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1 In the news

• Response to text – Can extract information from newspaper headlines, if guided by questions.
• Reading comprehension – Can follow extended stories and texts written in simple familiar language,
if supported by pictures.
am o
• Listening development – Can understand the main points of a short, informal interview on a familiar
• Listening comprehension – Can get the gist of TV or video programmes on topics of personal interest,
if delivered in clear, standard speech.
pl fo

• Spoken accuracy and appropriacy – Can speak fluently pronouncing most words correctly.
• Spoken production – Can add detail to descriptions of everyday topics using a range of nouns and verbs.
e r


• Text development and written process – Can include new vocabulary specific to the topic.
• Written production – Can write a short description of a trip or event.
m sa

Key vocabulary Phonics STEAM Grammar
at le

blog The sounds /ɒ/, /ʌ/ and /ʊ/ boiling point Vaun said that he watched the
caption a lot good crash news every day.
cyberbullying blog money dense Hassan said that he was interested
in sports news.
headline book on expand
Juan and Maria said that they had
interview bully put freeze
a funny news story to tell me.
news article club shop freezing point
They asked him where he was
online come son gas from.
report cushion Sun hexagonal They asked him if he liked their city.
reporter drum vlog ice I asked Scott if he had any hobbies.
share foot wash liquid
source fun watch molecules
upload snowflakes
vlog solid


English Code TB 06ESP.indb 46 27/4/22 12:21

Students will think about how we find out about the news. They will consider and compare the different
sources of news (newspapers, TV, radio, internet, social media) and research news stories that they find
interesting. Students will check the facts of these news stories by comparing different sources. Next, students
will agree on in groups a news story to develop into a video script. They will write a video script before
filming it if the technology is available. Finally, they will present it to the class.


Students will find out about the different states of water and what happens when you freeze different
Materials: three paper cups, salt, food colouring, a fizzy drink, a teaspoon, an empty glass,
shaving cream

Pearson English Portal digital resources

Go to Pearson English Portal and click on ‘Resources’ for more teaching resources, including videos.
am o


• Students will learn how to recognise a sequence in a pattern.
• Students will learn to see and copy patterns or orders in a sequence.

pl fo

Students will learn how to solve word problems using addition or division.


Students will learn why it is important to check the facts.
e r


What details do you want to change? Act out the story in groups.
m sa
This feature occurs in most of the Story lab lessons and will help students revisit and produce core
language learnt so far in the unit, as well
as collaborate with other students in a fun
at le
Make a newspaper bookmark.
Continuing their research into the subject
of newspapers, students make their own
bookmark from old newspapers. They go
through the old newspapers to find photos and
headlines that appeal to them, then cut these
out and stick onto the card.

Interview classmates for a school

In your notebooks, write direct questions.
Students practise using direct questions to
interview their classmates.


English Code TB 06ESP.indb 47 27/4/22 12:21

How can I make a video news report?

1 In the news
How can I make a video news report?
Identify the following in the photo.
a headline
an article
a reporter
online news
am o
3 Which news report would you like
to find out more about? Write three
questions to ask about it.

pl fo
How do you know if news is true? In pairs, tick

the sentences you agree with.

It’s true because …

… it’s on social media.

… you can look it up
Look and discuss. … there’s a photo to prove on the internet.
How do you find out it really happened.
e r
… it comes from a
about the news? What
… it’s in many different reliable source.
kind of news are you
articles and reports.
most interested in?

10 ten eleven 11
m sa

Lesson flow
at le

Warm up Critical Lesson Presentation Practice Practice Production Objective

thinking objective review
• When the dictations have finished, ask students to
read what they wrote out loud. How accurate was
I will learn how we can report the news. each dictation?
• Challenge Students work in groups to read one of
KEY LANGUAGE the news stories in full. Have students think about
how the news reporter got the information.
article online news website
headline reporter CRITICAL THINKING
• Ask students How can I make a video news
Warm up report? Explain that they will make a video news
• Before the lesson, find two different news articles report as their final project. Ask what they will
in English. Divide students into two teams and ask need to think about for their project. Write ideas
for a volunteer from each team to dictate the first on the board (what news story to report, how
two paragraphs to the other team, who must write they will report the news, how they will check the
down what they hear. facts, how they will make their news report, etc.).

English Code TB 06ESP.indb 48 27/4/22 12:21

• Involve Next, ask students to think about what
they will learn so that they can complete the
project in English (vocabulary for the news, how to Practice
report what someone has said, etc.). Ask them to 3 Which news report would you like to find out
discuss ideas with their partner. more about? Write three questions to ask
• Assist Go around the class and ask individuals for about it.
ideas. Write the ideas on the board. Encourage • Have students look at the headlines again and
students to use English, but also accept ideas in L1 decide which they would like to find out more
and provide the English translation. about. Elicit and ask students to explain why.
• Ask students to write three questions they want
Lesson objective to ask to find out more information about their
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will chosen article(s).
learn how we can report the news. • Monitor Monitor, answer any vocabulary
queries, and help students with grammar and
• Involve Students will learn to recall and identify sentence structure if necessary.
what they already know about the news and learn
• Extra Before the class, find an appropriate
some new language to be able to discuss those
headline in English from a recent news story.
am o
ideas in English.
Display this on the board and ask students to
COMMUNICATION write three questions they would ask to find
out more information about the story. Students
research the story to find the answers to their
1 Look and discuss. How do you find out about questions.
the news? What kind of news are you most
interested in?
pl fo
• Activate prior knowledge by asking students

How do you get information about what is Production

happening in the world? Elicit and write their 4 How do you know if news is true? In pairs,
ideas on the board (from newspapers, from the tick the sentences you agree with.
TV, the radio, online, etc.). Ask them how often
e r
(Answers: … it’s in many different articles and
they watch, listen to, or read the news. Put reports., … it comes from a good, reliable source.)
students into pairs and ask them to describe a
• Go through the sentences together as a class

recent news event to their partner.

and answer any vocabulary queries. Ask
• Have students look at the picture and headlines students how they know if news is true. Have
m sa
on pages 10 and 11. Ask them what they think them tick the ones they agree with. Then
each headline is about. students work in pairs to compare sentences.
• Differentiation Point at the picture and ask Are there any similarities or differences? Discuss
What can you see? (I can see newspapers on as a class.
at le
the table, etc.). Then have students think which • Ask students to consider why they didn’t tick the
newspaper belongs to which headline. other sentences. Discuss as a class. (Anybody
can post things on social media; photos can
CRITICAL THINKING easily be faked or manipulated; anybody can
post things online.)
• Extra Ask students to find headlines from two
2 Identify the following in the photo.
true news stories. Then ask them to invent a
(Answers: 1 Sky Brown Skateboard Champion, headline from an imaginary news story. Have
Huge Snowstorm Hits the USA, We Love students swap headlines to find the true news
Swimming Together, 2 any of the children,
3 Sky Brown Skateboard Champion, Huge
Snowstorm Hits the USA, We Love Swimming
Objective review
Together, 4 We Love Swimming Together)
• Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I know how
• Introduce the new vocabulary (article,
we can report the news.
headline, online news and reporter) and
encourage students to say the words out loud. • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
Ask students to identify the new vocabulary in know by eliciting full sentences using the new
the picture on pages 10 and 11. vocabulary.


