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Nama : Bagas Adi Pratama

NPM : 21120253
Kelas : 5G
Matkul : Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di SD

Tugas Rangkuman lecture series

Pembicara : Bapak Prasena Arisyanto,S.Pd.,M.pd
Tema : Art Integration in learning at Elementary School
Art Education
preservation, inheritance and development of art. Developing Students' potential and
character throught art.
Educations aims to "Smooth the feelings, make the mind smart and make the body healthy"
(Ki Hajar Dewantara) and art education is able to hone the strength of the human soul namely
throughts, feelings and will.
Art Appreciation
Learning to recognize works of art. During the appreciation process students can gain
experience observing appreciating filtering analyzing and directly experiencing a work of art.
Through the art appreciation process, a person is expected to be able to have an attitude of
respect for other people, other cultures, nature, the envirnment, love for the country. and
strengthen religious character that can be applied in everyday life.
Learning that is directed to create produce express ideas through works of art. Through
creative experiences, students can utilize their Intellectual, emotional and physical skills to
produce works. The aim is to develop students creative abilities which are really needed in
life in the 21st century.
Art Integration in Learning (Goldberg, 1997)
- Learning with the art
- Learning through the art
- Learning about the art
Learning with the art
• Learning with the art occurs when they are introduced as a way to study about particular
Learning about the arts
•Learn how to dance, sing, draw etc. learn with and through the arts can provide a foundation
for studying about arts
Learning through the arts
Learning through art does not only use art as learning material, but uses art as a medium to
achieve educational goals. Art not only provides artistic experiences, but also helps students
to develop emotional intelligence, cognitive and affective abilities.
• Critical thinking
• Communication
• Collaboration
• Creativity
Pocung Semarangan, Pl.5

• Ngelmu iku kalakone kanthi laku

(Knowledge can only be achieved by action)
• Lekase lawan kas
(starts with intention)
•Tegese kas nyantosani
(intentions for goodness)
•Setya budya pangekesing dur angkara
(sincerity of intention and effort is the conqueror of evil)

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