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Rahul Devi

Roll no :IIGLIRD208187

Paper-II: India and the World: India’s Foreign Policy

15 november 2023

An assertive China and disengaged United States:

India's role in shaping the New Global Order

China's Assertiveness: A Global Game Changer

In the vast landscape of international relations, one nation has been making waves that
reverberate across the globe - China. Over the past few decades, China's assertiveness has
transformed it from a regional power into a global player, impacting economies, politics, and
security worldwide. This essay explores the dimensions of China's assertiveness and its role
as a global game changer.

Economic Metamorphosis:
China's economic ascent has been nothing short of remarkable. The dragon has emerged as a
manufacturing giant, exporting goods that reach every corner of the world. Central to China's
economic assertiveness is the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a colossal infrastructure project
spanning continents. While the BRI has brought economic opportunities, it also raises
questions about debt dependence and unequal partnerships.
China's trade practices further underscore its economic assertiveness. With significant trade
surpluses, accusations of unfair practices, such as intellectual property theft, have ignited
trade disputes, particularly with the United States. The global economic chessboard is
witnessing moves and countermoves as nations grapple with the consequences of China's
economic assertiveness.

Political Reshaping:
China's assertiveness extends beyond economic domains into the intricate realm of politics.
Hong Kong, once a symbol of autonomy, is now subject to China's National Security Law.
This move has sparked concerns about the preservation of democratic values, drawing
attention to the delicate balance between autonomy and central control.
Diplomatically, China is not content with a passive role. The creation of alternative
international institutions like the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) challenges the
existing global order, raising questions about whether traditional institutions are still relevant.
The diplomatic chessboard is witnessing a shift as China asserts itself on the world stage.
Security Dynamics:
In the arena of security, China's assertiveness has redrawn the map, particularly in the South
China Sea. Artificial island construction and military presence in disputed territories have
heightened tensions, causing ripples of concern among neighboring nations and beyond. The
global security chessboard is seeing strategic moves that could reshape the balance of power.
China's military modernization adds another layer to the security dynamics. The development
of advanced technologies and a strengthened naval presence raise questions about global
security and the potential for a more assertive role in shaping international security norms.

Global Responses:
China's assertiveness has prompted varied responses on the global stage. Some nations view
China as an economic partner, embracing opportunities for growth and collaboration. Others,
notably the United States, perceive China as a strategic competitor and have adopted more
confrontational stances.
Strategic alliances, such as the Quad (United States, Japan, India, and Australia), have formed
in response to China's assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific region. Economic ties are being
reassessed, and nations are reevaluating their dependencies on China. The global game is
evolving, with nations positioning themselves based on their perceptions of China's role in
the new world order.

China's assertiveness is undeniably a global game changer, impacting economic, political,

and security landscapes. The chessboard of international relations is witnessing strategic
moves, alliances, and challenges as China's influence grows. The world is at a crossroads,
and the next moves made by nations will shape the contours of the emerging global order. As
China asserts itself, the international community grapples with the profound shifts and
uncertainties that come with this new era of global dynamics.

The Disengaged United States: Navigating a Shifting Global Landscape

In recent years, the United States has undergone a noticeable transformation in its approach
to global affairs. Once a leading force in international relations, the U.S. now appears to be
adopting a more disengaged stance. This shift, influenced by various factors, has implications
for global politics, diplomacy, and the balance of power. This essay examines the concept of
a disengaged United States, exploring the reasons behind this shift and the potential
consequences for the world order.

I. Shifting Priorities:
One key factor contributing to the perception of a disengaged United States is a shift in
national priorities. Domestically, issues such as economic inequality, healthcare, and
infrastructure have taken precedence. As a result, there has been a reevaluation of the
resources and attention dedicated to international affairs. The prioritization of domestic
concerns signals a move towards a more inward-looking approach, influencing the U.S.'s role
in global affairs.
II. War Weariness and Global Retreat:
The United States' involvement in prolonged conflicts, such as those in Iraq and Afghanistan,
has led to a weariness regarding military interventions. The human and financial costs of
these engagements have fueled a desire for a more restrained foreign policy. Consequently,
there has been a tendency to disengage from regions marked by protracted conflicts, a
sentiment encapsulated by the phrase "ending endless wars."

III. Multilateral Skepticism:

The United States' skepticism towards multilateral institutions and agreements is another
facet of its disengagement. Instances of withdrawing from international accords, such as the
Paris Agreement and the Iran Nuclear Deal, signal a reluctance to commit to global
cooperative efforts. This shift raises questions about the effectiveness of international
institutions in addressing pressing global challenges.

IV. Changing Global Dynamics:

The emergence of new global players and shifting geopolitical dynamics also contributes to
the United States' perceived disengagement. Rising powers, such as China, have gained
prominence on the world stage, prompting a reassessment of traditional power structures. The
United States may be recalibrating its approach in response to the evolving geopolitical

V. Diplomatic Retreat and Alliances:

The United States' disengagement is evident in its diplomatic relations and alliances.
Instances of strained relationships with traditional allies, coupled with a more transactional
approach to diplomacy, have created uncertainty among global partners. The question of the
reliability of the United States as a steadfast ally has become a topic of discussion, impacting
the dynamics of international cooperation.

VI. Economic Reorientation:

Economically, the United States' focus on trade policies and economic interests has shifted.
Trade wars, renegotiation of agreements, and a preference for bilateral deals indicate a
prioritization of economic considerations over broader global economic integration. This
economic reorientation can be seen as part of the broader trend of a disengaged United States.

