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LESSON 23 - STARTING AND FISNISHING 33 Start quarrel gây chuyện cãi nhau

STT English Collocations Vietnamese meanings 34 Start a problem nêu ra một vấn đề
1 Get started = get underway bắt đầu 35 By fits and starts không đều, thất thường, từng đợt một
2 Get off to a good start khởi đầu thuận lợi, xuôi chèo mát mái 36 A change is as good as a rest thay đổi còn hơn là không
3 An encouraging/promising khởi đầu đầy triển vọng/hứa hẹn 37 Start/get/set the ball rolling bắt đầu điều gì đó, và đặc biệt là đối với
start những thứ lớn lao
4 A shaky /unsteady start khởi đầu bấp bênh 38 Turn over a new leaf cải tà quy chính, làm lại cuộc đời, bước sang
5 A disappointing start khởi đầu đáng thất vọng khởi đầu mới, quyết tâm làm những điều tốt
6 A disastrous start khởi đầu tai hại hơn
7 A fresh start/new beginning khởi đầu mới 39 A change of heart thay đổi suy nghĩ về việc gì
8 A humble/modest beginning xuất phát điểm thấp 40 Hit the road = take to the road bắt đầu rời một nơi nào đó để lên đường tới
9 Put the finishing touches on hoàn thiện nơi khác
10 Come to an end/draw to a kết thúc 41 Dive in/ Jump in feet first bắt đầu hoặc thực hiện một cái gì đó một
close cách nhanh chóng, nhiệt tình, và không có sự
lo lắng
11 The beginning of the end khởi đâu cho sự kết thúc
42 Get the show on the road bắt đâu kịp thời hoặc bắt đầu một điều gì đó
12 An abrupt/sudden end kết thúc nhanh chóng, đường đột
43 Like a breath of fresh air ai đó hoặc cái gì có những ý tưởng hoặc hành
13 No end in sight không có hồi kết
vi mới
14 Be near one's end chẳng còn sống được bao lâu nữa, gần kề
44 Out with the old, in with the đổi cái cũ lấy cái mới
miệng lỗ
15 Gain one's ends đạt được mục đích của mình
45 New blood luồng sinh khí mới
16 A dead end ngõ cụt, tình thế không lối thoát
46 Shake things up (a shake up) khuấy động mọi thứ lên
17 Reach the end of the road cùng đường, không còn sức chịu đựng
47 Give st a new lease of life đổi mới cái gì để nó kéo dài lâu hơn
18 Be at a loose end rảnh rỗi, dư dả thời giờ
48 Breathe new life into mang lại nguồn năng lượng mới cho cái gì đó
19 At the end of the day sau khi suy nghĩ chín chắn, sau khi cân nhắc
49 Go back to square one/go có nghĩa là làm lại việc gì đó từ đầu
kỹ lưỡng
back to the drawing board
20 Be at the receiving end of sth phải hứng chịu cái gì
50 Start with a clean sheet/slate có cơ hội làm lại từ đầu (có lẽ vì bạn đã phạm
21 Keep one's end up kiên trì theo đuổi mục đích đến cùng, giữ một sai lầm nghiêm trọng)
vững lập trường
51 Make a fresh start / make a bắt đầu lại việc gì đó
22 Make an end of = Put an end chấm dứt clean break
52 The end of one’s rope giới hạn chịu đựng cuối cùng, sắp hết kiên
23 Make both ends meet kiếm vừa đủ sống chứ không dư dả nhẫn
24 No end of rất nhiều 53 Loose change / spare change đồng xu lẻ
25 On end liền, liên tục 54 Small change tiền mệnh giá nhỏ
26 Make one's hair stand on end làm cho ai hoảng sợ, làm cho ai dựng tóc 55 From the word go = from the ngay từ đầu
gáy, làm cho ai nổi da gà start of st
27 Burn the candle at both ends kiệt quệ vì đã quá phí sức LESSON 24 - SUCCESS AND FAILURE
28 The end of the world điều tồi tệ nhất trên đời STT English Collocations Vietnamese meanings
29 Get hold of the wrong end of hiểu lầm hoàn toàn, hiểu sai bét 1 An impressive accomplishment thành tựu/thành tích ấn tượng
the stick 2 Phenomenal success thành công ngoạn mục
30 Make an early start đi sớm 3 A highly effective way một cách có hiệu quả cao
31 Get the start of sb lợi thế hơn ai 4 A dramatic improvement cải thiện đáng kể
32 Start out of one's sleep giật mình thức dậy
5 An unprecedented success một thành công chưa từng có
6 Crowning achievement thành tựu quan trọng nhất thành tựu ST English Collocations Vietnamese meanings
Remarkable achievement đáng kể T
7 Modest success thành công hạn chế/nhất định 1 Cause damage gây thiệt hại
8 Room for improvement còn có khả năng cải tiến 2 Cause a problem gây ra một vấn đề
