Pavan 2011

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Original Paper

Caries Res 2011;45:443–447 Received: June 30, 2010

Accepted after revision: June 28, 2011
DOI: 10.1159/000330599
Published online: August 23, 2011

Biomimetic Approach for Root Caries

Prevention Using a Proanthocyanidin-Rich
S. Pavan a Q. Xie b A.T. Hara c A.K. Bedran-Russo a
Departments of a Restorative Dentistry and b Pediatric Dentistry, University of Illinois at Chicago, College of
Dentistry, Chicago, Ill., and c Department of Preventive and Community Dentistry, Oral Health Research Institute,
Indiana University School of Dentistry, Indianapolis, Ind., USA

Key Words The success in prevention and disease control during

Grape seed extract ⴢ Proanthocyanidin ⴢ Remineralization ⴢ the last century allowed the elderly population to main-
Root caries tain their permanent dentition into later life [Shay, 2004].
As a consequence, dental caries has become one of the
most significant health problems facing older adults.
Abstract More than half of the elderly who are dentate are affected
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a proan- by either coronal or root caries [Saunders and Meyero-
thocyanidin-rich grape seed extract (GSE) on the in vitro de- witz, 2005], and a 23.3% incidence of root caries is esti-
mineralization of root dentine. Root fragments were ob- mated in this population [Griffin et al., 2004].
tained from sound human teeth. The fragments were ran- Dentine is a calcified tissue, which has an organic ma-
domly assigned to different treatments solutions: GSE, trix (30 vol%) containing fibrillar type I collagen (90%)
fluoride (F), GSE+F and distilled water (control). Samples [Linde, 1989] and non-collagenous proteins such as phos-
were treated daily for 30 min and subjected to a pH cy- phoproteins and proteoglycans (10%) [Embery et al.,
cling artificial caries protocol using demineralization cycles 2001; Septier et al., 2001; Bedran-Russo et al., 2008]. Ul-
(2.2 mM CaCl2!H2O, 2.2 mM KH2PO4, 50 mM acetic acid, pH trastructural studies of root caries suggest that during the
4.3) for 6 h and remineralization cycles (20 mM HEPES, 2.25 caries process, the mineral part of dentine is dissolved by
mM CaCl2!H2O, 1.35 mM KH2PO4, 130 mM KCl, pH 7.0) for acids produced by bacteria, exposing the organic matrix
17.5 h. Mineral loss (⌬Z) and lesion depth (LD) were deter- to breakdown by bacterially derived enzymes, as well as
mined after 18 days of treatment/pH cycling, by transverse by host-derived enzymes such as matrix metalloprotein-
microradiography. GSE was able to minimize ⌬Z and LD ases present within the dentine and in the gingival cre-
compared with the control group (p ! 0.0001). The GSE+F vicular fluid [Kawasaki and Featherstone, 1997; Nakorn-
and F groups showed the lowest values of ⌬Z and LD (p ! chai et al., 2004; Chaussain-Miller et al., 2006]. If pre-
0.05), with no statistically significant differences between served, the organic matrix of dentine can provide the
them (p = 0.554 and p = 0.726, respectively). A biomimetic major framework for mineralization and plays an impor-
approach to strengthen root dentine using GSE results in de- tant role in the process of remineralization of eroded and
creased rates of root demineralization and may be used in carious dentine [Ganss et al., 2004; Nakornchai et al.,
conjunction with F to prevent root caries. 2004; Hara et al., 2005].
Copyright © 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel

© 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel Ana Karina Bedran-Russo

