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Student: Lazariuc Crina


Teacher: Caragia Rodica

The next afternoon she went to the wood again. She followed the broad riding that swerved
round and up through the larches to a spring called John’s Well. It was cold on this hillside, and
not a flower in the darkness of larches. But the icy little spring softly pressed upwards from its
tiny wellbed of pure, reddish-white pebbles. How icy and clear it was! Brilliant! The new keeper
had no doubt put in fresh pebbles. She heard the faint tinkle of water, as the tiny overflow
trickled over and downhill. Even above the hissing boom of the larchwood, that spread its
bristling, leafless, wolfish darkness on the down-slope, she heard the tinkle as of tiny water-bells.
This place was a little sinister, cold, damp. Yet the well must have been a drinking-place for
hundreds of years. Now no more. Its tiny cleared space was lush and cold and dismal.
She rose and went slowly towards home. As she went she heard a faint tapping away on the
right, and stood still to listen. Was it hammering, or a woodpecker? It was surely hammering.
She walked on, listening. And then she noticed a narrow track between young fir-trees, a track
that seemed to lead nowhere. But she felt it had been used. She turned down it adventurously,
between the thick young firs, which gave way soon to the old oak wood. She followed the track,
and the hammering grew nearer, in the silence of the windy wood, for trees make a silence even
in their noise of wind.
She saw a secret little clearing, and a secret little hut made of rustic poles. And she had never
been here before! She realized it was the quiet place where the growing pheasants were reared;
the keeper in his shirt-sleeves was kneeling, hammering. The dog trotted forward with a short,
sharp bark, and the keeper lifted his face suddenly and saw her. He had a startled look in his
D. H. Lawrence “Lady Chatterly’s Lover”
1. General overview
• Source of text and text form:
Source – The novel “Lady Chatterly’s Lover” by D.H.Lawrence
Text form: A excerpt from the novel
• Addressee (receiver of the text)
Readers of Romantic Novels

• Author’s intention
The author’s intention was to create the image of a beautiful place, in this case, the image of the
2. Text
• Type of the text and the function of language.
Type of the text: Descriptive
1. The purpose of the text is to create the image of a place
2. There are a lot of literary devices
Ephitets: “reddish-white pebbles”, “narrow track”
3. It appeals to senses
E.g.“Was it hammering, or a woodpecker?”, “the faint tinkle of water”
4. It uses a lot of adjectives and classifiers
windy, tiny, wolfish, leafless
5. The use of attributives and figurative language
The function of language: expressive and aesthetic
• Main idea (1 sentence summary):
The beautiful wood with a strange track that leads to the meeting of the keeper and the
• Internal cohesion of the text.
Green – lexical cohesion
Blue – elements that create grammatical cohesion
Yellow – Conjunctions
• Language level/register
The text is written in formal register
1. The syntax and sentence structure in the passage are more complex and structured, which
is characteristic of a formal register. Sentences are well-formed and often consist of
multiple clauses, contributing to a more refined and polished style commonly associated
with formal writing.
E.g. “Even above the hissing boom of the larchwood, that spread its bristling, leafless,
wolfish darkness on the down-slope, she heard the tinkle as of tiny water-bells.”
2. There are no contractions and the sentence never ends with a preposition
E.g. “The new keeper had no doubt”
3. It uses the third peson point of view
E.g. “She heard the faint tinkle of water”, She followed the broad riding …"

• Elements of figurative language

1. Stylistic devices:
The broad riding, icy little spring, reddish-white pebbles, icy and clear (spring), fresh
pebbles, faint tinkle, tiny overflow, hissing boom, tiny cleared space, faint tapping,
narrow track, thick firs, oak wood, windy wood, little clearing, rustic poles, sharp bark,
startled look.
the spring pressed upwards
young fir-trees
the old oak wood
quiet place
pure, reddish-white pebbles
bristiling,leafless, wolfish darkness
This place was a little sinister, cold, dump.
Its tiny cleared space was lush and cold and dismal.
Short, sharp bark
2. Phraseological units
the next afternoon
to spring up (phrasal verb, to start to exist suddenly)
stood still (a situation or condition in which there is no movement or activity at all)
walked on (phraseological unit indicating the continuation of walking)
turned down it adventurously (expressing a sense of curiosity and boldness)
gave way (to give way: a transition or change, as in the transition from young firs to the
old oak wood)
startled look (describing a surprised or alarmed facial expression)
3. Words with figurative meaning
adventurously (turned it down adventurously)
windy wood
wolfish darkness
reddish-white pebbles

• Extra – linguistic elements necessary for text understanding

• Difficulties of Translation
• The type of Translation Used (K.Reiss’s classification)
• The difficulties encountered in rendering the information
• The difficulty and the strategy applied

În următoarea zi după-amiază, ea s-a întors în pădure. A continuat să meargă pe cărarea largă

care se șerpuia în jur și urca printre zade către un izvor numit John’s Well. Era frig acolo și nu
se zărea nici-o floare prin întunericul zadelor. Însă micul izvor înghețat s-a ridicat dintr-odată de
pe patul său de pietricele imaculate, de un alb roșiatic. Era atât de înghețat și limpede. Atât de
strălucitor! Nu era nici-o îndoială că acele pietricele fuseseră proaspăt aranjate de noul paznic. Se
auzea murmurul ușor al apei pe măsură ce se revărsa de-a lungul coastei. Chiar și prin foșnetul
răsunător al pădurii de zade, desfrunzită și țepoasă, care își răspândea întunericul peste coastă, ea
auzea clinchetul picăturilor de apă.
Acest loc era un pic sinistru, rece și umed. Și totuși, sute de ani această fântână a oferit apă celor
însetați. Acum nu se mai întâmplă la fel. Locul curat din jurul izvorului era bogat, rece și
Ea s-a ridicat și s-a îndreptat spre casă. Mergând, a auzit un sunet ușor de bătăi în dreapta și a
făcut popas să asculte. Era sunetul unui ciocan sau al unei ciocănitori ? Era cu siguranță un
ciocan. Mergea mai departe ascultând. Dintr-odată a observat o potecă printre tufișurile tinere de
zade, o potecă care nu părea să ducă undeva. Însă arăta de parcă cineva a mai trecut pe acolo. O
luă voios printre tufișuri, care au lăsat imediat la vedere locul vechii păduri de stejari. Și-a
continuat drumul pe această potecă și auzea cum sunetul ciocanului se făcea mai puternic în
liniștea pădurii foșnitoare, căci copacii pot rămâne tăcuți chiar și în zgomotul provocat de
propriul lot vânt.
A zărit o mică poiană tainică și o cabană retrasă, constuită din bușteni rustici. Și ea nu pusese
niciodată piciorul aici! Și-a dat seama că acesta era locul tăcut unde erau crecuți fazanii;
paznicul, într-o cămașă cu mâneci scurte, stătea așezat în genunchi și bătea cu ciocanul. Câinele
înaintă cu un lătrat scurt și aspru iar stăpânul a ridicat brusc privirea și a văzut-o. Se uita la ea

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