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Construction and Building Materials 254 (2020) 119122

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Assessing concrete strength in fire-damaged structures

Julia Wróblewska ⇑, Robert Kowalski
Warsaw University of Technology, Civil Engineering Faculty, Institute of Building Structures, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland

h i g h l i g h t s

 After a fire, it is essential to assess the condition of concrete in the structure.

 Conventional test methods may be unreliable as the concrete is non-uniform.
 The most important issue is to determine the thickness of the damaged concrete layer.
 The paper presents a review of methods for the assessment of concrete after a fire.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The paper presents a review of concrete assessment methods: laboratory and in situ (non-destructive and
Received 21 October 2019 semi-destructive tests) in application to reinforced concrete structures after fire. One of the most impor-
Received in revised form 5 April 2020 tant phenomena affecting the load-bearing capacity of these structures is the reduction in concrete
Accepted 7 April 2020
strength at high temperature and after cooling. Traditional test methods, commonly used in normal con-
ditions (e.g. destructive test on core specimens), usually do not take into account the non-uniformity of
concrete after a fire. Therefore, other methods are proposed to determine the depth of the damaged con-
crete in the external layers of a given structural member.
Compressive strength
Ó 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
High temperature (
Concrete assessment
Laboratory test
In situ test
Semi-destructive test
Non-destructive test


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. Reduction of concrete strength during a fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3. Concrete residual strength. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4. Tests on core specimens taken from a structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4.1. Compressive strength test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4.2. Thickness estimation of the damaged concrete layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
5. In situ test methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
5.1. Semi-destructive tests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
5.2. Non-destructive tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
6. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Declaration of Competing Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Wróblewska).
0950-0618/Ó 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
2 J. Wróblewska, R. Kowalski / Construction and Building Materials 254 (2020) 119122

1. Introduction concrete strength degradation at high temperature as a result of

chemo-physical processes and mechanical damages occurring
As compared to steel and timber structures, reinforced concrete inside concrete microstructure. This problem has been studied fre-
structures have good natural fire resistance [1–4]. This is due to the quently [6,7,18–20] and it is widely described in the literature, e.g.
relatively large size of members and low thermal diffusivity of con- [2,4,8,13,21,22]. As a summary of the collected experimental
crete. Thanks to this property, the heat penetrates slowly into the results, generalized, normalized [5] relationships between the con-
member cross-section, and the reinforcement is insulated by the crete temperature (h) and the relative degradation of its compres-
concrete cover. This allows maintaining a relatively high load- sive strength (fch/fc) have been described. In fact, many factors
bearing capacity of a structure during and after a fire. According affect the concrete strength reduction at high temperature, such
to the textbook [1], the fire resistance of reinforced concrete mem- as the aggregate type, concrete porosity, member dimensions, the
bers of low slenderness in typical structures is about 50–60 min, time and rate of heating and applied load [2,6,13,18,23]. A favor-
even if they were not specifically designed for fire conditions. able effect of compressive stress (equal to 20–40% of compressive
Applying the recommendations given in Eurocode [5], concerning strength at room temperature) on the concrete strength at high
cross-sectional dimensions and axis distance of reinforcement temperature is well-known [2,18].
from the concrete surface, makes it possible to design reinforced Fig. 1 presents the relative reduction of compressive strength
concrete members with a 4 h-fire resistance (standard fire). (fch/fc) at high temperature for ordinary and high-strength concrete,
Thermo-mechanical, physical and chemical processes which based on the Eurocode [5]. Concretes with calcareous or basalt
occur in concrete exposed to high temperature have an adverse aggregate (not mentioned in Eurocode [5]) retain slightly higher
effect on its mechanical properties [6–8]. Similar phenomena are compressive strength than concrete with siliceous aggregate. In
observed in ordinary concrete as well as in high-strength concrete, high-strength concrete, strength reduction occurs faster with the
light-weight concrete, shotcrete and mortars [4,5,9]. However, increase in temperature than in ordinary concrete and it grows
high-strength concrete is less resistant to fire conditions than ordi- with the class of concrete. From a practical point of view, consider-
nary concrete whereas light-weight concrete shows higher fire ing the structural load-bearing capacity, concrete heated to 500–
resistance. Nevertheless, concrete in structures, unlike steel and 600 °C may be considered destroyed [2].
timber, usually does not get completely destroyed in a fire [1,10–13]. Due to the high thermal inertia of concrete, the temperature
In order to determine the effect of a fire on the structural load- in heated members is much higher on the surface than inside. As
bearing capacity and safety, it is usually necessary to quantify con- a result, concrete in structures exposed to fire conditions does
crete residual strength. This may be the basis for (1) ascertaining not have uniform properties in the member cross-section. The
the suitability for further use, (2) establishing the type and scope greatest concrete degradation occurs in the surface layer, in
of required repairs or (3) dismantling the damaged structure. If which there are also frequent losses caused by spalling or falling
the structural members have been significantly affected by fire, off.
losses and areas of concrete deterioration are clearly visible and Spalling occurs mainly due to thermal stress and stress caused
easy to identify [14]. During the initial visual assessment of less by the high pressure of steam in the pores. As a consequence of a
damaged members, changes in the appearance of concrete may concrete layer detachment, the member cross-section is reduced.
not be detected. Laboratory and in situ testing provide more pre- The reinforcement may be directly exposed to high temperature
cise information on the condition of concrete and its internal struc- because of the cover deprivation. A comprehensive summary of
ture. The most significant parameter to be evaluated is the the state of the art in concrete spalling can be found in papers
concrete compressive strength. It is particularly important to [22,24–28]. The factors increasing spalling probability are, primar-
determine the thickness of the external layer of the member in ily, high moisture content, high temperature gradient in the cross-
which the concrete is damaged to such an extent that it should section (rapid heating) and the occurrence of multiaxial stress
be considered destroyed [11,12,15–17]. states. In addition, tight concretes e.g. self-compacting and high-
strength concretes are particularly susceptible to spalling. A tight
2. Reduction of concrete strength during a fire concrete internal structure impedes the escape of steam accumu-
lated under pressure in the pores, which may lead to explosive
One of the most significant phenomena affecting the load- spalling.
bearing capacity of a structure exposed to fire conditions is the

