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Digitalization in

Sustainable added
value through
Whitepaper on the planning and implementation
of digital transformation in procurement
2 Digitalization in procurement: Sustainable added value through digitalization
© 2020 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm
has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis-à-visthird parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm. All rights reserved.
Procurement in disruptive times 04

Embarking on the digital transformation journey 06

Case study: The digital platform for strategic procurement 08

Conclusion 10

Digitalization in procurement: Sustainable added value through digitalization 3

© 2020 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm
has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis-à-visthird parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm. All rights reserved.
Procurement in
disruptive times
The latest digital technologies are chan- households own a landline, while tele- business models and value chains. Dis-
ging our day-to-day lives at an unprece- phone taxi companies and traditional post ruptive technologies are revolutionizing all
dented speed. We can talk and chat with offices for collecting parcels are closing areas of specialism.
family and friends all over the world for by the dozen. Just as the introduction of ERP systems
free, order a ride to our current location The classic example of disruption is the in the 1980s and 1990s caused the silo
via an app, or track the real-time location success story of online marketplaces, way of thinking about corporate func-
of our delivery driver to make sure that which started out by making a thous- tions to give way to a more holistic sup-
the one-hour delivery window previously and-year-old sales channel – the book- ply chain management approach, all spe-
announced via push notification is met. shop – obsolete in less than 20 years. cialist functions today need to think about
These examples demonstrate how digital Established companies should there- what digitalization means for them and
technologies are putting established busi- fore be warned: If they want to survive how it can be used to increase value.
ness models to the test and can even the competition with innovative and agile
make them obsolete: fewer and fewer start-ups, they must totally reinvent their

Figure 1: Excursus – Facts & figures on digitalization

Gartner has $ 733.7 The “Grand View Research” forecasts the global artificial
evaluated that 50% billion intelligence market size to grow from USD 39.9 billion in
of North Americas 2019 to USD 733.7 billion in 2027 with a compound
and 35% of annual growth rate (CAGR) of 42.2% from 2020 to 20273
Western Europe
organizations, with
According to “Fortune Business The global digital transfor-
an annual revenue
Insights” the global robotic
$ 1009.8 mation market size was
of more than $2 billion
process automation market size valued at USD 469.8 billion
billion, will invest in
is projected to reach USD 6.81 in 2020 and is expected to
at least one main
billion by the end of 20262 grow to USD 1009.8 billion
P2P module of
by 2025, the compound
suite, for example in
annual growth rate (CAGR)
modules like
is estimated to grow to
requisitions, catalog $ 469.8 16.5% according to the
management, $ 6.81 billion billion “MarketsandMarkets
accounts payable
invoice automation by 2026 Research Private Ltd”4
(APIA) or e-invoi-
According to KPMG LLP 100 million knowledge
workers worldwide could be replaced by RPA by 20255

80% According to Gartner, data literacy will become an important driver of business value by 2023, demonstrated by its
formal inclusion in over 80% of data and analytics strategies and change management programs6

Source: KPMG in Germany, 2020


4 Digitalization in procurement: Sustainable added value through digitalization

© 2020 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm
has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis-à-visthird parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm. All rights reserved.
Of corporate functions, procurement is hand, new technologies could make pro- exchange of data and available resources
uniquely positioned to be significantly curement as we know it obsolete. If arti- efficiently. Another key aspect is com-
affected by digitalization and profit from ficial intelligence and bots could auto- pliance and the associated adherence to
it. As an area with many internal and matically bundle, tender, negotiate and legal regulations and guidelines.
external stakeholders and interfaces, pro- process purchase requisitions across To introduce digital transformation to
curement already has a unique volume departments, the centralized procure- their own procurement departments,
and variety of data that can be proces- ment function would lose its reason for companies should ask themselves three
sed using advanced analytics, artificial existing. How can procurement then use fundamental questions:
intelligence and bots to make strategic digitalization to pursue corporate strategy
management decisions. In this respect, as effectively as possible and at the same – What role will procurement play in
procurement is in pole position to form time strengthen its own position? our operating business model in five
new value creation ecosystems by sys- years?
What will likely be most important in the
tematically and efficiently linking inno- – What qualifications do my employees
future of procurement is creating trans-
vations on the supplier market with cur- need to fully exploit the potential of
parency over a complex market in a short
rent customer needs. For example, digitalization in procurement?
period of time through streamlined, (par-
higher demand in one region for a new – What are the digital building blocks of
tially) automated procurement proces-
type of product can be identified early procurement that can already help
ses and higher data quality. Interlinking
using demand sensing and prescrip- the company now to establish a sus-
across national and functional borders is
tive analytics to anticipate rising demand tainable competitive edge?
becoming increasingly significant. This
in neighboring markets and to increase means optimizing interfaces within com-
order volumes immediately. On the other panies and with suppliers and using the

Figure 2: Technological procurement disruptors and their value contributions

Digital technologies will have disruptive effects on existing procurement systems and proces-
ses and bring them together on a single digital platform.

