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F23 IM Premid Practice C2 Switch account @ draft saved * Indicates required question Email * Record as the email to be included with my response A 2v(p-p) 50 Hz square wave is displayed at a CRO screen. The frequency of * 1 point the waveform in (Hz). 6 10 None of them 50 2 Not enough data A Maxwell bridge with a 10 kHz supply, uses a 0.1 uF C3, and 1000R1& — * I point R3, and 1000 0 R4. The equivalent inductance in mH: 100 10 20 Not enough data None of them Three series-connected resistors 5.6 kO + 10%, 8.2kQ + 5%,6.8k0+2%. —* 1 point The total resistance in ohms: None of them 150k 20.6k 687k A Series Ohmmeter with 1.5V battery, 8k standard resistance, 150A, 2kQ * 1 point PMMC, has been used to measure 10kQ resistor. The current via the standard resistor: 25uA zero 12.54A 150yA 75uA Not enough data None of them, Three series-connected resistors 5.6 kO + 10%, 8.2kOQ + 5%,6.8k0 42%. — * 1 point Total absolute error: 17% 1.106 ka None of them, 5.36% 20% 12.5 kO The absolute lot range of the resistors with color code: Red-Red-Red-Golden * 1 point bands: None of them £5% 2000 9 - 2500 0 10009-15000 20909-23100 To convert an analog voltage (0-5V) with a precision of 0.5 V, to its digital * 1 point equivalent, at least___levels are required at its quantizer. Not possible to convert this signal to a digital form 5 10 " None of them A full-wave bridge rectifier ammeter, whose PMMC (100uA, 15000). At tve * 1 point 1/2 cycle, at FSD, the voltage drop at silicon rectifiers in volts: Current transformer 24 14 6.74 07 None of them, Three series-connected resistors 5.6 kO + 10%, 8.2 kOQ + 5%, 6.8k0+2%. —* I point Total relative error: 17% 20% 12.5kO 1.106 ka 5.36% None of them. A full-wave bridge rectifier ammeter, whose PMMC (100A, 15000). At FSD, * 1 point the average current through the PMMC coil in A: Current transformer None of them, Wa 1574 Wm 50m 100 « ‘An R-2R ladder DAC (without amplification stage) uses a 4-bit encoder. For * 1 point a reference voltage of 20V, the maximum analog voltage will be received at the output against an input: 1001 wi 1000 nn None of them 0001 Suitable sampling rate required to sample an analog signal with 300 Hz —* 1 point frequency 601 500 300 None of them 128 APMMC instrument has FSD 75 A and a coil resistance of 900 Q, is set as * 1 point a voltmeter to measure up to 100V. The series multiplier resistance (in ohms) required is: 133M 22k 104 67.5m None of them An EDI shows 100¢ deflection, for a mutual inductance change of 23.3 mH. * 1 point With both field currents at 75 mA; the controlling torque in Nm: 25 754 Not enough data 750 0.75 None of them, The absolute error in a resistor with color code: Red-Red-Red-Golden bands: * 1 point 450 410% None of them, 422000 APMMC instrument has FSD 75 A and a coil resistance of 900 Q, is set as * 1 point a voltmeter to measure up to _\V, if the multiplier resistor of 65.8 kQ is inserted in series with the coil. 25 5 None of them 30 15 A capacitor of 10 mF is fed with an ac source of 1000 Hz frequency ina * 1 point bridge circuit. The reactance of the capacitor will be _ Ohms. 62.83 None of them 71.33 15.91 17.33 Aload is connected to a voltmeter, ammeter and a wattmeter showing * 1 point 100V, 5A and 200 W respectively. The phase angle between the current and the voltage is __. 