as the Red Fort and the Taj Mahal
Jahangir (1605-1627)
● Son of Akbar
● Expanded the Mughal Empire further
● Promoted trade and commerce
● Introduced new art forms, such as miniature painting
Shah Jahan (1628-1658)
● Son of Jahangir
● Built many important monuments, including the Taj Mahal and the Jama Masjid
● Suffered from mental illness in his later years
● Overthrown by his son Aurangzeb in 1658
Aurangzeb (1658-1707)
● Last great Mughal emperor
● Expanded the Mughal Empire to its furthest extent
● Reimposed Islamic orthodoxy
● Fought many wars against the Marathas and the Sikhs
● Died in 1707, after which the Mughal Empire began to decline
Important points from UPSC point of view:
● The Mughal Empire was one of the most powerful empires in the world during its time.
● The Mughal emperors made many important contributions to Indian history, including:
○ Establishing a strong central government
○ Promoting religious tolerance
○ Introducing new technologies
○ Building many important monuments
○ Expanding the Mughal Empire to its greatest extent
● The Mughal Empire declined after the death of Aurangzeb in 1707.
● The Mughal Empire was eventually conquered by the British in the 19th century.

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