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Debre Berhan University

College of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanisms of
MEng3071 Chapter Three
3. Velocity Analysis of Linkages

By: Nigatu D.


3. Velocity Analysis of Linkages

3.1. Velocity analysis by vector mathematics
3.2. Velocity analysis using equations of relative motion
3.3. Velocity analysis by using complex numbers
3.4. Analysis of velocity by instant center method

Mechanisms of Machinery [MEng3071]: 3. Velocity Analysis of Linkages BY: Nigatu D. 2

3. Velocity Analysis of Linkages
• Velocity analysis involves determining “how fast” certain points on the
links of a mechanism are traveling.
• Velocity is important because it associates the movement of a point on a
mechanism with time.
• Often the timing in a machine is critical.
• Velocities and accelerations in mechanisms are determined by different
i. Velocity and acceleration analysis using vector mathematics
• velocity and acceleration of a point are expressed relative to fixed
or moving coordinates.
ii. Velocity and acceleration analysis using equations of relative motion
• Can be solved graphically by velocity and acceleration polygons
or by using trigonometric relations.
iii. Velocity and acceleration analysis by using complex numbers.
iv. Vectors velocity analysis using the instant center method.
Mechanisms of Machinery [MEng3071]: 3. Velocity Analysis of Linkages BY: Nigatu D. 3
3. Velocity Analysis of Linkages
• the motion of a link can be rather complex as it moves
(translates) and spins (rotates).
• Mathematically, linear and angular velocity of a link is
expressed as:
R dR
V = lim = (3.1)
t → 0 t dt
 d
 = lim = (3.2)
t → 0 t dt

• Velocity is perpendicular to radius of

rotation & tangent to path of motion C

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3.1. Velocity analysis by vector
• Consider the motion of point P moving with respect to the x-y-z
coordinate system, which in turn, moves relative to the X-Y-Z
coordinate system as shown.
• Rp - is the position vector of P
relative to the X-Y-Z system.
• R - is the position vector of P
relative to the x-y-z system
• Ro - is the position vector of the
origin of the moving coordinate
system x-y-z relative to the fixed
coordinate system X-Y-Z.

Mechanisms of Machinery [MEng3071]: 3. Velocity Analysis of Linkages BY: Nigatu D. 5

3.1. Velocity analysis by vector
• The position vector of P relative to the X-Y-Z system Rp is
expressed as: R = R + R (3.3)
p o
• Introducing unit vectors i, j, and k along the x, y, and z axes
respectively, R = xi + yj + zk (3.4)
• Velocity of P relative to the X-Y-Z coordinate system is
V p = R p = Ro + R (3.5)
Ro = Vo + R is the velocity of the origin of x-y-z
system relative to the fixed system.
R = ( xi + yj + zk ) (3.6)
= ( xi + yj + zk ) + ( xi + yj + zk )
Mechanisms of Machinery [MEng3071]: 2. Linkages BY: Nigatu D. 6
3.1. Velocity analysis by vector
Let ( xi + yj + zk ) = V (3.7) Where ω is the angular
i =  i velocity vector of x-y-z
note that:
j = j (3.8) system relative to X-Y-Z.
k =  i
The second term in the. expression for R is
xi + yj + zk = x(  i ) + y (  j ) + z (  k )
= ( xi + yj + zk ) (3.9)
= R
Thus the velocity of P relative to the
moving coordinate system is
R =V + R (3.10)
Mechanisms of Machinery [MEng3071]: 3. Velocity Analysis of Linkages BY: Nigatu D. 7
3.1. Velocity analysis by vector
• Therefore, the velocity Vp of point P relative to the fixed
system is:
VP = Vo + V +   R (3.11)
Vo = velocity of the origin of the x-y-z system relative to the X-Y- Z system
V = velocity of point p relative to x-y-z system
ω = angular velocity of the x-y-z system relative to X-Y-Z system
R = position vector of P with respect to the origin of the x-y-z system

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3.2. Velocity analysis using equations
of relative motion
3.2.1. Velocity of points on a common link
• A and B are two points on a common rigid link AB as shown.
• The points are moving with velocities VA and VB respectively.
• Using the equation of relative motion, velocity of one point can
be determined relative to the other.

VA = VB + VA/B (3.12)

Where VA/B = velocity of A relative to B

• All absolute velocity vectors originate from the same point O2.
• Note that the velocity of A relative to B and the velocity of B relative
to A are equal in magnitude, collinear and opposite
Mechanisms of Machinery [MEng3071]: 3. Velocity Analysis of Linkages BY: Nigatu D. 9
3.2. Velocity analysis using equations
of relative motion
3.2.2. Relative velocity of crank and connecting rod
• Let ω2 be the angular velocity of the crank O2A.
• Velocity of B can be determined using the velocity of point A
as the reference which can easily be determined

VB = VA + VB/A (3.13)
= VA + ω×rB/A
VA is known both in magnitude and direction;
VB is known in direction, magnitude is unknown;
VB/ A = velocity of B with respect to A
ω = angular velocity of link AB
rB/A = position vector directed from A to B
Mechanisms of Machinery [MEng3071]: 3. Velocity Analysis of Linkages BY: Nigatu D. 10
3.2. Velocity analysis using equations
of relative motion
If bar AB has an angular velocity ωAB= 4 rad/s, determine the velocity of the slider
block C at the instant shown.

