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FCE Practice Tests

TEST 4 PAPER 1: READING Part 1 (questions 1-8)

Part 1

You are going to read an extract from a novel. For questions 1-8 choose the answer (A, B , C or O)
which you think fits besi according to the text.

Mark your answers on the separate anawer aheet.

Miss Johnson sat In the dining room having tea and looked out al all the people on the beach.
Maybe she should go for a walk before dinner. She was just deciding in wh ich direction she
should walk when Mr Aodgers carne into the room and walked straight towa rds her. There was
no way she could avoìd hìm; he had clearly seen her and she si.ili hed a cup of tea in front of her
ready to drink. 'Do you mind if I sii down?' he asked politely. 01 course she couldn't refu se: 11
wasn't In her nature to be rude. 'Yes, please do,' she said and offered him some tea. He accepted
but then didn't seem to be paying attention when she asked him if he'd like milk and sugar. In fact
he seemed very distracted. Suddenly he gol up and started pacing up and down in front ol the
I/ne 9 tabla. This was really quite annoying as he was walking right in front of the window and getting
in the way ol the nice view. 'l've got a problem,' he said, 'and I was hoping you might be able to
help me with it.' 'Ohi' she replied. She hadn't expected him to be so familiar; they had only known
each other a few weeks and they were noi really friends. 'Well, 1'11 try.' she sa,d ·r d be happy to
help in any way I can. ·11 all started last week,' he began. ' I was on my way 10 the shops when I
bumped into Veronica Gray. We stopped and had a chat lor a couple of minutes. you know about
the weather. and then just as I was making my excuses and saying gOodbye her husband carne
round the corner. He looked very serious and not al an happy to lind us chatting together.
Veronica suddenly went very quiet and almost ran away In the opposite direction. Her husband
walked past me. barely said hello . end followed his wife round the comer. I was very conlused
by the whole thing. One minute she'd been happlly gossiping and then as soon as Gregory
appeared she became a dlfferent person. And he, well, fora second I thought he might hit me.' I
didn't see eilher of them again until last night, here in the hotel. I was coming down to dinner
when I heard voices on the stairs below me. I didn't recognise who il was but as I walked round
the corner I saw it was Veronica and Gregory and they were dearly arguing. lt was too late for
me turn back, they had already seen me. so I said gOod evening and carried on downstairs as
quickly as I could. But Gregory called me back. He was quite angry and started shoutlng at me ;
he said I should mind my own business and leave his wife alone. Veronica was crying and tried
to teli her husband to leave me alone. thai il wasn 't my fault and so on. lt was very unpleasant
and I really had no idea what was golng on. I saìd I had no idea what he was talking about and
to be honest I might have Just put it down to him being a bit jealous and left it at thai except thai
al thai moment Annabel carne down lhe slalrs and saw us. I don't know if you know bui she and
I are engaged.' 'Yes, I did know; congratulations.' ·And of course it didn't look good. having
Gregory more or less accuse me of havlng some sort of affair with his wife. Annabel just looked
al me and walked off. Now she won't speak to me. What do you think I should do? Should I
confront Gregory and make hlm see sense? Or should I try and find out from Veronica what Is
going on? There 's obviously somethlng not right between them; I just don't understand how I got
lnvolved. l'd really appreclate any help you can 9Ive me.' 'Well, I think the first thing you need to
do ls speak to Annabel and make sure she sees thai thls ls Just a misunderstanding.' 'l've tried
that,' he explalned, 'but she won 't speak to me; she doesn·t answer the phone when I call her.'
He looked desperate. 'OK,' she sald gently, 'why don't I go and speak to Annabel, and tell her
about thls conversation we 've just had?' 'Would you ? Oh, thank you, l'd be so grateful.' She left
hlm sltting at the table looklng much happier already. And she knew just where to find Annabel.
At thls time of day she was always In the garden reading.
FCE Practlce Tasta

TEST 4 PAPER 1: READING Part 1 (questions 1-8)

1 How did Miss Johnson react when she saw Mr Rodgers come into the dining room?
A She was pleased to see him.
e She avoided him.
C She invited hlm to join her.
D She was rude to hlm.

