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Ex 5: In the past, people lived in one place for a long time, but now they can live in many

different places. What are the reasons? Is this a positive or negative development?

People used to settle down in a particular place for a long time, however; these days, they are
likely to relocate to different places. Personally, I believe this trend brings more benefits than its
harms so that WC some reasons and its advantages will be clarify clarified in this essay

It can be obviously seen that modern people’s increased mobility begins with stems from several
reasons. The development of transport systems is one of the most important causes that urges
people to migrate to new places. To illustrate, in the past, modern modes of transport were either
unavailable or unaffordable,;therefore, old previous generations hesitated about moving to a new
area. Compared to today’s life, distance is no longer a concern for a job holder. No matter how
far work offices are, he or she could easily meet their family or friends in a few hours by plane,
for example. Furthermore, with the current population explosion, people’s increased mobility in
terms of accommodation to seek career’s opportunities is extremely necessary. This show To be
more specific, the influx of inhabitants migrating from rural to urban areas to find a suitable job
in hope of a better fulfilled life or college students who reside somewhere for a short time WC
relocate to pursue their higher education in top-tier universities which are mainly located in big

I completely support the this trend because of its unlimited benefits for both individuals and
society. From my perspective, people who migrate regularly will be more likely to expose
themselves to more chances to have better job prospects as well as new social relationships.
Opposite to Unlike a narrow range of jobs in a singular certain place, the alteration in their daily
environment will not only raise increase employment opportunities but also improve their life
quality quality of life and challenge themselves themselves in a broader collection of professions.
This will lead to the foundation of global economic enhancement. Specifically, while the key
economic areas have constantly grown, the percentage of giving low birth rate has fallen, leading
to labor shortages fallen off a cliff Inf. Thus, the huge number of immigrant workers will
compensate for the labor shortage of developed countries.

In conclusion, today’s people change their place of residence on a more regular basis to seek jobs
and education opportunities and this trend is urged by the availability of modern transportation.
Therefore, the global economy and quality of life also become better. (1)

(1) Chốt bằng câu thể hiện quan điểm: “Personally, I firmly believe this trend…”

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