Fig. 2. Compressive strength degradation (fch/fc) of concrete with: 1 – siliceous

Fig. 1. Concrete compressive strength degradation (fch/fc) at high temperature: 1 – aggregate, at high temperature [30], 2 – siliceous aggregate, after cooling [30], 3 –
ordinary strength concrete with siliceous aggregate, 2 – ordinary strength concrete calcareous aggregate, at high temperature [30], 4 – calcareous aggregate, after
with calcareous aggregate, 3 – C55/67, C60/75, 4 – C70/85, C80/95, 5 – C90/105; cooling [30], 5 – siliceous aggregate [5], 6 – calcareous aggregate [5]; diagram
diagram prepared by authors on the basis of Eurocode [5]. prepared by authors on the basis of Eurocode [5] and ACI Standard [30].
J. Wróblewska, R. Kowalski / Construction and Building Materials 254 (2020) 119122 3

3. Concrete residual strength  tests on core specimens taken from a structure; determination
of compressive strength in the destructive test,
Concrete strength is practically always lower after cooling than  in situ semi-destructive tests; these cause small local losses in a
at high temperature [2,13,18]. This is due to two main factors. The structure: pull-off test, pull-out test, BRE internal fracture test,
first one is the thermal inertia of concrete, which plays an impor- break-off test, Windsor probe test,
tant role in large-size members exposed to fire for a long time.  in situ non-destructive tests; these do not have a permanent
Because of the thermal inertia of concrete, even after the heating effect on the examined member: sclerometric test, ultrasonic
ends, long-term temperature compensation occurs in the cross- pulse velocity test, impact-echo test.
section [12]. As a result, the core of the member is exposed to high
temperature longer than the surface layer, which leads to the The methods mentioned above, however, are primarily
reduction of concrete strength inside the member. This process intended for testing homogeneous concrete and therefore they
can last up to several hours after the end of fire [2,12]. show some limitations concerning the specificity of concrete after
The second significant factor is the rate of cooling. When fire. The most important issues are: the inability to take into
cooling the concrete surface, a non-uniform temperature distri- account concrete strength variability; lack of tools for measuring
bution occurs in the member cross-section. This causes addi- the damaged concrete layer thickness; reduced reliability of test
tional stress, so-called self-equilibrating [2,11]. It increases with results when the examined member surface is deteriorated. There
the higher temperature gradient in the cross-section (i.e. the are also test methods dedicated to the evaluation of concrete in
cooling is more rapid) [29]. Tensile stress appears in the outer structures after fire (e.g. drilling resistance method, colorimetry
part of the member cross-section and compressive stress - in [15,33,34]) and modifications of basic methods (e.g. microscopic
the inner part. Tension can generate cracks and weak zones in analysis, impact-echo and ultrasonic pulse velocity testing on core
the concrete structure. specimens [15,35]).
Rapid cooling may be a result of intensive watering of a struc-
ture during a fire. This is particularly significant in the case of
members heated to a relatively low temperature, e.g. 300– 4. Tests on core specimens taken from a structure
350 °C. Such members are more rigid in comparison to more
heated (damaged) ones and therefore they are more susceptible 4.1. Compressive strength test
to the destructive effect of stress caused by rapid cooling
[2,11,29]. As a result, the reduction of compressive strength can The most reliable and the most commonly used standardized
be up to two times greater compared to the members cooled freely [36] method for assessing concrete in structures is the determina-
in the air. tion of compressive strength in a destructive test. Cylindrical spec-
Fig. 2 shows a comparison of the relative compressive strength imens with a diameter of 50 to 250 mm, cut from a structure using
degradation of unloaded concrete at high temperature and after a core drilling machine, are usually used in the test. In the Euro-