9 Make good progress tiến bộ 3 Cause confusion gây nhầm lẫn
10 Make a breakthrough đột phá 4 Cause an uproar gây náo động, gây 'ôn ào
11 Bring out the best mang những điều tốt nhất đến 5 Cause death gây chết người
12 Win the respect of sb giành được sự tôn trọng/cảm tình của ai 6 Cause for concern/alarm gây lo ngại
13 Fail miserably thất bại thảm hại 7 No cause for alarm không có gì phải lo/sợ
14 Dash one's hopes làm cho ai đó từ bỏ hi vọng 8 Fight for the just cause chiến đấu cho chính nghĩa
15 Lose one's nerve mất tự tin 9 Main/primary cause nguyên nhân chính
16 Completely fail thất bại hoàn toàn 10 Hidden/underlying causes nguyên nhân tiềm ẩn
17 Mediocre performance màn thể hiện không có gì đặc biệt 11 Root cause nguyên nhân sâu xa
18 Without fail chắc chắn, nhất định 12 Show cause trình bày lý do
19 A recipe for disaster rủi ro 13 Be for/in a good cause làm từ thiện, không vì lợi ích lợi nhuận, lí
20 Way off the mark không đúng, thiếu chính xác do chính đáng
21 Doomed to failure tất phải thất bại 14 Make common cause with theo phe ai, về bè với ai
.22 If all else fails = If worse comes to nếu mọi cách không được/ tình huống 15 With/without good cause có/không có lý do chính đáng
worst xấu nhất 16 Final cause mục đích, cứu cánh
23 As a last resort giải pháp cuối cùng 17 Revolutionary cause sự nghiệp cách mạng
24 Dress for success mặc đẹp để thành công 18 A significant impact/a profound tác động sâu sắc
25 Key to success chìa khóa thành công impact
26 (Be a) howling success một cái gì đó trong hiện tại hoặc quá 19 Have a strong/great có ảnh hưởng lớn
khứ đã rất thành công effect/influence on
27 Hit a home run hoàn thành xuất sắc 20 Under the influence chịu ảnh hưởng của, do ảnh hưởng của
28 Rags to riches chỉ những người tay trắng làm nên sự 21 Exercise one’s influence on sb gây ảnh hưởng đối với ai, phát huy ảnh
nghiệp lớn hưởng đối với ai
29 Bear fruit trồng cây đến ngày hái quả 22 A person of influence người có thế lực, người có tầm ảnh hưởng
30 See the light at the end of the kiên trì ắt sẽ thành công 23 Powerful effect hiệu ứng/ảnh hưởng mạnh mẽ
tunnel Minimal/negligible effect hiệu quả ít / không đáng kể
31 No pain no gain có công mài sắt có ngày nên kim 24 Beneficial effect ảnh hưởng có lợi
Adverse effect ảnh hưởng xấu
32 You have got to be in it to win it! không thử sao biết!
25 Main effect Side effect tác dụng chính
33 It’s in the bag trong tầm tay
tác dụng phụ
34 A success story người (cái gì) rất thành công (nhất là bất
26 Have/produce results có kết quả
ngờ hoặc đứng trước nhiều khó khăn)
27 Short-term/long-term effects ảnh hưởng tạm thời/lâu dài
35 Have/enjoy/achieve a huge/great có/đạt được thành công lớn/rực rỡ trong
success in doing st việc gì... 28 Ill effects tác dụng có hại
36 Meet the need of/demand for st đáp ứng nhu cầu về 29 For effect = in order to impress gây ấn tượng
37 Stimulate/promote the development thúc đẩy/kích thích sự phát triển
of st 30 Bring/put st into effect = cause st làm cho cái gì trở thành sự thật
LESSON 25 - CAUSE AND EFFECT to come into use
31 Come into effect có hiệu lực thi hành
32 Come into use bắt đầu được sử dụng
Go out of use ngừng sử dụng
33 Take effect có hiệu lực, có tác dụng
34 It stands to reason that thật là hợp lý là..., điều đó là hiển nhiên...
35 In consequence (of st) hậu quả của cái gì
36 Of no consequence không quan trọng
37 The final result kết quả cuối cùng
38 Inevitable result kết quả tất yếu
39 The desired result kết quả như mong đợi
40 The logical outcome kết quả hợp lý
41 To this effect vì mục đích đó
42 As a result of bởi vì
As a result do đó, do vậy
43 Get a result from có kết quả từ
44 Suffer/face/take the gánh chịu hậu quả của
consequences of
Question 20: My mum got the_______end of the stick and thought that Jim was my
boyfriend. A. First B. wrong C.false D. Final
Exercise 24: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences
Exercise 23: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences Question 1: I am going to_______for success and put on my best suit for the interview.