English Code TB 06ESP.indb 49 27/4/22 12:21

Social media club

Social media club I will learn

to talk ab
words 3 Make your own spidergram.
VOCABULARY out social
media and Use the colour words from 1.

4 005
Listen and tick .

1 004
Read the text quickly and answer the questions. Then listen and read. 1 What does Olivia enjoy most?

1 Where do the students learn how to make video news reports? a interviewing people

2 How did the teacher learn about news reporting? b making news reports
c vlogging
HOME NEWS SPORT ARTICLES BLOG 2 How often does she do it?

Hartford School has a new social media after-school club! These students are a every week
learning to write news articles and blogs, and film their own videos, reports and
Listen to how we say
b every two weeks the coloured letters. Listen again
vlogs – at an after-school club.
The teacher is an ex-newspaper reporter. ‘The students work in groups to interview c every day and repeat.
people for news reports,’ he said. ‘They learn how to search for information online, 3 What is it about?
and how to find good sources. We also teach the kids about social media safety, for Let’s make a vlog! A lot
example, cyberbullying and the dangers of sharing information online.’ a reviewing games of people will watch it
am o
Olivia, one of the students, said, ‘We also learn how to upload photos, and think of b giving interviews on the internet.
clever headlines and captions to describe them.’
c reviewing films The after-school
club is fun. Why
2 Complete the crossword with colour words from 1.
4 What does Rob want to be?
don’t you come?
a a computer games tester
1 2
Down b a reporter It isn’t a good idea to
put unkind comments
1 When you check facts, use a good … . c a website designer on the internet.
2 Never say unkind things online. 5 What is he doing at the moment? That’s cyberbullying.
That’s … .
4 a checking the facts
4 I … funny photos with my friends

5 online. b writing the headline
pl fo
Listen. What sound has

6 5 My uncle is a … for a newspaper. c looking for a good source

each word got? Write 1, 2 or 3.
8 I always go online to read Barry’s … .
7 It’s so funny. 5 Discuss the questions in small
Then listen again and check.

groups. Sound 1 Sound 2 Sound 3

Across watch, vlog sun, come good, put
8 1 What would you enjoy most/least about
9 2 Can you think of a funny … for this photo? this after-school club? Why? cushion wash money
e r
3 I’d like to … a famous person one day. 2 What would you like to make a vlog/ drum shop book
6 I’m going to … all my holiday photos onto social media. write a blog about?
blog son foot
7 Let’s make a … ! We can review films.
9 The … in today’s newspaper is ‘Boy finds crocodile’.

12 twelve thirteen 13
m sa

Lesson flow
at le

Warm up Lesson Presentation Practice Practice Practice Production Presentation Practice Objective
objective review
/ɒ/, /ʌ/ and /ʊ/
I will learn words to talk about social media
and news. a lot club foot on Sun
blog come fun put vlog
KEY LANGUAGE book cushion good shop wash
bully drum money son watch
Key vocabulary
blog news article source
Warm up
caption online upload
• Write blog and vlog on the board. Ask students if
cyberbullying report vlog
they read blogs or watch vlogs. If so, have them
headline reporter discuss with a partner what blogs and vlogs they
interview share like and why. Then ask students if they have ever
written a blog or made a vlog. If so, what are they
about? Students tell the class.

English Code TB 06ESP.indb 50 27/4/22 12:21

Lesson objective
4 005 Listen and tick the correct box.
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
learn words to talk about social media and news. (Answers: 1 c, 2 b, 3 a, 4 b, 5 b)
• Play audio 005 and have students tick a, b, or c to
• Involve Students will learn new social media answer the questions.
and news words that relate to their everyday • Play the audio again for students to check their
lives. They will practise identifying and making answers.
sentences with these words.
1 004 Read the text quickly and answer the
questions. Then listen and read. 5 Discuss the questions in small groups.
(Answers: 1 The students learn to make video • Focus students’ attention on the two questions
news reports at a social media after-school club., and have them answer them.
2 The teacher learnt about news reporting in his
old job because he is an ex-newspaper reporter.) PHONICS
• Read the two questions with the students, and ask Presentation
am o
them to quickly find the answers in the web page. 6 006 Listen to how we say the coloured
• Play audio 004 and have students read along letters. Listen again and repeat.
while they listen. • Students will learn the sounds /ɒ/, /ʌ/, and /ʊ/.
• Draw students’ attention to the words in orange. • Play audio 006. Students listen and read the
Say the words out loud and encourage students to speech bubbles. Then play the audio for the
repeat. Students work in pairs to think what each first speech bubble again. Pause the audio and
pl fo
word means from the context before writing a ask How do we say the coloured letters? (/ɑ/).

definition of each one.

• Play the audio once again for students to repeat
• Differentiation Allow students to use a dictionary and encourage them to emphasise the /ɒ/ sound.
before they write their definitions.
• Repeat for the second speech bubble and
e r
Practice encourage them to emphasise the /ʌ/ sound.
Then do the same for the third speech bubble
2 Complete the crossword with colour words
and encourage them to emphasise the /ʊ/ sound.

from 1.
• Assist Play the Phonics Pronunciation video
(Answers: Down: 1 source, 2 cyberbullying,
m sa
while students sit and watch quietly. Play it again
4 share, 5 reporter, 8 blog, Across: 2 caption,
and have students copy what they see and hear.
3 interview, 6 upload, 7 vlog, 9 headline)
• Explain that students must use the clues to
complete the crossword with the colour words
at le
from Activity 1. Do the first one together. Practice
• Students complete the crossword. 7 007 Listen. What sound has each word
got? Write 1, 2 or 3. Then listen again and
(Answers: cushion 3, drum 2, blog 1, wash 1,
3 Make your own spidergram. Use the colour shop 1, son 2, money 2, book 3, foot 3)
words from 1. • Say the words in Sound 1. Ask students to
• Ask students to write as many social media and repeat and identify what the sound is (/ɒ/).
news words as they can in one minute. Elicit Repeat with Sound 2 (/ʌ/) and Sound 3 (/ʊ/).
and write on the board. • Play audio 007 and have students write the sound
• Draw a spidergram on the board with five lines they hear. Play the audio again to check answers.
coming from the central circle. In the central
circle, write social media and news. In circles at Objective review
the end of each of the lines, write types of text, • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I know words
the origin of a text or information, negative to talk about social media and news.
activities, verbs, people.
• Involve Encourage awareness of what students
• Students copy the spidergram and put the words know by eliciting full sentences using the new
on the board in one of the five categories. Then vocabulary.
students add words from pages 10, 11, and 12.

English Code TB 06ESP.indb 51 27/4/22 12:21

Language lab

Language lab I will learn

reported sp use
eech. 3 Look at the picture story.
Write the letter. CODE CRACKER

1 Watch the video. a We often rescue cats from trees. I am on my way.

Direct speech b I’m stuck in a tree because I’m too scared to climb down!

I watch the c I’m so glad you are safe and back home with me!
news every day. d His name’s Gordo. He’s really hungry. It’s his dinner time. Gordo! Come
for dinner!
Reported speech Vaun 1 2 3
Vaun said that he watched the news every day. I need help. 2
My cat’s stuck
I he/she my his/her
in a tree.
you he/she/they your his/her/their
we they our their
2 What did they say? Circle. 4 5 3 6
am o
Your views … on the news!

