Rullers and Warfare

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Chapter 1: Ruling a Kingdom

ot every character is a King. Many A province is a political division of land, like a county or
players may wish to portray someone shire. A rural province generally measures about 30 to 40
unburned from the responsibilities that miles in diameter, but an urban province that represents a
come with a Crown. This means that major metropolitan area may be no larger than the area
three character types exist in this enclosed by the city's boundaries.
campaign: Scions, Regents and Non- The defining domain-level measure of a province is not
Blooded Commoners. Scions are its size, but rather its level – its overall measure of
blooded characters descended from the great heroes of population, technology, and industrial prosperity. A
Deismar. A blooded character may be a Regent a relative of province's level is an abstraction that represents the relative
a regent or a member of a family that does not rule a contributions of loyal subjects of the province. Frontier
kingdom. Scions have a Regency Point reserve, but if they families, nomadic tribes, bandits, and other independent-
do not Rule a Kingdom it is very hard for them to replenish minded individuals that live in the province do not directly
it. This is why most Scions have minor bloodlines. Their contribute to the province's level, though very popular and
divine energy is depleted after years and years of use. very influential people sometimes do.
Regents are characters who rule a Kingdom or an
Organisation. Major Trading guilds, Churches or a Maximum Province Level
Wizardry Brotherhood are all Organisations that classify as Terrain Type Maximum Level
domains, and Ruling them wisely give their Ruler regency Glacier or inhospitable terrain/climate 0
every season. A character may carry a title such as King, Sandy desert, Tundra 1
Duke or Prince. After the Empire crumbled each family
kept the title given to them by the late Emperor. Even Mountains, Scrub 3
though all of them could be cosidered independant kings Forest, Jungle, Swamp 6
these days, many nobles still feel superior if they have a
grander title. No one has the authority to name them such Mountain (dwarves) 10
however, and Nobles that name themselves with a higher Forest (elves) 10
Rank are the laughing stock of Anuire. Hills 7
Unblooded Characters form the grand majority of the
Cerillian population. For every king there are hundreds of Plains 8
advisors, scribes, farmers or skilled adventurers. Most of Coastal (borders sea) +2
them live their lives without ever laying eyes on a King or a
Duke and are content with it. As the saying goes, "A Good Major River +1
King is one you'll never have to see".
A province's level does not represent the entire
population of a province; it represents the buying power
Components of a Domain and prosperity of the provinces loyal citizens and taxpayers.
Regardless of the size, power, or purpose of the power base A rough estimation of the human taxpaying commoners in
that a domain represents, all domains share some features. a rural province is found in the following table.
A domain's regent is the head of a specific ruling body that Province Level
has the primary responsibility for the domain.
The regent may hold absolute power or be a powerless Level Citizens Largest Settlement
figurehead, but they are the person that holds final 0 0 Thorp
authority in all domain decision in the minds of those with 1 1,000 Hamlet
whom the domain interacts.
Provinces represent areas of land in which tax-paying 2 4,000 Village
common-folk look to the regent for military protection and 3 7,000 Small town
succor in times of hardship.
The relative size of the province is represented as the 4 10,000 Large town
province level. Any domain that includes a province is 5 20,000 Large town
referred to as a realm. 6 30,000 Small city
Holdings represent an organized power base, and the
places, people, and things that constitute it. The relative 7 40,000 Large city
size of a holding's power is represented as the holding's 8 60,000 Large city
level. There are four holding types: guild, law, source, and
temple. 9 80,000 Metropolis
Additional domain assets include armies, trade routes, 10 100,000 Metropolis
the skill of a realm's courtiers and spy network, the
strength of a realm's castles, highways and other important Populations of citizens that consist largely of elves,
domain-level features. dwarves, or human experts produce a higher level then the
numbers of citizens would seem to dictate due to an
Provinces increased prosperity per capita.
A province is a distinct area whose borders are defined by The above table also indicates the size of the largest
prominent geographical features, cultural and political settlements likely to be found in a rural province of the
traditions, and economic infrastructure. indicated level.

Chapter 1 | Ruling a kingdom 1

This settlement rating can be used to determine the Guild holdings represent control of a province’s
relative availability of goods and services in the area using economic activity. Guild holdings can represent artisan
the guidelines presented in the Dungeon Master's Guide. guilds, merchants, underworld organizations, or any other
The population of this settlement is included in the establishment that seeks profit and power through the
province's rating. acquisition and sale of goods, services, and information. In
Capital cities of large realms are often one category the vast majority of cases, guilds are considered to be legal
higher than indicated by the province level alone. enterprises, but in many cases they also contain some less-
A ruling regent has putative control over an entire than-legal elements. Guild holdings consist primarily of
province. A province ruler can tax the province and make various guilds, especially of the primary economic activity
laws and regulations within the province, but without the of an area – artisan’s guilds being the most common, as
power of the local Law holdings the regent has nothing to well as merchant companies. Guilds are integrated into
directly enforce her edicts. In most cases the province ruler most levels of a province society, and, as such, have
is also the most powerful law regent in the province. Law is excellent access to information. Guilds are also always in
supposed to be a tool by which the province regent can control of whatever trade comes through a province.
enforce her will. Law holdings represent direct control over military and
secular political power or what passes for "the law" in a
Province terrain province. Law holdings represent bureaucrats, constables,
All provinces have a terrain type that most represents the taxmen, highway bandits, rebel organizations, a system of
major terrain type of the province. The terrain type of the feudal lords, or any other establishments whose primary
province limits its level. While many types of terrain may be purpose is to enforce laws/whims, collect taxes/tribute, and
present in a province, only its major terrain type execute justice or injustice in their regent's name.
determines its habitability. The terrain type of a province Εffectively a law holding represent the power of the Regent
(along with its level) also provides a limit for the province's to enforce his will on the province.
maximum source potential as discussed in Chapter Three: Control of a province's law holding impacts whether
Realm Magic. edicts and laws are followed, how vigorously laws and taxes
are applied, the level of crime, and the general contentment
Urban provinces of a province's citizens.
Major metropolitan areas may be represented as stand-
alone provinces, instead of being represented as cities with
a larger rural area. Urban provinces are considered to be
part of the surrounding provinces for purposes of
geographical effects, such as earthquakes, but their own
entity for purposes of population- based effects, such as the
spread of plague or the use of realm-spells. Urban
provinces are dependent on trade and adjacent rural
provinces for food and supplies. Urban provinces lose a
level (due to starvation and migration) during any domain
turn in which they do not have at least one active trade
Any domain that includes one or more provinces is a realm.
The regent of a province is a recognized head of state,
capable of holding court, making laws, executing justice,
and dealing with foreign interests. Rulers are regents that
hold one or more provinces and thus are often considered
to be of higher status than unlanded regents. Regardless of
the power of the realm, significant political power and rank
is generally associated with the stewardship of a
geographic area. Temple holdings represent influence over the religious
activities of a province's populous. Temple holdings
Holdings represent an organized faith of worship and the itinerant
Domain holdings represent centers of regional political, clergy, shrines, churches, or cathedrals that preach to the
economic, religious, or magical power and the institutions masses. Temple regents can cast divine realm spells, but
and personnel that allow the holding's regent to wield this more importantly they are the trusted spiritual advisors to
power. the people. Temples have an enormous impact on how the
The defining domain-level measures of a holding are its successes and failures of other regents are perceived by the
type and level. common man.
Source holdings represent mastery and control of the
Holding Type continuously renewed mystic essence of the living land – its
There are four areas of influence in each province mebhaighl as it is known among scholars.
represented by holdings. Economic power is represented A source regent does not wield temporal influence
by Guild holdings, political power in a province is through the holding as do other regents, instead they tap
represented by Law holdings, spiritual power is their holdings to cast powerful arcane realm spells.
represented by Temple holdings, finally and finaly arcane Because of their mystical nature, it is far more difficult for
power is represented by Source holdings. most regents to undermine the power-base of a source
regent than visa-versa.

2 Chapter 1 | Ruling a kingdom

A regent cannot normally raise regular armies in
provinces unless the province ruler permits him to, but he
can hire mercenaries or use their treasury to support the
military actions of an allied domain.
Army units each represent a single company or muster. A
basic unit is about 200 1st-level fighters. Naval units each
represent a ship and her crew. In Anuire, a kingdom with a
standing army of more than 3,000 men (15 units) or 15
warships would be considered a significant military power.
During military campaigns, powerful kingdoms can often
increase the size of their armies by as much as double, but
most realms have difficulty maintaining such a force for
more than one or two seasons.
The domain-level costs and advantages to mustering
military units are presented in Chapter Two: Armies and
Constructions with a specific purpose can be immensely
Therefore, although they have little direct political or useful to a domain; examples of such include highways,
economic power, source regents are respected, or even castles, palaces, shipyards, seaports, monuments or most
feared, by most other nearby regents. Source holdings and other wood or stone structure with domain-level impact.
realm spells are described in Chapter Three: Realm Magic.
Holding level Gold Bars
The principal measure of the extent of a holding’s influence While reading this booklet you will find the
is its level. A holdings level indicates the fractional abbrevation GB (Gold Bar).
proportion of a province's relevant power-base (the A gold bar abstractly represents things of
province's level or source potential) over which the holding worth owed to the regent, be they in cash or
holds influence. commodity, in service or in kind. The default gold
For example, a guild (3) controls three-fifths of the bar is roughly equivalent to 2,000 gp in coin
potential economic activity in a province (5/1). value. The things of worth represented by a GB
vary by the nature through which the revenue is
The maximum level for a holding is the province level (or generated – generally through taxes on
source potential, for source holdings). This indicates that commodities, but also in part direct seizure of
the entire relevant power base in the province is under the such (the lord’s share of corn, ground wheat,
control of the holding's regent. etc.), and extraction of certain feudal services
A 0-level holding holds almost no power; instead a (including military obligation or scutage).
holding (0) represents a significant network of contacts that A GB of value often consists of a wide variety
can form the basis for observation of the province and for of things of value. The exact nature of these
the eventual establis hment of a base of power. things is usually irrelevant, as GBs are only used
There is no effective limit to the number of 0-level to finance domain level actions and pay for
holdings in a province. Dozens of regents can have active domain actions. A regent who wishes to use GBs
networks of contacts. However, opportunities for true for another purpose must do so using the
influence (holding levels of 1+) in a province are limited. Finance domain action.
The sum of all holdings of the same type cannot exceed the
province's level.
0 level source holdings are an exeption to this rule. A Asset maintenance costs
province has a maximum of 0 level source holdings equal Asset Build Cost Maintenance/Season
to the original maximum source potential of the province.
if a province’s ratings change in such a way as to make Bridge (wood) 3 GB 1/4 GB
the current holding levels in the province illegal, then the Bridge (stone) 6 GB 1/2 GB
holding levels must be adjusted. The affected regent should Ferry 1 GB 1/12 GB
be determined randomly in proportion to the number of
holdings held. Fortification 10 GB x 1 GB x level
(province) level
Domain assets Fortification (holding) 5 GB x level 1/2 GB x level
Domain assets include any domain-level resources that are Highway
not represented by province and holding levels. Thus, plains,steppe,scrub 2 GB 1/6 GB
potential domain assets vary depending on the nature of
the domain. desert,forest, hills 4 GB 1/3 GB
swamp, tundra 6 GB 1/2 GB
Military units
Military units represent the armed forces at the regent's glacier, mountains 8 GB 2/3 GB
command. Generally, any regent can raise armies, draft a Palace 10 GB x 1 GB x level
levy, or create a militia as he sees fit as long as he has level
sufficient law holdings and the permission of the province's
Chapter 1 | Ruling a kingdom 3
Asset Build Cost Maintenance/Season Refer to Chapter Two: Armies and warfare, for more
Seaport 6 GB 1/2 GB details on highways.
Seaport: Docks, wharfs, warehouses, and other
Ship Varies Varies structures necessary to support sea trade. A province must
Shipyard 4 GB x level 1/3 GB x level have a seaport in order to conduct trade by sea.
Wondrous structure 25 GB x level 2 GB x level
Ship: Naval ships can be constructed, but only at a
shipyard of appropriate scale. See Chapter Two: Armies
and warfare, for ship prices.
Shipyard: Facilities and specialized personnel necessary
to construct naval vessels. All shipyards have a level that
represents their relative capabilities. A shipyard’s level
cannot exceed the province level. A shipyard builds vessels
with a total build cost of less than twice the shipyard level.
Ships are built using the Build domain action.
Wondrous Structure: This is applied to a single building
of any type. Possession of a structure of this type is very
prestigious,and grants a bonus of 3 RP/level to the
possessing domain’s seasonal collection. Examples of this
type of structure include the colossal lighthouses,
magnificent statues or other works of wonder.
Courts are centers of power; a setting where the regent can
engage in the business of the realm. Like holdings, courts
are rated by level which represent the number and quality
of a regent's servants, courtiers, diplomats, agents, and
spies. A court governs not just how well a regent lives, but
also how well he maintains the central apparatus of
government. Its level measures its relative quality and its
A court larger than expected is more able to aggressively
pursue the regent's interests. Source holdings do not
require administration and thus require no courts. A
Source reagent however can have a court to represent
apprentices, scribes or servants.
Valuable courts take time to build up. Skilled courtiers
cannot be hired overnight. Through the use of the Decree
Bridge: Bridges are required to allow commercial and domain action a regent may increase their court cost (and
military travel or major waterways. Bridges can be made of thus maybe it's level) by +1 per season.
wood or of stone. Wooden bridges have the advantage (and A regent can decrease the size of their court by any
disadvantage) of being easy to destroy in times of war. amount. The new court cost is permanent until changed
Large rivers may require stone bridges. Bridges cannot be through a future decree. The greater the size of a regent's
built over any river that is wide enough to provide sea court, the greater the respect courtiers and lieutenants
access to naval vessels. Refer to Chapter Two: Armies and recieve.
warfare, for more details on bridges. A court's level, cannot exceed the regent's highest holding
Ferry: Ferries allow travelers and troops to cross major level. Though a there isn't a "minimum" court requirement,
rivers. Ferries can make several trips a day, but it still might it is expected to have a court level equal to 1/2 of your
require an entire week to ferry the supplies of an army highest level holding or province. A regent doesn't need
across a major river. more than one court to administer their holdings and
Fortifications (Province): Province fortifications include a provinces.
province-wide system of fortifications dominated by a
massive seat of military power (usually a castle or walled
city). Diplomacy and Courts
Fortification (Holding): Holding fortifications are small In real world history, Kings and Queens seldom
systems of fortifications that are constructed to protect the met face to face, instead relying on Courtiers and
holdings of one regent. This might include fortified Ministers to oversee all diplomatic actions.
cathedrals, armed warehouses, walled forts or small However we want players to interact, not solve
castles, or any other reasonably limited defensive structure. their diplomacy issues via Dice Rolls. So,
Highway: This construction includes both a network of diplomatic rolls on Kingdoms controled by other
paved or packed dirt highways and a system of inns, players, will influence the NpCs running the
Court, but not the Regents (though fool is the
caravansaries, and other structures that support overland king that doesn't heed his advisors words). The
trade and travel. result of a diplomatic proposition will be
Most provinces of level 3+ have simple roads, but a conducted via Role Playing among the intrested
system of well-maintained highways is an optional expense. parties.
Highways are necessary for overland trade routes and
increase the speed of travel within the province (as
described below).

