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Level :3ms First Term English Test Timing :45min

Hantabli Abdelrezak Middle School.



Hello, my name is Mohamed let me tell you about my bestfriend Sami , he is a 13 years old boy ,i know him since
eight years ago, we were at the same primary school . Sami is very shy and unfriendly with strangers , at the
same time he is sociable ,friendly and trustful with me, we had beautiful memories at the mosque , we used to
memorize Quran togather . I always spend the whole day with him and i never get bored ,because we share the
same interests , we are interested in playing Foot ball, and we are keen on any thing related to animals ,we are
planning to go for a trip next spring , i wish that our friendship will last forever.

Reading comprehension: ( 7points)

Activity One: (2points) Read the text and answer the following questions: 02 pts

1-do Mohamed and sami share the same interests ?what are their interests ?

2-what are they planning for next spring ?

Activity two :(3 points) write ‘true’ or ‘false’, then correct the wrong statements.

1- Sami is Mohamed’s bestfriend.

2-Sami and Mohamed were at two different primary schools.

3-Sami is shy and unfriendly with Mohamed.

Activity three(2points) Find in the text : Synonyms of :fond of = ………., picnic=……….., Antonyms of :
Always≠ .........., excited≠.........

Mastery of the Languague (8points)

Activity one :(2 points)classify these words in the table : stayed-visited-travelled-walked.

/t/ /d/ /id/

Activity two(1point) :turn this sentence to the negative form :’we used to memorize quran togather’

Activity three(1point) :ask question about the highlighted words :’i know him since eight years ago’

Activity three (4points) : put the verbs between brackets in the past simple tense.

1-i (to know) him since eight years ago/Sami(to be) very shy/Mohamed and Sami ( to be) at the same
school/we (to memorize) quraan togather / we ( to spend ) the whole day/Mohamed ( to meet ) Sami in
the neighborhood/they (to go) for a trip/their friendship (to last) a long time.

Situation of intergration (5points) : Write a short paragraph ,in which you describe your best friend ,talk
about his / her (personal informations , interests and personality) GOOD LUCK.
Activity two : turn this sentence to the negative form :
We used to memorize quran togather.

Activity two : turn this sentence to the negative form :

We used to memorize quran togather.

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