I always read the We’ve got a funny

news because my news story to
parents are both tell you!

Amal Juan and Maria 4 Complete the news article. Write the 5 Write one true and one false
sentences from 3 in reported speech. sentence. Guess if your partner’s
I write about news I’m interested in sentences are true or false.
in my blog. sports news.
pl fo


A man called the fire service yesterday. He said that I never … I often …
Kai Hassan The firefighter said that
2 Marta
1 Amal said that she always reads / read the news because her parents When the firefighter reached the cat, it ran
are / were both reporters. down the tree into the man’s arms. He said that
My brother’s got a pet lizard.
e r
2 Juan and Maria said that they have / had got a funny news story to tell me. 3
The firefighter looked down. He was very high up!
3 Kai said that he writes / wrote about news in his blog. Marta said that her brother had
He called the fire brigade and said that he
got a pet lizard. I think that’s true!
4 Hassan said that he is / was interested in sports news. 4

14 fourteen fifteen 15
m sa

Lesson flow
at le

Warm up Lesson Video Presentation Practice Code Cracker Production Production Objective
objective Practice review
Make sure half of the definitions are close to the
topic but incorrect.
I will learn to use reported speech. • Ask students to stand in a line down the middle of
the classroom. On the left side of the board write
KEY LANGUAGE yes, on the right write no.
Vaun said that he watched the news every day. • Read the definitions to the class. If students think
the definition is correct, they jump to the left.
Hassan said that he was interested in sports news.
If they think it is wrong, they jump to the right.
Juan and Maria said that they had a funny news
• Extra Students correct the incorrect definitions.
story to tell me.

Lesson objective
Warm up
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
• Before the class, write definitions of the social
learn to use reported speech.
media and news words from pages 12 and 13.


English Code TB 06ESP.indb 52 27/4/22 12:21

• Involve Students will learn to use reported speech.
They will practise by reporting what other people • Draw students’ attention to the sentences.
have said. Explain that they are what the characters in the
story are saying. Students match the sentences
Video to the speech bubbles.
1 Watch the video.
• Play the introductory video where we meet the
grammar game contestants. Then play the Unit 1 4 Complete the news article. Write the sentences
video. Ask students to sit and watch quietly. from 3 in reported speech.
• Write the following sentences on the board: (Answers: ​1 he needed help. His cat was stuck in
This video is popular. We have to take care of a tree., ​2 they often rescued cats from trees. He
the planet. In my school, we learn about social was on his way., ​3 he was so glad the cat was safe
media. Play the video again and ask students to and back home with him., ​4 was stuck in a tree
write down the sentences that the players find on because he was too scared to climb down.)
the line (Sasha said the video was popular., The • Look at the sentence in the first speech bubble in
blogger said we had to take care of the planet., He Activity 3. Ask students to circle the pronouns (I,
said in his school they learnt about social media.). My) and underline the verbs (need, is). Elicit what
am o
Elicit and write these on the board alongside the happens to these words in reported speech (I – he,
other sentences, but in a different order. my – his, need – needed, is – was).
Presentation • Complete the first blank in the news article
together by putting the sentence in reported
• Point at the grammar box and read the sentence
speech (He said that he needed help. His cat was
in direct speech. Then read the sentence in
stuck in a tree.).
reported speech. Focus students’ attention on
the red words. Ask What do you notice about the • Students work in pairs to complete the rest of
pl fo
the news article by converting sentences a–d to

verb? (It’s in the present in direct speech, but in

the past in reported speech.). Allow students a few reported speech.
moments to discuss with a partner. Elicit.
• Look at the pronouns with the class. Ask What
5 Write one true and one false sentence. Guess if
e r
happens to the pronouns in reported speech?
your partner’s sentences are true or false.
(They change.).
• Demonstrate the activity by asking a student to

• Extra Students match the sentences on the board

write one true sentence and one false sentence
from the previous activity.
about themselves using the prompts in the box.
m sa
• Remind students to use the Grammar Reference on Use reported speech to tell the class what the
page 146 of their Pupil’s Books. student wrote. Ask the class to raise a hand when
they hear the true sentence.
• Ask students to use the sentence prompts to write
at le
2 What did they say? Circle.
one true and one false sentence about themselves
(Answers: ​1 read, were, ​2 had, ​3 wrote, ​
4 was) on a piece of paper. Ask them to write their name
• Students read the comments. If necessary, ask at the top of their piece of paper before folding it.
students to add words to their spidergrams. • Go around the class and collect all the folded
• Differentiation Ask students to underline the verbs pieces of paper in a bag or a hat. Invite a student
in the comments. Elicit the Past Simple forms. to choose one of the pieces of paper. Have them
• Students circle the correct words to complete the read the two sentences out loud using reported
sentences. speech. The class puts up their hand when they
hear the true sentence.

Objective review
• Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can use
3 Look at the picture story. Write the letter.
reported speech.
2 d, ​3 c, ​
(Answers: ​1 a, ​ 4 b)
• Involve Encourage awareness of what students
• Coding Syllabus: Students will learn how to can do by saying a sentence and having them tell
recognise a sequence in a pattern. you what you just said using reported speech.
• Have students look at the pictures and discuss
with a partner what is happening in each one.


English Code TB 06ESP.indb 53 27/4/22 12:21

Story lab

Story lab I will read

a When she got to Mr Budi’s shop, a police Annisa was disappointed, but she had another idea.
mystery sto
READING ry . officer was there. He was interviewing people ‘A good reporter listens and watches’, she said to
about the burglary. They all had different herself and started looking around carefully for more
ideas about the thief. One said, ‘It’s someone clues. Then she saw Mr Budi sitting outside, under

1 Look at the picture. Can you guess 2 008

Read and listen.
with short, black hair. I know this because
there’s short, black hair on the floor.’ Another
a tree. She decided to ask him what he thought.

On her way to him, she saw something black in the

where in the world Annisa lives? Why do you said it was someone with very small feet
think this? tree. She looked up and saw a small monkey. As it
because there were small footprints on
moved from one branch to another, Annisa noticed,
The mystery of the floor.
among the green leaves, a flash of colour around its

the missing necklace Annisa went up to them with her notebook neck – blue, red and yellow …
and pencil. She wanted to ask them some
‘I think I’ve got my story!’
questions, too, but before she could start,
she laughed, as she took
the police officer stopped her.
out her notebook and
‘I’m sorry, young lady’, he said, ‘but I’m afraid pencil and started to write.
you can’t help us. This is a job for the police!’
am o
4 When the police found the necklace,
it was broken. Label the missing
beads in the correct colour order. CODE CRACKER
The radio was on as Annisa was coming downstairs ‘Perhaps I can find out who the thief was’,
for breakfast on Saturday. The newsreader was thought Annisa. ‘Then my story will be in the 2
talking about a burglary. Annisa listened while newspaper and my dream will come true! I’ll be a
she had her breakfast. The newsreader said that a famous reporter!’
necklace was missing from Mr Budi’s gift shop in the 3 4
She finished her breakfast quickly, got dressed,
centre of town. The necklace was made of different
packed a pencil and a notebook in her backpack,
coloured precious stones and was very expensive. 1 2 3 4 5
and rode her bike down the hill to the centre
pl fo

of town.
Fact checking.
3 Circle T (True) or F (False). Values
1 The theft happened while Annisa was having breakfast. T/F 5 Think and discuss. 6 What details do you want to
2 Annisa wanted to be a famous reporter. T/F change? Act out the story in groups.
1 How can reporters find out facts?
3 Annisa lived in the centre of town. T/F
e r
2 Why is it important for them to check
4 There were no clues about the thief in the shop. T/F facts before they write an article? Make a newspaper bookmark.
5 The police officer didn’t want Annisa to ask any questions. T/F 3 What questions should we ask to
6 Annisa found the thief before the police. T/F check facts?