VII. Consequences for the Global Order:

The disengagement of the United States carries significant consequences for the global order.
The absence of a proactive U.S. presence may create a power vacuum that other nations or
non-state actors seek to fill. Additionally, the weakening of international institutions and
cooperative efforts could hinder the collective response to global challenges, from climate
change to pandemics.
VIII. Opportunities and Challenges:
While the disengagement of the United States presents challenges, it also opens up
opportunities for other nations to play a more assertive role in shaping the international
agenda. Regional powers, international organizations, and alliances may step into leadership
roles traditionally held by the U.S. This redistribution of influence creates both challenges
and opportunities for addressing global issues collaboratively.

IX. Future Scenarios:

The trajectory of U.S. disengagement is uncertain, and the future will depend on a range of
factors, including domestic priorities, geopolitical developments, and leadership dynamics.
Potential scenarios include a reengagement under different leadership, a continuation of the
current disengaged approach, or a recalibration of U.S. foreign policy based on evolving
global challenges.

The concept of a disengaged United States reflects a changing dynamic in international

relations. Shifting priorities, war weariness, skepticism towards multilateralism, changing
global dynamics, diplomatic recalibration, and economic reorientation collectively contribute
to this perception. The consequences of U.S. disengagement are far-reaching, influencing the
global order and shaping the roles of other nations on the world stage. As the United States
navigates its path in this evolving landscape, the implications for global politics and
cooperation remain a critical focus of international discourse

India's Strategic Position:

India's role in this evolving global landscape is shaped by its own geopolitical significance.
Situated at the crossroads of Asia, India has the potential to be a key player in influencing the
new global order. The country's large population, diverse economy, and strategic location
make it a significant actor in the international arena.

Economically, India's demographic dividend presents an opportunity for sustained growth

and development. By fostering innovation, investing in education, and leveraging its young
workforce, India can contribute to global economic progress. Moreover, India's commitment
to democratic values and inclusive development aligns with the principles that many nations

On the political front, India's diplomatic engagements and partnerships are instrumental in
shaping the narrative of the emerging global order. The country's non-aligned stance, coupled
with its participation in forums like BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa)
and G20, positions it as a bridge between different geopolitical blocs. India's commitment to
a multipolar world order, where power is distributed among multiple nations, aligns with the
changing dynamics.
In terms of security, India's military capabilities and strategic partnerships play a vital role in
maintaining regional stability. As a responsible nuclear power, India advocates for a rules-
based international order, emphasizing dialogue and diplomacy in conflict resolution.
Collaborative efforts with like-minded nations can contribute to ensuring security in regions
where geopolitical tensions are escalating.

India-China Relations:
India's relationship with China is a critical factor in the unfolding global scenario. The two
countries share a complex history marked by border disputes, economic competition, and
geopolitical differences. Managing these complexities is crucial for both nations and the
broader stability of the region.

Economically, India and China have the potential for mutually beneficial cooperation. Both
countries are members of international organizations like the Shanghai Cooperation
Organization (SCO) and BRICS, providing platforms for dialogue and collaboration. While
economic competition exists, finding common ground for shared development can be a key
aspect of India-China relations.

On the political front, diplomatic engagement and dialogue become essential to address
differences and build understanding. Both nations need to work towards resolving border
disputes through peaceful means, respecting each other's sovereignty, and promoting regional

In the security realm, a balance of power is vital to prevent conflicts and ensure the security
of the region. Confidence-building measures, transparency in military activities, and
adherence to international laws can contribute to building trust between India and China.

India's Multilateral Engagements:

India's participation in multilateral forums is a significant aspect of its role in shaping the new
global order. The United Nations, G20, BRICS, and various regional organizations provide
platforms for India to voice its concerns, share its vision, and contribute to global
In the economic domain, India can advocate for fair trade practices, sustainable development,
and inclusive growth. Initiatives like the International Solar Alliance (ISA), launched by
India, underscore the country's commitment to addressing global challenges, such as climate
change, through cooperative efforts.
On the political front, India's voice in international forums is crucial for promoting
democratic values, human rights, and the rule of law. By actively participating in discussions
on global issues, India can contribute to the formulation of policies that align with its
principles and priorities.
Security-wise, India's engagement in regional security architectures and partnerships with
like-minded countries can enhance its role in maintaining peace and stability. Collaborative
efforts to address transnational threats, such as terrorism and cybercrime, demonstrate India's
commitment to global security.

Challenges and Opportunities:

While India's role in shaping the new global order is significant, it is not without challenges.
Domestic issues such as poverty, inequality, and infrastructure development demand
attention. Internationally, navigating geopolitical tensions and finding common ground with
major powers requires diplomatic skill and strategic thinking.
However, these challenges also present opportunities for India to showcase its resilience and
capacity for innovation. Addressing domestic issues contributes to the country's economic
and social stability, strengthening its position on the global stage. Actively participating in
conflict resolution and peacekeeping efforts can enhance India's reputation as a responsible
global player.

China's assertiveness is indeed a global game changer, prompting a reevaluation of

international relationships and the emergence of a new global order. India, with its strategic
significance and commitment to democratic values, plays a crucial role in shaping this
evolving landscape. By leveraging its economic potential, participating in diplomatic
engagements, and ensuring regional security, India can contribute to a multipolar world order
that is inclusive, stable, and responsive to the challenges of the 21st century. As the dynamics
of international relations continue to evolve, India's proactive role becomes increasingly vital
for fostering a world order that reflects the aspirations and interests of diverse nations.
Works cited

Jerdén, Björn. “The Assertive China Narrative: Why It Is Wrong and How so Many

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Yahuda, Michael. “China’s New Assertiveness in the South China Sea.” Journal of

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Chin, G., and Ramesh Thakur. “Will China Change the Rules of Global Order?” The

Washington Quarterly, vol. 33, no. 4, Taylor and Francis, Oct. 2010, pp. 119–38.

Stubbs, Richard, and Geoffrey R. D. Underhill. Political Economy and the Changing

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