Department of Restorative Dentistry (MC 555), UIC College of Dentistry
Fax +41 61 306 12 34 801, South Paulina Street, Room 551
E-Mail Accessible online at: Chicago, IL 60612-7212 (USA) Tel. +1 312 413 9581, E-Mail bedran @
While fluoride (F) is a well-established method to pre- 10 repetitions per group (n = 10). The outcome measures were
vent and inhibit caries lesions [Ten Cate and Duijsters, mineral loss (⌬Z; vol% mineral ! ␮m) and lesion depth (LD;
␮m), obtained by transversal microradiography.
1983; Fure and Lingström, 2009], novel therapies focused
on the prevention and reduction of root caries progres- Specimen Preparation
sion should be proposed by the application of substances Twelve extracted sound human third molars were used in this
that affect the organic dentine matrix content to promote study. They were thawed, cleaned, kept frozen (–20 ° C) for 2–3
remineralization as well as prevent organic matrix degra- weeks and used following the Institutional Review Board Com-
mittee of the University of Illinois at Chicago (protocol no. 2006-
dation. Recently, natural products with antibacterial and 0229). The roots were cut from the crowns at the cementoenamel
remineralization potential have been investigated on root junction with a low-speed diamond blade (Isomet 1000, Buehler,
dentine caries [Xie et al., 2008; Petti and Scully, 2009]. Lake Bluff, Ill., USA). Four-millimeter-thick slices were obtained
Using a biomimetic approach, selective natural agents from the cervical third of the roots and 3–4 fragments (4 ! 5 mm)
stabilize and strengthen dentine by induction of exoge- were obtained per slice using a cylindrical diamond bur (No.
557D, Brasseler, Savannah, Ga., USA) in a high-speed handpiece.
nous collagen cross-linking, interaction with non-collag- The root surfaces were polished under running water with 1,000-
enous proteins and remineralization [Bedran-Russo et grit silicon carbide paper to remove cementum. A total of 40 frag-
al., 2007, 2008, 2010; Xie et al., 2008]. The term dentin ments were obtained and sealed with acid-resistant nail polish
biomodifiers is suited for these agents due to their ability (Revlon Corp., New York, N.Y., USA) except for a 3 ! 4 mm win-
to interact with various extracellular matrix components dow.
to increase mechanical properties, decrease biodegrada- Treatments and pH Cycling
tion rates and possibly promote mineral nucleation [Be- The root fragments were randomly assigned to four different
dran-Russo et al., 2007, 2008, 2010]. groups (n = 10) according to the treatment: control – deionized
The grape seed extract (GSE) investigated herein is a water; GSE – 6.5% GSE solution (MegaNatural Polyphenolics,
flavonoid obtained from the seeds of Vitis vinifera. Its Madera, Calif., USA), pH = 7.4; F – 1,000 ppm F solution as NaF
(Fisher Chemical, Fair Lawn, N.J., USA); GSE+F – 1,000 ppm
active constituents are proanthocyanidins (PA) and rep- NaF solution plus 6.5% GSE, pH = 7.4. The amount of free F in
resent a variety of flavan-3-ol, catechin [Aron and Ken- each solution was assessed by an ion-selective electrode (96-09)
nedy, 2008], which is a scavenging free radical required connected to an ion analyzer (EA-940; Orion, Boston, Mass.,
for absorption of calcium [Ishikawa et al., 2005]. In addi- USA), which was previously calibrated with a series of eight
tion, PA increase collagen synthesis, accelerate the con- standard solutions (from 0.03 to 10.0 ␮g/ml F) in triplicate. The
groups were individually immersed into 50 ml of the respective
version of soluble collagen into insoluble collagen during solutions for 30 min, under constant agitation at 37 ° C. The spec-
development [Cetta et al., 1977; Rao et al., 1983] and de- imens were then subjected to a demineralization pH cycling
crease the rate of enzymatic degradation of collagen ma- model. Each group was individually immersed in 150 ml of de-
trices [Han et al., 2003; Chaussain-Miller et al., 2006; mineralization solution (2.2 m M CaCl 2!H2O, 2.2 m M KH2PO4,
Walter et al., 2008; Macedo et al., 2009]. Due to the lack 50 m M acetic acid, pH 4.3) for 6 h, washed with distilled water,
dried with absorbent paper and immersed in 150 ml of reminer-
of definitive preventive approaches for root caries, the ex- alization solution (20 m M HEPES, 2.25 m M CaCl 2!H2O, 1.35
ploitation of the tissue structure itself can provide impor- m M KH2PO4, 130 m M KCl, pH 7.0) for 17.5 h. During the pH
tant insights into novel therapies for dentine root caries. cycling, the specimens were kept at 37 ° C under constant shak-
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of ing. The treatment/pH cycling regimen lasted 18 days and all the
dentine biomodification using a PA-rich GSE on the in solutions were made fresh and changed daily. After 18 days, the
roots fragments were rinsed with distilled water, dried and sec-
vitro demineralization of root dentine using microradi- tioned longitudinally through the lesions with a low-speed wa-
ography analysis. The null hypothesis tested was that ter-cooled diamond blade (Isomet 1000, Buehler) to obtain
GSE would not prevent the demineralization of human 300-␮m-thick slices that were further polished to approximate-
root dentine. ly 180 8 20 ␮m thickness using 600- and 1,000-grit silicone
carbide paper.