cooling according to the ACI Standard [30], superimposed on the code [36], it is recommended that the core height (l) is equal to
strength reduction (fch/fc) curves for ordinary concrete recom- the diameter (d). In practice, ø100/100 mm specimens are most
mended in the Eurocode [5]. The curves for cooled concrete are sit- commonly used, because according to the Eurocode [36], the
uated below the standard curves [5]. In the case of concrete with obtained results correspond to the compressive strength of
siliceous aggregate, the difference between the compressive 150 mm cubes. Testing specimens of other sizes requires the use
strength at high temperature and after cooling is approximately of correction coefficient to convert the results into standard cube
0.1–0.2fc. The strength of concrete with calcareous aggregate strength. Values of coefficients modifying core strength due to
decreases significantly during cooling. For concrete heated to specimen diameter, l/d ratio, concrete moisture content and dam-
500–700 °C, the reduction is equal to about 50% of the compressive age caused by drilling are given in the American Standard [37].
strength at high temperature. For example, for specimens with a diameter of 50 mm, the recom-
Before assessing concrete in a structure after a fire, it is useful to mended coefficient is 1.06, and for specimens with a diameter of
analyze what was the course (real scenario) of the fire, how high 150 mm  0.98. For cores with a small diameter, this coefficient
was the temperature around particular members and how long compensates for the damage which occurs during sampling
this temperature lasted. This data can be provided by determining (micro-cracks, aggregate losses) [38].
fire load in the compartment covered by fire and by calculating the The method described above has significant limitations when
course of the fire. On this basis, the temperature field in the mem- applied to structures after fire [35,39], especially in the case of
ber cross-section may be calculated. Basic guidelines are given in members with a high temperature gradient in the cross-
the Eurocode [31]. section. Concrete in the heated member cross-section is no
Information on the thermal conditions during a fire can also be longer uniform. The destructive test does not take into account
provided by visual inspection of the site. During such inspection, it the variability of mechanical properties of concrete along the
is advisable to examine not only the structural members but also core height. The test result is mainly influenced by the strength
the residues of materials, objects, and equipment in the compart- of concrete located in the middle 1/3 of the specimen height
ment. The reaction to the high temperature of materials frequently [35]. In addition, the friction and pressure between the press
used in buildings can be found in the fib bulletin [32]. platen and the top layer of the specimen greatly reduce the
During the post-fire evaluation of a structure, it is particularly effect of concrete strength in this layer on the obtained result.
important to determine the thickness of the external layer of the If the damaged layer thickness is relatively small, it may not
member cross-section in which concrete should be considered affect the strength test outcome [35]. Therefore, the results for
destroyed. In order to assess the condition of concrete after a fire, specimens taken from a structure after fire should be
it is therefore necessary to use such test methods that will allow approached with caution, because false (usually overestimated)
taking into account the variability of concrete strength depending values of concrete compressive strength may be obtained. This
on the distance from the heated surface. is one of the reasons why attempts are being made to analyze
Currently, many methods of testing concrete in structures are the strength of core specimens more accurately in order to
commonly used [15]. They can be divided into three main groups: determine the extent of damage in concrete.
4 J. Wróblewska, R. Kowalski / Construction and Building Materials 254 (2020) 119122

Fig. 4. Dynamic elastic modulus test; drawing prepared by authors on the basis of
the paper [35].
Fig. 3. FBTest – diametral compression test.