4 Chapter 1 | Ruling a kingdom

Court Levels
Court per
Level Season Effect
0 0 No court at all. Regents must oversee all actions themselves
1 1-2 Court maintained at minimal level. It gains one Court action. The regent has a primary base of operations
equivalent to a common inn and no more than a few servants, none of which are specialised retainers such
as mucisians, tutors etc. No events such as grand feasts or balls are available, unless the regents organise
them themselves.Dissadvantage on diplomacy, and court actions not overseen by the regent.
2 3-5 Barely acceptable court with quaint facilities and a number of retainers. Occasional affairs of State. -2 to
diplomacy, and court actions not overseen by the regent.
3 6-8 An acceptable court with good facilities, plentiful servants and retainers, regural galas and
festivities.Courtiers are known throughout the province. No Modifier to Diplomacy and court actions.
4 9-10 The regent's court is a major center of power. Guests are waited on hand and foot. The regent's court
handles all but the most critical matters and common-folk are rarely allowed the opportunity (or have the
need) to speak with the regent directly. Courtiers are well known and respected everywhere in the Realm.
+2 to Diplomacy and court actions. He also gains an extra court action.
5 11 The regent's court is a thing of wonder. Every day brings new art, literature, sport, a festive event of some
kind. The regent is expected to do almost nothing and is entirely inaccessible except to other powerful
regents. Diplomacy checks and court actions are made at advantage the court can make two extra actions.

The Court is also responsible to Provide the Regent with Library: The regent builts a wing and fills it with books
whatever He or She may need. A Regents's living expenses on a specific subject (arcana, history, nature or religion).
are calculated in the courts cost/month and provide the Every time this asset is selected, the regent can choose
following benefits: either to add a new field of knowledge, or expand a
previusly attained one gaining +1 on (intelligence)
Regent Living Assets Library Search skills concearning it. (The field of study
Court can be expanded more than once. A Source reagent for
Level Effect example might have an extensive Arcana Library, with a
0 No Effect bit of Historical Knoweledge, but little else)
1 Regent lives Comfortably
Leisure Hall: The regent constructs a Trophy Room, a
game room, or anything else that can house escapades
2 Regent lives Wealthyly of relaxing nature. When the character spends at least a
3 Regent lives Aristocraticly week in the leisure hall, roll on the downtime
"Carousing" table, but keep only possitive effects. A
4 As aristocraticly but you never track non-magical
expenditures of 50 gp or less
leisure hall is also a great place to impress and meet
people. Invitations to NPCs will most likely be accepted.
5 As aristocraticly but you never track non-magical War Room: A special room with maps, weapons and
expenditures of 150 gp or less books on history and strategy, a war room is where all
talks about war will take place. A character that has
Palace: studied his opponent before a mass combat in the War
A palace is a lavish residence for a Regent and his court. It Room gains advantage on warcraft checks for that
can be an actual Palace, a Great Temple, or a Grand particular battle
Guildhouse. Reshearcher's Study: Α reshearcher's study offers an
A palace is built fortied. It always has a fortification equal exquisite alchemy lab and scroll making table, both of
to its level even if the province it governs is not protected. which give advantage to the creation of such Items. If an
This means that even if an attacking army bursts through arcana library exists it can be used to create new spells
the province fortifications and storms the capital, the = to the level of the library. Such reshearches also have
Palace may still stand fast and present opposition, though it advantage.
wont hold long by its own (See chapter two: armies and Adventurer's hall: The Regent creates a room to house
warfare). wandering adventurers. Each month a new adventring
For each level a Palace gains, a Regent can select one of party of a random level arrives (up to 10th). The regent
the following assets. Their cost and maintenance is can use them for various missions, or converse with
calculated in the palace cost. Some assets can be selected them in order to Aquire powerfull allies.
more than once: Ball Room: The Palace is equiped with an extravagant
ball room. All official gatherings and feasts are
Training Grounds: The palace is equiped with a small conducted there. A ball room will be the center of many
arena, targets, wooden manequins and everything a gatherings of the kingdom, and all people of imprtance
character needs to train. Training grounds are sufficient will want to visit and hold feasts there. In effect, it will
to train Commoners into Guards or existing guards into be easier to gather rich people in the palace. Rich
knights (see monster manual) no more than ten Guards people also have a tendacy to spend gold. The Province
or one Knight/palace level can be trained. Furthermore will gain half a GB every domain turn if a ball room is
the Guard captain can be of a Class the regent selects. built.
This trainer is a specialist that can help the regent
multiclass or qualify for any subclass the regent has the Lay Lines
prerequisites. Each time this asset is selected a new Ley lines are conduits created by source regents to carry
trainer arrives in the Keep. magical power from one province to another.
Chapter 1 | Ruling a kingdom 5
Realm spells require enormous magical power, and Followers have the skills provided by the background of
network of ley lines can allow a regent to bring magical the same name. Their stats follow the Point Buy by which
power from a pristine area to low-magic area in order to PCs are created.
cast powerful realm spells. Ley lines are detailed in Followers may accompany the regent on his travels, or
Chapter Three: Realm Magic. they can work, each earning the regent 1d10x10gp/month
(by practicing their chosen trade). They are also assumed to
Lieutenants and Followers tend to the regents household. Their pay is included to the
The court of a powerful regent may have many trusted amount they gain.
courtiers, but most courtiers have strictly defined Additionally, each regent gains one fighter (champion).
responsibilities and checks and balances to keep them This follower is the captain of her personal guard and is
from overstepping their prerogatives. always of equal level with the regents highest holding. This
A domain's regent may, however, name one or more of his champion does not count as one of the regent’s followers.
courtiers as his lieutenant(s). A domain's lieutenants are
authorized to speak with the voice of the regent, even to the Trade routes
extent of waging war against a foreign nation, spending Trade routes generate income for a guild domain through
significant portions of the realms treasury, dispensing trading various commodities between different
justice, making binding agreements, and other activities geographical areas.
that are generally considered the prerogative of the regent In order to accommodate trade, a route must exist for
alone. A regent can have no more than 1 lieutenant / overland or oversea trade. Trade routes can only be forged
charisma or blood score modifier [whichever is greater] between two provinces if the provinces provide different
(minimum 1) Thus a lieutenant can perform most domain trade commodities.
actions with the same advantages that a regent receives In game terms, the provinces must either be of different
(note that only one domain action per holding is allowed terrain types (plains and hills, mountain and swamp, etc) or
per month) when personally attending to domain actions of different races or cultures (Anuirean and Rjurik, Vos and
and events. Khinasi, etc).
A trade route must originate in a province in which a
regent has a guild holding; it must terminate in a province
in which the regent has a second guild holding or in which
a guild holding exists with whom a trade agreement (along
with a share of the profit) has been arranged, generally
through a diplomacy action.

Characters may also use the "hire" bonus action to hire a

small number of trusted soldiers to protect them from day-
to-day threats, such as mugging, challenges from someone
of a lesser social class, kidnapping, and assassination.
The type of followers that a regent receives depends on
her class. Their number can never be greater than the
Regents level + Highest Holding level + charisma or blood
score modifier (inspired leader feat doubles this number). The number of trade routes in which a single guild holding
Artificer Regents gain Guild Artisans can be involved is limited by the holding's level. A level 0
Fighter and barbarian regents gain Soldiers, Gladiators holding cannot be involved in a trade route. A guild holding
or Knights as followers. level 1-3 can support one trade route.
Cleric and paladin regents gain Knights, acolytes or A guild holding level 4-6 can hold two trade routes. A
Inquisitors. guild holding level 7+ can hold 3 trade routes.
Monk Regents gain Acolytes or Soldiers. Once created, the regent's of the guild holdings on either
Druids or rangers gain Hermits, Outlanders or Urban end holds the trade route equally. Either regent can destroy
Bounty Hunters the trade route at will. Trade routes generate seasonal GB
Rogue and bard regents gain criminals, urchins, spies, income for each guild equal to 1/2 of each guild's level.
charlatans, Entertainers and Pirates. It is not unusual for other regents involved (the province
Wizard and sorcerer regents gain Sages or Cloistered ruler that maintains the roads, etc.) to receive a regular
Scholars. tribute (often 0.5 GB per traderoute) from the guild regent's
Warlocks gain followers depending on what class the at either end of the trade route – but such matters are
pretend to be (since even their followers may burn them if negotiable.
they discover their nature) For example, an overland traderoute is forged between a
A regent’s followers can be any mixture of character guild (4) and a guild (2). The owner of the guild (4) earns an
types for which her classes qualify them and are usualy of additional 2 GB per domain turn. The owner of the guild
the same race as the regent or of the cultural area of her (2) earns an additional 1 GB per domain turn. Trade routes
domain or home. do not generate regency points.

6 Chapter 1 | Ruling a kingdom

There are two basic types of trade routes: overland trade out of money to pay the troops. The size of a realm's
routes and sea trade routes. Both type of trade routes are treasury is always measured in gold bars. Coins and Gems
considered equivalent for the purposes of determining the are considered the Regents personal assets.
maximum number of trade routes per holding.
For example, consider a sea trade route forged between
a guild (6) in Illien (plains) and a guild (3) in Bliene
(mountain). The guild (3) is involved in one trade route (its
maximum) and cannot be involved in any new trade routes.
The guild (6) in has one free trade route remaining (it
has a maximum of two); this additional trade route can be
either an overland trade route or a sea trade route.
Overland trade routes transport valuable commodities
between two provinces by caravan, wagon, and cart. A well
maintained system of roadways must exist between the two
provinces to allow overland trade. The initial province, the
final province, and a path of adjacent provinces that
connect them must all have highways (a construction
domain asset).
All major rivers between provinces must have bridges. If
no highway exists between the two provinces at any time
(due to a failure to maintain highways, a closing of borders
due to war, etc.) then the trade route is destroyed. Province Loyalty
Sea trade routes transport valuable commodities Measured only for Realm Regents loyalty represents the
between two provinces by ocean-going vessel. Both contentment and loyalty of the general populace towards
provinces must be coastal provinces with a seaport (a the domain. Domain attitude is measured on a province-by
construction domain asset). Furthermore, a number of province basis on the same scale as NPC attitudes:
naval vessels must be dedicated to servicing the trade route Helpful,Friendly, Indifferent, Unfriendly, or Hostile.
each domain turn. Naval vessels are discussed in Chapter Helpful populaces respect and admire the regent; the
Two: Armies and Warfare. actions of the regent's court are seen in the best possible
light. A helpful populace is willing to give their time/effort
in support of the regent, if required.
Note that this does not necessarilyimply that the
populace likes their regent. Love, tradition, respect, or even
fear may motivate a populace's helpful behavior.
A regent receives a +2 bonus to all domain actions that
he attempts in a province that has a Helpful attitude toward
Friendly populaces are well disposed towards the regent
and his court. They will not necessarily risk their lives or
livelihoods for the regent's sake, but they will tend to see
the regent's actions in a favorable light.
A friendly attitude is generally the default attitude in any
realm with a long established and stable rule; A regent
The cargo capacity of the vessels dedicated to shipping receives a +1 bonus to all domain actions in the province.
trade must meet or exceed 1/2 of the connected Guilds Indifferent populaces have no strong feelings towards
tottal level (their tottal profit for the route) or their profit is the regent. As many people care for the regent dislike him;
reduced appropriately. Though sea trade routes need ships most do not care one way or another. They expect the
(which themseleves have a whole other set of regent to do his duty by them, and likewise, they will do
requirements) they cost less to establish (only 1GB and their duty to the regent.
1RP despite the distance traveled) and are less susceptible Unfriendly populaces have elements that actively dislike
to contests and hardships since war in Cerillia is fought the regent's rule. The populace, as a whole, is not willing to
mainly on land. make any major sacrifices for the regent's sake (or for the
realms sake, under the regent's questionable guidance). A
Treasuries ruler cannot draft militia levies in an unfriendly province;
The careful maintenance of a domain's finances is critical the peasants will not answer the regent's call to arms. A
to a regent's success. Ruling a realm costs enormous regent receives a -1 penalty to all domain actions in the
amounts of money and reserves must be kept to see the area.
domain through hard times. Hostile populaces despise or ridicule the regent and will
A realm's treasury is not easily portable; it consists actively seek to overthrow him, if the opportunity exists.
principally of goods distributed in warehouses, farms, or The regent receives no seasonal regency or gold collection
other storage sites throughout the realm. from areas that maintain a hostile attitude towards the
As little as one-tenth of a realm's treasury exists as actual regent. The regent cannot muster military units in hostile
coinage or other hard assets. areas. Domain actions are made with dissadvantage.
The security of a realm's supply of ready coin for payroll Furthermore, there is a 10% chance each month that the
and other expenses is a matter of utmost importance. A populace will rise up against the regent in some way (as per
regent would be very wise to keep a close eye on the state the Unrest or Rebellion domain event, described later in
of his treasury – it's dangerous to start a war and then run this chapter).
Chapter 1 | Ruling a kingdom 7
If a character does not have a domain two character
The Domain Turn actions (but not the same one can be performed)
Domains aren't static from year to year, the fortunes of a
kingdom or temple wax and wane with the tide of history. Action costs
The great events and trends are reflected by domain In order to take an action, you must pay the cost for doing
actions. so in many cases, a minimum of 1 GB to start the action
A single domain turn represents actions taken by the off. For certain actions, you must also possess a certain
regents between the sessions, and it is played at the end of type of holding or asset. If you do not fulfill these
each month. requirements, you may not perform the action.
A war move comes into play only in specific
circumstances described in Chapter Two: Armies and Resolving actions
warfare; each war move is considered equivalent to roughly Domain actions, like many combat actions, are not
one week and it is played at the end of that week. automatically successful. Many require a domain action
Thus there are three domain turns / season four war check. A domain action check is the roll of 1d20 plus blood
rounds in a domain turn. score modifier (or an applicable skill on specific
In each domain action round, the regents involved must circumstances. See below).
determine the state of their nation, the resources they have The base Difficulty Class of a domain check is dependent
available, and whether or not any unusual events have on the specific action attempted. The following modifiers
developed that require their attention. commonly apply to success rolls for domain actions:
Once the domains have been updated, both PC and NPC Holding modifiers: +1 per level of allied holdings of the
regents will probably have a variety of actions they'll want selected type in province, -1 per level of opposed holdings
to take with their domains. of the selected type. The regent or members of his court
A regent directs his domain's growth by working to carry out the administration of a domain action, but for
increase the ratings of provinces and holdings, engaging in most domain actions, the details of the action are handled
diplomatic or mercantile ventures, waging war, raising by the employees and personnel of a holding under the
fortresses, or otherwise dealing with the affairs of the regent's control.
domain. When you take a domain action in a province, you must
In addition to the actions that a regent may plan to take, use one of your holdings in the province to execute the
events may force responses to the actions of other regents, action (unless you want to establish a 0 level holding). You
monstrous incursions, or natural disasters. gain a bonus to the action check equal to the level of this
active holding. In addition, other holdings of the same type
Domain sequence of play as your active holding can support or oppose your action.
Using holdings to oppose or support another regent's
Each domain turn, the regents involved must determine the actions is a reaction.
state of their domains, the resources that they have Allied holdings of the same type provide a bonus equal to
available, and whether any unusual events have occurred their level. Opposed holdings of the same type provide a
that require their attention. penalty equal to their level. Holdings of different types
cannot add or subtract their level to your check.
Order of play Any applicable regent senses through their divine blood
Like actions in combat, domains actions are conducted one the action and who it affects, though they do not sense who
event at a time, in initiative order. Regents may delay and has initiated the action. Once aware of it, they may order
ready domain actions in the same way that combat actions support or opposition. The espionage action can be used to
are delayed and ready. When the the actions of the Domain "cloak" a domain action.
do not affect or are not affected by other Domains, initiative Support from holding level is highly visible, all regents
is not rolled. Only when one or more domains interact with (and residents) of the area will be aware of the regent's
each other is initiative important. support, opposition, or apathy regarding the action.
Domain initiative: Before actions are played out each Regent Action: If the regent initiating the domain action
domain round, each regent must make a domain initiative sacrifices a bonus action to take a personal hand in its
check (1d20 + Bloodline modifier). implementation (or sends a trusted lieutenant -this costs
Character's with no Bloodline, or a Bloodline modifier of the lieutenants bonus action), then they receive a bonus or
less than +0 roll a straight d20 (without modifiers). penalty proportionate to the result. The regent part of the
The regent with the highest score goes first. The Domain action, will be usually Role Played in full, and it
character with the next highest initiative gets to go next, will always be played if it affects other PC kingdoms.
and so on through the initiative order. Loyalty modifier: +2 for Helpful, +1 for Friendly, -1 for
Delaying: By choosing to delay, you take no action and Unfriendly.
then act normally at whatever initiative point you decide to The attitude of a province's population toward the active
act. If multiple regents are delaying, only the one with the regent has a significant impact on any actions that he takes
highest Bloodline gets to go last. in the province.
Readying: Readying a domain action allows you to take a Regency Points: +1 per RP spent to support, -1 per RP
court action later, in response to a specific event. spent to oppose. Regents may spend RP to support or
To do so, specify the action you will take and the oppose most domain action checks. The province regent
conditions under which you will do so. Then anytime and any regent that has any holding of any level in the
during the round, you may spend your reaction in response province in which the domain action is taking place (as
to those conditions, potentially interrupting the plans of with holdings, they sense the action and who it affects, but
another regent. not the initiator) and may spend RP to support or oppose
As with combat, each regent can perform 1 action, 1 the action (this is different than ordering your holding to
bonus action (court or character) and one reaction. support or oppose and costs no action).