Transverse Microradiography
Materials and Methods The sections were X-rayed together with an aluminium step-
wedge at 20 kV and 30 mA for 65 min. Microradiographic plates
Experimental Design (High Resolution UF Plate, Microchrome Technology, Inc., San
This study was conducted following a completely randomized Jose, Calif., USA) were processed (all chemicals from Eastman
design with treatment as the only experimental factor, at 4 levels: Kodak Co., Rochester, N.Y., USA) and the radiographic images
control – deionized water; GSE – 6.5% GSE solution; F – 1,000 were taken from the microscope (EOM, Carl Zeiss Inc., Jena, Ger-
ppm F solution as NaF; GSE+F – 1,000 ppm NaF solution plus many) to the computer with a camera (KP-120U, Hitachi Denshi
6.5% GSE. The experimental unit was root dentin fragment, with Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). The images were analyzed with dedicated

444 Caries Res 2011;45:443–447 Pavan /Xie /Hara /Bedran-Russo

computer software (TMR, transverse microradiography version
1.26, Inspektor Research Systems BV, Amsterdam, The Nether-
lands). ⌬Z was obtained by computing the area obtained by plot-
ting the vol% mineral profile towards LD in each dentine section,
with the sound dentine set as 48 vol% mineral [van der Veen et al.,
1996]. LD was defined as the distance from the surface to the site
the mineral content of which was more than 95% of the sound

Statistical Analysis
Means and standard deviations were calculated for ⌬Z (vol%
mineral x ␮m) and LD (␮m). The data were statistically analyzed
using one-way ANOVA (effect of treatments) and post-hoc Fish-
er’s PLSD tests (␣ = 0.05). The statistical analysis was performed
using Statview 5.01 software (SAS, Cary, N.C., USA).
a b


The values of free F ions of each treatment solution and

the values of ⌬Z and LD are summarized in table 1. GSE
treatment was able to minimize ⌬Z and LD when com-
pared to the control group (p ! 0.0001). The GSE+F and
F groups showed the lowest ⌬Z and LD values when com-
pared to the control and GSE groups (p ! 0.05). No sta-
tistically significant differences were observed between F
and GSE+F (p = 0.554). Representative transverse micro-
radiographs of each group are presented in figure 1. A
hypermineralization process, characterized as a radi-
c d
opaque band, was observed on several samples exposed
to F therapy (fig. 1b).
Fig. 1. Representative microradiograph images of in vitro caries
lesions on root surfaces following 18 days of pH cycling model.
a The control group showed the deepest and least mineralized le-
Discussion sion. b F treatment reduced demineralization of root dentine. A
hypermineralization process could be observed in 7 samples.
c GSE-treated dentine showed formation of a well-defined outer
The present study evaluated a PA-rich extract associ-
mineralized layer and reduced LD. d Small LD and greater min-
ated or not with F to prevent the demineralization of eral deposition can be see on the root surface of a GSE+F fragment.
root dentine using an artificial caries model. It is known
that the root caries process involves two different steps:
(1) dissolution of hydroxyapatite by acidic challenge and
Table 1. Microradiography results of ⌬Z and LD of artificial car-
(2) degradation of the organic dentine matrix by pro- ious lesions subjected to different surface treatments
teases from dentine, saliva or bacteria [Kawasaki and
Featherstone, 1997; Nakornchai et al., 2004; Chaussain- Group Mineral loss Lesion depth Fluoride
Miller et al., 2006]. It is well known that the structure (⌬Z) (LD) (ppm)
and stability of collagen matrix is critical for proper
mineralization [Ganss et al., 2004; Hara et al., 2005]. Control 4,30081,306a 174830a 0.0180.00
Fluoride 4958231c 85820c 1,002.7282.23
Hence, in the absence of collagenous matrix, H+ ions GSE 2,5708794b 109820b 0.0480.00
can penetrate the porous dentine, causing severe ⌬Z GSE+fluoride 7068343c 81818c 849.4281.89
even in the presence of high amounts of F [Ganss et al.,
2004]. Values are means 8 SD. Fluoride (ppm) is the free fluoride
While F compounds are the current method to de- concentration of the treatment solutions used. Different letters
indicate statistical differences among groups (p < 0.05).
crease the development or progression of caries due to its