16 sixteen seventeen 17
m sa

Lesson flow
at le

Warm up Lesson Pre-reading Reading Comprehension Code Cracker Values Act out Production Objective
objective Comprehension Production review
• Extra Before the class, write direct speech
sentences down one side of a piece of paper and
I will read a mystery story. the reported speech versions on the other side.
Divide the class into two teams and nominate a
Warm up team captain. Read each reported speech sentence
• Write the following on the board: pop star, film out loud. Teams have to discuss what the direct
star, football player, politician. Ask students to speech version is. When they think they have the
work in pairs. Student A is a reporter and Student answer, the team captain puts up his/her hand to
B chooses one of the occupations on the board. say the answer.
Allow Student A a few moments to think of some
questions before interviewing Student B. Student Lesson objective
A then writes sentences reporting what Student B • Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
said. Students then swap roles. read a mystery story.


English Code TB 06ESP.indb 54 27/4/22 12:21

• Involve Students will listen to and read a mystery
story about a missing necklace. They will use the • Students work in pairs. Have them look at the
information in the picture to make predictions about necklace to see if they can spot the pattern.
the story and decide if information is true or false. Students label the missing beads.

Pre-reading Production
1 Look at the picture. Can you guess where in 5 Think and discuss.
the world Annisa lives? Why do you think this?
• Students will learn why it is important to check
(Answers: The students may give the name of the facts.
any tropical country because of the plants, trees,
• Students work in small groups to discuss the
and flowers and because of the monkey in the
questions. Then have a class discussion.
• Ask students to look at the picture in pairs and
discuss what they can see. Then ask them to
make a prediction about what country it is. This activity encourages Collaboration. For further
• Extra Write these questions on the board: support download our Collaboration checklist.
am o
1 Which character in the picture is Annisa?
Act out
(the girl with the notepad), 2 Who is the man
in the shop? (the owner), 3 Why is the necklace 6 What details do you want to change? Act out
missing? (the monkey stole it). Have students the story in groups.
look at the picture to make guesses. • Put students into groups of five. Ask them to
review the story and decide what details they
Reading want to keep and what details they want to
pl fo

change, e.g., characters’ names, dialogue, or

2 008 Read and listen.
even what happens at the end of the story.
• Pre-teach the following words: clue, footprint,
• Students make their changes before deciding
precious, robbery, thief. Ask questions to check
who plays the different characters in the story.
students’ understanding.
e r
• Each group practises before acting out in front
• Play audio 008 and have students listen and
of the class. Encourage students to provide
follow the story in their book.
support and encouragement for each other.

• If you did the Extra activity in Activity 1, check

students’ predictions and elicit the correct answers.
m sa
• Read the story as a class and have students read a
sentence each out loud. Production
7 Make a newspaper bookmark.
• Materials: card, newspapers, scissors, glue
at le
Comprehension • Write the word bookmark on the board. Elicit
3 Circle T (True) or F (False). what the word means and what bookmarks are
(Answers: 1 F, 2 T, 3 F, 4 F, 5 T, 6 T) used for.
• Students read the sentences and decide if they • Explain that students are going to make their
are true or false. own bookmark from old newspapers.
• Differentiation Students correct the false ones. • Have them cut out a rectangular piece of card.
Then have them go through the old newspaper
to find photos and headlines that appeal to
CODE CRACKER them. Ask them to cut these out and use the
Comprehension paste to stick onto the card. Encourage students
4 When the police found the necklace, it was to then colour in their bookmarks.
broken. Label the missing beads in the correct
colour order. Objective review
(Answers: 1 purple, 2 yellow, 3 red, 4 blue, • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can read a
5 blue) mystery story.
• Coding Syllabus: Students will learn to see and • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
copy patterns or orders in a sequence. can do by asking them to give you a summary of
the story.


English Code TB 06ESP.indb 55 27/4/22 12:21

Experiment lab

Experiment lab I will learn

different sta out
of water.
tes 3 Look back at the text in 2 and label the 6 Work it out! Compare with a partner.
ice water steam ZONE
1 Look, think and discuss. Why do you think
1 There is 10 cm of
snow on the ground. How
this weather story was in the news? Watch a video about many more centimetres of
states of matter. snow need to fall for the snow


to reach the top of your head?
The snow melts away by 2 cm

every day. How many days will
it take to disappear?
1 2

am o
What happens when you
freeze different materials?
2 009
Read and complete. Then listen and check.
3 Materials
THE CHANGING STATES OF 4 Work in pairs and discuss. 3 paper cups

boiling point freezing point
gas liquid solid 1 In cold countries, people put salt on the
a teaspoon of salt
road when ice might form. Why do you a teaspoon of food colouring
Water is a 1 . When water freezes, it becomes ice. Ice is a think they do that? a can of fizzy drink
2 . The 3 of water is 0 degrees Celsius. 2 Why does ice float on top of water?
When water is heated to its 4 , 100 degrees Celsius, it becomes
5 Circle T (True) or F (False). 1 Fill cup A with cold water. Add
pl fo
water vapour or steam – a 5 .

and dissolve one teaspoon of

1 Water molecules move more salt. Fill cup B with cold water.
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WATER FREEZES? Add a teaspoon of food colouring.
slowly than ice molecules. T/F
As a liquid, the molecules in water move around all the time. They crash into each Fill cup C with some fizzy drink.
other, and move over and under each other. The molecules in steam can move
2 Water molecules remain in
one position. T/F 2 Put all the cups in the freezer
past each other more easily. They spread out in all directions.
for a day.
When water freezes, the molecules start to move more slowly, until finally they 3 Ice molecules are organised
in shapes. T/F 3 Predict what will happen to
e r
stop moving. They become hexagonal rings, and when it gets even colder, these
hexagonal rings become snowflakes. As water freezes, it expands and takes the liquid in each cup. What
4 The molecules in ice are further
up more space. It also becomes less dense, or less heavy, than water. are the results?
apart than in water. T/F

18 eighteen nineteen 19
m sa

Lesson flow
at le

Warm up Lesson Video Pre-reading Reading Reading Practice Production Production Maths Experiment Objective
objective Production time review
Warm up
• Before the class, find different images of water
I will learn about different states of water. from magazines or online. Have students work in
pairs and give them an image. Write see on the
KEY LANGUAGE board. Have students discuss with their partner
what they can see in the image. Then write think
boiling point freezing point molecules
on the board. Students discuss with their partner
crash gas snowflakes what they think is happening in their picture.
dense hexagonal solid
• Finally, write wonder on the board. Have students
expand ice steam discuss what questions they would like to ask that
freeze liquid can’t be answered by their image.
• Students present their images and explain what
they saw, thought and wondered.