Question 1: It's not often you get the opportunity to start over with a clean slate. A. dress B. put on C. wear D. clothe
A.break B.sheet C.board D. square Question 2: Because the first iPhone was a revolutionary product, it became
Question 2: His proposal _______their relationship into a new leaf. a_______success.A. rowing B. Rowling C. howling D. bowling
A. turned B. Made C.drove D. led Question 3: The new movie they are making is about rags to_______story and how the
Question 3: We need to get this project started as soon as possible. I’m hoping you will main character overcame all of the problems he faced.
help me get the ball rolling.A. give B. Bring C.keep D. set A. richly B. rich C. enrichment D. riches
Question 4: The Asian Games got underway on Saturday in extravagant fashion at the Question 4: It took a while for US to get new clients but we can see the light at the end
Gelora Bung Karno Stadium. of the_______now.A. channel B. Tunnel C. canal D. cave
A. got wet B. carried out started D. begin Question 5: Did you see that great prize? I hope you bought your raffle ticket because
Question 5: The new business got off to a good start with those export orders. you've got to be in it to_______it!A. win B. get C. have D. make
A. flying B. early C.convenient D. fast Question 6: It was a difficult question, but I really feel like a hit_______run with it.
Question 6: The business had a shaky start in the second quarter of 2013, with sales A. house B. home C. nest D. land
numbers fluctuating daily.A. brave B. Solid C.steady D. unsteady Question 7: Eventually her efforts_______fruit and she got the job she wanted.
Question 7: Let's not spend too much longer on this. Let's just put the finishing A. produced B. created C. bore D. made
touch_______it and get it ready for production.A. for B. On D. at Question 8: Her company is a rare_______story in these times of recession.
Question 8: After a short visit, they took to the road again. A. successive B. successful C. succeed D. success
A. shook things up B. kept their end up Question 9: A lot of manufacturing companies have been trying to make products that
C.hit the road D. made a clean break can_______the demand of people.A. meet B. See C. find D. notice
Question 9: The explosion at the factory was the_______of the end for our company. Question 10: Modern technology can stimulate the development of a variety of things,
A. beginning B. start C.starting D. signal especially education.A. enhance B. Promote C. force D. encourage
Question 10: People keep dumping their trash on the curb all around the neighborhood, Question 11: If all else fails, I'll have to sell the car.
and there seems to be no end in_______!A. total B. all C.deed D. sight A. Without fail B. You have got to be in it to win it
Question 11: As the concert_______to a close, the lead singer thanked the fans for their C. It’s in the bag D. If worse comes to worst
support. A. drew B. Took C.went D. get Question 12: Although Samantha is very ambitious, she’s also a very likeable person.
Question 12: I like moving to a new city because you can make a_______start. She brings out the_____in other people, and quickly wins the _______respect of
A. pure B. fresh C.nice D. green colleagues.A. finest/love B. warmest/regard C. best/respect D. nicest/wish
Question 13: I know you're nervous about starting school, but you just need to dive in Question 13: He wanted to be a doctor, but his teachers told him he wasn't smart enough,
and do your best! A. jump in feet first B. be at a loose end dashing his hopes of a career in medicine.
C.breathe new life into D. start a problem A. making good progress B. making him abandon hope
Question 14: It rained continuously for the first three days we were in Miami - a bit of C. making a breakthrough D. making an effort
a_______start to our vacation.A. deadlyB. disappointing C.disbelieving D. sadly Question 14: He had the opportunity to do a prestigious internship in another country,
Question 15: I am at the end of my_______with these train delays. but he lost his nerve and turned down the offer.
A. rope B. world D. tick A. temper B. Mood C. spirit D. courage
Question 16: The deal with the housing fell through so I'm afraid we're back Question 15: His sales predictions were way off the mark, and the company went under
to square one. A. give a new lease of life B. go back to the drawing board just eight months after it was founded.
C.make an early start D. reach the end of the road A. completely inaccurate B. completely false
Question 17: The new_______in the team should improve our chances of victory in next C. completely untrue D. completely wrong
week's game.A. motivation B. Energy C.blood D. leaf Question 16: Efforts to reduce teen pregnancy through better sex education have
Question 18: Sorry for the delay, folks. I think we're ready to get the show on seen_______success.A. average B. Modest C. ordinary D. normal
the_______.A. lane B. pavement C.street D. road Question 17:I made a real_______in my English when I started practicing listening more
Question 19: Mary has been burning the candle at both_______studying for her exams often.A. breakdown B. breakover C. breakthrough D. breakout
and now she’s ill!A. ends B. End C.ending D. ended Question 18: I'm not a complete pacifist; I just believe war should be the last_______.
