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Family -

Complete to form pairs.
1 dad - 5 grandson -

2 brother - -
aunt -
4 son -
8 cousin —

Complete the opposites.

1 tall # s 4 thin # p

2 long 5 fair hair#d

3 Old 6 straight hair c

to be Subject/0bject pronouns Possessiveadjectives/pronouns

- -

Complete with the correct form of to be and choose the correct pronoun/

Hi Sam,
1) Mine/My name 2) Greg. 1 3) thirteen years old and I
4) ... .. ... ..... mum's name
...... from Scotland. 5) Me/MyMary. 7) Her/She6) .

8) thirty-four years old and she 9) a teacher. My dad, Robert,

10) forty years old and 11) him/he 12) a police officer. ľve got
one brother. 13) His/Him name 14) Paul and 15) his/he 16)
fourteen years old. Spotty is 17) our/we pet dog. Spotty 18) two years old. .
..... ..... ..

Her/Hers fur 20)

19) brown. 21) We/Our łown is small but 22) it/its is beautiful.
Write back and tell 23) I/me all about 24) your/yours family and town.
Bye for now.

b) Form complete questions, then complete the short answers.

1 Greg/be/13 years old?

years old?
Is Greg 13

Yes, he is.
2 Greg's mum and dad/be/30years old?

3 Greg's dad/be/police officer?


4 Greg and his family/be/the USA?

5 their town/be/big?

Write the next number in words.
1 10 — 7 63-
2 8 77 _

3 21- 9 82-
4 38- 10 95-
5 44 —
11 117-
6 59- 12 999 —

Write the nationalities.
1 Greg is from the UK. 4 Joan is from Australia.

2 Ahmed is from Egypt. 5 Olga is from Russia.


3 Monika is from Poland. 6 Ito is from Japan.

She's He's

have got

* Look at the table and complete the gaps with the correct form of have got.

Lucy Tom & Jason

1 Lucy a drone and a laptop. She a smartwatch.

2 Tom and Jason a laptop but they a drone.
3 Amy a drone but she a smartwatch.
4 Lucy, Tom and Jason a drone.
5 Jason and Amy a laptop.

* Complete with have ('ve), haven't, has ('s) or hasn't.

A: Have you got a laptop? they got a TV in
B: Yes, I their bedroom?
got a tablet, too. B: No, they
your sister got your cousins got
brown eyes? a drone?
B: No, she She B: Yes, they
got blue eyes. Tony and I got a
your friend got a TV ?
laptop? B: No, you
B: Yes, he
House/Rooms -
Furniture & Appliances
Find the word that does not match.
1 table - fridge — cupboard -
2 kitchen -
living room —
swimming pool -
master bedroom
3 garden -
Chair - table —
4 bed — desk -
Chair -
5 fridge
- —
cooker -
6 armchair sofa - -
roof -
7 bookcase -
bed -
dining room -
8 bathroom -
bedroom -
kitchen -

thereis/there are some/any -

and fill in There is, There isn't, There are, There aren't + a/an,
* Look at the picture
some, any.

There is a bed.


* Complete the questions, then answer


Is there a desk in the living a window in

the living
B: No there isn't.
2 armchairs in posters on
the wall?
the living room?
fridge in the
cushions on
the carpet?

Prepositionsof place
Choose the correct preposition. This is a Pictureof my living room.
There is a carpet 1) on/in the floor
2) opposite/under the coffee table. The coffee table is
3) behind/in front of the sofa.
There is a carpet 4) in front
of/under the table and an armchair 5) next to/between the sofa.

7) opposite/behind the White armchair. There are some books

8) in/on the bookcase. There arenit any paintings
9) under/on the walls or a vase 10) in/on the
table. What is your living
room like?


2 curling/rugby 3 karate/baseball 4 gymnastics/skateboarding

a) at the table and write sentences. Use: can or can't.
Mark Chloe 1 Mark/do karate 4 Mark & Chloe / play basketball
do karate
Mark can't do karate.
play baseball
2 Chloe/play baseball 5 Chloe/play curling
play cricket

play basketball Mark

3 & Chloe / play cricket 6 Mark/play curling
play curling

Form complete questions, then answer them.

A: Can Mark play baseball? B: Yes, he can.

Hobbies&The time

Write the correct time.