8 Chapter 1 | Ruling a kingdom

There is no limit (save availability) to how many RP may be Temple Holdings generate Gold bars equal to 1/2 their
spent to support or oppose an action. level. These funds represent donations for Temple
Spending RP to support or oppose an action is done in services provided, be they spellcasting, rituals or strait
reverse domain initiative order. Each eligible regent may up donations to the temple.
spend RP to support or oppose the domain action check. Guild Holdings genarate gold bars equal to 2/3rds their
Each regent must be offered the opportunity to spend level. The funds represent trade and payement for guild
regency each round. activities.
Bidding continues round by round, until a round passes
in which no regent bids additional RP, a which point the Seasonal Expenses
domain action check can be made, and the regency spent is The strength of a realm is measured not only by the power
revealed. of its rulers and armies, but also by its economic health.
Many regents have ruined their lands through careless
fiscal policies. Each Season, a regent must cover the
expenses of his government. The most common seasonal
expenses are military payroll, domain maintenance costs,
court costs, vassalage agreements and tribute. These
expenses are paid from the domain's treasury.
Regency expenses
The only normal source of regular domain regency expense
is through a vassalage agreement bound by a ceremony of
investiture. The nature of the investiture realm spell causes
this transfer of regency to occur automatically. If a
character is unable to meet their RP expenses then their
bloodline score is automatically reduced in order to free up
the necessary RP.
Although it is obvious when a holding level opposes or Note that this expense occurs immediately after
supports an action, the spending of RP is not necessarily collection, so a reduction in bloodline due to a vassalage
so. agreement is unlikely. Being a vassal has a real cost,
RP can be spent "anonymously" at the regent's desire. because this timing makes it impossible to "give away"
The player is always aware that RP is being spent against regency points that you wouldn't be able to collect yourself.
them (and can use this information during bidding), but the Likewise it has a real advantage to your liege lord, as
character may not be aware of the mastermind behind the long as their current RP reserve is not at maximum. A
forces opposing his action. standard vassalage agreement generally requires the vassal
to provide 1 RP per province or holding held; but such
agreements can vary significantly.
Seasonal Income
At the start of each season (March, June, September, Asset Maintenance Costs
December) the domain collects income and the Regent The administrative costs of province, holdings, trade
regency. Province regents adjust their realms loyalty. After routes, and other income generating domain assets are
the Income is collected, the Domain expenses are paid, and already factored into their collected net income. The cost of
what is left is taken to the Realm's treasury. non-income generating assets, however, must be paid
Regency is calculated on a 1/1 basis. Meaning a Regent explicitly.
that Controls 3 provinces leveled 4,2 and 5 and 3 law These constructions may generate some revenue, but
holdings with the same ranks, each season they will gain a their regular revenue is insufficient to cover the expenses
tottal of 22 regency points. associated with payroll and/or routine maintenance. Most
Gold bars are collected according to the holdings type. domain constructions have a maintenance cost equal to
one-twelfth of their build cost.
Provinces Generate Gold Bars equal to their level. A
regent may increase the seasional taxation through a Military payroll
decree. The 3 scales of taxation are light, moderate and All military units have a seasonal maintenance cost.
Severe. Moderate is the default. Light taxation A garrisoned army unit incurs maintenance expenses
generates 1/2 of the province level in GB, while severe equal to its initial muster cost each year (1/4 of it's initial
Generates +1/2. The change in taxation can be changed cost per season).
once per season. A garrisoned naval unit incurs expenses equal to its
Law Holdings generate Gold bars equal to 1/4 of their muster cost every two years (1/8th of it's initial cost per
Level. This profit Represents odd Jobs the Holding's season).
personel takes, banditry or anything else the Regent Active units need more maintenance. They double the
Desires. Law Holdings have the ability to Perform garrisoned unit cost. See Chapter Two: Armies and
Seizures. They target another Holding or Province warfare, for details.
within the same Realm and reduce it's income by an
amount equal to their level, while gaining the same Court costs
ammount (a law holding level 2 for example can "seize" A regent must maintain the domain court and pay for
up to 2 Gold Bars. This is automatic, but since you are retainers, regular gifts, and diplomatic affairs of state. The
effectivly stealing from another Regent it will most likely seasonal maintenance cost for a court is shown in the
trigger a response. Court Table.

Chapter 1 | Ruling a kingdom 9

If this expense is not paid the regent loses 5 RP for every Penalty Example
GB of expense of short fall and the court automatically -10 Military forces occupy the province (martial law)
decreases in value (and maybe level) as if the regent had
Decreed its downsizing. -10 100% of the holdings of any type in the
Furthermore, the regent cannot increase the size of her province are hostile to the active regent
court for a full year, as her ability to maintain her courtiers -5 50% or more of the holdings of one type in the
appropriately must be reestablished with time. province are hostile to the active regent
-5 Regent engages in a foreign war (without
-5 Regent does not successfully deal with a major
-2 Regent does not successfully deal with a minor
-2 Regent engages in a foreign war (with sound
-1 One or more other regents in the area are hostile
to the active regent
-1 per law holding held by a non-allied regent
-1 if militia levies are mustered for any purpose
except the defense of the realm.

Attitude Hostile Unfriendly Indifferent Friendly Helpful
Hostile <10 15 20 25 30
The regent's court costs provide a reasonable wage and
standard of living, but do not cover highly prized specialists Unfriendly <5 5 15 25 30
(such as most PCs). Most such characters serve the court Indifferent - <1 5 15 30
out of duty, pride, personal power, or because they want to.
Some lieutenants and specialists may require additional Friendly - - <1 10 20
payment. Such payments constitute an additional expense Helpful - - <1 5 10
to the regent's treasury.
As you can see it may take years of effort (as proven by
Adjusting Province Loyalty history) to change a Hostile province into a Helpfull one.
In general, common-folk tend to be indifferent to their
rulers.Common-folk are generally content as long as they Domain Actions
feel safe from soldiers, brigands, monsters, and other As with combat, action at the domain level is broken up
dangers. into rounds. Every domain round, each regent gets to do
If the common-folk are threatened, or if the taxes something.A domain action round represents one month in
required to provide for their safety seem unreasonably the game world. Each domain round, a regent can perform
high, they are likely to become disgruntled. a domain action and a Bonus Action. A sizable court may
A passionate and fiery orator or a noble hero may win provide one or more extra bonus actions. Some actions
the people's hearts, and inspire them to face great dangers (such as placing your holdings to oppose or support
in the face of a greater good. The attitude of the common- another regents actions are reactions. You can only take
folk towards a regent can have a major impact on the one reaction per turn)
success of their domain actions. Not a domain action: Most normal activities are not
At the beginning of each season turn, the attitude of the considered domain actions. Events that don’t utilize
common-man towards the regent's domain must be significant time or other resources of the domain or its
adjusted based on the events of previous season. court do not fall under the domain level rules system. Note,
Domain attitude is adjusted each season by making a however, that a character's nondomain actions may make it
d20 check modified by the bonuses and penalties such as impossible for her to be personally involved in domain
those listed below. actions if her actions take her far from the center of power.
Bonus Example Character action: Regents, like other characters, have
personal tasks that they may wish to accomplish. This
+5 Regent successfully deals with a major event, could include attending a festival, doing research,
such as an invading army adventuring, crafting items, or any other normal non-
+2 The regent holds all holdings of one type in the domain activity. Character actions involve only the
province character or a small group of characters, not the actions of
+1 The regent holds more than 50% of all holdings an entire court. The main difference between a character
of one type in the province action and a Court action is the scale of resources invested
and involved; a character action generally involves strictly
+1 Regent successfully deals with a minor event,
such as a matter of law or a rampaging monster
personal resources. The Character action is a Bonus
Domain Action.
+1 for each renowned/epic dead the regent has ever Court domain action: The regent initiates a Court
performed inthe service of the domain action but members of the regent's court handle the details
of the matter almost entirely.

10 Chapter 1 | Ruling a kingdom

Court actions are also Bonus Domain Actions. The realm action requires a domain action resolution
Although they may be important, they require very little check for each target, and RP spent to modify the roll must
time or other resources and do not require the focus of the be spent separately for each check.
regent or the entire court. The level of the domain's court Extended domain action: Some actions require more
determines the number of Court domain actions that a than a single action round to complete. Extended actions
domain can take per domain round. may require the domain to expend a court, standard, or
A domain with a very small court may not be eligible to even a full domain action every domain action round until
take any Court actions and must therefore rely on the action is complete. The Build domain action, for
Character Actions to accomplish even the smallest of example, often requires the expenditure of time and
domain-level tasks. resources over a prolonged period of time.
Domain action: Each domain normally is allowed one Behind the scenes: Domain action types Domain
standard domain action per domain round. A regent's actions are roughly parallel to combat actions. Court and
standard domain action represents the primary focus or Character actions are roughly equivalent to Bonus actions;
goal of the regent's court and agents for the domain round. although they can be important, they don't really take up
The regent need not be physically present for his domain to any significant time. Like bonus actions, Court actions can
take a standard action; only routine communication is be taken before or after other actions during the character's
required. initiative.
If the regent is unable to communicate to his realm, the Domain actions are equivalent to actions in combat. The
character's player should still be allowed to select a domain action is the "important" part of each round, and
reasonable domain action for the domain that represents there can be only one such focus per round.
the court's attempts to maintain the realm in the regent's
absence, but the DM has the final say. If for example a
Regent finds that an ally is preparing for war and is Domain Actions with Source
imprisoned his court has no reason to muster troops. Holdings
A regent'scourt can be reasonably expected to perform Source holdings are substantially different that
the same actions as the regent would; a regent's courtiers other types of holdings. Only practitioners of
make it their buisness to have a fair idea of the regent's true magic can create or rule source holdings.
opinions on important matters. A regent can spend regency Other characters cannot control sources directly;
to support his domain's actions, regardless of his personal although they control them indirectly through
involvement. the services of a vassal mage. Unlike other
holdings and domain assets, source holdings and
Full domain action: Some standard domain actions are ley lines have no maintenances cost and provide
so important that the regent chooses to (or must) no Income. Also source regents have only 4
personally oversee the action. A full domain action consists domain actions available. Create Holding, Rule or
of both the domain action that is the focus of the regent's Contest Holding (only for other source holdings)
mechanism of governance and the regent's character and Cast Realm Spell .
action. A regent can spend regency to support full domain Furthermore,the regent of a source holding
actions. A regent that personally oversees the affairs of his gains no special insight into the political powers
realm is eligible to gain bonuses to domain action checks of the province and may be largely unaware of
due to skill proficiencies, as decided by the DM the other regents in the province. On the other
hand, it is equally difficult for non-source regents
The scope of a domain action to view the level or current regent of source
Generally, domain actions affect one domain asset, holdings in their provinces.
province, or holding and take effect in the period of one Powerful sources can provide the regent mage
domain turn. Some domain actions have a wider scope with considerable influence of the wildlife and
natural resources of the province. Source
(although often with higher cost). holdings of level 4 or higher count as virtual
Realm action: Some domain actions can be applied to a guilds for the mage. As a source holding
number of targets at once; actions with the potential of increases, so too does the influence of the mage
increased scope will discuss this fact in their descriptions. over the wildlife and simple-folk of the region. A
For each court/character action used to support the domain source holding of level 4 acts as a virtual guild
action, one additional target may be selected. (0), a source holding of level 5 acts as a virtual
A realm action can be targeted at any or all provinces in a guild (1), and so on. This virtual guild is not an
single realm (all of the targeted provinces must be owned actual holding, it does not count against the total
by the same regent), or at any or all holdings in a single level of guild holding in the province nor it can
province (regardless of regent). not be contested, ruled, or invested as a separate
For example, a priest regent may order all of her temple entity – its fate is entirely tied to that of the
holdings throughout a kingdom to Agitate against an evil source holding.
ruler. Otherwise, the virtual guild provides most of
If the regent wished to use an action to affect three the benefits of an actual guild: the regent mage
collects gold (but not regency) each domain turn,
provinces simultaneously, it would require a standart the mage can use the guild level in domain
action, a character action and a court actions and have actions to affect public opinion (Agitate), rally
triple the standard cost. soldiers to their cause (Muster troops), collect
A regent attempting to affect multiple provinces with the information through agents (Espionage), or
same action must meet the costs for all provinces. The collect income from trade (Create trade route) in
regent is limited by normal restrictions on the use of the exactly the same way as an actual guild of the
action; for example, she cannot target a province in which appropriate level.
she does not maintain holdings of the appropriate type.