English Code TB 06ESP.indb 56 27/4/22 12:21

Lesson objective CRITICAL THINKING
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will Production
learn about different states of water. 4 Work in pairs and discuss.
(Answers: 1 The salt lowers the freezing point
• Involve Students will do an experiment to test what
of water (it makes water freeze at a lower
happens when you freeze different materials.
temperature)., 2 Because ice is less dense and
Video therefore lighter than water.)
• Go to the Pearson English Portal and click on • Go through the questions with the class and
‘Resources’ for more teaching resources about this answer any vocabulary queries.
topic, including a video about states of matter.
5 Circle T (True) or F (False).
• Write States of water on the board. Ask students
if they know the different states of water (liquid, (Answers: 1 F, 2 F, 3 T, 4 T)
gas and solid). If not, write them on the board and • Students decide if the sentences are true or false.
explain how they are different (liquid – water in its
am o
natural form, gas – this is what happens to water
when it gets very hot and turns to steam, solid – this
is what happens to water when it gets very cold). 6 Work it out! Compare with a partner.
• Students will learn how to solve word problems
using addition or division.
Reading • Go through the first problem together. The
1 Look, think and discuss. Why do you think this answer will depend on how tall each student is.
pl fo
weather story was in the news? For example, if a student is 1.5 metres tall

(Answer: Because it is not a common event.) (150 cm), the answer will be 140 cm.
• Put students into pairs. Student A explains the • Students work out the remaining word problem.
headline and Student B the photo. Remind them that each student’s answer will be
e r
• Ask How cold do you think it is in the photo? Do
you think weather like this is normal? Have any
Experiment time

of you experienced weather like this? Discuss.

What happens when you freeze different
m sa
• Students should do this experiment at home
2 009 Read and complete. Then listen and check.
because they need to use a freezer. Ask them to
(Answers: 1 liquid, 2 solid, 3 freezing point, make a vlog about their experiment.
4 boiling point, 5 gas)
at le
• Materials: (per pair or group) three paper cups,
• Pre-teach the following words: crash, dense, a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of food colouring,
expand, hexagonal, molecule, spread, steam. a can of fizzy drink
• Students read and complete the text with the • Differentiation Read all the instructions with
words in the box. students. You can check their understanding by
• Play audio 009. Students listen and read to check asking What do you need? (three paper cups, etc.)
their answers. How can you do the experiment? (Fill cup A with
water, etc.).
• Students make their predictions. Ask them to do
3 Look back at the text in 2 and label the the experiment at home before recording the
diagrams. results.
(Answers: 1 steam, 2 water, 3 ice)
Objective review
• Focus students’ attention on the three diagrams
• Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I know about
and the words in the box. Have them work in pairs
different states of water.
to label the diagrams. Students re-read the text in
Activity 2 to check their answers. • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
know by asking them to describe the different
• Challenge Write the following words on the board:
states of water. Also, test them on some of the
to melt, to heat, evapouration, condensation,
vocabulary from the lesson.
to solidify. Have students write a definition of each
in their own words.

English Code TB 06ESP.indb 57 27/4/22 12:21

He asked me if …

He asked me if … I will learn

Writing lab I will write
a podcast.

1 010
Look at the sentences. Can you guess the questions the 1 Look at the photo and the headline.
A good news report answers these
five Wh- questions:
reporters asked Scott? Write. Then listen and check. What do you think the podcast is about?
Who (or what) is the story about?
1 2 2 Read the podcast script and answer the What happened?
I’m from Boston, USA! I’m 28 years old.
Wh- questions in your notebook. When did it happen?
Where did it happen?
3 4 Why did the story end well?
My birthday’s in January. Spaghetti and meatballs!
5 6 Presenter: A young surfer had a lucky escape yesterday
thanks to some friendly dolphins. Sandy Rider,
am o
No, I don’t watch much TV. After the match, I want to sleep! 12, was in the sea at Long Beach, California, when
he saw a shark’s fin just a few metres away from
him. But before the shark could reach Sandy, a
group of dolphins appeared. They swam around
Sandy, forming a ring around him, and the shark
Direct questions Reported speech questions couldn’t touch him. The amazing animal rescuers
followed Sandy all the way to the beach, where he
Wh- questions Where are you from? They asked him where he was from. was safe.
Sandy said that from that moment on, dolphins
Yes/No questions Do you like our city? They asked him if he liked their city. had a special place in his heart. Our reporter
spoke to Sandy later.
Reporter: How did you feel when you saw the shark, Sandy?
Sandy Rider, 12
Sandy: I was terrified! I wanted to swim away, but I
2 Write two more questions to ask Scott. couldn’t move.
pl fo
Then role-play your interview and report back to the class. Presenter: That was our reporter talking to Sandy Rider.

Later, he said that he wanted to start a Save the

I asked Scott if he had any hobbies. He said he liked listening to music. Dolphins group on social media. After all, they
saved his life!

3 Interview classmates for a school magazine.

In your notebooks, write direct questions.
3 Find and underline the following in the podcast script.
e r
Work in groups and ask your questions. Then tell the class who asked you what.
1 a headline 2 a caption 3 a fact 4 direct speech 5 reported speech
Have you got What time do
any brothers
and sisters?
Leon asked me
if I had got any
you get up in
the morning?
Gita asked me what
time I got up in the 4 Use the five Wh- questions to plan and write a script for a podcast news
brothers and sisters. morning. report. Then read your script in groups.

20 twenty twenty-one 21
m sa

Lesson flow
at le

Warm up Lesson Presentation Practice Production Production Production Objective

objective review
tell you what the first student said. For example,
‘What did Lei say, Kun?’ ‘Lei said that her favourite
I will learn about reporting an interview. food was noodles.’
• Extra Before the class, write sentences on different
KEY LANGUAGE pieces of paper. For example, I’m sorry I’m late.
I’m hungry., etc. Give a sentence to each student
They asked him where he was from.
and have them walk around the classroom saying
They asked him if he liked their city. whatever is written on their piece of paper. After
I asked Scott if he had any hobbies. a few minutes, ask students to tell you what their
classmates said (Marta said that she was tired., etc.)
Warm up
• Practise reported speech. Ask a student a Lesson objective
question, for example, What is your favourite • Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
food, Lei? Allow the student to answer, but learn about reporting an interview.
pretend you didn’t hear. Ask another student to