1 1 0:40 4 6:15
2 12:00 5 9:50
3 3:30 6 5:45

Daily routine & Free-time activities

16 Complete Mark's email with the correct verb.
On Mondays, 1 1) get up at 7 0'clock and 1 2) breakfast
with my family. 1 3) to school at half past
seven and
school starłs at 8 0'clock. We 4) lunch at 12, then we
have more lessons. I finish school at3 0'clock and then 15)

fițonday back home. In the afternoon, 1 6)

evening, afterwe 7)
video games or 1 9)
dinner, I usually8)

to music. 1 10)
my homework. In the

bed at 9 0'clock. What about you?

this these that-those

- -

017 Complete the gaps with this, that, these

or those and chose the correct word.

is a dress/skirt and is a jumper/scarf.

is a T-shirt/coat and are shorts/trousers.

are trainers/boots and are socks/sandals.

Prepositionsof time
Choose the correct sentence.
1 a School starłs at 8:15. b School starłs on 8:15.
2 a We go to the park in Sundays. b We go to the park on Sundays.
3 a We watch TV in the evening. b We watch TV at the evening.
4 a Josh goes on holiday on the summer. b Josh goes on holiday in the summer.
5 a We have PE in Fridays . b We have PE on Fridays .

* Write the words below in the plural.
1 leaf —
5 match - 9 dress —

2 man — 6 tomato — 10 toy —

3 boy -
7 Child — 11 lady —

4 foot —
8 bus -

The weather
20 * Choose the
correct word.
1 foggy/sunny 2 snowing/raining 3 cloudy/windy 4 hot/cold

Means oftransport & Places in łown

Do the crossword.
21 * 2 3

4 5


22 *Write the correct place.

1 We see planes and helicopters there. a

2 We can read a book there. I
3 We can have a burger there. f __

4 We can see wild animals there. z

5 Doctors and nurses work there. h
6 We can see a football match there. s


1 2 3 4 5

Food/Drinks - Countable/Uncountable
24 a)
* Match the food/drinks to the całegories.

o coffee, tea A drinks

20 carrot cake, ice-cream B fruit

o pastasugarmeat, burger & chips
salt, C meat

o & banana D snacks
o orange, E meals

60 popcorn, łuna sandwich F desserts

o beef, chicken G other

b) List the food/drinks in Ex. 24a under the headings.



Places in school

* Match the places to What we do there.

A We do PE there.
B We borrow books there.
C We have Maths there.
D We paint there.
E We take our school break there.

* Circle the odd one out.

1 headmaster's -

nurse's -

gym office
2 science —
art —
staff room
3 computer —
music— science lab

* Which three can you see in the pictures?

Complete with the names of the places in the school.

Here at River High, help students learn and grow in many ways. Students have lessons in
their 1) c _
during the school day. Sometimes, they paint a Picture in the

or play the guitar in the 3) m Students with different interests

can learn about Science in the or even print a presentation in the
4) s _

They can also borrow books from our 6) I at any time!


We want students to be healthy and happy, so they have PE lessons in our new 7) g and
play football in the 8) p at break time if they want. We have a
_ _

where students can go when they don't feel well, and they can also

find their teachers at break time in the 10) s if they need to speak to them.

Come and visit us on our open day on 13th July. You can talk to the headteacher in the
11)h_ if you have any questions.

Presentsimple -
* Choose the correct option.
1 George sometimes/never takes the bus to school. He always walks instead.
2 Paula and Sarah don't/doesn't go to the art room on Fridays.
3 Do you borrow/borrows books from the library?
4 Mike plays/play basketball at break time.
5 Angela usually/always does her homework because she is a good student.

2 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple. Then, complete the short

(you/often/study) at the library?

B: No I

2 (Tom/always/spend) break time outside?

B: Yes, he

4 A: How (they/get) home in the afternoons?

B: They usually (cycle) home.
(Oliver and Ed/have) PE lessons together?
B: No, they
(Ann/always/do) her homework in the evenings?
B: Yes, she

a) Use the verbs in the list to complete the gaps.

• make •
organise • not/plan • play • watch • start •
• not/have

Every year, our headteacher, Mrs Anderson,

1) a summer camp for children in our town.
The camp always 2) in July and ends in
August, and students often 3) a lot of new
friends there. In the mornings, we 4) classes.
Instead, we 5) for a walk the forest after
breakfast to learn about nature. Then, in the afternoons, the
children usually 6) games and sports
together. After dinner, everyone is tired, so Mrs Anderson
7) any activities in the evenings. We just
relax and chat. Sometimes, everyone 8) a
movie together before bed. Iťs a lot of fun!

Expand the prompts into full questions. Then, complete the short answers.
1 Mrs Anderson/organise/a summer camp/every year?
2 the camp/always/end/in August?
3 they/have/classes/the mornings?
4 Mrs Anderson/plan/activities/in the evenings?
* Choose the correct verb.

