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Planning : the process of setting goals and deciding how to achieve them
ANALYZE , new strategies
Action needs to be done
Organizing : the processing of allocating and

Leading : the process of influencing others to engage in the work

Train, punish, motivate

Evaluate , observation

2 types of Criteria
Effectiveness it refers to the ends , the ability to achieve organizational goals
it refers to doing the right things

it refers to the means

the ability to achieve goals with minimum waste of resources that is to make best
use of available resources

it refers doing things right

When a leader wins a battle, he achieves the effectiveness , but the number of
solders died and weapons he used refer to the efficiency

TOP Managers- Midle Managers ( Vice president) , First-line Managers-
Operational level staff.
Top Managers : Cấp cao
set up long-term goals and plans
Evaluate overall performance of all departments
Select key personnel

Middle managers: ( cấp trung)

They are considered as the link between top and first-line managers
Set up short-term goals and plans, prepare long-term plans for top managers to
Evaluate the performance of their

First-line managers ( cấp cơ sở)

Set up short-term goals and plans
Supervise day-to-day operations and
Work directly with non managerial employees

Đi thi
Interpersonal Roles ( Internal)
Figurehead ( người đại diện cho tổ chức mà họ quản lý) sign a contract ,
Leader( motivate employees), and Liaison ( Liên lạc viên)( send and receives
emails and letters of partners)
Informational Roles ( Exteral)
Monitor( attend a conference), disseminator( holds a meeting with employees),
and spokesperson ( appear on TV to answer questions)
Decisional roles
Entrepreneur( set up goals and strategies), Disturbance Handler( deal a loss),
Resource Allocator ( discuss salary with labor union) and Negotiator


Chapter 2
Mangaement ideas in the ancient time
2 important events:
Adam Smith: Division of labor : productvity
X: employees dislike work , layz , dislike responsibility, must be coerced to perform

Theory Y : employees like work, creative ,seek responsibility , exercise self-


How to manage
X: supervise , tell them , observe, design punishment
Y: recognize, praise, give award, create opportunity

different situations of and case study of maslow hierarchy.

short break : physiological
job promotion : 5
meal : 1/
Married 3

quantitative approach: apply math + statistic

Thi: MANAGEMENT THEORIES: Scientific management, general administrative,
quantitative approach, organizational behavior,

The five forces industry: five forces

general : pestel

A pestal analysis is a tool that can provide prompts to the governors, management
and staff involved in the analysis of the changes in the environment that could
impact future management decisions
A pestle is usually as a part of the strategic development of a business plan
however a pestile analysis can be used as part of identifying the opportunities and
threats for operational planning within environments
The pestle provides a simple framework within which to consider external factors
Political: stability of the country
Economic: GDP, income, interest, inflation, exchange rate
Social : gender and age, tradition and customs, lifestyle
Technological: invention, machines and process, innovation
Legislative : laws, trade policy
Environmental: weather
Cau hoi : Techfest Whise

Industrial five forces

Forward integration ( suppliers)
một bản đồ số hóa thông minh 360, một bản đồ
Chapter 4
Foundations of decision making

Decision is an option to take actions after consideration

Making decision is a process of choosing one the options to deal with problems
A problem is a


Structured problems ( what we have for breakfast)

Unstructured problem

decision: programmed decisions + nonprogrammed decisions

Top manager + first line (structure/ unstructrue

Apply to make a good decisions : ( how many steps/ what is the first step ->
rational non-rational intuitive

Gợi ý đề thi : 2 phần 30 câu MCQ ( từ chương 1 đến 4) Open question ( 2 câu 4
Câu 1: Decision making ( rational bounded rational intuitive)
Câu 2 : Áp dụng ( 5 forces or pestel)
5 forces
Michael Porter
(external framwork)
rivalry among existing competitors
( number of competitors + size + industry growth + product differentiation+ exit
They are high when ( many competitors + similar in size and power, slow industry
growth + not much differentiation+ high exit barriers)
For example airline industry ( many brands + stagnant growth+ high fixed cost ->
high exit barriers
Threat of new entrants (economies of scale + customer loyalty+capital
requirements + cumulative experience + government policies + access to
distribution channels
-> investments in product development ỏ in marketing, lower prices
To enter ( flight routes license insurance, distribution channel , qualification
Threat of substitute products or services
number of substitute /buyers willingness to substitute price-performing trade-off
Bargaining power of suppliers
bargaining power of buyers

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