A. option B. prospect C. resort D. choice
Question 19: There's a lot of_______for improvement in his writing skills. Question 19: These changes in the economic policy come into_______at the start of next
A. area B. room C. space D. land year.A. effect B. use C. public D. will
Question 20: The operation was doomed to failure from the word_______. Question 20: He cited a Chinese proverb to this effect that you should never have a
A. go B. start C. begin D. now quarrel with your neighbour.A. explain B. to mention C. to refer D. to imply
Exercise 25: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences
Question 1: An earthquake has caused extensive_______in the countryside. ĐỀ MH 16
A. damage B. defects C. uproar D. effect Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
Question 2: The Raleigh International Bike Ride is open to anyone who wants to raise Question 1. A. though B. these C. there D. breath
money for a good cause. A. in consequence B. in a good cause Question 2. A. online B. drive C. include D. life
C. as a result D. under the influence Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three
Question 3: Environmental protesters have_______common cause with local people to Question 3. A. turtle B. hotel C. robot D. money
stop the motorway being built.A. had B. done C. taken D. made Question 4. A. positive B. relevant C. enormous D. typical
Question 4: Parents are concerned about the_______effects of kids playing violent video Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
games A. long-span B. long-term C. long-time D. long run Question 5. More than a mile of roadway has been blocked with trees, stones and other
Question 5: Paulo Coelho's books have had a_______impact on my life. things, _______ the explosion.
A. profound B. reflective C. thorough D. great A. causing B. which caused by C. caused by D. which caused
Question 6: The increase in gang violence in the neighborhood is cause for alarm. Question 6. Rolls Royce cars are _______ than Toyota ones.
A. tension B. anxiety C. concern D. worry A. expensive B. the most expensive C. more expensive D. most expensive
Question 7: Many Vietnamese people devoted all their lives to the revolutionary___ Question 7. _______, I will have worked at this school for 30 years.
.A. reason B. reasons C.causes D.cause A. Before I had reached 55 years old B. When I reached 55 years old
Question 8: The medication I'm taking has a few unpleasant_______effects. C. Until I will reach 55 years old D. By the time I reach 55 years old
A. border B. side C. lateral D. negative Question 8. The manager is directly responsible _______ the efficient running of the
Question 9: The singer caused a huge_______when he announced he was leaving the officeA. About B. for C. at D. in
band.A. uproar B. damage C. death D. confusion Question 9. Donald John Trump is the 45th President of the United States, _______?
Question 10: We need to find the_______cause of our employees' lack of motivation. A. is he B. is not he C. isn’t it D. isn’t he
A. base B. origin C. root D. roof Question 10. Nguyen Thuc Thuy Tien became _______ first Vietnamese contestant to
Question 11: It's not my fault. He got angry with me without_______cause, so there is win the title Miss Grand International 2021 in Thailand.
no need for me to say apology.A. reasonable B. suitable C. A. a B. Ø C. the D. an
nice D. good Question 11. Adam is a(n) _______ of his; they both took part in the robbery.
Question 12: The very earliest sculptures were made under the_______of Greek art. A. accomplice B. Acquaintance C. contact D. understudy
A. impact B. influence C. effect D. affect Question 12. Coach Park Hang-Seo’s contract _______ at the end of January 2023, but
Question 13: The company's financial problems are the_______result of years of poor the team couldn’t win the AFF Cup title as a parting gift for Park.
management.A. inevitable B. Inflexible C. irresistible D. invisible A. called off B. broke down C. ran out D. gave back
Question 14: She is getting married to a boy whose father is a person of_______. Question 13. The college principal promised _______ into the matter.
A. status B. position C. influence D. power A. to look B. look C. looking D. looked
Question 15: Jock paused_______effect, his eyes glinting over his glass as he took Question 14. Rescuers have _______ to pull survivors out from under debris caused by
another drink. A. On B. at C. in D. for the devastating earthquake that rocked Turkey and Syria on February, 2nd.
Question 16: Bill had not been working very hard during the course. As a result, he A. taken their time B. made good time
failed the exams.A. Nevertheless B. Therefore C. Now that C. kept up with the times D. raced against time
D. In case Question 15. Paul noticed a job advertisement while he _______ along the street.
Question 17: This issue is really of no consequence to the board, so let's please skip it A. would walk B. was walking C. walked D. had walked
for the sake of everyone's time. Question 16. I don't think we should _______ a decision right now; we should wait
A. unimportant B. unreasonable C. inconvenient D. until we examine everything.A. create B. make C. get D. do
unsuitable Question 17. Next year, this new plaza building _______.
Question 18: It_______to reason that a city like Los Angeles, which is home to so many A. was completed B. will be completed C. will completed D. complete
of the famous people, would have an Association of Celebrity. Question 18. The COVID-19 pandemic remains highly _______ in the world due to
A. causes B. leads C. stands D. comes the emergence of Omicron.
A. unpredictable B. predict C. prediction D. predictably Question 29. Every employee is expected to be competent and industrial because wage
Question 19. The young man was ______ for his bravery when he risked his life rates depend on levels of productivity.
saving the child from the fire.A. painted B. decorated C. beautified D. adorned Q30. My former friend, together with his wife, pays a visit to my family last Sunday.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the 31. When children experience too much frustration, its behavior ceases to be integrated.
Question 20. Jack and David are talking about social networks. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of
- Jack: “I think using social networks may have negative effects on students.” Question 32. He isn't qualified. He is not given important tasks.