Procurement technology disruptors

Data Natural language

management Blockchain Cloud ERP Robotics Machine learning Cognitive processing Mobile

Insight generation Prescriptive analyses Data strategy Automation

Procurement should generate Analyses will likely be prescriptive, Procurement can use digital Increased efficiency and focus on
more insights that will likely enable meaning that they are expected to technologies and its interface activities that add value through
internal customers to create new be able to provide answers before function to automate and the time saved
value the questions harmonize data management

Source: KPMG in Germany, 2020

In order to independently shape its posi- meanwhile, can find it difficult to iden- Companies wanting to be among the
tion as a key function in any company, tify innovative suppliers early on and inte- group of innovators need to set out on
procurement not only needs to scrutinize grate them into their value chain in order the digital transformation journey sooner
its own strategy, but also play a proac- to establish transparent and efficient end- rather than later.
tive role in shaping the company‘s digital to-end supply chain management. The
strategy. Companies that opt for digitized gap between the company and its com-
procurement can gain a competitive edge petitors will likely increase as it is forced
through a stronger customer focus and to cling to veteran suppliers that have
the necessary agility to satisfy ever more also missed the boat to innovate. The
rapidly changing customer requirements. market is expected thus split into innova-
Outdated procurement organizations, tive and outdated supply chains.
Digitalization in procurement: Sustainable added value through digitalization 5
© 2020 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm
has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis-à-visthird parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm. All rights reserved.
Embarking on the digital
transformation journey
Without any relevant prior experience, the 1. Ideation and design thin- real-time analytics could be of great use
path to digital transformation can resem- to procurement in the future, for example
king challenge
ble a leap into the unknown. This requi- allowing departments to immediately res-
res well thought-out, structured and for- Digitalization combined with a new under- pond to supply chain disruptions by cont-
ward-looking action under the assumption standing of roles requires far-reaching acting alternative suppliers.
that vision, leadership and collaboration transformation of procurement. All fore-
are the key success factors for digital seeable aspects and consequences of the 2. Developing a vision
transformation. upcoming change should be determined
The goal of the KPMG Ideation Chal-
and discussed in an initial ideation work-
A leading purchasing company serves lenge is to develop a digital vision to work
shop for a planning horizon of around five
as an example of how procurement can towards through numerous projects and
years. The aim is to discuss and define
encourage this kind of forward-looking initiatives in the coming years. Insights
the future value contribution and role of
vision. This company has successfully from the ideation workshop should be lin-
procurement in the value chain. Exter-
tested a talking robot as the first point ked to a supply chain management vision
nal expertise helps to cover all of the anti-
of contact on its switchboard. The actual (operating model). Depending on the
cipated, far-reaching effects. The panel
goal of this pilot project was to test the action required and the individual techno-
should therefore not just include key
suitability and limits of its use as a sales logical level of the company, this generally
representatives from procurement, corpo-
assistant in physical shops. Thanks to results in either a strategic or an opera-
rate management and the IT department.
this initiative, the purchasing company ting approach. Where can a distinct, posi-
External digitalization specialists, experts
was able to position itself as an innova- tive influence on desired performance
in new work culture and futurologists can
tive sales partner and strengthen internal quickly be identified? Based on this key
provide further valuable insight. In one
value creation in the company. question, a list of priorities can be deri-
KPMG Ideation Challenge, for example,
A well-tested five-step process, presen- ved. One way of determining the order
engineers and data scientists from motor-
ted in detail below, can help companies to of initiatives and projects is by using an
sport industry demonstrated how they
define a customized digital transformation effect/complexity diagram. Factors to con-
are already using internet-of-things sensor
journey for procurement. sider include the number of systems,
technology and automated analytics to
interfaces and new staff required for the
adjust the setup of cars to external con-
project. A first initiative should have com-
ditions in real time during the race. Such
paratively low complexity and a signifi-