2 When it says in line 9 'Thls was really qulte a nnoylng' what does 'this' reter lo?
A Mr Aodgers joining her tor tea
B Mr Aodgers walking around
C Mr Rodgers asking her tor help
D Mr AOdgers· silence

3 How d id Miss Johnson leel when Mr Rodgers asked her lor help with a problem?
A surprised
B relieved
C embarrassed
D pleased

4 What happened when Gregory saw his wife talking to Mr Aodgers?

A Gregory and Mr Aodgers had a short conversation.
B Gregory became violent towards Mr Rodgers.
C Veronica and Gregory left together without saying anythlng.
D Veronica quickly walked away on her own.

5 What did Mr Aodgers want to do when he saw Gregory and Veronica arguing on the stalrs?
A He wanted lo lind out whal was going on.
B He wanted lo teli Veronica to stop crying.
C He wanted lo get downstalrs as soon as possible.
D He wanted to go back to his room.

6 Wh>J does Miss Johnson cong ratulate Mr Rodgers?

A Because he and Annabel are getting marrled.
B Because he is having an alfalr w ith Veronica Gray.
C Because he was righi to have asked Miss Johnson lor help.
D Because he has wlth a difficult sltuation very well.

7 How does Mr Aodgers leel about his involvement in lhe situation between Veronica and
A happy
B conlused
e angry
D gratetuI

8 How does the scene in the dining room end?

A Miss Johnson and Mr Aodgers leave together.
B Miss Johnson goes lo the garden to fìnd Annabel.
C Mr Aodgers decides lo phone Annabel again.
D Mr Rodgers is unhappy with the advice Miss Johnson oflers him.
FCE Practice Testa

TEST 4 PAPER 1: READING Part 2 (questions 9-15)

Part 2

You are going lo read an inlerview In which a woman talks about her experience of belng on a reallty
TV show. Seven senlences have been removed !rom lhe artìcle. Choose !rom the senlences A-H the
one which flts each gap (9-15). There Is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

Mark your answers on the separate anawer sheet.

What show did you go on and why? other people .and what I thought of thelr food.
The TV show I went on invol ved holding a The other people were lhe biggesl surprlse; I
dinner party tor 4 people l'd never met belore. know seeing how we ali gel on and lhe differenl
There were 6 of us and we held a dinner party relationships thai form is a big part of the show
in each of our houses on consecutive nights. so bui I was still surprised by the other lndlviduals
we had 5 dlnner partles in one week. Il was who had been chosen to take part. I 12 I I
exhausting bui a lot of !un. ll's a compelilion What shocked me was how criticai everyone
where you can actually win quite a lot of money was. l'm quile a polite person and very
and there is quite a competitive atmosphere. At optimistic so I always try and find the best of a
the end of each evenlng you have to give a situation. The first night was a bit of disaster as
score lor the evening and the person with the the host got rea lly beh,nd on the timing and we
highest score at the end of lhe week wins. I had to wail ages lor the main course and then
didn'I win unfortunately bui that wasn 't my only when it carne out it wasn ·1 cooked properly. I
reason lor golng on il, although of course lt tried to compllment her on the vegetables and
would have been nice, [ 9 I I I watch it the presentation and told her how wonderful the
every week and I wanled lo be on il myself jusl starter was bui lhe others were just saying
to see what il would be like lo be on the other lhings like 'l 'm sorry, I really can't eat this,· and
slde of the camera. I thought it would be fun 'Well, il's OK, bui il isn't thai great, Is it?' The
and I knew I could do lt batter or al least as well poor woman was nearly in lears. Fortunately my
as most of the people l'd walched. I 10 I I evening went well and although l'm sure lhey
For me il was much more about the food and had plenty of criticisms to make lhey did it
trying lo impress with my cooking skills than behind my back rather than to my face so there
just gettìng on TV. was a much pleasanter atmosphere.