4.2. Thickness estimation of the damaged concrete layer concrete damage thanks to the measurements in subsequent slices
cut from the core.
In order to adapt the destructive test method to the evaluation The air permeability index (API) test described in the paper [35]
of concrete after fire, in the study described in the paper [40] lon- can also be performed on concrete discs cut from a core. In this rel-
gitudinal core specimens were extracted from a structure. Then, atively quick test, the gas flow through a specimen placed in a vac-
the cores were divided into smaller pieces, so that the ratio of their uum chamber is measured. The value of the API is in units [m2/s].
height to diameter was equal to 1. Testing specimens in a press As a result of concrete heating, cracks and weak zones may appear
allowed determining the average compressive strength of concrete in its structure, which increases the air permeability index. Exam-
in each of the subsequent layers of the member cross-section. This ination of specimens representing subsequent layers of the mem-
method, however, is only suitable for massive structures subjected ber cross-section allows an approximate determination of the
to long-term exposure to high temperature. In the case of slender extent of concrete damage caused by fire.
members, e.g. columns or beams, deep holes caused by drilling Temperature distribution in the cross-section of a heated struc-
can have a significant adverse effect on their load-bearing capacity tural member can be estimated by the analysis of core specimens
and stability. using laboratory methods such as X-ray diffraction, scanning
In the paper [39], a test method called FBTest (Fire Behavior Test) microscopy, chemical analysis, colorimetry, differential thermal
is proposed. The study is carried out on 1.5 cm thick discs obtained analysis (DTA) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) [15]. In these
by cutting cores taken from a structure, perpendicularly to the lon- tests, the information on chemical and physical processes occur-
gitudinal axis. The water absorption and the splitting tensile ring in concrete at a given temperature is used. On the basis of
strength of concrete are measured. The compressive force applied temperature estimation, it is possible to assess the concrete com-
is parallel to the disc diameter (diametral compression test - pressive strength by applying the relationship fch/fc(h) recom-
Fig. 3). The tensile strength of the specimen is determined from mended in the Eurocode [5].
the formula [39]: In the X-ray diffraction test and scanning microscopy observa-
tions, the temperature is estimated based on the analysis of con-
ft ¼ ; crete phase composition [15]. The presence of specific crystals
pde allows determining areas in the tested member where the temper-
in which: N – destructive compressive force; d – disc diameter; ature was less than 100 °C (which means that concrete is practi-
e – disc thickness. cally unaffected by fire) and areas where the temperature has
According to the paper [39], water absorption of concrete is exceeded 500 °C (in which case concrete should be considered
directly proportional to the temperature reached, and thus to the destroyed).
concrete damage. The tensile strength of concrete is constant in The colorimetric analysis method is based on the phenomenon of
the temperature range 0–100 °C and then it decreases linearly to permanent changes in the color of concrete under the influence of
the value of 0 at 600 °C [5]. Determination of concrete tensile high temperature. The rules regarding the visual assessment are
strength using FBTest is not reliable due to the small thickness of described, among others, in papers [15,41,42]. The color of con-
tested specimens, which is comparable to the aggregate size. The crete after heating is described as pink or red - for temperature
variability of results obtained for subsequent discs, however, can 300–600 °C, whitish gray - for 600–900 °C and buff - for 900–
be analyzed to determine the depth in the member cross-section 1000 °C [15,41,42]. An estimation of the temperature to which
at which the measured concrete properties ‘‘stabilize” [39]. This the concrete was heated, based on such visual assessment, may
allows estimating the extent of high temperature impact and the not be fully reliable, due to the correlation between the reddish
thickness of the damaged concrete layer, without the need to per- color of concrete and the content of iron compounds in the aggre-
form comparative tests on specimens not influenced by fire. gate [6]. In the case of a low content of these compounds, a change
The dynamic elastic modulus (Ed) test [15,35] is performed on in the color of concrete at 300–600 °C may not occur. For more pre-
2.5 cm thick discs cut from concrete core specimens. The Ed value cise color description, a computerized colorimetric analysis of a
is determined on the basis of the characteristics of specimen digital image is used [15,41].
vibrations induced by a steel ball impact (Fig. 4). For the vibration
frequency measurements, for example, a piezoelectric accelerome- 5. In situ test methods
ter attached to the disc is used. The value of the dynamic elastic
modulus decreases with concrete deterioration. Therefore, as in The second group of concrete assessment methods are
the FBTest method, it is possible to estimate the extent of the in situ tests. In normal conditions, they allow determining the
J. Wróblewska, R. Kowalski / Construction and Building Materials 254 (2020) 119122 5

compressive strength of concrete on the basis of correlation with

other measured physical quantities. In situ tests are usually less
time-consuming and less expensive than laboratory tests, but the
obtained results are approximate. Due to the degree of impact on
a structure, these methods can be divided into semi-destructive
and non-destructive ones.