- David: “_______. It distracts them from their studies.” A. If only he were qualified and wouldn't be given important tasks.
A. That’s quite true B. I don’t quite agree B. If he were qualified, he would be given important tasks.
C. You’re wrong D. I’m not sure about that C. If he were qualified, he would not be given important tasks.
Question 21. Linda is thanking Daniel for his birthday present. D. Provided he is qualified, he will be given important tasks.
- Linda: “Thanks for the book. I've been looking for it for months.” Q33. The train arrived at the station. Shortly after that the passengers rushed towards it.
- Daniel: “_______” A. No sooner has the train arrived at the station than the passengers rushed towards it.
A. Thank you for looking for it. B. You can say that again. B. Hardly had the passengers rushed towards it when the train arrived at the station.
C. I'm glad you like it. D. I like reading books. C. Scarcely had the train arrived at the station when the passengers rushed towards it.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the D. Not until the train arrived at the station did the passengers rush towards it.
Question 22. He thought Janet's response seemed a bit fishy, so he did a bit of Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
investigation into her role in the company. Berrak: A Pianist
A. suspicious B. unfaithful C. loyal D. honest A typical day now involves a couple of hours practice in the morning before going into
Question 23. He really seems to have fallen on his feet. He got a new job and found a college and attending classes. I spend a lot of time in the library, listening to music,
flat within a week of arriving in the city. trying to learn and become (34) ______ with new pieces of music. One downside to
A. have been successful B. have been satisfied choosing to study and pursue a career in music is that you end up spending hours and
C. have been unlucky D. have been disappointed hours by yourself. (35) ______, I also try to spend time at college, meeting other people
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the and networking. The more musicians I know, the more likely I am to be asked to play
Question 24. Fierce storms have been hampering rescue efforts and there is now little for (36) ______. The more I play, the better known I become and in the music business
chance of finding more survivors. it's all about recognition and getting your name out there. Ultimately, if I am asked to
A. allowing B. preventing C. encouraging D. promoting play and get given a job it means that someone else loses work and sometimes it feels
Question 25. Cambridge is the ideal place to learn English; it’s a beautiful and like a constant battle. You can't help being drawn into an artificial world (37) ______
hospitable city with institutions for high quality linguistic teaching. you are constantly comparing yourself to others and are always worried about what
A. noticeable B. natural C. friendly D. ugly others think of your performances. In the real world outside of college, your (38)
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to ______ is much wider.
Que26. They are not allowed to use our personal information for their own purposes. Question 34. A. familiar B. similar C. alike D. related
A. They don’t have to use our personal information for their own purposes. Question 35. A. Moreover B. However C. Therefore D. Otherwise
B. They can use our personal information for their own purposes. Question 36. A. other B. each C. another D. others
C. They mustn’t use our personal information for their own purposes. Question 37. A. where B. which C. that D. whom
D. They may use our personal information for their own purposes. Question 38. A. witness B. spectator C. audience D. visitor
Question 27. Mrs. Brown last went on a trip to Hanoi two years ago. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the answer
A. Mrs. Brown has gone on a trip to Hanoi for two years. When he was nine years old, Felix Finkbeiner gave a class presentation on climate
B. Mrs. Brown didn't go on a trip to Hanoi two years ago. change. The young German spoke about deforestation and its effect on the planet. At
C. Mrs. Brown has two years to go on a trip to Hanoi. the end of his talk, he challenged the people of his country to help by planting one
D. Mrs. Brown hasn't gone on a trip to Hanoi for two years. million trees. Nobody thought much would come of a nine-year-old’s school project.
Question 28. "What is the name of your latest album?", Tom asked Helen. Before he was 20, however, Finkbeiner’s efforts had resulted in the planting of more
A. Tom asked Helen what the name of her latest album is. than 14 billion trees around the world.
B. Tom asked Helen what was the name of her latest album. Finkbeiner and his classmates began the project - named “Plant-for-the-Planet” - by
C. Tom asked Helen what the name of her latest album would be. planting the first tree outside their school. Other schools followed the example, and
D. Tom asked Helen what the name of her latest album was. news of the one-million challenge spread. As a result, Finkbeiner was asked to speak at
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in the European Parliament. Other invitations soon followed, and when he was just 13, he
spoke at a United Nations conference in New York. “We cannot trust that adults alone completed on the same site before Shakespeare's death. However, it was shut down by
will save our future,” he said in the speech. “We have to take our future in our hands.” the Puritans in 1642 and later destroyed during the English Civil War of 1643.