Was the experlence what you expected? What did il tee/ like when you wstched the
Il was actually very differenl !rom whal I had programme on TV?
expecled. I hadn't realised whal Il would be llke lt was really strange to see myself on TV bui lt
to have a camera crew wlth me while I was was fascinatlng seeing how they had edlted
preparing everylhing and how much they everything and put il all together. I 13 I II
wanted lo see of my house. lt 1elt strange bui watched il with a big group of friends and I kept
they were very nice and frlendly and made me wantlng to tell them about ali the bits thai had
feel comfortable. In fact they really made me been cui out. In a way the programme doesni
laugh while I was trying to cook and be all glve a realislic portrayal of what really happened
serlous. I 11 I I I knew they would be with as they tend to choose the most shocking and
me alt the day I was hosting the meal but they embarrasslng parts to put in bui I guess lhat's
wanled to see me every other day as well and what makes good television ; lt has to be
ask me lots of questions on camera about lhe entertalning.
FCE Practice Testa

TEST 4 PAPER 1: READING Part 2 (questions 9-15)

Wou/d you say it was a positive experience? happened end I think they liked my food and I
lt was definitel[ good fun and yes I think il was was able to relax a bit more atter my evening.
positive. 14 I I felt under an enormous I 15 I I
I always feel sorry tor the people who
amounl of pressure the whole week knowing thai have to go first because as well as doing all lhe
lhe camera was walching my e11ery move. The cooking you have to worry aboul inlroducing
day I had lo cook I lelt very nervous and everyone and you have no idea what to expect.
stressed, 11's bad enough entertaining but when Overall I carne second so I didn't wln the money
you know you 're being filmed il 's a hundred bui lelt that was quite respectable. I feel more
limes worse. But al lhe end of the evening I felt confident cooking lor other people now and I stili
a great sanse of achievement. Nothing awlul watch lhe programma and enjoy il too!

A They musi have had aboul 6 or 7 E l'm not really an exhibilionist so I

hours ol footage from each ol the 5 would never go on a show llke Big
days and yet ali you see 1s about 25 Brother bui with lhis lhere was a poinl
minules. to it ; il wasn't jusl about people
watchlng us do very ordinary
B l'm glad I did il even though I didnl everyday lhlngs.
love every minute ol il .
F I was also surprised by how much
e Everyone else made really inleresling time they wanted lo be wlth me.
dishes and we all gol on really well.
G I did il because I love cooking and
D There were a real mix ot personalilies entertaining and l'm a huge fan of lhe
and lhere was one person 1n part1cu1ar show.
I am very happy 1'11 never have to see
again. H I wenl second which was much batter
lhan going tirsi as I had al least mel ali
lhe other people before they arrived
on my doorstep.
FCE Practice Test s

TEST 4 PAPER 1: READING Part 3 (questions 16-30)

Part 3

You are golng to read an article aboul four different well-known beaches. For queslions 16-30 choose
from the places (A-D). The beaches may be chosen more than once. When more lh an one answer
is required they may be given in any order.

Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

According to the text whlch beach or beaches:

are close lo big cities? 16 11 I

is jusl one of many attractive beaches in the area? 11 I

was popular with the country's royal family in the past? 19

has hosted a lot of music events? . 20 I

has needed to have sand imported from other beaches? , 21 I I

has won an award lor natural beauty? 22 I

is well connected by public transport? 23

have held a world sports event? 24 25

sometimes has marine animals passing through the area? ; 26

attracls a lot ot, foreigners al Christmas? ' 27

has been used In a lot of publicity materiai? j 28 I

have separate areas tor swimming and surfing? I 29 I 30 I

FCE Practice Test s

TEST 4 PAPER 1: READING Part 3 (questions 16-30)