English Code TB 06ESP.indb 58 27/4/22 12:21

• Involve Students will learn how to report
• Students work in pairs. Student A is the reporter
questions. They will gain confidence using the new
and Student B is Scott. Student A asks Student
language through real-life conversations.
B their questions and makes a note of the
Presentation answers. Students swap roles.
• Ask a volunteer to come to the front of the class. • Have students write their questions and Scott’s
Tell the rest of the students that the volunteer is a answers in reported speech. Check answers as
new member of the class who you know nothing a class.
about. Give students a few minutes to think of
questions they want to ask the new student. Elicit CREATIVITY
and write some of these on the board (e.g., What
is your name? Where do you live? Do you like
English? How old are you?). 3 Interview classmates for a school magazine.
In your notebooks, write direct questions.
• Students ask the volunteer their questions. Tell the
• Ask What information do you typically find in
volunteer to either use real information or to make
their answers up. a school magazine? If students don’t mention
interviews with teachers and students, elicit this.
• Alongside the questions you wrote on the board,
Ask students what questions they would ask the
am o
write reported question sentence stems using the
school principal in an interview.
name of the student who asked the question and
the verb asked, for example, Nour asked the new • Have students work in groups to interview each
student … Complete the first as an example (Nour other. Make sure you group students who don’t
asked the new student what her name was.). normally work together. Each student writes
five questions they would like to ask the other
• Elicit what happens to pronouns and verbs
members of their group.
(Pronouns change and Present Simple verbs
become Past Simple verbs.) and ask what they
pl fo

notice about word order (question word order COMMUNICATION

becomes normal word order). Production
• Students complete the rest of the sentence stems. 4 Work in groups and ask your questions. Then
• Remind students to use the Grammar Reference on tell the class who asked you what.
e r
page 146 of their Pupil’s Books. • Students interview the other members of their
group. Make sure they make a note of the

answers to their questions. Also, ask them to
Practice make a note of the questions that they were
m sa
1 010 Look at the sentences. Can you guess asked.
the questions the reporters asked Scott? • Read the speech bubbles with students and
Write. Then listen and check. explain that they must now tell the class what
(Answers: 1 Where are you from?, 2 How old the other members of the group asked them.
at le
are you?, 3 When is your birthday?, 4 What’s Allow them a few moments to think what they
your favourite food?, 5 Do you watch much are going to say.
TV?, 6 What do you do after a game?) • Differentiation Students write down the questions
• Put students in pairs to write the questions. they were asked using reported speech.
• Play audio 010. Students listen and check their • Students take turns to tell the rest of the class
answers. what they were asked.
• Extra Students write the questions in reported
speech using the stem The reporter asked Objective review
Scott … • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I know about
reporting an interview.
COMMUNICATION • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
can do by asking them questions and having them
report what you said.
2 Write two more questions to ask Scott. Then
role-play your interview and report back to
the class.
• Explain that students are reporters and they
have to ask Scott two questions each. Encourage
students to be as imaginative as possible.

English Code TB 06ESP.indb 59 27/4/22 12:21

Writing lab

He asked me if … I will learn

Writing lab I will write
a podcast.

1 010
Look at the sentences. Can you guess the questions the 1 Look at the photo and the headline.
A good news report answers these
five Wh- questions:
reporters asked Scott? Write. Then listen and check. What do you think the podcast is about?
Who (or what) is the story about?
1 2 2 Read the podcast script and answer the What happened?
I’m from Boston, USA! I’m 28 years old.
Wh- questions in your notebook. When did it happen?
Where did it happen?
3 4 Why did the story end well?
My birthday’s in January. Spaghetti and meatballs!
5 6 Presenter: A young surfer had a lucky escape yesterday
thanks to some friendly dolphins. Sandy Rider,
am o
No, I don’t watch much TV. After the match, I want to sleep! 12, was in the sea at Long Beach, California, when
he saw a shark’s fin just a few metres away from
him. But before the shark could reach Sandy, a
group of dolphins appeared. They swam around
Sandy, forming a ring around him, and the shark
Direct questions Reported speech questions couldn’t touch him. The amazing animal rescuers
followed Sandy all the way to the beach, where he
Wh- questions Where are you from? They asked him where he was from. was safe.
Sandy said that from that moment on, dolphins
Yes/No questions Do you like our city? They asked him if he liked their city. had a special place in his heart. Our reporter
spoke to Sandy later.
Reporter: How did you feel when you saw the shark, Sandy?
Sandy Rider, 12
Sandy: I was terrified! I wanted to swim away, but I
2 Write two more questions to ask Scott. couldn’t move.
pl fo
Then role-play your interview and report back to the class. Presenter: That was our reporter talking to Sandy Rider.

Later, he said that he wanted to start a Save the

I asked Scott if he had any hobbies. He said he liked listening to music. Dolphins group on social media. After all, they
saved his life!

3 Interview classmates for a school magazine.

In your notebooks, write direct questions.
3 Find and underline the following in the podcast script.
e r
Work in groups and ask your questions. Then tell the class who asked you what.
1 a headline 2 a caption 3 a fact 4 direct speech 5 reported speech
Have you got What time do
any brothers
and sisters?
Leon asked me
if I had got any
you get up in
the morning?
Gita asked me what
time I got up in the 4 Use the five Wh- questions to plan and write a script for a podcast news
brothers and sisters. morning. report. Then read your script in groups.

20 twenty twenty-one 21
m sa

Lesson flow
at le

Warm up Lesson Practice Production Production Production Objective

objective review
• Differentiation Instead of using a ball, students
can write their question on a piece of paper. When
I will write a podcast. they have done so, they give it to a student. Allow
students a few moments to report the question to
Warm up the rest of the class.
• Play Pass the ball. Have students stand in a circle.
Throw a ball or scrunched-up piece of paper to Lesson objective
the first student and ask them a question, for • Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
example, What is your name? The student has write a podcast.
to report your question (The teacher asked me
what my name was.) before throwing the ball • Involve Students will learn to write a podcast.
to the next student and asking them a question. They will gain confidence through scaffolded
Continue the game so that every student gets the writing tasks, to enable them to write a script for
chance to ask and report a question. a podcast.


English Code TB 06ESP.indb 60 27/4/22 12:21

3 Find and underline the following in the podcast
1 Look at the photo and the headline. What do
(Answers: 1 Animals rescue surfer from danger,
you think the podcast is about?
2 Sandy Rider, 12, 3 Sandy Rider, 12, was in the
(Answer: It’s about a boy who was saved from sea at Long Beach, California, 4 How did you feel
a shark attack by a group of dolphins.) when you saw the shark, Sandy?, 5 Sandy said
• Write the word podcast on the board and that from that moment on, dolphins had a special
ask students to explain to you what one is place in his heart., Later, he said that he wanted to
(an audio series that people can download start a Save the Dolphins group on social media.)
and listen to at any time; they can be news • Ask students to quickly read the podcast script
shows, documentaries, review shows, etc.). again to find and underline the headline (Animals
Ask students if they download and listen to any rescue surfer from danger). Then have students
podcasts. If so, which ones? Encourage students find and underline the caption, an example of a
to tell the rest of the class about the podcasts fact, an example of direct speech, and an example
they like. of reported speech.
• Direct students’ attention to the photo and • Extra Before the class, source several different
am o
headline, which is the first sentence that the news stories in English. Make sure you have
presenter says. Ask What animals rescued the enough for each pair of students. Ask students
surfer and what was the danger? Students to work in pairs, and give each pair a news story.
discuss in pairs. Ask them to read their story and underline the
• Students quickly read the podcast script to headline, any photo captions, an example of a
check their answers. fact, an example of direct speech, and an example
of reported speech.
pl fo