Finkbeiner is now in his twenties, and Plant-for-the-Planet is an organization with In May of 1997, Queen Elizabeth II officially opened a newly constructed version of
around 70,000 members. It works to teach people about climate change and to the Globe with a production of Henry V. This is the Globe Theatre that people visit
encourage the planting of more trees. Germany’s one millionth tree was planted long today. The queen wanted the new theater to be much like the old one. The new model is
ago. The goal now is one trillion - 150 for every person on Earth. very similar to the original theater. For instance, it is also a three-story building. Also, it
Question 39. What is the reading mainly about? has seating for 1,500 people. It also has an area called the “yard” on the lower level. In
A. the problems deforestation can cause for our planet its first season, the theater attracted 210,000 people.
B. the reasons of climate change Question 44. What is the main idea of the passage?
C. how planting trees can help the environment A. The history of the Globe Theatre B. The renovation of the Globe Theare
D. how a young person has made a big difference to the environment C. The construction of the Globe Theare D. Acting at the Globe Theare
Question 40. The word “deforestation” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to Question 45. The word “proceeded” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _______.
______.A. afforestation B. defecation C. the cutting down of trees D. devastation A. continued B. began C. marched D. hurried
Question 41. According to paragraph 2, what first happened to Finkbeiner after the Question 46. The word “acquired” in paragraph 3 could be best replaced with which
widespread impact of the “Plant-for-the -Planet” project? of the following?A. stolen B. bought C. discovered D. obtained
A. He discussed the problem of climate change with world leaders. Question 47. According to the passage, what is TRUE of the original Globe Theatre?
B. He made a presentation at a United Nations conference in New York. A. It was not popular at first. B. It had three levels.
C. He received an offer to make a speech at the European Parliament. C. It was in downtown London. D. The tickets were not very expensive.
D. He had to confront many challenges. Question 48. What is NOT mentioned in the passage about the Globe Theatre?
Question 42. In the third paragraph, what does the word “It” refer to? A. There was controversy surrounding the Globe when it was first in operation.
A. Plant-for-the-Planet B. Germany's one millionth tree B. The new version of the Globe is much like the Globe as it was hundreds of years
C. Climate change D. Planting trees ago.
Question 43. What is NOT true about Plant-for-the Planet today? C. All visitors to the new Globe will find the theater accommodating and pleasurable.
A. It teaches people about climate change. B. It has many thousands of members. D. Theater-goers should understand that the Globe is not like other modern theaters.
C. Its aim is to plant one billion trees D. It encourages people to afforest. Q49. Based on the information in paragraph 4, what can be inferred about the Puritans?
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the answer A. They loved Shakespeare. B. They lived in America.
The Globe C. They did not like plays. D. They wore black clothes.
Shakespeare's Globe Theatre is a popular topic for people interested in theater and Question 50. The word “its” in paragraph 5 refers to _______.
history. However, the Globe Theatre as we know it today is not the same building that A. the season B. the program C. the theater D. the play
was used originally. In fact, the Globe was situated in many different places during its THE END
long history. ĐỀ MH 17
When the rental agreement on the original location ended, one of the actors bought a Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from
theater called the Blackfriars, which was located in another part of town. However, Question 1.A.garbage B. subtleC. climbing D.debtror
many complaints from neighbors and the town council led to the creation of a petition Question 2. A. fare B. BlackC. Match D. calcium
that requested that the acting group move their company out of town. Upset with this Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in
news, the actors returned to the original theater, took most of it apart, and then moved Question 3. A. Prevent B. Receive C. Recent D. remote
the materials across the Thames River to Bankside, where they proceeded to construct Question 4. A. Dominate B. disagree C. disrespect D. interfere
the next version of the Globe. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
This endeavor, though, did not go so smoothly. The owner of the original Globe Question 5. Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park, __________ by the UNESCO as
Theatre, who had rented it to the actors, took the acting group to court. He wanted the Natural World Heritage for the criteria of geology and geomorphology in 2003, is one of
actors to pay for the damage they had done to his building. In the end, however, the the favorite destinations In Vietnam.
actors won the case and continued to construct their “newly-acquired” theater. Later, A. to recognize B. to be recognized C. recognized D. recognizing
the actors split their plays between the original theater and the new Globe. Question 6. The population of China is much_______than that of any countries in the
In 1643, the original Globe Theatre burned to the ground. How did this happen? world.A.largeB. more large C. the most large D. larger
Historians believe that a cannon that was shot during a performance of the play Henry Question 7. ________ the destination, he will have been walking for about three hours.
Vill started a large fire. Yet, the Globe Theatre still survived. A new Globe was later A. When John will get B. By the time John gets
C. After John has goT D. until John is getting
Question 8. There is a rumour that the National Bank is going to take ________ the Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each
company I am working for.A. on B. Up C. off D. over Question 26.It is unnecessary for you to finish the report until tomorrow afternoon
Question 9. Let's go for a long walk, ________ ? A.You needn’t finish the report until tomorrow afternoon.
A. will we B. shall we C. don't you D. do you B.You have to finish the report until tomorrow afternoon.
Question 10.In ________ Phillipines 23.7% of the population lived below the national C.You may finish the report after tomorrow afternoon.
poverty line in 2021 A. an B. Ø C. a D. the D.You should finish the report until tomorrow afternoon
Question 11. Some students enter other__________such as arts administration. Que 27. The last time we met Nguyen Quang Hai football player was two months ago.