5.1. Semi-destructive tests

Semi-destructive concrete assessment methods have a local

effect on the tested structure and usually require only minor
repairs. The most commonly used are: pull-off test, pull-out test,
BRE internal fracture test, break-off test, and Windsor probe test.
Also, new methods, based on measuring the drilling resistance,
have been developed to assess concrete in structures after fire.
Fig. 6. Pull-out (CAPO) test: 1 – tensile force; 2 – reaction ring; 3 – steel ring
Apart from the pull-out test [43], semi-destructive methods for
mounted in hardened concrete; 4 – failure surface; drawing prepared by authors on
testing concrete are not described in European standards. The the basis of Eurocode [43].
pull-off method is standardized only in respect of products and
systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures.
Detailed recommendations for semi-destructive testing of in situ results to concrete mix composition or moisture content [44]. It
concrete can be found, among others, in the American Standards is required to ensure good adhesion of the disc to the member sur-
and the guidelines of test equipment manufacturers. face in order for the failure to occur in the concrete and not in the
In order to determine the concrete compressive strength based bonding material (resin). For a severely damaged surface of a struc-
on the results of indirect in situ measurements, it is necessary to tural member after fire, it may be difficult or even impossible to
use correlation relationships. Ready-to-use experimental correla- perform the test. However, in that case it is usually sufficient to
tions are available in the literature, including such variables as, make a visual assessment to determine the deterioration of the
for example, concrete mix composition or moisture content. How- external concrete layer. In order to adapt the method for testing
ever, to ensure good reliability of the semi-destructive assessment members subjected to high temperature, the damaged concrete
of concrete strength, it is advisable to calibrate the method, per- surface should be cleaned and smoothed before attaching the disc.
forming additional destructive tests on several core specimens Performing two tests at a single location: first on the surface and
extracted from a structure [44]. second at a certain depth, may enable the estimation of how the
The pull-off method consists in determining concrete tensile concrete strength changes depending on the distance from the
strength by measuring the force required to detach a steel or alu- heated surface. However, this is an unusual application of the
minum disc with a diameter usually equal to 50 mm, glued to method, not described in available guidelines.
the tested member with epoxy resin adhesive [17,44]. The In the standardized pull-out test [43], the strength of near-
mechanical properties of concrete on the member surface surface concrete is estimated based on the force required to pull
(Fig. 5a) as well as in deeper layers of the cross-section (Fig. 5b) a steel insert out of the member. In the original pull-out method,
can be tested. By making an incision of a fixed depth around the the insert is cast into fresh concrete during construction. A variant
disc, the location of expected failure caused by the tensile force of the method called CAPO (cut and pull out) enables testing of
is imposed. The tensile strength of concrete in a particular cross- existing structures by mounting a compressed steel ring which
section layer determines the test result. Based on the tensile expands into an appropriately prepared hole drilled in concrete
strength, the compressive strength of concrete can be assessed [13,44,45] (Fig. 6). In the case of ordinary concrete, the test results
using the experimental correlations. are slightly dependent on the mix composition [43]. Therefore, it is
The advantages of the pull-off method include quickness and possible to estimate the compressive strength quite accurately
simplicity of the test as well as relatively low sensitivity of the with the use of ready-made experimental correlations, even if

Fig. 5. Pull-off test: a) examination of a concrete surface layer, b) examination of deeper concrete layers by making an incision; 1 – tensile force; 2 – steel/aluminum disc; 3 –
epoxy resin adhesive; 4 – typical failure surface; 5 – an incision in concrete; drawing prepared by authors on the basis of the paper [44].
6 J. Wróblewska, R. Kowalski / Construction and Building Materials 254 (2020) 119122