Chapter 1 | Ruling a kingdom 11

Gains of regency due to domain actions This process continues, if necessary, until the entire RP
Unusually competent and skilled regents can restore faded loss is paid. Unless otherwise specified, losses in regency
bloodlines to prominence. At the end of each domain come in three categories:
round, scions may gain regency based upon their actions. Minor, Major, and Great.
Regency gains due to a regent's actions do not count Minor losses are caused by failure to respond to minor
against his seasonal regency collection limit, but this events, the loss of a portion of one's domain, occupation
income does not allow the scion to exceed his normal of one of your provinces by an enemy, being defeated in
maximum regency reserve; a minor battle, misuse of the domain treasury, being
RP gained above this maximum are lost. Unless publicly humiliated by a peer, or other such triffles. A
otherwise specified, gains in regency come in three minor loss results in the loss of RP equal to 1d4.
categories: Major losses are the result of failure to respond to major
Minor, Major, and Great. events, loss of a province (or a significant group of
Minor gains are caused by resounding successes in holdings), occupation of one of your provinces by your
dealing with minor events, success in a minor battle, or own forces (martial law), or a major defeat in battle. A
heroic actions taken in service to the domain. A minor major loss results in the loss of RP equal to 2d8 times.
gain results in a gain of RP equal to the regent's Great losses are caused by the occupation or
bloodline ability score. destruction of a significant portion of your domain or a
Major gains are caused by heroic actions of significant military catastrophe. Great losses are generally the
important, success in a major battle, or a resounding result of only by negligence, gross incompetence, or
success in dealing with a major event. A major gain significant failure. A great loss of RP results in a loss of
results in a gain of RP equal to double the regent's RP equal to 5d8.
bloodline ability score.
Great gains are caused only by heroic actions for which Domain action
the regent will be remembered in story and song for
hundreds of years. Such gains are exceedingly rare; descriptions
most regents never realize a Great gain of regency. A Domain Actions Checks are made using the listed skill
great gain increases the regents bloodline ability score proficiency (if any) +the appropriate modifier or the
by one point. Characters blood mod (whichever is greater)
Losses of regency due to domain Character actions
A regent that leaves the governance of his domain to others Adventure
will see his bloodline crumble, and will likely eventually be You take part in an adventure. There are monsters to be
forced to abdicate – or worse. fought, intrigues to be solved, and treasures to be won – in
A regent’s regency collection depends upon his ability to person. Most regents win renown as adventurers and
govern well; the failures of incompetent individuals can heroes before they assume the leadership of a realm or
bring down powerful families and dynasties. organization. An adventure check is a strait 1d20 roll. On a
At the end of each domain round, scions may lose 1 you fail and you take a lingering insjury. 2-10 means you
regency based upon their actions. If the regent does not failed. 11-19 gives you 10% of the xp needed to level up
have sufficient RP in his reserve to cover the regency lost, from your current level to your next one. A 20 is a
then his bloodline is automatically reduced to provide the resounding success and boons you with a common or
necessary regency. uncommon magic item.
Hire [500gp]
The Character hires or replaces followers as detailed in
page 6.
Ply Trade
You spend time in endeavors designed to bring you
personal profit and wealth. Few regents will engage in this
action on a regular basis, but non-regent characters do so
often. Regents usually have weightier matters competing
for their character action each domain turn, but might use
Ply Trade to increase their own personal treasuries. You
choose bordering the one you are in and you gain GP equal
to: Your Choosen Skill Modifier x the province rating x days
spent. For example a character with athletics 4 in a
province 5 that spends 10 days carrying cargo will earn
You learn spells, perform spell research or create a magical
Each point of bloodline loss produces RP equal to fout or mundane item. Spellcasting regents may learn or
times the regent's ability score (refer to research conventional spells, research realm spells, make
Increasing/decreasing bloodline score in Booklet 1 for magical items, or perform other such tasks. Details on the
details). magical activities are presented in the Player's Handbook
and Dungeon Master's Guide.
12 Chapter 1 | Ruling a kingdom
The Dm tells you how many days you have at the end of the Miles per Days per Provinces per
month. Days left unused are considered to be "spent" by Type Speed Day Province Week
the ply trade action. Light 60 ft. 48 2/3 10
Training River 12hrs/day 40 1 8
You spend your downtime to learn a language or tool (as boat
per the player handbook rules) This training will probably
take multiple training actions to be completed. Sea 24hrs/day 80 2 16 (sea
You can also use this action to retrain your character as vessel provinces)
stated in the 1st booklet (the retrain needs to happen just
before you level up). Regents often travel in full entourage. Traveling in
Alternativly you can train to become tougher. Roll 1d20 entourage costs 0.1 GB x the regent's court level to cover
with a dc of 10 (12 for blooded characters) +1/previus the costs of taking guards, courtiers, and servants along.
succesfull training. If you succed you gain hps equal to 1/2 The normal dangers of the road aren't likely to confront
of your last class's HD. an entourage of 20 to 40 individuals. On the other hand,
large groups of people are both obvious and slow.
Travel Regents preferring speed or stealth over safety and
Routine travel is not a domain action. However, if a comfort are likely to travel with a smaller party.
character spends a significant period of the domain round
traveling, then she is incapable of performing other Court actions
character actions (except, perhaps, adventuring). As a rule As noted previously, courtiers and functionaries of the
of thumb, a character that spends more than two weeks in regent's domain usually handle court actions. The number
travel is not eligible to perform any other character action. of court actions that a domain can perform depends on the
Characters that are traveling with a military unit should size of its court. A court action can be taken using the
also be considered to be engaged in the Travel character realm's standard action for the domain turn if necessary.
action (and may not need to make the move troops action)
Build [1d4 GB; DC 0]
You start the creation of some form of building, civil project,
or other major construction. This includes the construction
of domain assets such as fortifications, naval vessels,
highways,and bridges. The DC for the domain action check
is 0; only significant opposition from other regents can
cause this action to fail.
Regents tend to build assets for the benefit of the realm
or themselves. For example, highways are needed to run
trade routes and armies benefit from roads when they
move. Regents often arrange for allies to aid in Build
actions by donating personnel (court actions or GB),
materials (GB), or some other consideration. The
construction cost for domain assets appears above, in
Domain Assets. The listed costs assume that the
Standard travel rates presents common rates of travel constructions are built in relatively settled areas with easy
through good terrain and in good weather. These rates access to the necessary building materials.
assume that travel takes place on clear roads or plains. Building in remote areas or difficult terrain adds to the
Terrain modifiers for movement and weather are available cost of the structure. Building anything in a (0) costs costs
in the Player's Handbook and are under the DM's 200% of normal. In (1) or (2) it costs 150% of normal;. The
Discretion. cost is doubled again for extreme conditions, such as
Most communications between regents take place building on a mountainside.
through routine messengers. The frequency of such Construction proceeds at the rate of 1d4 Gold Bars per
communications depends by the travel time between the month. "Build" needs to be taken only once/project. For
regent's locations. For example, two realms located 10 each separate build action taken for the same project, the
provinces apart (1 week travel time) cannot be reasonably construction increases by the same ammount for that
expected to carry on communications by messenger that month In other words, it can take many court actions to
require more than four total exchanges. finish a major project. The die roll and the frequency with
which the Build action is taken determine the speed of
Travel Rate construction.Constructions costs must be paid after
Miles per Days per Provinces per progress is determined for each action.
Type Speed Day Province Week Special:If a standard action is spent on a build action, a
Entourage 15 ft. 12 3 1/3 2 regent or lieutenant may make an appropriate Tool
proficiency check against a DC equal to the total cost of the
On foot, 20 ft. 16 2 1/2 3 construction; if successful, the regent may choose the
slow progress of instead of rolling randomly. The standart action
On foot, 30 ft. 24 1 1/2 4 (and the check) needs to be taken only once, and
fast represents making the plans needed to finish the
Carriage 40 ft. 32 1 1/4 6 construction. After that a character action need to be spent
until the construction is complete (representing overseeing
Warhorse 50 ft. 40 3/4 8 the progress)
Chapter 1 | Ruling a kingdom 13
Decree [1 GB; DC -] Regents should try to distinguish personal wealth from
You make an administrative decision with regard to your the domain's treasury. Many subjects, particularly nobles,
domain or a declaration to other domains. There is no believe that the treasury belongs to the realm, not the
domain action check for a decree action. A decree cannot individual who is currently its regent.
directly affect another regent's domain, change the level of Excessive spending of the realm's finances may affect
a holding (this would be a Contest action), or change the domain attitude or spark a domain event. Realms that are
attitude of the populace (this would be an Agitate action). in need of GB can obtain loans from anyone with sufficient
Example decrees might including the raising of a vassal money to lend (including the regent's personal funds).
to a new noble rank or position, a declaration of support for The terms of interest are subject to negotiation; an
some party or another in a conflict, the grant of interest rate of 10% for one year is fair.
permissions to a noble or military order, a declaration of
war, an increase in taxes the declaration of a new holiday or Move Troops [1 GB]
public event, or any similar action. You order your troops to move to another province. In effect
Decrees often take the form of laws – whether laws for you grand to some or all of your units movement points
the realm or for particular holdings. For example, a temple equal to 4 times their movement rate (each unit can utilize
holding may declare that it is immoral to enlist in a realm only their movement rate in points every week). The action
regent's army. begins when you issue the order, and is completed at the
If the temple holding controls all of the religion in the end of the month. Orders can change at the end of each
province, virtually all of the people will be hesitant to week. (Meaning that if you order a unit of infantry to
disobey the church, making it very difficult – if not advance to a place 4 provinces away you cannot stop that
impossible – for the realm regent to recruit troops in the order until they are at least 1 province away from where
province. they started) You need to issue the order only 1/month even
Decrees often lose effectiveness over time unless actions if you change it mid-month. Movement Points are discussed
are spent to keep the decree fresh in everyone's mind. in chapter two: Αrmies and Warfare.
Ancient decrees might be ignored entirely until someone
takes the effort to restore it to circulation. Muster/Train Troops [GB cost Varies]
A court action is required to muster new military units or to
Disband [ 0 GB; DC varies] train existing military units. Costs and other details
You unmake a single asset, holding, or army (any number of pertaining to military units are presented in Chapter Two:
units in a single friendly province). A regent is always free Armies and warfare.
to dismiss army units or mercenaries from his service.
Arrangements must be made, however, for mustering out Occupy province [1 GB]
payment, transport home, the collection of is sued Regents can, for a small price in realm attitude, bring in
equipment, and other logistical details. The domain action their armies and institute martial law. The occupation of a
check DC is 0 for regular army units and 10 for mercenary province requires the use of military units.
units. If the check fails, some individuals become brigands In order to occupy a province, units loyal to the regent
and begin raiding the province in which they disbanded. must spend an entire month (four war moves) occupying
A regent can also choose to disband any holding or asset key institutions in the province. If a unit moves or is
(such as a fortification) by razing it. involved in any battle then it may not occupy the province.
Unless the regent personally oversees this event, An occupied province generates no regency income for
however, there is a significant chance that the local agents the province ruler. The normal taxation income goes in part
employed by the holding or asset will assume that the order or in full to the occupying regent (1 GB per unit occupying
is a mistake, the act of a traitor, or some other hoax. the province).
The DC for disbanding a holding or asset is 20, unless The military forces in a province act as a temporary law
the regent is personally present during the destruction (in holding with a level equal to the number of occupying units.
which case no domain check need be made). Existing law holdings are reduced (temporarily) by the
As holdings and assets are valuable, disbanding is rare; same amount.
the only advantage to this action is saving maintenance In addition, each unit may destroy one holding level in
costs. the province per month. For example, three units could
Also, destroying a holding (even by choice) may result in raze a temple (6) to a temple (0) in two months of
a minor loss of regency as the regent's supporters in the occupation. This sort of heavy-handed action has dire
area are left to fend for themselves. In general, regents consequences on the province’s attitude towards the
should look at all possible solutions before disbanding regent; as such behavior often marks the beginning of
armies or holdings. While the disband action is free, realm-wide tyranny.
recruiting new troops or building up new assets is not. This action normally allows for the occupation of one
province. Multiple provinces can be occupied (troops
Finance [0 GB] permitting) with the expenditure of multiple court actions.
Regent gain money and treasure from a variety of sources –
taxes, tithes, trade routes, plying trade, adventuring – and Standart Domain Actions
they need to keep careful track of their funds. This domain Agitate [Standard/Realm; Persuation, 1
action allows regents to convert coinage, jewelry, and other GB]
goods (magical items, adventuring loot) to/from Gold Bars. A regent can use her influence to agitate a province's
This conversion takes place at the ratio of 2,000 gp for 1 attitude for or against a person, domain, or idea. A regent
GB (and visa versa). In each domain turn, a regent may can agitate a province's attitude in favor of herself or her
convert as many as 5 GB, plus 1 GB per level of guild allies.
holding he controls. Similarly, a regent can agitate a province's attitude
disfavorably against their enemies.
14 Chapter 1 | Ruling a kingdom
Agitate can be a powerful weapon. The Agitate action does This action is often combined with the casting of a
not have a standard domain action check. Instead, a Bloodline
domain attitude check is made (as discussed in the section investiture realm spell.
on adjusting domain attitude) but with slightly different Coronation: You become the lawfully (and spiritually)
adjustments and modifiers. recognized regent of an unclaimed domain or a domain
(1) Regardless of the result, the domain's attitude cannot that you currently hold temporarily through designation.
move in the opposite direction of the active regent's This action requires a domain action check with a DC of 10
intended agitation (up or down). + the size of the domain that you are attempting to invest.
(2) The active regent may spend GB to provide a bonus All regents that have holdings in any province in which the
or penalty to the check (1 GB per +/- 1). invested domain has holdings and any regents that have a
(3) The active regent's holding used for the action seemingly legitimate claim to the domain may bid regency
provides a bonus (or penalty) equal to the holding level to support or oppose the ceremony.
without a reaction cost. Designation: A regent may designate an heir for his
(4) If used against another regent, the target regent's domain (or heirs for multiple portions of his domain). If the
largest holding provides a bonus to the check equal to its regent later perishes, the heir(s) automatically assume
level without a reaction cost. temporary control of the domain along with the slain
(5) All regents in the area may spend RP to support or characters regency points (if any). The new regent gains
oppose the check, providing a bonus or penalty of one for half of the RP that they would normally collect until they
each RP spent. undergo a Ceremony of Coronation.
(6) The domain attitude may not increase or decrease by If a regent does not designate an heir, then any character
more than two attitude levels per Agitate action. with a reasonable claim to the domain can attempt to claim
Realm action: Agitate normally only affects the attitude of it; folk legends speak of the land itself choosing its next
one province. It may also be used as a realm-wide action. guardian in some instances. A nondesignated regent that
If a domain takes Agitate as its standard action, it may claims a domain does not gain any regency until all other
use additional court/character actions to support the claimants are defeated and a Ceremony of Coronation is
Agitate. For each court action used, an additional province performed. This action requires no action check.
may be affected. The holding type used for the Agitate must Divestiture: You attempt to claim a province that is
be the same in all targeted provinces. currently claimed by another regent. This action can only
All costs and success checks are calculated individually be performed on a single province per action unless the
for each province affected. realm’s current regent is physically present at the ceremony
(willing or not). In order to perform this action, the target
Cast Realm Spell [RP&GB varies] province or provinces must be occupied by your troops or
A Temple or Source regent casts a realm spell. Realm in rebellion against their current regent. This action
spells are a special type of magic that are available only to a requires an action check with a DC of 10 + the total level of
regent spellcaster. provinces that you are attempting to claim by conquest. All
Realm spells can be used only in provinces in which the regents that have holdings in the province(s) may bid
regent has an appropriate holding level and with the costs regency to support or oppose the ceremony. Temple regents
and effects presented in the realm spell’s description. may also use their temple holding levels in the province(s)
Details on realm spells are found in Chapter Three- to support or oppose the ceremony as a reaction.
Realm Magic. Lieutenancy: You declare a character as having the
authority to speak on the domain’s behalf. A recognized
lieutenant can stand in for the regent in almost any domain-
level matter and is recognized as wielding the same
authority as the regent himself. A domain’s heir is often a
lieutenant first, but this need not be the case. A lieutenant
character has both Character and Domain Action (but only
one action is allowed per province or holding every month)
and is of a Class and Race choosen by the player (and
always 2 levels bellow the Regent). The lieutenant is often
blooded, can always tap into his Liege's Regency reserve (if
the regent is willing) and his personality and attitude is
decided by the Dm. If a Character starts losing lietenants
due to mistreatment, he may find it difficult to Hire New
Transfer: You willingly transfer one or more provinces,
holdings, domain assets or even your bloodline to another
regent. Both regents must be physically present at the
ceremony and willing participants. This action requires no
action check.
Vassalage: You accept the sworn vassalage of another
regent. This ceremony requires the active participation of a
temple regent capable of casting realm spell in the province
Ceremony [1 GB] in which the ceremony is performed (this counts as a court
This action allows a regent to arrange for current, future, or action for the temple regent’s domain).
on-going transfers of domain assets to another character. Once sworn, this ceremony provides the liege with a
Ceremonies help to fix the minds of a domain’s populace seasonal tribute of regency from the vassal subject. This
and ease the acceptance of a new regent or heir. tribute can be any amount, but does not generally exceed