A. qualifications B. Professions C. Certificates D. campuses A.I haven’t met Nguyen Quang Hai football player for two months.
12: She believes that all countries should_________ the death penalty as it is inhumane. B. I met Nguyen Quang Hai football player for two months.
A. put down to B. catch up on C. get down to D. do away with C. I didn’t met Nguyen Quang Hai football player for two months ago.
Question 13. Park Hang Seo decided _____ the national football team after his contract D. I haven’t met Nguyen Quang Hai football player was for two months.
expired on January 31th 2023 A. leave B. to leave C. leaving D. to leave Question 28. “How many lessons are you going to learn next month?", he asked me.
Question 14.I know his name, but I can’t recall it at the moment. It’s ________. A.She asked me how many lessons was I going to learn the next month.
A.on the tip of brain B.on the tip of tongue B.She wanted to know how many lessons I am going to learn the next month.
C.on the tip of mind D. on the tip of memory C.She wondered what how many lessons I were going to learn the next month.
Question 15. Mike _________ his favourite program on TV when the lights went out. D. She asked me what how many lessons I was going to learn the next month.
A. was watching B. is watching C. watched D. watches Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction
Question 16.We _______ full use of the fine weather and had a day out. 29. My brother usually asked me for help when he has difficulty with his homework.
A. took B. Created C. Did D. made Question 30. In his speech on taking office, President Võ Văn Thưởng thanked the NA
Question 17. The revised Land Law of Vietnam _______ by the National Assembly in for the trust and for giving them the chance to serve the Fatherland and the people in
its upcoming October and May sessions and approved in the October 2023 session this position.
A. will discuss B. will be discussed C. are discuss D. discuss Question 31. You can make informed decisions if you are informative
Question 18. Thanks to the laser beams, at last, he could get rid of the ________ Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of
birthmark on his face.A. normal B. Abnormal C. Abnormality D. abnormally Qu32. Jack’s watch was ten minutes slow. That was why he was late for his interview
Question 19. Penryn itself is unspoilt, and its old and narrow streets are under A. If Jack’s watch hadn’t been ten minutes slow, he wouldn’t be late for his interview
a__________order. A. Sanctuary B. Excavation C. Preservation D. heritage B. If Jack’s watch hadn’t been ten minutes slow, he wouldn’t have been late for his
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the interview
20: A waiter in a restaurant is talking to a customer who has just finished his meal there. C. If Jack hadn’t been late for his interview, his watch wouldn’t have been ten minutes
- Waiter: "Here's your bill, sir" - Customer: "________." slow
A. Don't mention it B. Can I pay by credit card? D. If only Jack’s watch weren’t ten minutes slow, he wouldn’t be late for his interview
C. What do you have? D. You're welcome Question 33. Right after the boy got out of his house, it started to rain heavily.
Question 21: Two students are talking about the school curriculum. A. It had rained heavily before the boy got out of his house.
- Ted: "Swimming should be made part of the school curriculum." B. No sooner had the boy got out of his house than it started to rain heavily.
- Kate: "______. It is an essential life skill." C. Not until it started to rain heavily did the boy got out of his house.
A. Oh, that's a problem B. I can't agree with you more D. Hardly had it started to rain heavily when the boy got out of his house.
C. Not at all D. You can make it Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the answer
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the Although bear-like, koalas are not bears. They are mammals, so feed their young milk
Question 22. He didn’t bat an eye when he realized he failed the exam again. and are marsupials, which means that their babies are born immature and they develop
A.didn’t want to see B. showed surprise C. wasn’t happy D. didn’t care further in the safety of a pouch. They are tree-dwelling, herbivorous marsupials, which
Question 23. He was so insubordinate that he lost his job within a week. average about 9kg in weight and live on gum leaves. Their fur is thick and usually ash
A. fresh B. Disobedient C. obedient D. understanding grey with a tinge of brown in places. Koalas in the southern parts of Australia are
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the considerably larger and have thicker fur than those in the north. This is thought to be an
Question 24. My original statement has been completely distorted by the media. adaptation to keep them warm in the colder southern winters.
A. wrong B. evil C. deform D. harm Younger breeding females usually give birth to one joey each year, depending on a range
Question 25.Each year about fifty hundred species of plants and animals are already of factors. The joey stays in its mother’s pouch for about 6 or 7 months, drinking only
being eliminated. A. dropped B. Removed C. Kicked D. tossed milk. After venturing out of the pouch, the joey rides on its mother’s abdomen or back,
although it continues to return to her pouch for milk until it is too big to fit inside. The
joey leaves its mother’s home range between 1 and 3 years old, depending on when the business and society; besides, they have been applied to education. These technologies
mother has her next joey. have the potential to transform many aspects of the teaching - learning process.