2 Read the podcast script and answer the Wh-
questions in your notebook.
4 Use the five Wh- questions to plan and write
(Answers: The story is about a surfer who was
e r
a script for a podcast news report. Then read
rescued from a shark attack by a group of
your script in groups.
dolphins. The surfer saw a shark’s fin, but before
• Have students work in pairs to create a script

the shark could reach him, a group of dolphins

appeared to protect him. It happened yesterday. for a podcast news report. If you did the Extra
m sa
It happened at Long Beach, California. It ended activity in Activity 3, use the same news stories.
well because the boy was kept safe and he is If not, source sufficient news stories in English
now starting a Save the Dolphins group on social for each pair.
media.) • Refer students back to the five Wh- questions
and ask them to find the answers to these in their
at le
• Pre-teach the following words: shark, fin, ring. Ask
questions to check students’ understanding. news stories. Monitor and check their answers.
• Direct students’ attention to the five Wh- • Ask students to use their answers to create
questions. Explain that all good news stories a script for a podcast. Encourage them to
usually answer these questions. Read the include a headline, facts, examples of direct
questions together and elicit when we use each speech, and examples of reported speech. Also,
Wh- question word (who – questions about remind them to include what the presenter, the
people, what – questions about events or things, reporter, and any other people who are going
when – questions about time, where – questions to be interviewed are going to say. Ask them to
about location, why – questions about reasons). refer back to the script in the book to help them.
• Students read the podcast script and answer the • Digital literacy If the technology is available
questions. (smartphones, computers, etc.), encourage
students to record their podcast.
• Differentiation Write the answers on the board
and ask students to match them to the Wh-
questions. Objective review
• Extra Have students find a news story in English • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can write
and find the answers to the five Wh- questions in it. a podcast.
• Involve Encourage awareness of what students
can do by having them read their podcast out loud.


English Code TB 06ESP.indb 61 27/4/22 12:21

Project and Review


Make a video news report Create Show and tell

Step 2 How do we report the news? Show your video

Step 1
report to the class.
Plan Write the text for your report.
How are you going to introduce Discuss the videos.
Research your story? Think of a way to Which were most interesting?
How do we check facts?
make your story interesting. Why?
Where can we find Form a group and compare Include all the facts, using your What kind of sources did
the news? your stories. Wh- questions. they use?
Find the answers to the Report what people said.
Work in pairs.
Wh- questions. Decide different roles for each
Make a list of different ways to person in your group.
Check the facts! Compare
find out about the news. How
am o
different sources. Practise giving your report.
are they different?
Decide who to interview for Record your report.
Choose two or three stories you
your news report. What are they
find interesting.
going to talk about?
Collect photos, pictures and Introduction: Do you ever dream about
headlines about the stories. finding something really valuable one
Who? What? When? day? That’s exactly what happened to
Where? Why? Mia Jackson, 12, when she was walking
How we find out her dog …
about the news: Interview 1: Our reporter, Sebastian,
Interview 1: the girl asked Mia how she felt. She said she
• newspapers was very excited because a museum Now I can …
pl fo
I was walking my dog on Shelley

wanted to display the coin.

Beach when …
• online video sites … use words to talk
about social media
• websites Interview 2: a history expert and the news.

We studied the coin at the museum … use reported

and found that it comes from the speech.
Roman period … Watch the news on TV at home
e r
with your family or friends. … use reported
speech questions.
When you hear a headline, see
if you can guess what the story … write a script for a
is about. podcast news report.

22 twenty-two twenty-three 23
m sa

Lesson flow
at le

Warm up Lesson Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 At home Now I can Objective
objective review
the consequences of reporting false news, how a
reporter can make sure their news is true and to
I will make a video news report. consider how students can check themselves if a
news story is true or not. Also, ask Are the internet
Warm up and social media reliable sources of news? If not,
• Ask students to look at the spidergram they why?
created on page 12 and revise the new words
from the unit. Have them work with a partner and Lesson objective
make sentences using the words (e.g., A reporter • Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
is someone who writes news. Cyberbullying is very make a video news report.
bad. A headline is the title of a news report.).
• Write on the board How important is it to tell the • Involve Students will learn how to make a video
truth when you report the news? Have a class news report. They will use the language learnt
discussion. Encourage students to think about from the unit to understand how to complete their
project and present it to the rest of the class.

English Code TB 06ESP.indb 62 27/4/22 12:21

Step 4
• Students work in pairs. Ask them to think about
Show and tell
the different ways in which we find out about
the news, e.g., newspapers, the radio, and social • Students present their news report to the rest
media. How are these news sources similar and of the class.
different? Discuss as a class. • Encourage the class to ask questions to find
• Pairs then make a list of the news sources from out more information at the end of each news
the most reliable to the least reliable. Ask them to report. The questions can be about the events
compare their lists with another pair. of the news, or how each group decided upon
which student played which role, for example.
• Ask students to think of two or three news events
that have happened recently. Students go online • Digital literacy Groups can film their news
or check newspapers to find photos, headlines and reports if the technology is available.
facts about the stories.
At home
Step 2
Watch the news at home with your family or
friends. When you hear a headline, see if you can
am o
• Ask pairs to work with another pair. Have them guess what the story is about.
compare the stories that they have researched.
• Have students watch a TV news report at home
Encourage the two different pairs to explain to
with their family or friends. Ask them to predict
each other why they chose their stories.
what each news story is going to be about when
• Each group then has to reach an agreement as to they hear its headline. Encourage them to tell their
which news story they will use for the final project. predictions to the people they are watching with.
• Once students have decided upon their news
pl fo

story, refer them back to the five Wh- questions Now I can …
on page 21. Ask them to answer those questions • Show students the Now I can … box and read
about their news story. the sentences. Have students repeat, then ask
• Have groups think about how true their story is. questions to check understanding, e.g., Can you
e r
Ask How can you find out if a news story is true? use three words to talk about social media and the
Elicit the answer (by checking different sources). news? (for example, upload, source, report).

Groups then use different sources to check the • Involve Ask students to think about how they feel
facts of their news story. about these statements. Have students draw four
m sa
• Students then decide who to interview for their light bulbs in their notebooks and for each light bulb
video news report. Explain that they can use draw light lines coming from them to show how
people who featured in the original news story. Ask confident they are about each statement. The more
them to think about the questions they will ask. light lines they draw, the more confident they feel.
at le
• Monitor Go around the class and have students
Step 3 choose and say the statement they are the most
Create confident about. Make notes of the statements
• Students now create the script for their video that the fewest students choose and ensure to
news report. Ask them to consider the following: revise the content in the future.
the headline, an interesting introduction to get
Objective review
people’s attention and to make sure they answer
the five Wh- questions. Encourage them to also • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can make a
use direct and reported speech. Encourage them video news report.
to use the podcast script on page 21 to help them. • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
• Monitor Go around the class and make suggestions can do by having them show you their news report
as to how students can improve their news reports. and asking them questions about it.
• When each news report is finished, students then Assessment pack
decide on the different roles. Ask them to decide • For grammar and vocabulary assessment, have
who will be the presenter, who will be the reporter, students complete the Practice and Unit tests in
and who will be the people being interviewed. the Assessment Pack.
If the news report is going to be filmed, decide on
who will operate the video camera. Once all the Pearson English Portal games
roles have been decided, have students practise Go to the Pearson English Portal Presentation Portal
the report. for a class game.