Chapter 1 | Ruling a kingdom 15

Create Ley Line [1 GB and 1 RP per
1 RP per province or holding that the vassal holds in the province crossed (min 2)]
liege’s name. Source regents may use this action to create a magical link
This ceremony is binding but either can revoke it by between two provinces. Many arcane realm spells require a
issuing a decree of independence. minimum source level in the province to be affected, but a
Contest Holding [Standard/Realm; 1RP ley line acts as a mystical conduit, allowing the source
regent to use their highest source holding level to which
& 1 GB] their ley line is connected.
A regent can neutralize another regent’s domain by A ley line between two provinces makes the mebhaighl of
contesting his influence. This action targets one holding the largest source available in both provinces. A line may be
held by an opposing regent. The DC for the domain action forged from a province where you hold a high level source
check is 10 plus the level of the targeted holding. to one in which you hold a low-level source (even a source 0
On a successful check against a holding, you reduce the is valid for holding a lay line). Ley lines must be forged as a
level of the contested holding by 1 + your active holding straight line, and for the purposes of determining through
level; which provinces they pass, should be measured from the
if the holding is reduced below level 0 then it is center of the initial province to the center of the destination
destroyed. This reduction is permanent, although province.
subsequent create holding and rule actions could allow the This action requires a domain action check with a base
holding to reestablish itself. DC of 10. Unlike most domain actions, however, a ley line
Generally, holdings can only be contested by other passes through multiple provinces. Source regents in any
holdings of the same type. Law holdings are also able to province through which the ley line passes (including the
contest guild and temple holdings (but not source two endpoints) may apply their source holding levels as a
holdings). positive or negative modifier to the check.
Contesting another’s holding is like declaring war. A Unlike most domain actions, only regents with source
successful contest action robs the victim of regency and holdings may bid RP to support or oppose this action, but
gold collection and other support from the holding, bidding any source regent in any province along the ley line path
wars for Contest actions can get ugly and expensive very may do so. The RP spent to oppose/ support the domain
fast. action follow the standard bidding rules for spending RP
In most cases, regents use the Contest action as a threat on domain actions or dispel realm magic.
or a negotiating tool, rather than actually performing it If this check fails, the ley line is not forged. If the check
often. succeeds, the ley line is forged and is considered to be a
Realm action: As a standard action, Contest affects one permanent domain asset of domain until its regent dispels
target holding. This action can be supported by the line or it is sundered.
court/character actions to affect the scope of an entire Ley lines cost nothing to maintain, but increase the RP
realm. For each court action spent, an additional holding of cost of any realm spell through them by one RP per
the same type or held by the same opposing regent can be province of separation. Refer to Chapter Three: Realm
targeted. Success rolls and costs (including RP bidding) are magic, for additional details on ley lines, ley line networks,
calculated separately for each target. and sundering existing ley lines.
Contest Trade Route [Persuation; 1 GB] Create Trade Route [Persuation or any
A regent can neutralize another regent’s trade route by tool proficiency; 1 GB]
contesting his influence. Any law, temple, or guild holding Guild regents can attempt to open trade routes, thereby
can be used to contest a trade route that terminates or even increasing the potential income of their domain. Trade
just passes through its province. routes are discussed in detail in the domain assets section
This action targets one trade route held by an opposing of this chapter.
regent. The DC for the domain action check is 10 plus 1/2 The creation of a trade route requires a domain action
of the level of the guilds that holds the trade route. check against a DC 10.
On a successful domain action check against, you
destroy the trade route. This reduction is permanent, Diplomacy [Persuation; 1 GB]
although subsequent rule actions could recreate the trade Negotiations with other domains fall under the diplomacy
route. action. Regents are assumed to maintain routine
Create Holding [1 GB] communication with their neighbors – such
A regent wishing to establish a holding in a province where communications do not require the use of the Diplomacy
he has no holdings of a specific type may attempt to create action.
a holding (0). Once created, the regent is free to Rule the Communicating routine threats, offers, or remarks to
holding to a higher level (if the province level permits such NPC regents doesn't require the use of the Diplomacy
growth) or to contest existing holdings in order to increase Action, but if the result requires the creation of treaties,
the influence of his holdings. contracts, and other legal guarantees then the agreement is
The base DC for the domain action check is 10. As usual a Diplomacy action.
for standard domain actions, holdings of the same type as Similarly, if a player receives a routine communication,
you are attempting to create may apply their level as a he can make a brief response – i.e., accepting or declining a
bonus or penalty to the action check. In addition, however, proposal – without forfeiting an action.
law holdings may apply their levels as a bonus or penalty to The Diplomacy actions represent a full-court affair
the action check if the target holding is a guild or temple. designed to achieve a specific diplomatic goal.
As usual, all regents with a presence in the province may The diplomacy action is used for a wide variety of goals.
bid RP to support or oppose the check. Diplomacy designed to create new or break existing
alliances is the most obvious use of this action.

Chapter 1 | Ruling a kingdom

This action can be used to convince a regent to use their This action can also be used to hide information (or an
holding levels in support of a future action. action perfomed on the same or the next turn) that would
Diplomacy can be used to arrange for permissions for normally be visible to other regents in the province (such as
certain activities (such as mustering a military unit, passing the existence of a holding). The base DC for hiding
a trade route through another regent’s province, arranging information is 20.
a political marriage, negotiate peace, arrange for a Only guild holdings can provide a bonus or penalty to the
recognition of independence, or agree to a ransom for DC; other types of holdings are not as well geared for
prisoners). clandestine operation.
Most importantly, Diplomacy can be used to convince an The check receives a penalty equal to the number of law
NPC regent to take specific domain actions that may be to holdings in the province, unless the active regent holds the
the PCs benefit (such as Building roads or seaports, law holdings. If successful, the hidden information can only
performing a Ceremony, or Declaring war). be revealed through as the target of an Espionage action (or
During a Diplomacy action, negotiation may take place, perhaps through Role Playing).
and the result agreed upon can differ from the initial offer
made by the active regent.
The domains are generally free to make proposals and
counter-proposals, even to widen the scope of the
negotiations during the action.
The active regent, however, is the one that decides what
the final offer is, for purposes of resolving the action.
The base DC in a Diplomacy action is strongly
determined by how much the target wants to reach an
agreement with you.
If the Diplomatic offers is a clear advantage to the target
regent and has little or no cost to them, then the base DC is
5 (Easy).
If the offer has some advantage to the regent that
exceeds the cost, then the base DC is 10 (Routine).
If the offer has a potential advantage to the regent but the
costs may equal the potential gains, then the base DC is 15
If the offer entails a large risk or cost for the target the
base DC is 20 (Difficult).
Attempting to reach an agreement that entails large risk
for the regent may have a base DC of 25 or higher.
Unlike most standard actions, a Diplomacy action does
not involve one of the regent’s specific holdings. Instead,
the Diplomacy action is performed directly by the court.
The difference between the active and target regent’s court
levels acts as a positive or negative modifier to the check. Canny regents should perform Espionage actions in their
Regency cannot be spent on Diplomatic actions. own provinces on an irregular basis as a form of active
Instead, any regent aware of the action may spend GB to counterespionage.
support/oppose the action. These GB represent money Special: You can take an espionage action to establish a
spent on gifts, bribes, informants, or other expenditures spy network within a hostile or friendly province. This
that are separate from any offer of Gold offered as part of action has a base DC 20.
the Diplomatic agreement. A spy network has no initial cost (save for the action
Special: You can take a diplomacy action to establish an cost), but requires 1 GB in maintenance each domain turn.
embassy with another regent’s domain. This is a routine A domain with an established spy network in a province
offer for most regents (DC 10). An embassy has no initial may perform Espionage actions in that province as a Court
cost, but requires a 1 GB maintenance each domain turn. A action.
domain with an established embassy may perform Furthermore, due to the established contacts, the
Diplomacy actions as Court actions in that realm. network provides a +2 bonus to the domain success check
Furthermore, due to the familiarity of the ambassadors for Espionage in that province.
with the regent’s court, the embassy provides a +2 bonus to Note that failure in the check might mean that your spy
the domain success check for Diplomacy in that Realm. just fails to get the info. A 1 means your spy is captured.
Espionage is one of the few actions that can be performed
Espionage [Skill used Varies; 1 GB] for another regent.
This action includes any kind of spying or covert actions
designed to gather information, hide information, or Espionage DCs
perform covert operations. Check Information gained
The primary use of this action is to gather information 5 Common rumors and information
about a specific target province. The success level
determines the completeness of the information revealed. 10 Catalogue troop position and strength in a
Only the Regent initiating this action may spend RP. Other
regents that are unaware of the action and thus cannot bid 15 Reveal the domain statistics of a province
against it. (attitudes, regents,holding levels, etc.)

Chapter 1 | Ruling a kingdom 17

Check Information gained
Realm action: Rule Holding normally only affects one
holding. It may also be used as a realm-wide action. If a
20 Reveal the nature of diplomatic talks taking place domain takes Rule Holding as its standard action, it may
between two domains use additional court actions to Rule Holdings of the same
25 Reveal the specifics of an existing diplomatic type in other provinces.
agreement between two domains, Reveal battle For each court action used, an additional holding of the
plans for movement of troops currently stationed same type may be affected. All costs and success checks
in the province , Find the location of prisoners, are calculated individually for each province affected.
criminals in hiding, etc.
30+ Trace the responsibility for an assassination, Rule Province [1 RP +1 GB per target
corruption, heresy, or other covert intrigue in the level of target province]
province Province level represents the relative level of organization
in a province. Most provinces have large numbers of
Rule Holding [Standard/Realm; citizens that exist, to a great extent, on their own; neither
1RP/Target level, 1 GB] enjoying the benefits of civilization nor paying its price
Regents spend significant time increasing the power of (increased taxes, feudal duties, and other obligations).
their domains. The Rule Holding domain actions allows By ruling a province, a regent attempts to increase their
you to increase the level of one of your existing holdings. level of control over the populace. This growth can be due
This action includes the costs of construction of to reforms in your domain to sponsor growth or expansion,
additional minor support buildings and personnel (shrines, by opening up new areas to agriculture, or by sponsoring
warehouses and markets, trade and industry; but the net effect is an increase in your
guard posts and magistrates, etc) appropriate to the province level.
holding level. The base DC for the domain action is 10 + the current
The base DC for the domain action check is 10 + the level of your province. Unlike most standard actions, no
current level of your holding. Unlike most standard actions, holding levels can be applied to support or oppose this
you cannot apply your holding level as a bonus to the action and RP cannot be spent to support or oppose the
domain action check, but regents with the same holding action.
type may apply their holding levels normally as a reaction. A Domain can only take this action once per season turn.
In addition, law holdings may support or oppose the Regardless of whether this action fails or succeeds, an
ruling of temple or guild holdings. If this check is additional attempt to Rule Province (even a different
successful, your holding increases by one level. province) in the same domain turn automatically fails.