Figure 3: Approach for the start of the digital transformation

1. Developing ideas in consultation with 3. Assessment of current IT

KPMG professionals solutions and determination of the
impact on the operating model

2. Development of a digital supply

chain management vision (operating
model) including value drivers,
processes and skills

6 Digitalization in procurement: Sustainable added value through digitalization

© 2020 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm
has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis-à-visthird parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm. All rights reserved.
cant impact. This creates a quick-win situ- preparing the digital vision, and the choice plify tolerance of setbacks in a top-down
ation and generates momentum for the should take into account the company‘s approach, doing so at a point in time
next steps. The objective should be to not procurement and IT strategy. when visible pain points for process chan-
only digitalize processes in their current ges are still very minor.
form, but also to use new technologies to 4. Validation workshop The buzzword here is the “failing for-
replace old structures and introduce inno- ward“ approach, according to which every
The validation workshop brings together
vative processes with greater efficacy setback is reflected on positively to learn
all of the stakeholders in the project to
and efficiency. As part of a client project, lessons for the next attempt. Without
evaluate and validate the preferred IT
KPMG in Germany used just such an ide- open acceptance of failures, it can be very
solutions. These naturally need to be sui-
ation approach to design a digital solution difficult to win over employees in the digi-
ted to the operating model developed in
for strategic procurement, KPMG tal transformation journey. Due to a lack
the ideation workshop. The goal of the
Collaborative Category Management, to of experience and best-practice examples
validation workshop should be to make
foster virtual collaboration between global of digitalization, solutions and concepts
decisions so that the core team can
teams and introduce an established cate- have to be developed in a lean manner
launch from the planning to the execution
gory strategy approach at the same time. and tested and implemented as quickly
phase. For example, in the case of KPMG
Collaborative Category Management, the as possible. An agile project management
3. IT solution scouting industrial company concerned and KPMG method (e.g. scrum) can help with this by
In the third step, the IT solution market in Germany decided during the workshop testing solutions in the real world as soon
is evaluated to identify all potential solu- to develop their own solution, which set as possible and gradually improving them.
tions that could support the formulated the general course for the entire digital Such feedback loops driven by short
vision. Above all, technology experts and transformation for years to come. development and optimization cycles help
consultants can provide support with their to implement transformation efficiently. In
in-depth sector and technology exper- 5. Failing forward approach addition, rapid implementation and invol-
tise. The solutions are assessed accor- & lean development vement of the specialist departments can
ding to specifications and advantages and have a motivating effect on the emplo-
Digitalization is a disruptive techno- yees involved and increase acceptance of
disadvantages, and best practice imple-
logy and thus forces decision-makers to the initiative.
mentation and uses cases are sought.
sometimes take incalculable risks. This
When scouting IT solutions, a distinc-
involves a high risk of failure, as the latest
tion is made between „suite“ and „best-
operating models and technologies must
of-breed“ solutions. Suite solutions are
be implemented in a dynamic environ-
primarily aimed at covering as many
ment. In a process of fundamental adjust-
purchase process steps as possible in the
ment, however, accepting risks is essen-
source-to-contract and purchase-to-pay
tial in order to take new paths. Isolated
process in one integrated solution. Under
deficiencies and failed measures can also
a best-of-breed approach, however, a spe-
be expected. Senior management needs
cially customized solution is sought for
to view the (r)evolution of trusted busi-
each process step. Therefore, whether
ness models as a learning process and
to opt for suite or best-of-breed is a deci-
consistently communicate and exem-
sion that should ideally be made when

5. Development, testing and

introduction of digital business model
concepts (via failing forward approach)

4. Execution of a workshop to assess

and select digital solutions based on the
business requirements

Source: KPMG in Germany, 2020

Digitalization in procurement: Sustainable added value through digitalization 7

© 2020 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm
has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis-à-visthird parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm. All rights reserved.
Case study:
The digital platform for
strategic procurement
Connecting business partners, suppliers and experts across business units and national borders – this is the main task
of a modern centralized procurement function. The KPMG Collaborative Category Management procurement platform,
digitally maps the end-to-end category management process. The focus is specifically on the collective development of
category strategies, which has until now been a blind spot in the IT landscape. The solution emerged from a develop-
ment process in a co-innovation project with a leading industrial company on the Collaborative Category Management
procurement platform. From the initial ideas to development, the project followed the approach described above,
with the only difference being that no suitable IT solution was found on the market and a solution therefore had to be
developed internally.
The collaborative partners saw digitalization as an opportunity to take procurement to the next level of maturity. Three
key challenges in particular emerged from the joint project, and they should be addressed using digital technologies.