Famous Beaches

A Walklkl Beach, Hawaii C Copacabana Beach, Bruti

Walklkl Seach Is located on the southern slde ol the Copacabana beach gets i1s name from tha
lsland of Honolulu. lts name comes from the Hawaiian area of Rio de Janeiro in which il is situated.
language end means sprouling fresh water. The beach · The borough of Copacabana is to the south
ls very popular because ol the warm cllmate, clear blue I of the city and is world famous because of the
skles end beautlful vlews, as well as the good surf. On beach. The beach is 4 kllometres long and
wlndy days lhe waves can be strong and the beach's has hlstorlc forts at elther end. Tha baach
long rolllng break makes lt ideai lor all types of surfing. has been the site tor ali sorts of outdoor
Hall of the beach ls sectloned off for surfing with the events: Il has hosted tha FIFA Beach Soccer
other hall left tor swlmmlng. The shore line now has a World Cup many times and in recent years
number of tali bulldlngs and hotel resons. The tirst hotels has been the venue lor huga free concens. lt
opaned In the 1880s end tram the 1890s the resort grew is also where millions of people go every year
In popularlty wlth tourists from the ma1nland. althoJgr 10 celebrate on New Vear's Eve. When lt waa
tha area had been a retreal far the Hawa11ar: royal famlly announced that Rio de Janeiro would ba
lor many decades before thai. The beach hos1s many hosting the 2016 Olympics locals
events each year. lnctudlng surfing competitions. congregated on the beach to celebrate.
outrigger canoe races. hula danclng, and in recent years There are many holels. hostels, bars,
free movles projected onta an enormous outdoor screen. nlghtclubs and restaurants along the
Over time the beach has suffered from eroslon end lhere , promenade and the promenade is ilself a
have been a number of projects to try to protect the work of .a n: a 4 kilometre-tong pavement
beach end replanlsh lost sand. Al one time sand was landscape of Porluguese design.
shlpped aver from California although from lhe 1970s Copacabana is well linked to lhe rest of the
projects have focused on reduclng further loss and city; lt has 3 metro statlons end numorous
sustalnlng the existlng sand. bus servlces as well as 3 major roads

B Bondl Beech, Au1trell1 D Praia da Marlnha, Portugal

Sondi beach Is a well•known end popular beach; lt ls Praia de Marlnha, beach of the Navy In
also the name of lhe suburb where il Is situated lo the Engllsh, i s one of the more well-known of
east of Sydney. 11 ls just 7 kilometres trom lhe Sydney rnany spectacular beaches In the Algarve,
centrai business district. lts name comas lrom the the southern coastal area of Portugal. lt's
Aborlglnal word meanlng water breaking over rocks. tamous lor lts stunnìng cliffs end clear clean
Sondi beach became lncreaslngly popular during lhe water. lt has been used In many advertlslng
mlddle of, the nineteenth century end was declared a campalgns and in promo1ional materiai lor
publlc beach in 1882. lt remains popular wlth locals end Ponugal. In 1998 the Ponuguese Mlnìstry ot
visltors end Is partlcularly popular wllh Srillsh and lrìsh . the Environment awarded il the Golden
tourlsts on Christmas day. The beach is about one Seach award lor ,ts outstandlng natural
ktlometre long. Areas sale lor swimmlng are shown by , quahlies. There are many othar beautltul
red and yellow flags end the southem end ls generally ' beaches along the same stretch of coast; the
reserved for surfing. In addltlon 10 the underwater south lacing coaslline of the Atgarve Is aver
currenls a further danger comes from the sun. Despite 150 kilometres long. The Algarve has been
officiai warnlngs about the need to use sun protectton in popular with tou risls lor many decades.
Australia thare are no sun umbrellas on Sondi beach. particularl y those lrom Northern Europa. In
Sharks. howevar. do noi present much of a rìsk as tha addit,on to well-known natural beauty spots.
beach ls protected by an underwater sharl< net during nlce bea,ches and a warm mild ctlmate,
the summer. Durlng thelr months of migrallon il is lourisls are anrae1ed by the growlng number
posslble to see whales and dolphlns In the area and very of high quality golf courses. Tourlsm is now
occaslonally penguins. The beach regularly hosts many lhe most important economie actlvity in the
publlc events lncludlng a short mm festival and a area.
sculpture exhibìlion. During tha 2000 Sydney Otympics
the beach was the site lor the beach volleyball
FCE Practice Tasts