18 Chapter 1 | Ruling a kingdom

Chapter 2: Armies and Warfare

olitical realms often resort to warfare to settle Allies are troops loaned to one ruler by another, and
their differences. Military forces and come into play only in unusual circumstances Diplomacy is
fortifications are crucial assets of any domain. usually requred to convince a ruler to loan a portion of his
A domain that is unable to field sufficient army. Allie usually remain under the control of their own
defense becomes an easy target for Regent, who must enter battle or asign a Field Commander
opportunists. On the other hand, a domain or Strategist.
that supports an army beyond its means will When Palaces and Fortified Holdings are created, they
quickly deplete its treasury. Thus, a working knowledge of are assumed to hold enough men to deffend the
warfare and the management of military assets is essential fortification. Taking those men into open combat will
for any successful regent. The mass combat system is a effectively lower the fortification and is not advised.
role-playing aid. It is designed to be easy to learn and
focuses on opportunities for character actions and story
It is not designed to necessarily provide the level of
complexity appropriate for a complete war-gaming system. .
The Mass combat system has two levels of resolution:
strategic movement and tactical combat. The strategic
rules provide mechanics to represent military intelligence,
and the movement of armies on a weekly basis. The tactical
rules are used to resolve specific conflicts between
opposing armies located in the same strategic area.
Any Regent (and many unblooded lordlings) can field an
armie. Armies are composed of Units, Companies and War Cards
Musters. The terminology isn't important - a basic unit is
about 200 men. In Cerilia a Standing army of 5000-6000 When entering combat, each unit is represented by a War
troops, or 15-16 Units is a very powerful force. In times of Card. (War Cards are described in more detailed later in
war this number may increase but an army larger than that this chapter). Players need not have the war cards when
couldn't be supported for long. armies are created. The Dm will provide the Cards when a
A kingdom's entire muster is unlikely to be in one place battle takes place. (Though all available war cards will be
at any time. Garrisons, reserves and Guards are needed to printed and given to the players on a later booklet.
ensure the safety of the whole kingdom. A wise regent
won't leave his back door open, regardless of how friendly Unit Types
his neighbors appear to be. Many types of Units can be created or hired by regents who
Building an Army qualify. Unless otherwise noted, regents who control
domains composed entirely of holdings must convince a
Soldiers can be acquired in feve ways: Musters, Levies, province ruler to allow them to raise an army. Without the
Mercenaries, Allies and Holdings. Musters are the easiest permision of the Ruler most people will be relutant join the
method. A a regent simply spends money to draft, train and Army. There are two exceptions. A Temple regent can
equip a unit of his choise. Certain units may not be declare Holy War vs the Province ruler (through a Decree)
available in all regions; for exampl, only a prosperous in order to ignore getting a permission and any regent can
province has resources to create enough Knights to field an perform Espionage to hide the hiring of the army.
entire company. The Unit below are the basic Anuirean units, but they
Province rulers can also raise a levy (or militia). Each can be modified to fit any other Cerilian Realm. For
time the Levy is raised the province is reduced by one level example Vos Infantry, is more ferocious (having a higher
until the levy disbands. A number of militia units up to the attack) but cares less about defence.
province's base rating can be created, so a level 3 province The mustering of any unit proceeds at the monthly rate
can create up to 3 militia units. This will lower the province of 1d4 GB monthly (paid after monthly progress is
level to 2. (In the next turn, 2 more levies could be determined) until the muster cost is met. A warcraft check
mustered reducing the level to 1). The province ratings (and a Standart action from the Regent or a Lieutenant)
remains lowered until the entire levy disbands. If all the with a DC of 8 + muster cost can be used to choose the
militia units are destroyed, the province does not recover. progress instead of rolling it randomly. The check is made
It's level remains lowered and it needs a succesfull Rule once, though after spending a Domain Action, the one that
action to be raised again. initiated the training must spend a character action until
Mercenaries can be hired by any character who has the muster is complete. The total number of units in
enough money. Even non-regents can become great training at any time cannot exceed the province rating.
mercenary captains. However most mercenaries are very For example, in a regent decides that he needs muster
inreliable. If a mercenary unit participates in a battle and one of Knights and one unit of archers (6 GB and 2GB
loses, it automatically disbands. Mercenary units disband if muster cost each). He takes their training very seriously so
they go unpaid, and may become brigands. However they he decides to do it himself. Succeeding at the warcraft
are always ready for for battle and may move and fight check he chooses to finish the archers training (2) and to
immediatly after they are hired. progress the Knights only by 1 since he is low on funds.
Chapter 2 | Armies and Warfare 19
Basic Units
Type Move Defence Morale Melee Missile Charge Special Cost Hits Requirements(1)
Archers 2 2 2 2 4 - +1 to attacks vs mounted units 2 2 Law 2
Artilerists 1 1 2 1 5 - Ignore defensive terrain bonuses 4 2 Law 5
Cavalary 3 3 2 3 1 5 - 4 2 Law 3
Infantry 1 3 2 3 - - +1 to attacks vs pikes or irregulars 2 2 Law 1
Elite 1 4 3 4 - - +1 to attacks vs pikes or irregulars 4 3 Law 3
Irregulars 2 2 2 3 3 - - 1 2 Law 1
Knights 2 4 3 4 - 6 - 6 3 Law 4
Militia 1 1 1 2 - - - 0 3 Province Ruler
Mercenary 3 3 1 3 1 5 - 6 2 -
Mercenary 1 3 1 3 - - +1 to attacks vs pikes or irregulars 4 2 -
Mercenary 2 2 1 3 2 - - 3 2 -
Pikemen 1 3 2 3 - - Pikemen cannot be charged.+1 to 2 2 Law 2
attack and defence vs mounted
Scouts 2 2 2 2 4 - Move throug any terrain. May 2 2 Law 0
reveal army composition and
fortifications on bordering

(1) A guild or temple holding can raise troops if it is 2 levels higher than the Law Holding Required
(2) A Warcraft check vs the Warcraft check of the opponent commander is required. Failure by 5 or more means the unit
suffers one hit and is discovered. Failure by 10 or more means the Unit is Destroyed
Special Units
Special Units are nonhuman soldiers normally available only to non-human regents. Special troops cannot be mustered
unless the regent is a member of the race or his domain includes cities, villages or strongholds of the proper type. For example
an Elf regent can muster units of elves. A regent whose domain includes a province infested with goblins can muster goblin
units. Using evil humanoids as part of an army however should be used lightly since most civilised realms view it as a breach
of an unspoken rule. Below are some of the most common special units.
Special Units
Type Move Defence Morale Melee Missile Charge Special Cost Hits Requirements(1)
Dwarf 1 5 2 3 - - Ignore fallback and rout results 4 or 5 3 Law 4 or
Guards caused by magic Mercenry
Dwarf 1 4 3 2 4 - Ignore fallback and rout results 4 or 5 2 Law 4 or
Crossbows caused by magic Mercenry
Elf Archers 2 2 3 2 5 - Elves move freely through any 4 2 Law 4
Elf Cavalry 4 3 3 3 4 5 Elves move freely through any 8 2 Law 4
Goblin 1 2 1 1 3 - Dissengages without provoking 1 or 2 2 Law 2/Mercenry
Archers opportunity attacks
Goblin 1 2 1 2 1 - Dissengages without provoking 2/3 2 Law 3 or
Infantry opportunity attacks Mercenary
Gnoll 2 3 1 3 2 - When they destroy a unit Gnolls 2 2 Mercenary
Marauders can move 1 square
Gnoll 2 4 1 4 2 - When they destroy a unit Gnolls 3 2 Mercenary
Infantry can move 1 square

(1) A guild or temple holding can raise troops if it is 2 levels higher than the Law Holding Required

20 Chapter 2 | Armies and Warfare

Naval units
Naval units consist of a single vessel and its crew. Most regions have three common ships: a light trader, a light warship,and a
heavy warship. Warships generally act as merchantmen during peacetime.
Naval units can be used both to transport troops and goods, and fight. If a battle is fought in a beach, ships with the artillery
property can strike one square on the central lines of the battlefield 1/3 rounds at the "stationary missile" phase.
Cargo/Units Muster
Type Move Defence Morale Melee Missile Transported Special Cost Hits Requirements(1)
Caravel 3 3 3 3 1 3 Artillery 1 6 3 Shipyard 3
Coaster 4 1 1 1 0 1 Can dissengage without 2 2 Shipyard 2
provoking opportunity
Cog 2 3 2 3 2 3 Artillery 2 6 3 Shipyard 3
Galeon 2 5 3 5 5 6 Artillery 3 15 4 Shipyard 7
Keelboat 4 1 1 1 - 1 Is "invisible" to larger ships 1 1 Shipyard 1
until it makes an attack

Renowned units Failing to maintain units

Every realm with a standing army has at one unit that is Military expenses are paid at the end of each season (when
considered to consist of the finest warriors that the realm taxes are collected). Any normal army unit that is not
has to offer. maintained takes one hit. The hit cannot be healed until
Young warriors vie for the right to join this unit and the proper maintenance is restored and it represents the
best officers of the realm vie for the honor of being in its unwillingness of the soldiers to fight properly.
command. Such units are known as "renowned units" and The commanding regent may spend regency points to
each bears a special name (such as the Iron Guard of avoid this damage. In effect they use their divine energy to
Ghoere). soothe the troops. They need to spend 2 regency points for
A realm's renowned unit is considered to be in its "home every gold bar they fall short.
province" in every province of its nation. Thus, unless the For each season the army remains unpaid, the Regency
unit engages in battle, it is considered to be in garrison cost doubles, as it becomes more difficult to soothe unpaid
(and subject to a reduced maintenance costs) anywhere troops. When a unit recieves enough hits this way to
within its realm. "destroy" it, it becomes hostile and rebels.
Although a realm may have multiple named units, it may Mercenary units cannot be "paid" with regency.
only have one unit that gains this bonus.
Improving Units
Unit Maintenance Cost Once a unit has been mustered, it can advance in ability
Once a unit has finished mustering, it requires regular only through experience. There are three scales of unit
support for payroll, food, lodging, replacement equipment, experience. Standart, Experienced or Veteran. A Unit is
fodder, and the other numerous costs associated with considered standart when it finishes it's initial training, but
maintaining a standing army. for the first battle, it suffers -1 to morale (giving some units
Each military unit has military maintenance costs that a 0 morale modifier) until it succesfully lands a hit. After
measured in gold bars per season. This cost covers all that a Unit improves every three battles it survives.
normal military expenses, including those related to unit Experienced units have +1 to one statistic (regents choise)
movement (but not the issuing of the move troops order - save Hits. Veteran Units have another +1 to one statistic
see court actions). (regents choise, including hits)
The cost required to maintain an army depends on its
location. The soldiers of each unit are most easily Military Assets
supported in the province in which they are normally Millitary assets are Domain assets which help the army be
garrisoned. A unit's initial home province is the province in more effective in protecting the Realm. All of them are
which it was mustered. If it remains in any friendly province aquired with the build action and their costs can be found
for two seasons, then the new province becomes its home in chapter 1.
A garrisoned army unit incurs maintenance expenses Fortifications
equal to its initial muster cost each year (1/4 of it's initial Provinces and law, guild, or temple holdings have goods,
cost per season). buildings and personnel that are critical to the power base
A garrisoned naval unit incurs expenses equal to its that they represent. Without protection, these critical
muster cost every two years (1/8th of it's initial cost per assets are vulnerable to occupation or destruction by
season). military forces. Fortifications make a province or holding
Active units need more maintenance, and they double the more difficult to attack.
garrisoned unit cost. There are two types of fortifications: fortified holdings
A unit is considered to be active if it leaves its home and province fortifications.
province or if its home province contains potentially hostile A fortified holding makes one holding resistant to
forces. Naval units are considered active only if they are destruction. Fortified holdings might be defensible
partaking in battles or in transporting units. When they are monasteries or cathedrals, walled warehouses, or hidden
used in trade or to simple transport passengers they suffer bandit strongholds.
minimal damage and are considered garrisoned.

Chapter 2 | Armies and Warfare 21

A fortified holding remains under a regent's control even if Alliances
hostile forces occupy the province in which it lies. Normal Among the most important assets that a domain can
(unfortified) holdings may be razed when an attacker possess are strong alliances forged with other regents
chooses to occupy a province, but fortified holdings remain whose interests are similar to those of the domain.
until taken by siege or storm. Alliances are generally forged using the domain action
Fortified holdings are rated by level, just like holdings. diplomacy or over the course of other character actions.
The level of a fortified holding cannot exceed the level of There are five possible levels of military alliance between
the holding it protects. realms. Note that states of military alliance are distinct
The fortification only protects holding levels equal to its from the realm’s diplomatic attitudes.
rating, any holding level which exceed the fortification are Two realms may be hostile towards each other, but be
subject to destruction. forced into non-aggression by a tradition, conquest, or
common interest. Likewise, two realms that are friendly
towards each other may find themselves at war due to
conflicting military alliances or other factors.
At war: Realms are officially at war whenever either side
makes a public proclamation to that effect. Declaring war
requires the use of the domain action decree. Realms that
are officially at war may agree to certain terms of warfare
that may limit the field of battle, the role of peasants and
other non-combatants, and the periodic exchange of
prisoners. Negotiating terms of war requires a diplomacy
action (usually during the domain action in which war is
decreed). You may move military units into a realm with
which you are at war using a free move troops domain
actions. Moving troops into a realm with which you are at
war is a free action. Traveling with an army on the move is
a character action.
No alliance: This represents the default state of affairs
between most realms. The realms generally respect each
A province fortification represents a castle and a system of other's borders. Although border raiding may occur, a state
walled towns, armories, and other military buildings can of war does not officially exist between the realms. The
provide some level of protection throughout the entire orders, checks, counter-checks and political finagling that
province. must be satisfied to have a military force move into a
The overall strength of a province fortification is neutral realm takes a court move troops domain action.
represented by its level. A province fortification can be built The regent may or may not travel with the troops, at his
up to level 10, regardless of the level of the province. discretion.
Hostile forces cannot move through a fortified province Non-aggression pact: This level of alliance represents
without neutralizing the province fortifications (see an official, documented declaration of non-aggression
Strategic movement). Province fortifications can protect a between two realm. Generally, military forces of each realm
number of law, temple, and guild holding levels equal to the are legally prohibited from crossing into the other's realms
level of the province fortification; the province ruler decides under penalty of an instant state of war. Only the most
which holdings they wish to protect. Province fortifications chaotic of forces will follow any order to violate this pact.
are dependent upon a castle that acts as the province The orders, checks, counter-checks and political finagling
stronghold (usually around the capital); if the castle is taken that must be satisfied to have a military force move into a
then all benefits of the province fortification are lost. (For neutral realm takes a court move troops domain action.
the tactical effects of fortifications, see below) The regent may or may not travel with the troops, at his
Highways and bridges Military alliance: This represents an official,
Even in fairly prosperous provinces, most roads are simple documented declaration state of alliance between two
single-lane dirt trails. While these roads are sufficient to realms. Declaring a military alliance requires a successful
allow the transport of farmer's goods to the local market, standard diplomacy action followed by a decree action.
more carefully constructed paved highways, realm- Military forces from allied realms may move (as a free
sponsored inns, and permanent military encampments are action) or garrison in either realm in the same manner than
required to support major overland trade routes or to they can in the realm of their regent. A military alliance
facilitate the expeditious movement of military units. does not necessarily guarantee coordination in the military
Likewise bridges must be built over major rivers in order actions of the realms, but it is often the case that two allied
to allow trade routes or quick military travel between realms will aid each other when either is threatened.
provinces. Military/trade highways and bridges are domain Full vassalage: This represents an official relatively
assets that are constructed using the Build domain action. permanent state of alliance between two realms. Declaring
The construction of a highways costs double the province's vassalage requires the same diplomacy and decree actions
terrain movement cost (see below) in gold bars. required for a military alliance along with a public
Once complete, a highway has a seasonal maintenance investiture to seal the oath of fealty.
cost of (1/8 of this amount) . If the maintenance cost is not The vassal liege is expected to defend the borders of the
paid each spring, then the road falls into disrepair and vassal realm as if it were his own. In return, the vassal
ceases to provide movement or trade benefits. subject is expected to provide military support by loaning
troops to the vassal lord as requested and to pay