3 Laura is mopping/vacuuming the floor. 4 Dad is tidying/dusting the furniture.

2 Fill in: tidy, set, do, load, water, cut.

1 Norma always helps her mother to the table before dinner.

2 Please the washing machine so we can wash our clothes.
3 lan always remembers to his room at the weekends.

4 Can you my plants for me this afternoon?

5 Daniel, please the grass in the front garden. Iťs very long.

6 My parents always cook dinner, so my brother and I always

the washing-up after we eat.

3 Complete each person's chores.

Jane'schores Purk's chores

her bed the table

the floor the washing-up
the carpet the grass
the furniture his room
the clothes the washing machine

Fill in: am, is or are. Then, complete the short
John and Dean wiping the counter? Yes
Susan cooking lunch? No

you walking the dog this afternoon? No

Jason watering the plants? Yes

we doing chores tomorrow? No

they ironing the clothes
now? No

2 Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous.

I A: Hey Mike (you/work) at your parents' shop this afternoon?
B: Actually, I
(cut) the grass for my neighbour.
2 A: My brother and I (go) to the cinema later. Do
you want to come?
B: I can't. My (clean) the house today and I
mum have to help her.
3 A: Bruce (not/dust) the furniture. He's in the garden.
(he/water) the plants now?
4 A: When
(John and David/do) the shopping?
B: Tomorrow morning. They (not/go) to the supermarket today.
(you/tidy) your room at the moment, Simon?
B: No, Mum. I (make) my bed.

a) Choose the right verbs from the list to complete the email. Put them into
the present continuous.

• tidy •
move • •
put •
not/come •
vacuum • do •

Hi Sam,
I hope you'rewell. ľm sorry, but 1 1) to your parły this
evening, My family and 1 2) house at the moment. We

a lot of chores and we're very busy! Today,
my things into boxes. My mum
5) the rooms downstairs and my dad 6)

the carpets. My sister 7)

us at the moment because
she's at work, but she has a lot to do when she gets
home! Tomorrow morning,
to our new house. ľm really excited!
I hope you have fun tonight and I hope I can come to your next parły.

Form complete questions, then complete the short
2 Josh's dad/tidy/rooms/downstairs?
3 they/move/new house/tomorrow?
4 Josh & his family/have/party/tonight?
Choose the correct word.

Roy is slim/
Ann is tall/
Jack's well-built
short and
well-built/ with short
with fair/brown
thin thin with
hair, a beard
short/long, long, fair/
curly/ and glasses/
brown hair.
straight hair. a moustache.

2 Complete the descriptions.

Kellyis young, short and

5)t_ She has got

brown hair.

Mark is 1) s and
7) -b
tall with 2) s grey John is tall and w
hair, a 3) b and a with 8)
w brown hair and

Correct the description.


Hi Emmał
Ilm at my Aunt Paula's house this weel<end! Here's a Picture of her and her family.

She is well-built with straight hair and glasses. Her husband, Uncle David/ is short
and slim with short/ blond, wavy hair and a moustache. They have two daughters,
Sarah and Mia. Sarah is on the left of the picture. She is short with curly fair hair,
like her mum. Mia has got short, fair, straight hair. They are all a lot of fun, and we

are having a great weekend together. What are you doing this weel<end?
Write back soon!

Describinga person

I Complete the dialogue. Use: meet, one, like, thaťs, there.

Annie: Hi! Are you Beth?

Beth: Yes, ľm a new student at the school, so there are
a lot of people I don't know.
Annie: Well, don't
worry. There are lots of friendly
people in our class.
Beth: Really? 1) who?
Annie: Do you see the tall girl over
Beth: Who? 3) with long,
blonde hair?
Annie: Yes. Thaťs Sarah. And that boy is Ben.
Beth: The slim boy with curly, brown hair?
Annie: No, 4) Henry. Ben is the short
boy with the glasses. He's my best friend. Come
and 5) him!

2 Choose the correct response.

There are lots of people from our Class here today.

B: Yes, but there are
a some people I don't know.
b Well, there's that girl over there.
Do you mean the girl with the brown hair and glasses?
B: a No, thaťs Paula.

b Come and meet her!

I don't know that boy over there.
B: a Like who?

b Do you mean the tall, thin


3 Put the dialogue in the correct order.

A Well, there's that boy over there.

B Who? The tall one with short, wavy, fair hair?
C Oh, thaťs Robert. He's very friendly. Come and
meet him!
s, No, thaťs Oliver. I
mean the boy with
o Hi, Peter. Do you like your new school?
o Like who?

