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Digital workbook ‘Setting career goals’ (60m computer access)

Setting career goals

What is a career?

Read the following definitions of ‘career’ and then select the best and
worst definitions.

1. Which is the best definition of ‘career’ 2. Which is the worst definition of ‘career’
and why? and why?

At the moment, how confident do you feel about setting yourself a goal
to inform the next steps in your career journey? Highlight the number
that matches how you feel.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Digital workbook ‘Setting career goals’ (60m computer access)

Not at all confident Very confident

Digital workbook ‘Setting career goals’ (60m computer access)

Different career pathways

Select three post-18 pathways and complete the table below:

● University

● Apprenticeship

● College

● Employment

● Gap year

Pathway 1: Pathway 2: Pathway 3:

University Gap Year Employment

Receiving better
education and higher
qualifications, also
better understanding
Opportunity about the course I’m
going to study


It is extremely
Digital workbook ‘Setting career goals’ (60m computer access)

expensive within its

degree,it will be quite
difficult to pay for the

Setting career goals

This is not an effective career goal because…

Digital workbook ‘Setting career goals’ (60m computer access)

Using the RAM criteria, redraft the career goal above so that it is more useful.

Now, using the RAM criteria, write your own career goal.

Achieving career goals

Write down at least one next step you could take towards reaching your career goal.
Digital workbook ‘Setting career goals’ (60m computer access)

Using the Unifrog Careers library

● Log in to your Unifrog account and open

the Careers library tool.

● Use the search functions to find career

profiles that appeal to you.

● Click the heart icon to favourite at least five career profiles.

Pathways to meeting career goals

In small groups, each select a career that you’ve just favourited and add
it to the table below.

Then write down which post-18 pathway would be the next best step for
someone aspiring to have each of these jobs in the future, and explain

Career 1: Career 2: Career 3:

__________________ __________________ __________________

(delete as
● University ● University ● University

● Apprenticeship ● Apprenticeship ● Apprenticeship

Digital workbook ‘Setting career goals’ (60m computer access)

● College ● College ● College

● Employment ● Employment ● Employment

● Gap year ● Gap year ● Gap year


Adjusting career goals

1. What do you think the average 2. What percentage of UK workers

number of different jobs a person were considering moving to a new
in the UK has during their lifetime? job in 2022?

Make a list of as many factors as you can think of for why people change their career
Digital workbook ‘Setting career goals’ (60m computer access)

How confident do you feel about setting yourself further goals or

adjusting your initial goal to inform the next steps in your career
journey? Highlight the number that matches how you feel.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Not at all confident Very confident

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