TEST 4 PAPER 3: USE OF ENGLISH Part 1 (questions 1-12)

Part 1

For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide whlch answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
There is an example at the beginnlng (O).

Mark your answers on the separate anawer aheet.


o A sports B hobbles e past limes D exercices

I o

= =

The craze of extreme (O) ... ...... In the 1990s brought new popularity lo climblng. Il has also featured
in many popular films, although Hollywood does not always glve an (1) ..•...... picture ol What
cllmblng really involves. There are many different types ol cllmbing, the most difflcult and dangerous
one being alpine climbing where cllmbers (2) ... ..... . days or weeks 1tt a time up mountalns, often In
(3) ......... conditions. This sort: of climbing requires very (4) ... ...... equipmtml ;md is usually only
done by prolessional climbers wilh (5) .. ...... . of experience.

However, climbing doesn·t have to (6) ... .. .. .. snow and ice and dangerous conditlons; it can be a
very (7) ......... hobby and somei hlng you can do lor just a few hours on a Saturday afternoon. At the
other end of the climblng spectrum from alpine climbing is sport climbing. This can be done indoors
or outdoors on climbing walls. These walls vary from those which are completely (8) ......... and
which have ~en designed and built specially tor the purpose to (9) ......... occurring rode formations
which have been prepared for cllmbing with equipment bolted in piace. For beglnners the easiest
type of cllmbing ls top-ropìng where the rope is already in (10) ... ...... . AII you need are climbing
shoes, a harness and an experienced climber or (11) .. ... .... to work the belay devlce and contrai the
ropes. AII this basic equipment can be (12) ....... .. from most sports centres.
FCE Practice Testa

TEST 4 PAPER 3: USE OF ENGLISH Part 1 (questions 1-12)

1 A correct B accurate e authentlc o originai

2 A pass B last e spend o stay

3 A frozen B ice e freezing o winter

4 A speclflc B exact e precise D certaln

5 A too much B enough e quantìty o plenty

8 A have B involve e include o consisl

7 A enjoyable B lunny e happy o prelerable

8 A lake B false e art11ic1al o untrue

9 A simply B naturally e only o easily

10 A location B piace e site D situation

11 A instructor B teacher e professor D coach

12 A. used B borrowed e hired D lent

FCE Prac tice Tast a

TEST 4 PAPER 3: USE OF ENGLISH Part 2 (questions 13-24)

Part 2
For questlons 13-24, read the text below and thlnk of the word that best fils each
gap. Use only one
word in each gap. There is an example al the beglnning (O).

Wrlte your answers IN CAPITA L LETTER S on the eeparate an1wer thfft.

Exampl e: ~ !1!TI I ! I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I

Flrat eia•• aervlce?

Why do people travel flrst class? For lhe majorlty (O) .. ....... is because they
wanl more space.
compllm entary food and drink and above ali to be treated (13) . . .. .. . . . royally
lf we pay more
(14) ...... .. . lwlce as much as slandard class passengers we expect 10 rece1ve 1mpecca
ble servlce.
lt makes sanse. We are (15) ......... going lo reach our destlnation any quicker so
lhe dilference can
only (16) ..... ... . in the comfort and service we recelve, (17) ...... .. . wlll make our
journey pleasanter.
Unfortunately though lt seems we are noi always getling (18) ...... ... money's worth.