8 Digitalization in procurement: Sustainable added value through digitalization

© 2020 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm
has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis-à-visthird parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm. All rights reserved.
1) Driven by staff turnover in category 2) The increased dynamics of the various 3) Category managers have often seen
management and the resulting loss of markets led to rapid changes in demand, good initiatives fail at the implementation
prior expertise as well as varying levels which requires continuous and structured stage, with the associated value contri-
of maturity among the local procurement communication between central category bution never materializing. A transparent
departments, one key challenge was the management and internal users scattered interface was lacking between the stra-
heterogeneous maturity level of various across the globe. Previously, system-ba- tegy and tactical implementation. Internal
category strategies. Innovative technolo- sed support for surveying demand in struc- users were involved too late in the pro-
gies should therefore ensure consistent tured manner was difficult or impossible cess, which resulted in a lack of support
category strategies at the highest level by to find. when it came to implementation.
institutionalizing knowledge and standar- The digital vision and the IT solution
dizing the category strategy process. had to address the challenges descri-
bed above – this led to the definition and
development of KPMG‘s Collaborative
Category Management. The vision is pre-
sented in figure 4.

Figure 4: Digital target frame

Development process of the Collaborative Category Management

procurement platform
1. Vision development 2. Workshop results 3. Digital platform – development,
testing and introduction

Future vision SCM 5.0 Connectivity and transparency

State of ideation workshop Customer centricity

Collaborative workflow

Skills to system

Strategy Supplier Demand

Planning Sourcing Delivery
Value chain change management management




Expert network

Source: KPMG in Germany, 2020

Digitalization in procurement: Sustainable added value through digitalization 9

© 2020 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm
has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis-à-visthird parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm. All rights reserved.
KPMG Collaborative Category Management is a brows-
er-based platform for developing category strategies with
the involvement of all stakeholders. As a digital platform,
Collaborative Category Management organizes strate-
gic category management and creates new value for the
entire organization with the help of a tried-and-tested, sys-
tem-based and structured strategy development process.
As a result, Collaborative Category Management creates
added value in three key areas:
Efficacy: The platform concept fosters closer and sus-
tainable coordination between category management and
internal users. The fragmented processes of geographi-
cally separated teams are merged through collaboration
on a virtual platform. For example, this involves the use of
an integrated online survey tool.
Efficiency: Various communication channels such as a
task manager, chat functionality and integrated approval
processes encourage and can make it easier for all sta-
keholders to work together across all categories. Thanks
to standardized templates, structured questionnaires and
automated presentation of results, precious time is saved
for the category managers‘ more value-adding activities.
Strategy: Introducing Collaborative Category Manage-
ment helps procurement to be seen as a digital pioneer
within the organization. The interfaces and immense, con-
verging data volumes are designed to be as effective as
possible to position procurement as a sustainable driver
of value.

In order to drive the rest of the company forward as a pioneer of working in practice and foster the full engagement of staff,
of digitalization, procurement first needs to see digitalization corporate management needs to lead by example and consis-
as an opportunity rather than a threat. In addition, all stakehol- tently communicate the acceptance of failures. This can help
ders need to be aware that even if a company-specific digital ensure that employees display the necessary risk tolerance for
vision has carefully been drawn up according to the approach the planned revolution of the business model and procurement.
described above, there will still be a residual level of uncertainty This approach can help companies to reach the ultimate goal: to
regarding the implementation of the digital procurement stra- achieve sustainable value creation through more closely linking
tegy. Taking a cue from the best practices of leading companies end customer and supplier markets via procurement.
and initiatives can help to minimize uncertainty. Nevertheless,
setbacks should always be expected and handled with a posi-
tive „failing forward“ attitude. To successfully live out this way

10 Digitalization in procurement: Sustainable added value through digitalization

© 2020 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm has any
authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis-à-visthird parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm. All rights reserved.
Chris Foster
Global Lead, Operations Center of
Excellence, KPMG International
Partner, Operations Advisory, KPMG
in Australia
T +61 2 9455 9016

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