G I do, but there are lots of people that
I don't know.


Sports & Equipment

* Label the pictures. Use: bał, puck, helmet, poles, racquet, stick, shuttlecock, goggles.
Two are extra.

2 Complete the crossword. 1 2

1 We wear these to see under water.

3 We wear this to protect our head.
4 We use this to hit a golf ball.
6 We wear these on our hands, when we play
ice hockey.

8 We wear these to protect our legs.

4 5

Down 6 7

2 We pass this through the air in badminton.

5 We throw or kick this round object.

7 We wear these on our feet to move in the

snow. 8

James uses s
Lisa wears her h
Anna always wears her and p to help
and p on her legs. and g him
move quickly down the
She uses her b to when she goes to the sea snowy mountain

hit the b .

Presentsimple -
Presentcontinuous Stativeverbs-

* Choose the correct option.

1 golf right now.
Eric plays/is playing
les. 2 Samantha loves/is loving to exercise in her free time.
3 George and I go/are going to the sports centre every Thursday.
4 Amy knows/is knowing Sarah very well. They are on the same basketball team.
5 Tom's parents buy/are buying him some new football boots this weekend.
6 Rob works/is working as a football coach for the summer.
7 Our badminton lesson begins/is beginning at 5 pm leťs hurry! —

8 I want to play ice hockey —

ił looks/is looking fun!

2 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.

Fred 10:30 Paul 10:35

Hey Paul! 1 1) (watch) a Hi Fred! When 5) (the match/start)?
cricket match tomorrow afternoon.
2) (you/want) to
Our local team 3) . . (take) part Paul 10:42
in a big competition, so 1 4) (be)
(not/think) I can come!My
excited to watch the
game. family and 1 8) (have) lunch at my

grandparents' house tomorrow. Iťs a shame because I really

Fred 10:40 9) (like) watching our local team, and
(begin) at they 1 0) (play) really well these days.
1.30 pm.
I hope you have fun!

3 Read the email and choose the correct option: A, B or C.

Hi Olivia,
in Cascais,
Whatl) this summer? My family and 1 2) a wonderful time here
Portugał! We 3) very Close to the beach. We 4) go swimming in the
go in the evening instead. We
6) lunch
mornings, but not every day. We 5)
activities.Today, for example,
at a nice restaurant and then we
7) some more fun
surfing with my dad. My mum and sister 9) because they want to go
for a wall< instead. This is the best holiday ever
110) so happy here!

Write back soon!


1 A are you doing B do you do C do you

2 A have B are having C am having
3 A stay B are staying C stays

4 B twice C usually
5 A sometimes B never C always
6 A have always B always have C always are having
7 A do B does C are doing
8 A go B am going C goes
9 A don't come B isn't coming C aren't coming
10 C am feeling

* Choose the correct adjective.

1 Mitch always gets food on his clothes when he eats. He's noisy/messy.
2 Amanda does her chores slowly and doesn't make mistakes. She's careful/serious.
3 Ben and lan never want to clean their room. They're lazy/quiet.
4 Pamela always puts her hand up and waits before asking a question. She's brave/
5 Jack likes helping other people. He's kind/quiet.
6 Robert always plays the drums in the afternoon. He's quiet/noisy.

2 Find 7 character adjectives in the word search. Then, list them under the correct
T F z y R P
c N D

H K x L Y s s E M s Q G G POSITIVE
c Y C o C U s D H x
G H p R K Y M U x L U o N s
o H o N M R M Q Y U L N R

z v E E O V J N B S U Q c

Y s M K U O K F Z v N P
B Q J G F F D M z w T G

J G R J Y y R U U T

V A Q C Q F L A G A A Q p

c Q c N z D A H
v K P B w
c E F R M A z Q c G L E A Q
V R V P z Q C R
z v v

3 Complete the gaps with the correct adjective.

This is the Simpson family, They are a very famous TV family.

Homer is the father. He doesn't like working. He just wants to sił on the sofa and watch TV. He
is very 1) 1_ ! However, he can do dangerous things and be 2) b_ when he needs to

help his family.