concrete of unknown composition is being tested [17,45]. In order The Windsor probe test is simple and quick and can also be per-
to obtain more precise results, however, it is recommended to per- formed if the member surface is rough and even significantly dam-
form calibrating strength tests on core specimens [43]. The disad- aged. However, the test results may be overestimated when the
vantage of the pull-out method is the time-consuming preparation probe is shot in the close proximity of reinforcing bars [44]. Due
and testing in comparison to other in situ methods. The time to the considerable impact energy transmitted by the probe to
required to mount one steel ring in hardened concrete and to mea- the concrete, severely damaged or thin members can get fractured.
sure the pull-out force is about 20 min [17]. In addition, the thick- Probes with less kinetic energy should be used to test such mem-
ness of the tested concrete layer is limited – according to the bers. Experimental studies confirm the usefulness of methods
Eurocode [43], inserts are mounted at 25 mm depth. The location based on the probe penetration in the assessment of near-surface
of the reinforcement must be taken into account when selecting concrete in structures after fire [46].
the measurement points. Reinforcing bars should not be located Other test methods have been also developed to evaluate con-
inside the expected failure surface. crete in structures after fire. These methods consist in the mea-
Another variant of the pull-out method is the BRE (Building surement of drilling resistance of concrete when a standard
Research Establishment) internal fracture test, in which the torque impact drill or core drill are applied [16,33,47].
required to remove an anchor placed in a small hole (6 mm in The paper [33] describes a test performed with a standard
diameter) drilled in concrete is measured [15,44]. The anchor is impact drill. The device was equipped with tools for continuous
fixed together with an expanding metal sleeve at 20 mm depth measurement of power consumption, drill rotational speed, and
in the hole. During the test, the anchored component is screwed hole depth. This enabled, among others, determination of the value
with a torque wrench until the concrete is fractured. The concrete of energy required to drill a unit deep hole, expressed in [J/mm].
compressive strength is estimated on the basis of the torque value. Such a parameter is a good indicator of the variability of penetrated
Internal fracture testing is inexpensive and can be carried out concrete properties [33]. It can be displayed in real time on a com-
quickly. However, the reliability of the method is questionable, puter screen. A wide measurement range allows determining the
mainly due to a large discrepancy between the obtained results drilling resistance in the near-surface layer of the member and
[44]. In addition, the predetermined, small thickness of the tested inside the cross-section where the high temperature did not affect
concrete layer is another limitation of the application of this the concrete. Therefore, it is not necessary to use any special cali-
method to structures after fire. bration to estimate the thickness of the concrete layer damaged by
Using the break-off method, deeper layers of in situ concrete can fire. The drilling resistance test is simple and quick to perform. No
be tested (Fig. 7). The test consists in measuring the breaking force special preparation is required and there are only small cavities to
applied perpendicularly to a concrete core formed by making an fill. In order to eliminate the influence of aggregate on the test
incision to the assumed depth (usually 70 mm) in a structural results, it is recommended to average the measurements from sev-
member [44]. The damage occurs in the core base. The correlation eral adjacent points [33]. The drilling resistance method enables
between the flexural strength and the compressive strength of con- the identification of concrete layers in which the temperature
crete located inside the member cross-section at the incision depth reached at least 400 °C (a relatively high level of damage). Lower
is determined on the basis of the destructive force value [44]. In the temperature does not affect the measured values to a noticeable
break-off method, the condition of concrete in layers closer to the extent [33].
member surface is not considered. The incision should be made A core drill can also be used to assess the thickness of a dam-
outside the area where the reinforcing bars are present. The test aged near-surface concrete layer [47]. The measurement may be
causes relatively deep cavities in the structure which require filling carried out while taking samples for laboratory tests or indepen-
and repair. dently. In the latter case, it is preferable to use a smaller drill (sev-
For the assessment of concrete in structures, the probe penetra- eral centimeters in diameter) as this results in reduced losses in the
tion methods are also applied, among which the most frequently structure. The time required for the core drill bit to cut a unit deep
used is the Windsor probe. The test is carried out with a gun hole, at constant thrust, is an indicator sensitive to the variability
designed to shoot a metal bolt into the concrete with a fixed of concrete properties. Continuous measurement enables testers
velocity [15,45]. The probe penetration depth in the tested mem- to determine how the drilling resistance changes as the drill bit
ber may reach 40 mm. The compressive strength of concrete is penetrates the concrete. Coring leaves relatively large cavities in
determined on the basis of correlation relationships with reference the member in comparison to the impact drill test. However, the
to the length of the bolt protruding from the member. The influ- core drill test enables identification of even relatively low concrete
ence of aggregate hardness should also be taken into account. damage [47].
In the experimental studies [16], more advanced concrete
assessment methods based on the drilling resistance test were
introduced. It was proposed to measure the propagation of the
impulse generated in concrete by the hammering mechanism of
the drill. The relationship between the level of concrete degrada-
tion and the pulse velocity may allow estimating the extent of
damage in a structure. Moreover, physicochemical analysis and
colorimetric analysis of powder generated as a side effect of dril-
ling can be used to evaluate the temperature to which concrete
was subjected.

5.2. Non-destructive tests

The most commonly used non-destructive methods for the

assessment of in situ concrete are: sclerometric test, ultrasonic
pulse velocity test and impact-echo test.
Fig. 7. Break-off test: 1 – loading device; 2 – breaking force; 3 – concrete core; 4 – Sclerometric test is standardized [48] in normal conditions. The
failure surface; drawing prepared by authors on the basis of the paper [44]. method is based on the correlation between the compressive
J. Wróblewska, R. Kowalski / Construction and Building Materials 254 (2020) 119122 7