Mechanisms of Machinery [MEng3071]: 3. Velocity Analysis of Linkages BY: Nigatu D. 11

3.2. Velocity analysis using equations
of relative motion
3.2.3. Relative velocity of four bar linkage

Mechanisms of Machinery [MEng3071]: 3. Velocity Analysis of Linkages BY: Nigatu D. 12

3.3. Velocity Analysis by Complex
• Most of the systems of analysis using complex polar notation are based
on the following fundamental law:
– If the elements of a mechanism are replaced by position vectors such
that their sum is zero, then their time derivatives are also equal to
– This law means that if one takes any linkage or mechanism and
replaces the members of the mechanism by vectors such that their
sum is zero, then the sum of the velocity vectors is zero, so also the
sum of the acceleration vectors.
Considering the slider crank shown:
• Link 2 is the driver (crank) and has a constant
angular velocity ω2 & for the instant under
consideration an angular position of θ2.
• Dimensions of linkages are assumed to be
known, so the angular position of the follower,
link 4, can be obtained.
Mechanisms of Machinery [MEng3071]: 3. Velocity Analysis of Linkages BY: Nigatu D. 13
3.3. Velocity Analysis by Complex
• Replacing each link by a vector such that the position polygon
closes as shown in figure (b), a mathematical expression for
the summation law can be written as:
Where R1 + R2 – R3=0 (3.14)
• R1 = vector for the ground link
• R2 = vector for the crank
• R4 = vector to determine the
position of link 3. Note that the
magnitude of R4 is variable.
The position of a particle on a link R p = a + ib
represented by a vector Rp as shown Fig. = rp (cos  2 + i sin  2 ) (3.15)
may be expressed in any of the following
= rp ei 2

equivalent forms:
i1 i 2 i 4
Using this complex representation,
equation (3.14) is transformed into
r1e + r2 e − r4 e = 0 (3.16)
Mechanisms of Machinery [MEng3071]: 3. Velocity Analysis of Linkages BY: Nigatu D. 14
3.3. Velocity Analysis by Complex
• Differentiating the equation (3.16) we obtain
i 2 i 4 i 4
ir2 2 e − ir4 4e − r4e =0 (3.17)
Note that r1 and θ1 are constants and r4 is variable.
Let i = i
i 2 i 4 i 4
ir22 e − ir44 e − r4e = 0 (3.18)
Separating equation (3.18) into real and imaginary terms:
r22 cos  2 − r4 sin  4 − r44 cos  4 = 0 (19)
r22 sin  2 − r4 cos  4 − r44 sin  4 = 0 r4 = r22 sin( 4 + 3 ) (3.20)
The unknown quantities in the above pair of r22
equations are ω4 and r4 . Solving for these 4 = r sin( 4 + 3 )
unknown variables:
Mechanisms of Machinery [MEng3071]: 3. Velocity Analysis of Linkages BY: Nigatu D. 15
3.3. Velocity Analysis by Complex
Velocity Analysis of a 4-Bar Linkage
• Write the vector loop equation
i 2 i3 i 4 i1
ae + be − ce − de = 0
• After solving the position
analysis, take the derivative

( ) ( )
aei2 i 2 + bei3 i3 − cei4 i 4 = 0 ( )
 i 2
or V A = i 2 ae
    i 3
V A + V BA − V B = 0 where VBA = i 3be
 i 4
VB = i 4ce
Mechanisms of Machinery [MEng3071]: 3. Velocity Analysis of Linkages BY: Nigatu D. 16
3.3. Velocity Analysis by Complex
• Take knowns to one side: i2 ae i 2 i3
+ i3be − i4 ce i 4
i3 i 4 i 2
3be − 4 ce = −2 ae
• Take conjugate to get 2nd equation:
− i3 − i 4 − i 2
3be − 4 ce = −2 ae
• Put in matrix form
 bei 3 i 4
   i 2 
− ce  3  −  2 ae
 −i 3 −i 4    
= −i 2 
be − ce   4  −  2 ae 
i 4 −1
3   be i3
−ce   −2 aei2 
Invert matrix:  =  −i3 − i 4   − i 2 
4  be −ce   −2 ae 
Mechanisms of Machinery [MEng3071]: 3. Velocity Analysis of Linkages BY: Nigatu D. 17
3.4. Analysis of velocity by instant
center method
• Instant Center is a point common to two bodies in plane
motion, which has the same instantaneous velocity in each
Location of Instantaneous Centers

Mechanisms of Machinery [MEng3071]: 3. Velocity Analysis of Linkages BY: Nigatu D. 18

Instant Centers
• Kennedy’s rule: any three links will
have three instant centers and
they will lie on a straight line
• The pins are instant centers
• I13 is from links 1,2,3 and 1,3,4
• I24 is from links 1,2,4 and 2,3,4
123 134 124 234 Links
I12 I13 I12 I23 IC’s
I23 I34 I24 I34
I13 I14 I14 I24

Mechanisms of Machinery [MEng3071]: 3. Velocity Analysis of Linkages BY: Nigatu D. 19

Instant Centers
• I13 has zero velocity since link 1 is
• 3 is the same all over link 3
• Velocity relative to ground=r, I13
perpendicular to r 3

• VA2=a2=VA3=p3
• From this, 3 must be in the p
opposite direction as 2, and
smaller in magnitude since p>a VA2 3

Instant Centers
• I24 has the same velocity on link 2
and link 4
• VI2=l2w2=VI4=l4w4
• From this, w4 is in the same
direction as w2 and smaller in
magnitude since l4>l2

I24 l4

VI4 V l2

Mechanisms of Machinery [MEng3071]: 3. Velocity Analysis of Linkages BY: Nigatu D.
1. Addisu Dagne, “Lecture notes, Mechanisms of Machinery, Velocity
Analysis of Linkages,” November, 2013
2. Norton, Robert L.,”Design of Machinery”, WCB/McGraw-Hill,1999.
3. David H. Myszka, “MACHINES AND MECHANISMS”, Prentice Hall,
4. Alem Bazezew, “Mechanisms of Machinery”, Addis Ababa University
Press, 2001
6. J. L. Meriam, L. G. Kraige “Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics)”, 2006.

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