English Code TB 06ESP.indb 63 27/4/22 12:21

Activity Book answer key and notes

1 Read and complete. 4 Can you guess the pattern on the Lucky
(Answers: 1 reporter, 2 caption, 3 headline, Numbers game?
4 article) (Answers: 36, 60)
2 003 Listen. How do these people follow the • In this Maths activity, students will use
news? Tick the things they mention. multiplication to solve the problem.
(Answers: Bobbie: online news, websites, Vanessa: 5 Write the sentences in reported speech.
TV, Ollie: newspaper) (Answers: 1 The children said they all had prizes to
• Play audio 003 while students listen and complete put in the Lucky Box., 2 Missy P said her ring was
the table. missing. She didn’t know where it was., 3 Patrick
said he wanted to try and guess the missing
3 How do you follow the news? Ask and answer in
numbers., 4 Joe said he wasn’t usually very good
am o
at number games. He found Maths difficult.,
4 Read the article. Who was the thief? 5 Miriam said she looked for patterns, for example,
(Answer: Mr Silver. If Ms Diamond is telling the all even numbers, or all multiples of five.)
truth, then Mr Silver is the thief. If Mr Gold is
6 Think and discuss. What can your school do to
telling the truth, then Mr Silver would be telling
collect money for new projects?
the truth, too. If Mr Silver is telling the truth, then
Ms Diamond would be lying and she would be 7 What do you do to help people? Make sentences
the thief. This is impossible because then Mr Gold in the Present Simple. Next, work in pairs and tell
pl fo
your partner your sentences. Then form new pairs.

would be telling the truth, too.)

Can you remember what your first partner said?
Social media club
Story lab
1 Read and match.
1 Number the events in the correct order.
e r
(Answers: a headline, b cyberbullying, c blog,
(Answers: a 7, b 3, c 1, d 4, e 2, f 5, g 6)
d interview, e upload, f vlog, g reporter, h share,
i news article, j caption, k report, l online, 2 Read and circle the correct answer.

m source) (Answers: 1 b, 2 c, 3 b, 4 c, 5 c, 6 a, 7 b, 8 a)
m sa
2 Read and complete. 3 Find words in the story that mean …
(Answers: 1 caption, 2 share, online) (Answers: 1 missing, 2 precious, 3 thief,
3 004 Listen and match the word pairs. 4 famous, 5 footprints, 6 clues)
(Answers: 1 hot, 2 wood, 3 jump) 4 006 Listen and find three mistakes in the
at le
radio news report.
Language lab (Answers: 1 The robbery happened in a town, not
1 005 Listen. What is the Lucky Box game? the countryside., 2 The thief took the necklace
(Answer: It’s a game where you put your hand in from Mr. Budi’s store, not his home., 3 TThe
a box and take out a mystery gift.) necklace was made of different colored precious
stones, not gold with a single stone.)
2 Complete the news article in reported speech.
(Answers: 1 was, 2 had, 3 was, 4 were, 5 These sentences are missing from the story. Who
5 wanted, 6 was) said them? Write them in reported speech.
(Answers: 1 Annisa said (to her mum) that she
• If necessary, allow students to use the Grammar
had to go out because she had an important
Reference on page 146 of their Pupil’s Books.
errand to run., 2 The police officer said that they
3 Write the sentences in reported speech. Then were good at finding out information about
read the news article again and circle T (True) burglaries., 3 Annisa said (to Mr Budi) that she
or F (False). was very sorry about his necklace.)
(Answers: 1 Patrick said they could all bring prizes
to school to put in the Lucky Box. T, 2 Patrick said
he wanted to get the card game. F, 3 Missy P said
her ring was at home. T, 4 Missy P said she didn’t
know whose ring it was. F)

English Code TB 06ESP.indb 64 27/4/22 12:21

6 Think about the story. What do you think • Student A whispers a Wh- question in the Present
happened next? Write the next paragraph in Simple to the student on their left. This student
your notebook. continues by whispering the same question to the
• Have students work with a partner and brainstorm student on their left. Continue until the question
ideas about what happened next in the story. arrives at the final student. Ask them to say the
question out loud. Student A confirms if the
• Students choose one of their ideas and write a
question is correct or incorrect.
paragraph in their notebook. Then have them
read it to the rest of the class. Writing lab
7 Make a reporter’s notebook. 1 Read and match.
• Materials: (per student) paper, colouring pens and (Answers: ​1 Milly and her dog., ​2 He ran to the
pencils rocks., ​3 Last weekend.)
• Make sure each student has a piece of paper. Ask 2 Find and underline three facts and three opinions
them to fold it in half horizontally before folding it in the script.
in half again vertically to make a book. Ask them
(Answers: Facts: Milly Franklin was walking on the
to write ‘Reporter’s notebook’ on the front cover
beach, she heard a man shouting for help, She
before they use their own ideas to decorate it.
tried to pull the rock off his leg., Opinions: I’m sure
am o
Experiment lab it was very painful, he was lucky, I’m sure he’s very
happy you came along at the right time!)
1 Complete the crossword.
3 Use the diagram to help you plan a podcast
(Answers: Down: ​1 freezing, ​2 gas, ​3 liquid,
script. Write notes about each question word in
4 solid, ​
Across: ​ 5 boiling)
your notebook.
2 Read and complete. Then match. • Students think about what they want to write a
(Answers: ​1 b, molecules, crash, ​2 c, steam, spread, ​ podcast script about. Encourage them to think
pl fo
3 a, hexagonal, expands, dense) about something that has been in the news recently.

3 Write S (Solid), L (Liquid) or G (Gas). • Students use the Wh- words in the diagram
(Answers: ​1 G, ​2 S, ​3 L, ​4 L, ​5 G, ​6 S) to make notes about who was involved, what
happened, where it happened, when it happened,
4 Choose one of the pictures from 3 and draw the
e r
and why it happened.
molecule pattern.
4 Write a podcast script. Include at least three
• After students have chosen and drawn the molecule facts and three opinions.

pattern, ask them to swap pictures with a partner to

• Students use the script in Activity 1 and their notes
guess if the molecule pattern is a solid, liquid, or gas.
m sa
in Activity 3 to write their own podcast script.
Experiment time report Remind them to include at least three facts and
three opinions in their script.
1 Draw the results of your experiment in cups a, b,
at le
• Discuss with students the importance of recording 1 Compare a news report with a podcast script.
results during experiments. Then have students What is the same or different?
draw the results of their experiments when they
2 Write your project report.
tried to freeze water and salt (cup a), water and
food colouring (b), and water and fizzy drink (c). 3 Present your report to your family and friends.
2 Write your report. REVIEW
• Students use all the information they learnt from 1 Join the pieces to make words from the unit.
their experiment to write their report. (Answers: caption, headline, website, cyberbully,
He asked me if … upload, online, interview, report)
1 Write questions in the Present Simple to find out 2 Write the questions and answers in reported
general and personal information about someone. speech.
Use the words below and your own ideas. (Answers: ​1 I asked her what time she got up., ​
2 Choose three questions from 1. Ask and answer 2 She said at half past four., ​3 I asked her how
with a partner. she got there every morning., ​4 She said she got a
taxi, because there weren’t any buses at that time
3 Write your partner’s answers, using reported
of the morning., 5 I asked her how she liked to
speech. Read your sentences to your partner.
spend her free time., ​6 She said she slept.)
Did you write the information correctly?
3 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in 2.
4 Play the Telephone Game.
Then tell the class something your partner said.

English Code TB 06ESP.indb 65 27/4/22 12:21

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