strength of concrete and its surface hardness. Measurements are to a conclusion that, in practice, in order to accelerate the initial
made using a sclerometer (Schmidt hammer). When the sclerome- sclerometric testing of structures after fire, it is possible to omit
ter is applied to the structural member, a spring system releases a the inconvenient surface grinding (which is recommended for test-
hammer mass. The mass strikes a steel plunger that is in contact ing at room temperature).
with the concrete surface, and then rebounds at a certain distance In the standardized [51] UPV (ultrasonic pulse velocity) test, the
known as the rebound number. Additionally, the sclerometric test time of travel of compressional waves propagating in concrete
should be carried out on core specimens taken from a structure in between the transmitting and receiving transducers is measured.
order to establish the rebound number – compressive strength cor- In order to provide proper acoustic coupling, the concrete surfaces
relation for a given concrete or, alternatively, to calibrate the stan- to which the transducers are applied are required to be smooth and
dard relationship [36]. Then, the compressive strength of the near- covered with e.g. grease. The concrete compressive strength can be
surface concrete can be determined on the basis of the average estimated from the correlation with the wave speed, considering
rebound number and the correlation formulas or curves. The thick- such parameters as concrete mix composition and moisture. Due
ness of the concrete layer examined with a Schmidt hammer is rel- to the relationship of ultrasonic pulse velocity with the value of
atively small (approximately 30 mm) [34]. Before the test, the concrete modulus of elasticity and the moisture content, the
member should be locally cleaned and grinded so that the hammer method may be a good indicator of the level of concrete damage
strikes a flat and dry surface [48]. Testing should be avoided in after fire [52]. As the temperature increases, concrete gradually
areas where the reinforcing bars are situated in concrete at a depth loses contained water and the modulus of elasticity decreases as
of less than 30 mm. Otherwise, the obtained results may be a result of chemical and physical processes occurring in the heated
unreliable. member [52]. This causes a reduction in the velocity of ultrasonic
In application to structures after fire, the sclerometric test can wave propagation in concrete.
be a good tool for preliminary identification of areas with damaged In the direct UPV method, the transmitter and the receiver are
surface concrete layer. The rebound number value obtained on a placed on two opposite surfaces of the tested member. The
deteriorated surface is lower than for undamaged concrete [34,49]. obtained wave velocity and correlated concrete compressive
The paper [50] describes a sclerometric test carried out on rein- strength are the average values for the whole member thickness.
forced concrete beams heated in a planned way for 60, 120, 180 This test allows preliminary identification of areas where the con-
and 240 min and then freely cooled in the air. A one-way heat crete has lower parameters or where there are present relatively
transfer in the cross-section of the tested members was provided. large (above 100 mm) flaws or voids inside the member [51]. Ultra-
Fig. 8 presents the relative reduction of rebound number (LT/L0) sonic waves get diffracted around such a hindrance, which is
depending on the heating duration (continuous line) and the rela- recorded as longer time of travel between the transducers. How-
tive decrease in concrete compressive strength at high tempera- ever, it is not possible to determine the thickness of the damaged
ture (fch/fc, dashed lines) [50]. The values of fch/fc were concrete layer using the direct method. As in the sclerometric
determined on the basis of the standard model [5] and the temper- method, the results of ‘‘calibrating” destructive tests carried out
ature specified (measurements and results of FEM calculations on core specimens extracted from the structure after fire are usu-
[50]) at varying distances from the heated edge of the member ally unreliable. Thus, it is very difficult to provide a reliable esti-
cross-section. The rebound numbers measured on the heated sur- mate of the concrete compressive strength from the ultrasonic
faces were significantly lower in comparison to readings on wave velocity measurements.
unheated concrete. It was found that the relative reduction of the Thickness measurement of the damaged near-surface concrete
rebound number (LT/L0) reflects well the compressive strength layer is possible with the indirect UPV method [15,35,53,54]. By
decrease (fch/fc) in concrete situated 15 mm from the heated placing the transmitter and the receiver on one surface, the time
cross-section edge. This distance corresponds to the center of the of travel of the ultrasonic wave in the surface layer can be mea-
near-surface layer (30 mm thick) which is measured with a scle- sured (Fig. 9). Increasing the distance between the transducers
rometer [34]. causes the wave to go deeper into the material. A series of several
In the test [50], the surface of the beams exposed to high tem-
perature conditions was not grinded. Despite this, low scattering of
results and relative reduction in the rebound number correspond-
ing to the decrease in concrete strength were obtained. This leads

Fig. 9. Scheme of ultrasonic pulse velocity measurement and the assessment of

damaged concrete layer thickness using the indirect ultrasonic method: 1 – position
Fig. 8. Relative rebound number reduction (LT/L0) on the background of the of transmitter; 2 – consecutive positions of receiver; 3 – concrete surface; 4 –
decrease in concrete compressive strength (fch/fc) determined at varying depths of ultrasonic wave travel paths; drawing prepared by authors on the basis of the paper
the cross-section, depending on heating duration [50]. [15].
8 J. Wróblewska, R. Kowalski / Construction and Building Materials 254 (2020) 119122

