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Tell me about yourself

Thank you for the time, I am Samuel Brandon Ramirez Leyton, I am 21 years old, I am
currently engaged and I am a graduate of the San Francisco de Xavier University. I
graduated in Social Communication. I also studied at the Don Bosco School. I have
been working for a long time in many places, especially in the my parents' family
businesses, for example, working in my father's glass manufacturing as another
assistant in the company in the trading area, with my mother in her cookie
manufacturing I was there as a packager and lastly I am working in a company of
multi-services as a worker in the maintenance of the home in the same way I was a
full-time missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints being a
teacher in Ecuador in these jobs that I was able to learn many things such as being
able to learn many values and principles to work as a team and low price and also to
be able to solve many other people's problems. I have many ambitions at work, such
as being able to grow more at work and as a family member, which makes me work

Why do you want to work here?

Well, I have many reasons to work in this place, the first is the fact that I really value
the work of the people who work in customer service since that helped me decide on
this job and also another reason why I want to work. This is because I want to help
myself improve the English language much more than what I have now. I am also
interested in all the benefits that this job offers and the opportunities to grow much
more in my resume.

What does customer service mena to you?

For me, customer service means being able to help the company I represent to help its
clients so that they can solve their problems by being empathetic with their situations
and valuing the company more.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Es algo que pensé durante mucho tiempo pero quiero verme en cinco o diez años con
un mejor puesto de trabajo o un mejor salario o poder estar en mejores puestos para
la empresa en la que soy representante. Yo también quiero poder ser mejor con el
dominio de mis habilidades en beneficio de la empresa, tal vez tenga más beneficios
como viajes o algo así.

Tell me about your last vacation?

Well, my last vacation was about three months ago, I went to my father's house in my
hometown, where I went to visit my brothers and my grandparents with my uncles and
special people for me. In short, I went to relax and spend more time. time with them
but in all that I had the opportunity to do many things such as being able to eat the
typical things of my city and visit the emblematic places that I used to roam around.
The truth is it was very good but I wish I hadn't eaten too much since I ended up very
sick from the stomach because of that but my vacation only lasted a few days and
well that was my last vacation.

Why should we hire you?

I think that in the first place it is because my abilities could help the company and also
the fact that I am a very competent person when it comes to work, I know that you
don't realize this but with my effort you will be able to see that and How can I help you
with the things you try to implement and follow them to the letter, but I would say that
my best quality is dealing with clients, which is one of my best specialties.

What does empathy mean to you?

Good for me is being able to help others by understanding their difficulties and trying
to solve things not by making the person feel bad about their problem but by being
able to make them know that they have a solution in themselves, it is to be able to take
control of the other person's position.

Tell me about your work experience?

As I mentioned before, I worked in my parents' different companies and factories and
the most relevant one apart from them is in the multi-service company; My
experience in these companies was very demanding since I will never say that my
parents were favorites with me and gave me good positions since I worked in places
that demanded a lot of me since they made me travel a lot to different places to apply
for many jobs or go to review the state of the finances take the products to their
destination like in the cookie factory I was a simple packer and took deliveries to
different places in the city for that my time had to be available from early in the
morning like to 4:00am or 6:00am to be traveling with the products and in the
multicervicios company for the home we had to know about electricity connections,
plumbing and furniture restoration and being able to remodel an entire house in any
sense in whether these were my work experiences I do not consider that my
missionary service is one of the jobs that I had since it was a service that made it
clear that it had its good parts such as being able to learn to work more on price and
have greater empathy with others I think that would be all

What are your salary expectations?

My salary expectation is between $30,000 to $60,000 per year, which will be an

estimate of $3,000 a month, but this is my expectation, but I will be fine with the
marked salary, since I hope that with my efforts I will improve this salary to the power
rise in positions or have votes for my effort

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