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player in the next battle roundh

An objective cannot be picked to

L 'be Empowered more than once
during the battle.

[Each player scores victory points
at the end of each of their turns
_:aS follows:
markers.Thethe éét, pea”

a~ Score 1 victory point if you

Control at least one objective.

score 1 victory point if you

,’ control two or more objectives.

score‘1 victory point if you

ontrol more objectivesthan
your opponent ,

Score 1 victory point if you . yr: ‘

control the Empowered objec ‘v

(—If battle tactics are being used,

score2 victory pOints if you ‘ ,
c mpleted the battle tactic you
piclted that turn.

,If grand strategies are being :used,:
each player scores 3 victory points '-
at the end of the battle if they “ ,
L completed their grand strategy. , * '

The battle lasts for 5 battle rounds.


The player with the most victory
points at the end of the battle wins
a major victory.

“If the players are tied on victory

points at the end of the battle, the
' player who destroyed the most
enemy units wins a minor victory: ' ‘

L L ‘, If the playersare tied and both

players destroyed the same number
of enemy units, the battle is, a dra‘

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