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Comblox Nambs



To interpret geometrically the meaning of i = -1 and its integral powers.

" Card board " Graph paper
" Coloured pencil " Ruler
" Compass " Adhesive
" Nails " Thread
" Eraser

" The equations of the form +1 =0, ? +4 = 0etc. are not solvable in real numbers, i.e., there is no real
number whose square is negative real number.
" Euler was the first mathematician who introduce the symbol i (iota) for square root of -1, i.e., solution
of x2 + 1 = 0. He called it imaginary unit.
" Integral powers of iota ()
i= 1
/? = -1, / = -i, i=1
0 = 1(it is defined)
Complex number: A number of the form a+ ib is called complex number, where a and b are real
a is called real part of complex number and b is called
imaginary part.

Lahoratory Manual in Mathematics - XI

Take a card board and fix a graph paper on it with adhesive.
Draw two perpendicular lines in the middle of paper and name them XOX and YOY, where Qis the pom
of their intersection.
. Take a nail and fix it at point O. Take a-thread of unit length (reprèsenting number Ialong OX) te,
OA = 1.
. Fix one end of thread at O and other end at A. Rotate itthrough an angle 90°, 180", 270 and 360
. Mark the end of thread as A,, A,, Ag, A, as shown in figure 11.1

ix 1 =i 20 A.

Az A4

-1 Take 2 cm =1 unit
as shown in figure

-20A, ixí=

FIG. 11.1

represents 1
In figure 11.1, 0A
represents i
In figure 11.1, OA,
represents / = -1
In figure 11.1, OA,
represents i = -i
In figure 11.1, OA,
represents i = 1
In figure 11.1, OA,
i.e., OA, = i =1 xi
OA, = i xi =j'=
OA, = i2 xi= /
OA, = i = 1 multiplication of i.
by 90° is equivalent to
Here each time rotation of OA Mathematics - XI 45
Laboratory Manual in
" On rotating OA through 90°; we get OA, = 1xi= L.
" On rotating OA through 180; we get OA., =ixi= -1
On rotating 0A through 270; we get OA, =ixixi=i
" On rotating OA through 360; we get OA, = i x i xi xi= i = 1
Thus, if we rotate OA, n times i.e., n right angles we get i".

i (iota) may be referred to as the multiplication factor for a rotation of 90°.

This is useful to evaluate any integral power of i.

1. Name the mathematician who introduced 4n+3
the symbol i first time. 4. Find the value of( 1 .
Ans. Euler was the first mathematician.
Ans. = (-i)4n + 3
2. Does Vaxb =Vab if both a and b are
= (-i)4n . (-i)3
Ans. No; it is only true when at least one of a and b = 1x -j =i
is either positive or zero.
5. Evaluate
3. Compute: -144 .
Ans. 2i.
Ans. /-144 = 12i.

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