Exam 44

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Question 51: What is the main function of the Central Nervous System (CNS)?

a) Hormone regulation
b) Immune response
c) Motor control
d) Digestion
e) Blood circulation
f) Oxygen transport
Answer: c
Question 52: Who is considered the father of modern computer science?
a) Alan Turing
b) Bill Gates
c) Steve Jobs
d) Tim Berners-Lee
e) Mark Zuckerberg
f) Charles Babbage
Answer: a
Question 53: In literature, what does the term "dramatic irony" mean?
a) A humorous play
b) Contradictory statements
c) An unexpected twist
d) Audience knows more than characters
e) Use of poetic language
f) Historical context
Answer: d
Question 54: Which of the following is a renewable source of energy?
a) Coal
b) Natural gas
c) Wind power
d) Nuclear energy
e) Petroleum
f) Biomass
Answer: c
Question 55: What is the primary function of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)?
a) Environmental conservation
b) Humanitarian aid
c) Economic stability and growth
d) Cultural preservation
e) Peacekeeping
f) Scientific research
Answer: c
Question 56: Who is the author of the play "Romeo and Juliet"?
a) William Shakespeare
b) Anton Chekhov
c) George Bernard Shaw
d) Henrik Ibsen
e) Tennessee Williams
f) Arthur Miller
Answer: a
Question 57: What is the primary function of the Socratic method in education?
a) Memorization of facts
b) Critical thinking and questioning
c) Group discussions
d) Lecture-based learning
e) Practical skills development
f) Standardized testing
Answer: b
Question 58: Which of the following is a characteristic of a monopolistic competition market
a) Identical products
b) Many sellers
c) Perfect competition
d) Single seller
e) Price takers
f) No barriers to entry
Answer: b
Question 59: Who proposed the concept of the "Two Cultures" in intellectual life?
a) Thomas Kuhn
b) C.P. Snow
c) Karl Popper
d) Michel Foucault
e) Edward Said
f) Noam Chomsky
Answer: b
Question 60: In chemistry, what is the law of conservation of mass?
a) Energy cannot be created or destroyed
b) The total mass of substances remains constant in a chemical reaction
c) The volume of a gas is inversely proportional to its pressure
) g yp p p
d) Atoms are indivisible particles
e) Electrons revolve around the nucleus in fixed orbits
f) The rate of a chemical reaction is proportional to the product of the reactant concentrations
Answer: b
Question 61: Who is known for the theory of attachment in psychology?
a) B.F. Skinner
b) John Watson
c) Albert Bandura
d) Carl Rogers
e) Mary Ainsworth
f) Erik Erikson
Answer: e

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