66.42 90 135 None of them. 0 ‘A Maxwell bridge with a 10 KHz supply, uses a 0.1 uF C3,and 1000 R1& — * 1 point R3, and 1000 0 R4. The Q factor: 0.628 100 Not enough data 1.97 None of them 125 An EDI shows 100¢ deflection, for a mutual inductance change of 23.3 mH. * 1 point With both field currents at 75 mA; the deflecting torque in Nm: 604 0.75 25u 75a Not enough data None of them The current through the ammeter leads is__ mA if the PMMC coil current * 1 point is 100 uA and the current through the shunt resistance is 100 mA. None of them 33.54 100.1 75 51.2 ‘A four bit quantizer can have ___ quantization level at max. * 1 point 20 128 None of them 32 16 APMMC instrument has FSD 30 A and a coil resistance of 12000, is set * 1 point as an ammeter to measure up to 300 /A. At 0.5 FSD, the current passes through the ammeter’s leads is _A 300 150 « None of them 30 270 A 2v(p-p) 50 Hz square wave is displayed at a CRO screen. For a duty cycle * 1 point of 30% the wave shows will show +1 V for a duration of __ msec. Not enough data None of them, 2 20 10 APMMC instrument is set as an ammeter. The shunt resistance is__k- —* 1 point Ohms, if the coil voltage is SOV with a shunt current of 10 mA. 200 5 None of them, 12 30 A Series Ohmmeter with 1.5V battery, 8kQ standard resistance, 150A, 2kQ * 1 point PMMC, has been used to measure 10kQ resistor. The current via PMMC coil None of them Not enough data 75uA 150pA 25uA A power meter measures the input sink power of a motor four times during * 1 point its operation: 10.05 W, 10.01 W, 9.05 W & 9.01 W. The probable error without Besse''s correction: 297.43 mW None of them, 490.3 mW 337.52 mW 240.4 mw APMMC instrument has 150 turn coil of (3em x 2.5 cm) dimension, is * 1 point placed in a permanent magnet's field of 0.05T. To produce a torque of 150 u-Nm, in the coil a current of __ mA is required. Not enough data 151.7 26.7 15 None of them An R-2R ladder DAC (without amplification stage) uses a 4-bit encoder. For * 1 point a reference voltage of 20V, the maximum analog voltage will be __V. 20 18.75 16 None of them A power meter measures the input sink power of a motor four times during * 1 point its operation: 10.05 W, 10.01 W, 9.05 W & 9.01 W. The standard deviation without Besse''s correction: 500.4 mW Not enough data 9.53 W 290.31 mW. None of them. 240.4 mW. APMMC instrument has FSD 30 vA and a coil resistance of 1200 Q. The * 1 point meter is used as an ammeter, the voltage drop across the coil is__mV. 673 123 15 36 None of them. A power meter measures the input sink power of a Synchronous motor four * 1 point times during its operation: 10.05 W, 10.01 W, 9.05 W, 9.01 W. The average power sink in watts: 38.12 None of them Not enough data available 9.53 2 A S-bit R2R DAC has RF = R= 1000 Ohms and = 5V. The main current (Iref)_* 1 point in mA: 25 None of them, 17.33 5 3.75 APMMC instrument has FSD 50 A and a coil resistance of 10000. The —* 1 point maximum limit of the current that can pass via PMMC coil is____A. None of them 7 10 50 20 A full-wave bridge rectifier ammeter, whose PMMC (100A, 15000). Rs = 20 * 1 point kQ, at FSD, the peak current through the PMMC coil in A: Current transformer 0.3m 147 1574 21K None of them An R-2R ladder DAC (without amplification stage) uses a 4-bit encoder. For * 1 point a reference voltage of 20V, the input 0000 will be shown as _V at its output. 20 10 0 None of them 18.75 A full-wave bridge rectifier ammeter, whose PMMC (100A, 15000). Rs = 20 * 1 point kQ, RL = 15kQ, at FSD, the RMS current through RL in A: Current transformer Not enough data 41m 2254 20m 147 None of them A full-wave bridge rectifier ammeter, whose PMMC (100A, 15000). Rs = 20 * 1 point kQ, at FSD, the RMS voltage at the transformer's secondary in volts: Current transformer 1.57 3.37 6.74 None of them 477 To convert an analog voltage (0-5V) with a precision of 0.5 V, to its digital equivalent, at least a___bit encoder is required point None of them 13 16 4 Not possible to convert this signal to a digital form 8 APMMC instrument has FSD 30 A and a coil resistance of 12000. The —_* 1 point meter is used as an ammeter of range 0-300 uA. The shunt