Marge is the mother, She is always ready to help everyone. Marge doesn't mind waiting for
things, and doesn't get
angry when Homer doesn't do things around the house. She is
and 4) p
_ _

9 Bart is Marge and Homer's som He plays music and video games in his bedroom and he is

very 5) n_Bart doesn't like cleaning his room, so his things are always on the floor. H
is 6)
m _

Lisa is the Simpson's first daughter. She likes reading and doesn't laugh at Barťs silly jokes
because she doesn't think they are funny. She is 7) s_
Maggie is the baby of the house. She is very young, so she can't talk. She is very 8) q

* Choose the correct word.
1 Will always works hard/hardly at school. He's a good student.
2 Clara walks slow/slowly to Class because she is very careful.
3 Read quietly/quiet you can't be noisy in the library.

ious. 4 Mandy plays badminton good/well. She always wins.

5 Rob is running fastly/fast because he is late for football practice.
brave/ 6 The children are playing happily/happy together today.

2 Complete the gaps with the adverbs formed from the adjectives in bold.

:orrect PerâQlfl)
One amazing person I know is my cousin, Tina. She plays tennis
very 1) and is trying to become a professional
player. She practises 2) .
and always takes her REGULAR
tennis training very 3) This is What a day in SERIOUS
her life looks like.

Tina wakes up 4) every morning and goes for a EARLY

5 km run. Then, she has breakfast. She always eats
5) because she wants to stay fit. In the HEALTHY
afternoons, Tina goes to the local sports centre to train. She
practises for about for two hours. Thaťs a long time to play tennis

every day! Then, she goes home and does all of her homework.
Tina works 6) and she knows What she wants HARD
to do. She is a great person, a good friend, and the best tennis
player I know. I think she can play 7) .


3 Fill in the correct adverb formed from the adjectives in the list.

• good • kind •
patient • helpful • careful • calm • quick • safe

1 Actors learn their lines so they don't forget them.

ads to
2 Chefs work very to prepare food for lots of people at the same
3 Doctors know how to act in
an emergency.
4 Dentists clean our teeth so we don't feel any pain.
5 Farmers wait all year for their crops to grow.
Jor. He
6 Nurses treat patients and help them to feel comfortable and
7 Pilots spend years learning how to fly planes so there aren't any
8 Shop assistants show customers where to find certain items.

Complete the place names.

1 Students walk here between classes. S__ c

2 We learn to play instruments here. M

3 Students learn to use technology here. C

4 We can draw and paint pictures here. A

5 This is where we learn Science. S _

Complete the text with the correct verbs from the list.

• dust •
water • make •
cut • set

I always do chores on Sundays. First, I get up and 1)

my bed.
Then go around the house and 2)
I the furniture. In the
afternoon, 1 3) the plants inside, and then go outside to
4) the grass in the garden. Finally, I come inside and
5) the table for dinner! I don't cook the dinner, though. My
dad usually does that!

3 Look at the pictures and complete the descriptions with the correct words.

Amanda is short and 1) t with Jamie is tall with a 1) b short

long, 2) f hair. hair and 3) g

Fill in: stick, club, goggles, shuttlecock, swimming cap.

1 Angela wears her when she goes to the pool.

2 Today, Simon is buying a new to play golf with.
3 Skiers and swimmers both wear over their eyes.
4 We play hockey with a puck and a

5 In badminton, we hita with a racquet.

Choose the correct adjective.

1 Tom doesn't feel afraid. He is brave/kind.
2 Laura doesn't make mistakes. She's very messy/careful.
3 He sits on the sofa all day long. He's patient/lazy.
4 Dana doesn't tell jokes. She's noisy/serious.
5 He just drops his clothes on the bedroom floor. He's messy/noisy.
Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple
or the present continuous.
1 Harriet (cycle) to school every morning.
2 Rob (study) for his at the moment.
3 Paula and Erica (go) skiing tomorrow afternoon.

(your school/have) a lot of students?

5 Oliver (not/like) playing basketball.
6 Fred (not/wear) glasses.
7 My friends and I (never/play) badminton during break time.
(John/stay) at his grandparents' house this weekend?
9 Amy (not/want) to play cricket today.
10 Jane (know) a lot about Science.

Complete the sentences with the correct adverb formed from the adjectives in the

quiet •
easy • fashionable •
bad • fast
1 Peter is very smart. He can do difficult problems
2 Danielle is speaking because she's at the library.
3 Anne can swim so ľm sure she can win the race.
4 Sarah's clothes are very nice. She always dresses
5 Michael never does on exams. He always gets good grades.

Complete the dialogue with: Like who Do you mean - the
one with the glasses -

Oh, thaťs James Who is that There are students in ił that I don't
- —
some know I mean -

the with short straight blonde hair.


Hey, are you looking at our school photo?

Yes, I am. 1)

Really? 2)
Well, look here. Who is that boy? The one at the back of the

No, thaťs Greg. 4)

5) He's Marie's cousin.


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