Koalas are mostly nocturnal. They sleep for part of the night and also sometimes move Basic activities in education like grading can be automated with the help of AI. At
about in the daytime. They often sleep for up to 18-20 hours each day. There is a myth educational institutes, marking a large number of tests and assignments is tedious work.
that koalas sleep a lot because they ‘get drunk’ on gum leaves. However, most of their Teachers often find that grading takes up a considerable amount of time which can be
time is spent sleeping because it requires a lot of energy to digest their toxic, fibrous, used to interact with students and prepare for class. AI, at present, may not be able to
low-nutrition diet and sleeping is the best way to conserve energy. actually replace human grading; however, it's getting pretty close. Nearly all kinds of
The koala gets its name from an ancient Aboriginal word meaning “no drink” because it multiple choice and fill-in-the blank testing can now be performed by Al-driven
receives over 90% of its hydration from the eucalyptus leaves (also known as gum machines, and automated grading of student writing may not be far behind. Essay-
leaves) it eats, and only drinks when ill or times when there is not enough moisture in the grading softwares are still in their infancy, yet they will be fully developed over the
leaves i.e. during droughts, etc. coming years, allowing teachers to focus more on classroom activities and professional
Question 34: Which of the following is the best title for the passage? development.
A.Koalas’ Breeding. B. The Origin Of The Koala’s Name And Its Eating Habits. Learners can also get additional support from AI. For instance, tutoring programs
C.Koalas Are Mammals, Not Bears. D.The Real Story About Koalas. based on artificial intelligence already exist to help students with basic courses of
Question 35: According to paragraph 2, how do younger mother koalas usually breed ? mathematics, writing, foreign language, etc. With the rapid pace of technological
A.They give birth to one joey biannually. B. They give birth to one offspring annually. advancement in recent years, sophisticated tutoring systems which can help students
C.They don’t give birth until the females reach 6 or 7 months. learn high order thinking and stimulate their creativity will not be a pipe dream.
D. They don’t breed during the day. Moreover, Al programs can give learners useful feedback and assistance. Some schools,
Question 36: The word it in paragraph 2 refers to ______. especially those with online courses, are using AI systems to monitor students' progress.
A. a mother B. a joey C. a pouch D. back These systems not only offer students advice on individual courses but also help students
Question 37: The word nocturnal in paragraph 3 is ______. choose majors in accordance with areas where they succeed or struggle.
A.sleepy all day and night B. awake at daytime C. sleepy at night D. active at night For better or worse, AI systems have taken place in certain types of classroom
Question 38: Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage ? activities. In the next decades, their influences will extend significantly, which offers
A. Koalas drink a lot of water during the meals in order to digest gum leaves. both teacher and students a much wider range of services.
B. Koalas spend up to twenty hours sleeping each day. Question 44: What does the passage mainly discuss?
C. Koalas do not drink water normally.D. Koalas are herbivorous and tree-dwelling. The various forms of AI B. The potential of applying technologies to teaching
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct C. The changes made by AI in education
Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions you will make in life. It's about D. Artificial intelligence and related technologies
so (39)_____ more than deciding (40)_____ you will do to make a living. To start with, Question 45: The word "tedious" in paragraph 2, is CLOSEST in meaning to
think about the amount of time we spend at work. We are on the job approximately 71% ___________A. boring B. Admirable C. economical D. costly
of every year. Over our lifetimes, this comes to roughly31½ years out of the 45 years Question 46: As stated in paragraph 2, machines which are driven by AI can
most of us spend (41)_____ , from the beginning of our careers until retirement.The now___________A.find out all the mistakes in students' papers
importance of selecting a career with which we are cannot be satisfied overemphasized. B. grade almost all types of fill-in-the-blank questions
(42)_____some people are lucky enough to just know what they want to do and end up C. mark student writing automatically D. be fully developed by teachers
in satisfying careers without giving it much thought, most of us are not. Many people Question 47: The word "a pipe dream" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_____
don't put enough (43)_____ into choosing occupations or pick them for the wrong A. an expression B. a phenomenon C. an illusion D. a denotation
reasons. Maybe they choose careers that seem secure or pay well. They then end up Question 48: The word “they” in paragraph 2 refers to___________
unhappy. The best way to make sure that doesn't happen to you is to make a well- A. machines B. grading softwares C. essays D. classroom activities
thought out decision. Question 49: Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the
39. A. many B. plenty C. several D. much passage?
40. A. which B. when C. what D. why A. Teachers focus more on classroom activities than professional development.
41. A. to work B. work C. worked D. working B. All kinds of multiple-choice questions are graded by machines.
42. A. Whether B. But C. While D. Because C. Teachers are lack of time to interact with students and prepare for class.
43. A. Money B. effort C. time D. love D. Learners can receive useful feedback and help from AI programs.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to Question 50: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
Artificial intelligence (AI) and related technologies are increasingly prevalent in A. AI will play a more important role in education in the future
B. AI technology is expected to dominate in every classroom in the next few decades.
C. AI may pose a threat to every field except for education.
D. Teachers gain more benefits from AI than students.

The end

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