current is _ 0.5m 270 None of them. 15m 36u For a S-bit DAC a register with at least__bit output is required. * 1 point 32 None of them 3 300 ‘A power meter measures the input sink power of a motor four times during * 1 point its operation: 10.05 W, 10.01 W, 9.05 W & 9.01 W. The probable error with Bessel's correction: 15.31 mW None of them. 566.16 mW 398.73 mW 297.43 mW 281.87 mW APMMC instrument has FSD 75 A and a coil resistance of 900 Q, is set as * 1 poin a voltmeter to measure 20V & 30V. The voltmeter's sensitivity is __.0/V. 30 13.33 2 None of them 121 A load is connected to a voltmeter, ammeter and a wattmeter showing * 1 point 100V, 5A and 200 W respectively. The phase angle between the current and the voltage is _ 135 0 90 66.42 None of them A full-wave bridge rectifier ammeter, whose PMMC (100A, 15000). Rs = 20 * 1 point kQ, at FSD, the peak voltage at the transformer's secondary in volts: Current transformer 51 477 None of them. 3.37 6.74 APMMC instrument has FSD 30 A and a coil resistance of 1200 0, is set as an ammeter to measure up to 300 /A. At 0.5 FSD, the current passes through the shunt resistance is __A. point 304 None of them, 12.374 75 1354 An R-2R ladder DAC (without amplification stage) uses a 4-bit encoder. For * 1 point a reference voltage of 20V, the input 1010 will be shown as _V at its output. 18.75 None of them, 12.5 20 10 ‘A power meter measures the input sink power of a motor four times during * 1 point its operation: 10.05 W, 10.01 W, 9.05 W & 9.01 W. The (average) deviation: 500 mW None of them, 961.6 mW 9.53 W 240.4 mW For a full wave rectifier PMMC instrument, the peak current via load is 100 * 1 point mA, the rms current via this load will be ___mA. 63.7 50 None of them 70.7 51.2 A Maxwell bridge with a 10 kHz supply, uses a 0.1 uF C3, and 1000R1& — * ‘point R3, and 1000 0 R4. The equivalent internal resistance (0) of the inductor: 1000 None of them 10 20 Not enough data 100 A 2v(p-p) 50 Hz square wave is displayed at a CRO screen. The wave shows * 1 point +1 V fora 10 msec. The duty cycle is __%. None of them, 50 n 20 80 Not enough data APMMC instrument has FSD 30 pA and a coil resistance of 12000. The —* 1 point meter is used as an ammeter of range 0-300 uA. The shunt resistance value is_a. 270 None of them, 133.33, 150 360.74 APMMC instrument has FSD 50 A and a coil resistance of 10000. The —* 1 point voltage across the coil __Vm 20 30 None of them 50 131 APMMC instrument has FSD 75 uA and a coil resistance of 900 Q, is set as * 1 point a voltmeter to measure up to 100V. The voltage across the PMMC coil (in volts): 67.5m 33 120 None of them, 15m A full-wave bridge rectifier ammeter, whose PMMC (100A, 15000). Rs = 20 * 1 point kQ, RL = 15kQ, at FSD, the Current via Rm __uA: Current transformer alts 44 41m Not enough data 150 2 100 None of them A digital ramp type DVM is connected to measure 30V. The counting cycle * 1 point will stop when the ramp generator will reach at__V. 50 n None of them. 30 121 For a S-bit DAC a register with at least__ bit output is required. * 3 5 32 300 None of them, Aload is connected to a voltmeter, ammeter and a wattmeter showing 100V, 5A and 200 W respectively. The power factor of this load is __. 04 None of them 0 7.35 ‘A ramp-generator type DVM registers 1999V at a 1 MHz clock. The clock time period is___y-sec. 10 100 1999 1 None of them T point * 1 point * 1 point For a full wave rectifier PMMC instrument, the peak current via load is 100 * 1 point mA, the average current via this load will be __mA. 70.7 50 51.2 63.7 None of them. JD. Send me a copy of my responses. Submit Page 1 of 1 Clear form This form was created inside of SZABIST, Repott Abuse Google Forms

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