22 Chapter 2 | Armies and Warfare

possible tribute (in the form of gold bars and regency The war move is an abstract period of time
points) to support the liege and his military actions. appropriate to the scale of the strategic situation. It
corresponds to approximately one week and the distances
moved during each week are measured in provinces (on
Strategic warfare land) or maritime areas (at sea).
At the strategic level, warfare is broken up in to war moves Terrain, the existence of roads or highways, the unit type,
each lasting approximately one week. During each war and weather affect the number of movement points
move, every regent gets to move troops. After troops have required to advance through a province.
been moved, battles are resolved in areas that have Each unit has a move statistic measured in movement
opposing forces. Like character combat, warfare is cyclical points per war turn. A unit spends it movement points
- everybody acts in turn in a regular cycle. Each war move during the war move to advance through provinces.
consists of the following phases:
1. Military intelligence: The DM determines which military
units are visible to each regent.
2. Strategic movement: Each regent moves his or her
troops, in domain initiative order.
3. Strategic adjustment: Hostile regents vie for the
opportunity to respond to strategic movement.
4. Battle resolution: After all movement is completed,
battles are resolved in all provinces containing opposing
5. Repeat: Every week starting from step 1 the war move
repeats, until all four war moves for the month are
Military intelligence An army unit's movement rate assumes that the unit is
Sound military intelligence is absolutely crucial to a scouting for ambushes, foraging for supplies, carrying tools
military campaign. A regent is almost always aware of the and military equipment necessary for a unit on the march,
location of his own units, but is not aware of the current and building temporary fortifications for encampment each
location of opposing forces. Determining the location of night (all these are covered by the "active unit" cost
enemy troops is revealed through agents -or the agents of described above.
his trusted allies- other sources of deception and counter- When traveling along major highways in friendly
intelligence. An army unit is considered to be visible to the provinces, the unit can travel more lightly and spends less
viewing regent if the province in which the hostile unit is time foraging, thus increasing the number of provinces it
located satisfies one of the following conditions: can traverse.
Conversely, difficult terrain may decrease the number of
1. The province is claimed by the viewing regent (via provinces that an army can traverse per week. The number
investiture or occupation). of movement points required to advance through a
2. The viewing regent has a military unit in the province. province are listed by terrain type in the table below.
3. The viewing regent has a unit of scouts in an adjacent Movement point costs by terrain
province and utilizes their special ability (see basic
units). Terrain Trackless Road Highway
Plains, Steppe, Scrub 1 1 0.5
If an army unit becomes visible when entering a
province, the viewing regent is aware from which province Forest 2 1 0.5
the unit entered. Furthermore, the regent is aware of which Jungle/Dense forest 4 2 0.5
adjacent province a visible unit moves into should it move
out of vis ibility. The viewing regent is aware of the general Swamp 3 2 0.5
type (footmen, horsemen, humans, goblins, etc.) of any Hills 2 2 1
visible unit. Mountains - 4 2
Α unit of scouts provides the exact unit type (Anuirean
Elite Infantry, Mercenary Goblin Calvary, etc.) and the Sandy desert 3 2 0.5
normal unit statistics for all units in its current province. Tundra 3 2 0.5
The disposition of units in provinces for which the viewing
regent lacks visibility is far more difficult to obtain. Major river crossing see below + 1 MP + 0 MP
Military intelligence is obtainable by spies (via the
espionage domain action), magic (via the scry realm spell), These movement rates include all normal overhead,
diplomacy, or the actions of player characters (via character including time spent scouting, foraging for supplies, and
actions). building temporary fortifications for encampment each
A naval unit is visible only if the viewing regent has a night.
naval unit in the same maritime area. Travel is quickest on major highways in friendly
provinces. Paved military/trade highways are engineered to
Strategic movement allow for the quick passage of military forces and laden
The regents' regular domain initiatives determine the order Highways are domain assets constructed using the build
in which they act during the war move. A regent's domain domain action. Such highways have fortified inns or semi-
initiative is used for every war move of the entire month. permanent camps, supply depots, and other amenities

Chapter 2 | Armies and Warfare 23

that allow friendly units to travel at an increased rate. It requires one unit per fortification level to neutralize a
Hostile units do not receive any advantage in a province province's fortifications.
that has highways as taking the minor fortifications that For each season of continuous siege, a province's
protect the resources of the highway by force is more time fortification level is permanently reduced one level. An
consuming than traveling on less well-defended roads. attacker can also choose to attempt to take a province's
castle by storm. Details on taking a fortification by storm
Weather are presented in the section on tactical warfare.
Prior to each war move, the DM will determine the primary
weather conditions that dominate the week, and inform the Strategic adjustment
players of the strategic implections it has in movement and Once all regents have moved their units for the war move,
combat. There are a lot of weather types and they need not opposing regents may vie for a strategic advantage. All
be explained in full, since they will not always be needed. regents (or their designated lieutenant generals) make an
Most wars after all take place in spirng and summer. opposed Warcraft check. In reverse order (i.e. from the
lowest check total to the highest), each regent may
Forced march complete his or her strategic movement by making a final
In a normal day's march, an army unit spends adjustment. Each regent may move any units that have
approximately four hours on the move. It takes movement points unspent, subject to the following
approximately two daylight hours for an army to wake, conditions:
break camp, and prepare for the march. 1. A regent may not move troops into a province that
After the four hour mark, it takes approximately two contains hostile units belonging to a regent with a
hours for soldiers to make camp, construct temporary higher Warcraft check total.
fortifications, and scout the area. 2. A regent may not move troops away from a province that
The remaining four hours of daylight are generally spent contains hostile units belonging to a regent with a
foraging for food and firewood, in drill, or at ease. In higher Warcraft check total.
extremis, a military commander can order their troops to
advance for 8 hours a day. Battle resolution
A unit that performs a forced march doubles its
movement rate for the war move. This is a grueling pace Battles take place when two hostile forces are occupying
for military unit in full battle dress. the same province.
Each unit must also make a morale save dc 10 + weeks Battles resulting from a war move are resolved, one at a
of forcedf march or receive one hit. time, at the end of the same war move. Such conflicts can
Units receive advantage to this morale save in peace-time be resolved in any order desired. Battles can be resolved in
due to the aid in provisioning and lodging received from several ways: DM fiat, roleplaying, or tactical battle using
local citizens. war cards.
Tactical battle: The recommended system for resolving
Placing units in garrison tactical battle is the use of War Cards, as described in the
Any unit that remains its home province and that does not next section.
move or fight for all four war moves is considered to be in DM Fiat: If the DM has good reason to judge a winning
garrison. Units must be in garrison in order to train (see side and the losses taken by each side, he may do so.
improving units) or heal damage (units heal 1 hit/month). However, this should generally be done only for minor
battles, battles consisting entirely of NPC forces, or for the
Encountering hostile forces or purposes of plot advancement.
fortifications Role-playing: If the players have a good idea and
A visible unit cannot move through a province that contains something to accomplish during a major battle or if the
hostile units without engaging them in battle. If a unit battle is at a stalemate, a session might be needed to help
enters a province and finds that it contains hostile units, it determine the outcome of the battle. In practice, this
may either stay and fight or (if its movement rating allows) system works best when combined with the tactical battle
retreat back to the province from which it came. rules to help determine the combat in which the players
Similarly, an army cannot easily pass through a fortified take part.
province. In order to pass through a fortified province, the
province's fortifications must be neutralized or conquered. Tactical warfare
Tactical warfare is resolved using a battle area divided into
three lines (from the perspective of each player, these lines
are the friendly line, neutral ground, and the enemy line)
and two reserves (the friendly reserve and the enemy
Each line (Usually) consists of five areas (spaces where
War Cards representing units are laid): right flank, right
center, center, left center, and left flank. Thus, the tactical
battlefield is divided into 15 areas and two reserves.
The friendly and enemy reserves are considered to be
adjacent to all areas on the friendly and enemy lines,
respectively. Any number of units can be placed in the
A province's fortifications can be neutralized by putting reserves, but each side may only place one military unit per
them under siege. area. An area can contain at most two units, one from each
army; this indicates that the units are engaged in combat.

24 Chapter 2 | Armies and Warfare

Swamp: This terrain can be used for any battlefield with
exceptionally poor or dangerous footings, such as a bog,
tundra, an ice field, or a sandy desert.
Movement: All units have a maximum movement of 1.
Combat: No units can charge. Mounted units suffer a –2
penalty to their Defense and Melee ratings
Hills: This terrain can be used to represent any
battlefield with areas that provide advantages to the first
unit to occupy the area. The winner of an opposed warcraft
chooses 3 areas to place the movement and combat effects
(to place the largest hills).
Movement: No effect.
Combat: Units moving into a hill occupied by hostile
forces cannot charge. The preexisting units are may charge
the engaging unit normally. A unit stationed in the area has
a +2 to the defense rating and all attacks during the first
round of the engagement against a unit moving into the
area. These bonuses do not apply against Dwarven units.
Mountain/Cliff: This terrain can be used to represent a
battlefield with highly defensible passes that are difficult to
attack. Movement:
Battlefield setup Mounted units have a max movement of 1.
The first step in playing out a tactical battle is to determine Combat: No units can charge. Missile fire from adjacent
the initial battle conditions. areas is impossible. The unit first stationed in an area has a
The following battlefield factors must be determined +2 in defence and hit all ratings against a unit that engages
before battle can commence: 1) Terrain, 2) Visibility, 3) them in the area. These bonuses do not apply against
Fortifications, and 4) Initial unit placement. Dwarven units.

Tactical effects of terrain

One of the most important factors in warfare is the nature
of the terrain. A unit of knights is a force to be feared in the
open plains, but is relatively weak if engaged in a bog. In
general, armies tend to meet on open battlefields.
All provinces, no matter how wild, have large open sites
that are suitable for war.
However, each province also has a major terrain type
(plains, mountains, swamp, forest, etc) and optional minor
terrain types (known by the DM who informs the players) in
which either general may attempt to force the battle.
The generals of each army must attempt to manipulate
the other into meeting on their terms. The generals of the
opposing armies may make an opposed Warcraft check to
determine which general is better able to force the site of
the battle. Tactical Effects of Visibillity
The winner of the Check Chooses the terrain in which The cover of darkness, fog, or other conditions that affect
the battle will take place. visibility may turn the outcome of a tactical encounter.
The terrain type of the battlefield affects all units in every Most battles take place in conditions of full visibility. If
area of the field. Units (such as Scouts) that have the the players desire different visibility conditions then the
special ability to "move freely" are not affected by terrain players must make an opposed Warcraft check to
movement penalties, but are subject to terrain combat determine which player best controls the timing of the
penalties. battle.
Potential battlefield terrains include: Full: This visibility condition represents normal daytime
Open: This terrain represents plains, scrub, or any other visibility. Full visibility is considered the default and
terrain in which movement is free and unrestricted. The provides no adjustments to tactical combat.
open terrain is considered the default battlefield and Limited: This visibility condition represents limited
provides no adjustments to tactical combat. visibility due to darkness, heavy fog, or other impediments
Forest: This terrain can be used for any area forested to vision.
enough to interfere with visibility and mobility. Movement: No effect.
Movement:Mounted units have a max movement of 1. Combat: Units may not use missile attacks against units
Combat: No units can make charge attacks. All missile in adjacent areas. Units receive a –2 penalty to all attack
ratings suffer a –2 penalty. These penalties do not apply to ratings.
elves. Units composed of races with special sense may
Jungle: This terrain can be used for any area with dense, overcome the penalty. For example, dwarves, elves, goblins
constricting undergrowth. and other such creatures do not suffer visibility penalties at
Movement: All units have a maximum movement of 1. night.
Combat: No units can charge or make missile attacks.

Chapter 2 | Armies and Warfare 25

Tactical effects of fortifications Combat: No unit can charge in the area. All friendly units
Unlike terrain, weather, and visibility, some features may add the fortification's rating to their defense (this does not
apply to only a portion of the battlefield. For example, an apply vs. artillerists). Friendly units always make morale
armed camp, a city wall, or a cliff-top castle may provide saves.
significant bonuses to some areas of the tactical map, but Special: A commander defending a fortification receives
do no necessary apply to all areas of the map. the fortification level as a bonus to Warcraft checks to
If a province has a fortification, the owner of the determine tactical initiative .
fortification may use it during the battle if they are attacked. A hostile unit that is unopposed in a fortified area during
If they declare the attack, they may not use their the attack phase may "take the fortification" as its attack.
fortification. That area is no longer considered fortified. The defender is
If neither side wishes to attack, both armies remain in not forced to withdraw from the field of battle (even if they
the field, but the hostile side cannot advance though the have no units on the field) until all fortified areas have been
province unless they neutralize the fortification. taken. (see ending the battle below)
If a fortification is in use, then the tactical effects of
fortifications apply to the entire friendly line of the army The "speech"
that possess the fortification. The remainder of the Cerilia is a world of Death and Glory. Before the Battle a
battlefield may be subject to other terrain conditions, General can attempt to rouse the troops by performing a
depending on where the fortification was built. speech. Unless the player Role Plays it in full, the speech
Full fortifications can only be built in open terrain – thus will have no effect. Once the speech is complete, the Army
any battle in which a full fortification is used always takes Commander or the General makes a Charisma check with
place in open terrain. Limited fortifications can be built in a Dc of 10 with a bonus provided by the dm and whatecer
any terrain, but the terrain modifier does not apply in the regency the Commander wants to spend. For every 5 points
fortified areas. he wins this DC. His troops gain a +1 to morale on their
Limited fortification: A limited fortification represent a first morale check and on their 1st attack.
temporary or partial fortification, such as those at an
entrenched armed camp or the walls of a village. All armies Initial unit placement
are assumed to construct reasonably fortified positions at The order of unit placement is determined by an opposed
the end of each day's march – such minor fortifications are Warcraft check, with the winner setting up their forces last.
equivalent on both sides, provide no tactical benefit, and Each side places their units in any of the areas in their
are not considered to be limited fortifications. friendly line or reserve.
In order to build a fortification significant enough to Thus, at most five units from either side (one per area in
qualify for a limited fortification bonus, an army must their friendly line) are initially on the battlefield.
occupy the province for four war moves.
Movement: No effect. The Battle
Combat: Units cannot charge in fortified areas. All After the battlefield is setup, the battle begins. Like
friendly units receive a +1 to all defense ratings (this does character combat, tactical combat is cyclical. Each side acts
not apply vs. artillerists). Friendly units in the fortification in turn in round begining with the one with the highest
receive +2 on their morale check. This defense bonus does warcraft check first. Each tactical round consists of the
not apply against Artillerists units. following phases:
Full fortification: A full fortification represents a
permanent structure constructed with the build domain 1. First side moves
action and maintained through a seasonal maintenance fee. 2. Second side moves
Full fortifications can only be constructed in open terrain 3. Routed units attempt to recover morale
and all battlefields that involve full fortifications must use 4. Resolve stationary missile attacks
the open terrain modifier. 5. Resolve charge attacks
Movement: Hostile mounted units cannot enter the area. 6. Resolve melee attacks
Any attacking foot unit attempting to enter a fortified area 7. Resolve moving missile attacks
(even from another fortified area) is immediately subject to 8. Resolve Battle Magic
an attack by the fortification defenses; this free attack is a
missile attack with a bonus equal to the fortification level. War Card
After resolving this attack, the foot unit may attempt to Each unit (or some very powerfull creatures) is represented
enter the area. with a war card that has it's statistics.
In order to enter the fortified area, the attacking
commander must make an opposed Warcraft check against
the commander of the defenses.
The offense receives a bonus to the check equal to the
melee score of the attacking unit, and has advantage if they
have a unit of Artillerists traveling with their army (to
supply siege ladders/towers, covered rams,etc). The
defense receives a bonus to this check equal to the
fortification level, plus the melee rating of the defending
unit present in the area (if any).
If the check fails, the foot unit fails to enter the
fortification; they remain in their previous area and their
movement ends. Routed units recover immediately if they
enter a friendly fortified area.