Most trains and planes can guarantee more space in first class (19) ......... alrlines
and train services
are sometim es unable to meel (20) .. .... .. . expecla tlons of their first class passeng
ers In terms of
compllm entary refreshmen1s and h1gh quality servlce. Compllmentary food and
drink is often very
dlsappo inting and noi qulte (21) ......... ·unllmlted' as advertlsed. At leaet the econom
y traveller has
(22) .. ....... cholce of what they buy from the trolley or buffet service. In additi on staff
(23) ......... be
far !rom courteou s. Mr Jones summed up his last tirsi class trip to Europa as 'unpleas
ant'. However,
as a regular llrst class traveller he acknowledges thai (24) ......... they do gel lt
right first class travet
can be a truly Yianderful experience.
FCE Practice Testa

TEST 4 PAPER 3: USE OF ENGUSH Part 3 (questions 25-34)

Part 3

For questions 2~34 read the lext below. Use the word given in capilals at lhe end of some of lhe
llnes lo forma word thai fils in lhe gap In the aame llne. There is an example at lhe beginning (0).

Wrlle your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

A Las Vega& Wedding

Las Ve gas 1s known as lhe (0) .... .. ... capitai of the world because of lhe MARRY
ease of obtaining a marriage licence The process can be completed
(25) ., ., .. ., . minules in Las Vegas while it often lakes severa I weeks and WITH
involves lots of paperwork in olher parts olthe world. Il 1s also (26) ....... .. COMPARE
cheap at Just $60. This and lhe variety ot weddings avallable have made
Las Vegas a popular (27) .. .... ... among couples wanting lo gel married. DESTINY
The lact that il is (28) ......... lo pian in advance means lhere are also NECESSARY
plenty ot sponlaneous weddings in Las Vegas each year of couples on

Weddlng ceremonies can be civil or (29) ......... dependlng on where RELIGION

lhey lake piace and can lollow ali sorts ol ditterenl and (30) ........ . ORIGIN
lhemes.. There are a larga number ol (31) .... ..... 10 choose lrom; LOCATE
weddings can be performed in one of the many (32) ... ...... wedding DEPEND
chapels or In locai churches, rest aurants and golf courses. Most major
hotels have lheir own wedding chapels. lt's also possible to have a
wedding ceremony outside in the area surroundlng Las Vegas. The
(33) .. .... ... between different venues keeps the prices relalively low and COMPETE
(34) ......... adding to the popularlty, AFFORD
I' I.ti; P ract1ce ·• es1s

TEST 4 PAPER 3: USE OF ENGLISH Part 4 (questions 35-42)

Part 4

For questions 35-42, complete the second sentence so thai it has a slmilar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not chenge the word given. You musi use between two and
flve words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

Example: O I haven't seen him for at least 2 years.

The ............•.,......................... ,.................... was more than 2 years ago.

The gap can be filled by lhe words 'last time I saw hlm'. so you write:


Write only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the ..parate answer sheet.

35 Arron is much batter at managing the company lhan his predecessor.

Arron is ....... ...... ........... ,........ of the company lhan lhe lasl one.

36 I regret noi telllng them the truth sooner.

I wish ...... .. .. ......... .. ... .. .... ... the truth sooner.

37 l've never heard this band play live before.

This 1s .. ................. ....... ....... ever heard this band play llve.

38 You mustn't eat or drink anywhere inside the theatre.

Eating ind drinking ...... ........................... inside the theatre.

39 'We'II probably go to the cinema on Saturday night.'

They said they ............. .... ................ lo the cinema on Saturday nlght.

40 You should go now or you 'II miss the lraln.

You ................................. now or you'II miss the lrain.

41 He usually gets home before I do.

He ... .................... .. .... .... home before I do.

42 Dave goes running at 7 o 'clock every morning despite it still being dark at that time.
Oave goes running at 7 o'clock every mornlng .. ............................... still dar1< at thai time.

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