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Abdullah Bin Khalil

MTH001 Assignment No.2
Semester Fall 2022

Question: 1

Consider a relation S on the set of integers Z , defined as follow:

x S y ⇔ x ≡ y ( mod 5 ) for all x , y ∈ Z .
Verify whether S is equivalence relation or not.


S is reflexive iff for all x ∈ z, x ∈ x .

By definition of S, this means that for all x ∈ z, x ≡ x(mod5)
Since, x-x= 0 = 5 × 0
Hence 5 | ( x-x), and so x≡ x (mod5)
⇔ xSx
⇒ S if reflexive
S is symmetric
S is symmetric iff for all x, y ∈ z
If xSy then ySz
xSy ⇒ x ≡ y (mod5)
⇒ 5 /(x-y)
⇒ x-y = 5k for some integer k.
⇒ -x + y = -5k
⇒y-x = 5(-k), -k ∈ Z
⇒ 5 /(y-x)
⇒y ≡ z ( mod 5 )
Hence S is symmetric
S is transitive
S is transitive iff for all x, y,w ∈ z
If xSy and ySw then xSw
xSy and ySw means x ≡y (mod5) and y ≡w (mod5)
⇒ 5 /(x-y) and 5 /(y-w)
⇒ (x-y) = 5 y and (y-w) =5S
Now adding both equation
(x-y) + (y-w) =5 y+ 5S
x-w = 5(r+S)
adding two integers (l)
x-w =5l, l ∈ z
⇒ 5/(x-w)
⇒ x ≡ w (mod5)
⇒ xSw
Hence S is transitive
S is being reflexive, symmetric, and transitive so, S
Is an equivalence relation.
Question: 2

Student A tries to define a function f :Q → Qby the rule:

f ( mn )= mn for all integers m and n with m ≠0.


Student B claims f is not well defined. Justify student B’s claims.


The function f is well defined if each relational number has a unique [ one and only one ] image.

Consider f ( mn )= mn 2

Put ∈Q∈ f

f ()1 1 1
= =
2 2² 4
1 2
Now put = ∈ Q∈f
2 4

f ( 24 )= 4²2 = 162 = 18
An element of Q has more than one images under F.
Accordingly, f is not well defined.

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