Root Caries Prevention Using a Caries Res 2011;45:443–447 445

Proanthocyanidin-Rich Agent
capacity to promote tooth remineralization and reduce 2008]. The present study highlights for the first time the
the rate of demineralization [Ten Cate and Duijsters, direct substrate effect of PA on the demineralization of
1983; Fure and Lingström, 2009], the presence of a rich root dentine surfaces. Other studies have reported its ef-
organic content in root dentine highlights the need for fect using a bacterial model [Walter et al., 2008], and
alternative approaches to manage caries in this substrate. therefore the antibacterial effect of GSE cannot be dis-
In the present study, F was used as a positive control, be- carded. Remineralization protocols have also observed a
ing effective in reducing lesion progression in root den- significant positive effect of GSE [Xie et al., 2008]. Fur-
tine, as demonstrated by lower ⌬Z and shallower lesions. ther studies need to be developed to identify the active
Furthermore, a hypermineralization process, character- constituents of GSE and maximize its effect on the sub-
ized as a radiopaque band, was observed on several sam- strate.
ples (fig. 1b). This band has a greater amount of mineral The combined use of GSE and F could not promote a
than sound dentine, increased hardness [Xie et al., 2008] greater mineral deposition on root surface when com-
and may improve the root’s resistance against acid chal- pared to the application of F alone. This may be due to
lenge [Hong et al., 2003]. the interaction between GSE and F since the smaller
GSE alone also reduced the progression of the lesion amount of free F was present on the GSE+F solution
on root dentine, but at a relatively lower scale compared when compared with the F solution (table 1). In this
to the F control group. Therefore, the null hypothesis study it was hypothesized that the GSE molecules would
that GSE would not prevent the demineralization of den- bind to collagen, possibly combining with Ca2+ present
tine root was rejected. Dentine carious lesions present a in the remineralizing solution to allow a greater miner-
non-remineralized outer layer with decreased cross- alization process, as previously suggested for remineral-
linking among collagen molecules and a large amount of ization of artificial root caries [Xie et al., 2008]. This was
denatured collagen [Kuboki et al., 1977; Nakornchai et based on previous studies where GSE had enhanced the
al., 2004], while the inner remineralizable portion pre- bone mass in rats by facilitating mineral deposition [Ka-
sents decreased collagen cross-links without protein de- mitani et al., 2004; Ishikawa et al., 2005; Yahara et al.,
natured [Kuboki et al., 1977; Nakornchai et al., 2004]. 2005]. However, the addition of F to the GSE solution
Using pH cycling for modeling caries progression, we may have affected the dynamic of the remineralization
speculated that GSE maintains the integrity of the den- process. It is possible that the GSE effect was minimized
tine organic matrix similar to that of the inner carious by the precipitation of minerals on the surface of the le-
layer, thus promoting increased remineralization and sion, catalyzed by the F action. While this prevented
decreased demineralization. The formation of hydrogen further demineralization during cycling, explaining the
bonding between amine, carboxyl and the phenolic hy- better results of group GSE+F compared to GSE (fig. 1d
droxyl groups may be the primary mechanism for PA vs. c), it also could have prevented remineralization of
and collagen interactions [Han et al., 2003]. GSE effec- deeper parts of the lesion, not allowing a hypothetical
tively improves the mechanical properties [Bedran-Rus- synergistic effect of F and GSE to be observed. There-
so et al., 2007, 2008] and decreases the degradation rates fore, no clear differences were seen when comparing
of sound and caries-affected dentine [Macedo et al., GSE+F and F (fig. 1d vs. b). Possibly, lower concentra-
2009], indicating the ability of this natural agent to in- tions of F can reduce mineral precipitation on the sur-
teract with and modify the dentine collagen. GSE may face of the lesion, contributing to a better overall remin-
also play a role in decreasing collagen digestibility by its eralization response. However this deserves further
inhibitory effect on proteases such as intrinsic metallo- testing.
proteinases [Koide and Daito, 1997]. In addition, the Based on the results obtained in this in vitro study, it
preservation of the collagen network may produce a me- can be concluded that biomodification of the tooth sub-
chanical barrier to acid diffusion and mineral release strate using GSE results in decreased rates of root den-
and also facilitate mineral precipitation during the re- tine demineralization. A biomimetic alternative for root
mineralization process. caries prevention may be used to strengthen the organic
The GSE-treated group (fig. 1c) depicted the forma- matrix and increase remineralization, associated or not
tion of a well-defined outer mineralized layer when com- to F.
pared to the control group (fig. 1a). This layer may be the
result of insoluble complex deposition formed by GSE
when mixed with remineralizing solution [Xie et al.,

446 Caries Res 2011;45:443–447 Pavan /Xie /Hara /Bedran-Russo

Acknowledgement Disclosure Statement

This study was supported by a research grant from the USA The authors would like to state that the Board of Trustees of the
National Institutes of Health (NIH-NIDCR No. DE017740). University of Illinois holds a provisional patent on the use of col-
lagen cross-linking agents for dental restorative treatment and pre-
ventive dentistry in which Dr. Ana Bedran-Russo is the inventor.

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Proanthocyanidin-Rich Agent
Copyright: S. Karger AG, Basel 2011. Reproduced with the permission of S. Karger AG, Basel. Further
reproduction or distribution (electronic or otherwise) is prohibited without permission from the copyright

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