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Name xxxx Week 2

Level Intermediate Day W
No. of stds 12 TP 3
Minutes 60 minutes


Main Aim: For students to review and practice the present perfect tense.
Aims: good.
Language analysis: Please complete the grammar analysis section. This would help you in
teaching your TL more effectively.
Anticipated problems: The first problem is part of your lesson. At least 3 problems and
solutions are required for a 30 min lesson. Think of problems in terms of setting up activities,
reducing teacher-led grammar presentation, conveying meaning using CCQs etc.
Main plan: Good amount of detail. It’s good to have your instructions and ICQs listed as well
but make sure you plan your instructions using imperatives.


 Good, brief lead-in using good visuals and eliciting from students
 Activity set up: Writing race and production activity
 Lots of student production in the last stages
Points to consider
 Script your instructions using imperatives – keep them brief and ordered. And use demos before
going to independent speaking activities
 Teacher-led grammar presentation again - No focus on pronunciation
 Monitor your learners during the task to check whether they are all on task
 Remind Ls to use TL in production stages


Commentary Strengths Things to consider

Lead-in: Good visuals What are different kinds of twins?
Visuals about families. Good to elicit what they know Ask Ls if they know their names.
about twins

PTV: Eliciting dozen, fortune, sitcom Instructions: before we do that, in


CCQs: order to do that, we need to know

about them, and in order to do
that, we need to read a text about
them, but before we do that, we
need to discuss some words (some
Teacher-led: is there any way to
reduce TTT
Instructions: Before we need the
text, we need to arrange the text
in the right order.

Writing race: Instructions for the writing race ICQ: Is that clear?
Ls race to put together three were very clear but you still need You’re repeating the instructions –
sentences to ICQ. ask ICQs instead
Fun, kinesthetic, competitive Do they know there’s an extra
activity word there?
Well set-up This activity tests their knowledge
of sentence structure – doesn’t
focus on TL.
Why don’t Ls choose the right
answer in groups?
Each group only has three
sentences – do they have a
chance to read the other
CCQs: Used CCQs Grade your language: Do you all
Elicits answers from Ls share this opinion?

Listen + check: Did Ls have a chance to choose

their own answers before
All Ls don’t have all the sentences

Form: Use of timeline Who can tell me the form?

CCQing the form using the model Teacher-led presentation again:
sentence there are three conditions that
Good, calm manner dealing with apply basically and we’ll go
student query about to and in through them quickly.
Too much metalanguage used to
describe the uses of the present

No focus on interrogative form
although they are expected to use
this in freer practice
Drill: Model the language correctly
throughout the presentation –
during form, you didn’t use
connected speech and weak forms
You missed this stage completely!
Controlled practice: Ls are on task and working Monitor the Ls to check whether
Gap-fill: positive and negative together they are finished – you stopped
Feedback on board the activity when one group was
How can this be made more fun?
Presenting a model text: Good to give Ls a model text Instructions were very
Ls read out a dialogue as a complicated
model WHY are they reading it aloud?
Freer practice: Interesting, personalized task Instructions are very wordy again
Ls write a dialogue to Ls are engaged straight away – Leads to high TTT
interview someone. Well set-up ICQs before you give the task: Ls
are doing different things – one
group is writing a dialogue, one is
listing questions
Not all Ls are using TL although
some are.
Monitoring: check whether all
groups are on the same task.
Check use of TL and point out
Speaking for fluency: Brave to try a doughnut speaking Instructions
Ls are on task and engaged. Don’t answer your own ICQs!
Extended the activity by switching Did each L need her own set of
pairs interview questions for this task?
Good to ask closing questions and Demo it!
get feedback from Ls Monitor Ls for TL and conduct
feedback at the end.
Above standard To standard Below standard for this stage of the course


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