measurements for different distances between the transducers uncritically to assess the residual conditions of concrete past a fire.
allows determining an increase in the speed of the wave propaga- This method has limitations due to the inability to consider the
tion in deeper parts of concrete. Based on the obtained results it is variability of concrete strength along the specimen axis.
possible to estimate the depth beyond which the wave velocity in In order to estimate the extent of concrete damage, laboratory
concrete is approximately constant, which means that the concrete test methods may be applied to specimens obtained by cutting
is not damaged by high temperature [15,53]. cores perpendicularly to their axes. These methods are: compres-
The direct UPV method can also be used in laboratory tests on sive strength tests performed on subsequent core layers, FBTest,
core specimens extracted from a structure [52]. Measurements of dynamic elastic modulus test and air permeability index test.
wave velocity across the core, in subsequent layers, allow detecting Approximate distribution of fire temperature in the tested
the variability of concrete properties depending on the distance member can also be determined with laboratory methods such
from the heated surface. This enables to estimate the quality and as X-ray diffraction, scanning microscopy, chemical analysis, col-
thickness of the near-surface layer of concrete damaged by fire. orimetry, DTA and TGA analyses. In the tests, relationships
The reliability of the UPV test results may be adversely affected between high temperature and physical and chemical phenomena
by high degradation of the surface to which the transducers are occurring in concrete are used.
applied (insufficient acoustic coupling). Another issue may be the Semi-destructive methods for in situ concrete assessment: pull-
presence of reinforcing bars situated parallelly to the direction of off test, pull-out test, break-off test, BRE internal fracture test and
measurement, and also large cracks and voids in the concrete which probe penetration test may be a good practical alternative to labo-
disperse the waves and thus may lower their evaluated speed. ratory investigations on structures after fire. This is mainly due to
The impact-echo method is described in the American Standard lower costs and reduced time consumption. However, the applica-
[55] and is commonly used in the USA. However, it is not included bility of these methods is limited. Measurements are made at a
in the European standards. In the test, the stress wave propagation specific, predetermined distance from the tested member surface
in concrete is examined. The mechanical impulse is induced by an (pull-off, break-off methods) or refer to a concrete layer of a certain
impact of a small diameter steel ball on the tested member surface. small thickness, giving an average test result (internal fracture,
The emitted waves are reflected inside concrete in local disconti- pull-out, probe penetration tests).
nuities, such as cracks or voids, and on the opposite surface of Methods based on the measurement of drilling resistance are
the member. The resonance frequency and the velocity of the intended for the evaluation of concrete damaged after fire. The test
mechanical wave propagation in concrete are examined. Thanks results allow estimating the variability of concrete strength
to the analysis of the received signal, the software of the impact- depending on the distance from the heated member surface.
echo test device allows obtaining a lot of information about the By using direct UPV test or impact-echo test it is possible to pre-
member internal structure, such as the depth of surface cracks, identify areas where concrete has lower strength properties after a
presence of voids, discontinuities or delaminations [35]. In com- fire. In these tests, however, only averaged results for the whole
parison to the UPV method, an important advantage of the thickness of the member are obtained. It is not possible to deter-
impact-echo method is the ability to inspect the entire member mine the range of concrete damage.
when even only one surface is available. Furthermore, the presence Indirect UPV test, performed on one surface of the member, can
of reinforcing bars does not interfere with the measurements. be used to estimate the thickness of the concrete layer deteriorated
The impact-echo method can also be applied to locating areas in as a result of exposure to high temperature. In this test, the velocity
a structure where concrete has worse properties, for example, after of ultrasonic wave traveling in the external layer of the member
a fire. Signal attenuation is significant in damaged concrete [35]. As cross-section is measured. The thickness of the measured concrete
the degradation of concrete increases, the velocity of mechanical layer depends on the distance between the transducers.
wave propagation decreases, together with its resonance frequency With a Schmidt hammer test, it is not possible to estimate the
[56]. Due to the lack of systematized experimental correlations in compressive strength of concrete in structural members after fire.
the available literature, it is not possible, however, to estimate However, the sclerometric method may be used for preliminary
the strength of concrete based on the measured parameters. More- identification of areas with a damaged surface concrete layer. On
over, wave characteristics are recorded as an average value for the the basis of the conducted studies, in the paper [50] it was con-
whole thickness of the tested member, without a possibility of dis- cluded that:
tinguishing between particular layers [35]. Therefore, despite
many applications of the impact-echo method, it is impossible to  the relative reduction of rebound number (LT/L0) reflects well
determine the thickness of the damaged near-surface layer of the relative compressive strength decrease (fch/fc) in concrete
concrete in a structure. situated in the member cross-section at 15 mm from the heated
 in order to accelerate the initial sclerometric testing of a struc-
6. Summary ture after fire, inconvenient grinding of the member surface
may be omitted.
Reinforced concrete structures have good natural fire resis-
tance. Usually, they do not get completely destroyed as a result
of high temperature exposure. This implies the necessity to assess Declaration of Competing Interest
the condition of concrete in structures after fire.
Concrete in structures exposed to fire conditions has non- The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
uniform properties in the member cross-section. The most signifi- cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
cant degradation of concrete occurs in the near-surface layer. to influence the work reported in this paper.
When evaluating structures after fire, it is particularly impor-
tant to determine the thickness of the external cross-section layer
in which concrete is so damaged that it should be considered References
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