Chapter 2 | Armies and Warfare

The morale Icons of the Card are the units initial morale If missile fire is directed against an area in which forces
bonus. The large icon on the Card is used to resolve are engaged then two attacks must be resolved;one against
attacks, and has no other use or meaning save that. each unit but at a –2 penalty to each.
Charge Attack: Any unit that begins the round
Unit movement: unengaged and ends the round engaged and with at least
A war card is a counter representing a military unit on the one movement point left may use its charge rating to its
battlefield. attack. Pike units attack during this phase for the first
A unit can be moved a number of areas equal to its round of any engagement.
movement in one round. For example, a unit of archers Melee Attack: All engaged units can make a melee
(move 2) could march from the friendly center to the enemy attack unless they have already acted in this attack phase.
center in one round. Moving Missile Attack: Units with missile capability
All units can move forward, backward, or sideways (but that have moved, but are not currently engaged, may make a
not diagonally) a number of areas equal to its move rating.A missile attack against units in adjacent areas. If missile fire
unit may pass through areas that contain unengaged is directed against an area in which forces are engaged
friendly units. If a unit enters an area with a hostile unit, then then two attacks must be resolved;one against each
the units become engaged. Engaged units are locked in unit but at a –2 penalty to each.
battle and neither side can move from the area until one Magic : Spellcasters with the War Caster feat (or War
side evades, retreats, or is destroyed. Mages from Xanathar's guide to everything) can cast Battle
Reserves: Moving from any area in the friendly line into Spells, special versions of conventional spells powerful
the friendly reserve counts as moving one area and ends enough to provide tactical bonuses to army units.The
the unit's movement for the turn and vice versa. Units may character must first find the spell or reshearch them on
never move into the enemy reserve. their own -they cannot learn them on level up and they are
not automatically on his list. They also need to have the
Retreat: "conventional" spell on their list to be able to cast it's battle
An engaged unit may be forced (or choose) to disengage version. Almost all spells can have a "battle" variation.
from combat and retreat. A unit that retreats is immediately The spells follow all spellcasting rules (concetration,
subject to an attack of opportunity (melee or missile), preparation and slot) but may have additional costs and
unless a character from within the unit succeds on a requirements. Battle spells may not be cast outside of mass
warcraft check dc 10 + opposite units attack rating (if the combat. The spell is powered not only from the caster and
retreat is intentional or orderly), or 12 + opposite units his divine energy, but from the combined spiritual energy of
attack rating if the unit is Routed. A unit that retreats is not hundreds of men fighting for their cause as well.
allowed to make any attacks in the attack phase of the war A character must be part of unit to perform a battle spell
round. and the unit must remain stationary and defend the caster
An orderly retreating unit, can move in any direction while they are casting. An attack recieved during this face
except towards the enemy side of the field. If this is not does not stop the casting unless the unit is destroyed. A hit
possible due to enemy troops the unit is destroyed. The recieved while the caster concetrates gives a Concetration
next round, the Unit can act normally. DC of 12.
A routed Unit must attempt to return to their reserve by Bellow is a battle Spell Example.
moving towards it in a strait line. If this is not possible due
to enemy troops the unit is destroyed. Erik's Entanglement
1st level conjuration
Recover from route: Casting Time: 1 action
Routed units can rally with a successful morale save Range: 2 squares (strait line) or 1 if diagonal
against DC 12 + the number of hits they have taken. Units Components: V, S
receive a +2 circumstance bonus to this check in their Duration: Concetration up to 3 tactical rounds
reserve. A character in the unit can try to Role Play the Requirements: Source or Temple 1
effort with a charisma save (as speech above) before the Cost: 3 exhaustion - holding level, 1 Regency
roll is made. Until the check succeds the unit stays Routed.
Grasping weeds and vines sprout from the ground in the
Attack Phase Square you choose. For the duration, these plants turn the
After all units have been moved, each engagement and ground in the area into difficult terrain. A unit in the area
missile volley is resolved in order. The steps of this phase when you cast the spell must succeed on a save or be
are resolved in order, so a charging cavalry may route or restrained by the entangling plants until the spell ends. The
destroy an infantry unit before the infantry takes its melee restrained units can save every round to move but they
attack, and so on. forgo their attack if they do so.
Each unit can attack only once during the entire attack
phase sequence. Routed units if engaged while routed Resolving Attacks
suffer a –2 penalty to all attack ratings. Attacks are resolved using special battle cards in the War
Stationary Missile Attack: A unit with missile capability Deck (the DM's are equiped with those decks, and players
that did not begin the round engaged and did not move will recieve them in time)
during the current round qualifies for stationary missile For purposes of the Battle Cards the attacking unit is the
fire. Unit Launching the Assault and the defending unit is the
The unit may use its missile rating to attack any unit(s) in target. Only one battle card is drawn per attack as it
an adjacent (non-diagonal) area. The unit may also use its includes results for both units currently in engagement.
missile rating during the first round of an engagement, To resolve the attack draw a battle card. Subtrack the
effectively giving the missile unit a “last missile attack” Defenders Defence from the attacker's missile, charge or
before they draw their weapons and engage in melee battle. melee rating, then find the row on the card that shows
Chapter 2 | Armies and Warfare 27
the attackers and the defender's icons and move to the Class Bonus
proper result. Generaly the higher the number, the better Ranger Unit moves freely through any terrain.
the result for the attacking unit, and vice versa.
Rogue Unit can fall back without provoking an attack.
Reference Sorcerer Can utilize Battle Mgc (or +1 misile rating)
: A miss with no

other effect. Warlock -2 to opponent morale
F: Attacking unit Wizard Can utilize Battle Magic (or +1 misile rating)
orderly falls back in
the next movement If the "hero unit" is destroyed, each hero should make a
fase.(If the attacker character level check (d20+Level) with the following
used Missile Rating results.
this result counts as a
miss) Defeat on the battlefield
H: Defending unit Result Effect
takes 1 hit. Each time 9 or Character is slain on the battlefield
it gets hit, it's ratings less
change to the ones
provided by the card. 10 Character is captured by the enemy
R: A Hit. Defending 15 Character escapes the route, but is exhausted,
unit is routed. wounded, and may not participate in the
D: Defending unit is destroyed regardless of it's hits. remainder of the battle.
20 The character escapes and returns to the reserve
Morale and saving throws in 1d4+1 tactical rounds
When a unit is subject to unusual conditions such as 25 The character escapes the route and returns to
combat, magical attack, inclement weather, or exhaustion, the reserve at the end of the tactical round.
the unit gets a saving throw to avoid or reduce the effect.
At the unit level, there is only one type of saving throw, Guerrilla Warfare
the morale save. The morale save represents the effects
that discipline, experience, equipment, and a strong Sometimes facing an Army in an open field is Suicide.
command structure can have in dangerous military Scouts, Irregulars and Militia can perform Guerrilla Tactics
situations. A morale save is a d20 + the unit's morale rating. if hidden via the espionage action, or via a weekly warcraft
A scion commander may modify the morale saves of check (units in their home province get advantage to the
their units by spending regency to provide a one-for-one roll). If hidden via espionage, no check is required for
bonus. This represents the increased morale, diligence to launching the first surprise attack. Every other week for the
duty, and deprivations that loyal soldiers are willing to rest of the month the check must be made. Guerrilla
undergo due to loyalty to (or fear of) their commanding attacks can happen only 1/week and do not count as
officer. This can only happen on one unit per round. Other "normal" battles.
units must abide on their unit commanders (if any). If the check is succesful,Each "guerrilla" unit chooses
one enemy unit and attacks using it's best offensive rating
Battles without Commanders. +1. Treat the F result as a miss and the R result as a hit.
If no commander exists on one side of the battle, a unit After the attack is resolved, the units roll opposite warcraft
captain (all units have one) assumes command. checks. If a"Guerrilla" unit fails the check it takes an attack
All warcraft checks are made with a bonus equal to the of opportunity as it retreats back to hiding.
highest morale among the units. If that unit is destroyed, If the check fails A battle occurs, but since they are not
the second highest morale assumes command etc. a tactical army, the guerrilla forces have no reserve line.
They fight until they win, surrender, or are destroyed.
Characters on the battlefield
Characters may wish to enter a unit to help it in battle. In Ending the battle
general, each Hero provides a morale bonus equal to their A battle ends when one army is destroyed, surrenders, or
level/4. Heroes above 5th level also provide the following withdraws from the battlefield entirely. Only units in the
bonuses (In case of multiple heroes, one bonus is choosen reserve may withdraw from the battlefield; units on the
at the start of each round) battlefield must attempt to return to the reserve in order to
Characters on the Field join the withdrawal. A commander is forced to withdraw if
Class Bonus all his units on the battlefield are currently in the reserve;
Artificer +2 Missile Rating. If unit has no missile rating,
in effect, he's lost the field.
the artificer grants them a +0 one. If they Surrnder, units may be taken prisoner, stripped of
weapons and returned to their homelands, traded for
Barbarian Unit ignores the first hit it takes on the battle. captured friendly units or gold, or put to the sword.
Bard +1 to Morale +1 to a rating save mvm and hits. Arranging for a trade or random of capture units generally
requires a Diplomacy domain action.
Cleric Can utilize Battle Magic (or +1 morale) When an army withdraws, they are allowed to make an
Druid Can utilize Battle Magic. (else +1 immediate move to any adjacent friendly province in which
Fighter Unit has +2 Defence Rating no hostile troops are present. The army must pay the
standard cost for this movement. If no such province exists
Monk Unit has +1 move rating or if the unit doesn't have enough movement points, then
Paladin +2 Morale the army is forced to surrender.

28 Chapter 2 | Armies and Warfare

Chapter 3: Realm Magic

erilia is a mystical place with ancient ley lines, and its province level is its maximum source level. The
magical sources, and the spiritual powers of maximum source level of a province is listed, delimited by a
devoted worshippers all available to those who slash, as part of its domain statistics.
know how to harness them. The power of the Consider the province of Ghoried in Roesone. Ghoried
magic commanded by a single spellcaster is has the plains terrain type, and therefore has a magic
nothing compared to the power available in a potential of 5.
great ancient forest or the heartfelt devotion of Ghoried's province level is 2. Thus, the maximum source
hundreds of true believers. level in Ghoried is 3 (the magic potential of 5 - the province
Realm magic is a special type of magic that are available level of 2) and the province is listed as Ghoried (2/3).
only to regent spellcasters; without the power provided by a
character's regency, a realm spell would fail completely. Magic potential
The spectacular results generated by tapping into these Terrain Type Potential
sources of power are realm spells.Realm spells can only be Desert, Glacier, Hills, Marsh, Moor, 5
cast from a province in which the regent spellcaster has a Plains,Steppes/Highland, Tundra
temple holding (divine), source holding (arcane), or some Forest, Mountain, River 7
other connection to extensive power. Land Druids are an
exeption to this rule. They use sources to Power Divine Swamp 8
magic. Exceptionally wild, trackless, and untamable 9
By acting as a conduit for this power, the regent regions (such as untouched ancient forest, the
spellcaster can achieve results far greater than those that highest mountain peaks, etc.)
can be achieved through normal spellcraft. Unusual natural or magical phenomena (such +1 to +2
The preparations for channeling these great powers are as dragon bones, underground rivers, etc.)
lengthy and involved; a Domain action (but taken at any
time not just the end of the month) is required to cast a Cataclysmic magical or military events –1 to –3
realm spell.
If a province's level increases, its maximum source level
Arcane realm magic immediately decreases in response, possibly causing the
loss of one or more regent mage's source holdings. The
Mebhaighl flows stronger in the most essential and wild intricacies of nature are complex – it is impossible for a
places of nature. High mountains and ancient forests, for regent to know which source holdings will be destroyed
example, offer more magical potential than hills or tundra. when province level increases.
Yet no matter what the terrain, when casting realm The DM should determine the ownership of a destroyed
magic, all wizards access mebhaighl in the same way – source level randomly. For example, assume that two of
through magical holdings known as sources. In simple Ghoried's (2/3) source levels are claimed by High Mage
terms, a source is a place where mebhaighl collects. Aelies and that one source level is unclaimed. Therefore,
Though this magical energy exists everywhere, it naturally High Mage Aelies claims two-thirds of the magical power in
tends to pool and concentrate in particular locations, much Ghoried.
as puddles in the rain. If Ghoried's province level increases, the loss will come
The concentration of mebhaighl is so strong at such from Aelies holdings with two-thirds probability. The DM
sources that their environs are physically marked by a rolls a d3. On a 1 or a 2, High Mage Aelies loses a source
manifestation of earthpower. Manifestations take many level in Ghoried. On a roll of a 3, the unclaimed source is
forms: a craggy, mist shrouded spire of a mountain range destroyed.
immune to the elements, a gem-encrusted geode in the If province's level decreases, the province will eventually
heart of a mountain, a preternaturally still pool of water return to a more pristine state and replenish its mebhaighl
which produces no ripples and reflects nothing of man's flow.
works, or similar preternatural manifestations of power. If the land is returned to an entirely natural state (all
Whatever its form, a manifestation is likely one of the buildings razed, etc.) then the effective maximum source
oldest remnants of nature in a province, or some mystical level of the province increases by one each spring until it
object largely untouched by ordinary men. reaches the maximum determined by the new province
Magic potential If the land is not returned to an entirely natural state
Magic potential is defined by the strength of nature then it takes five times as long for the land to recover.
residing there. Small forests, streams, and hillocks collect Newly recovered sources are considered unclaimed,
power, but this power is dwarfed by the raw earthpower regardless of any past claims upon them.
available in great rivers, vast woodlands, and mountain The Sidhelien, by tradition and nature, live in harmony
ranged unspoiled by the touch of civilization. The with the supernatural forces of the natural world. Elven
despoiling touch of civilization weakens the land's magic, civilization does not impede the flow of natural magic nor
and stretches of Cerilia are nearly magic-dead as the result does it destroy the wellspring of such power. Province
of generations of settlement, agriculture, and taming. Each levels that represent elven populations do not subtract from
terrain type has a specific magic potential. The sum of a the level of sources available within a province. Consider
province's level and the level of sources within it cannot the province of Rhuobhe (2/9). Rhuobhe, one of the most
normally exceed the magic potential rating of the terrain. wild and trackless provinces of Cerilia, has a magic
The difference between a province's magic potential potential of 9.

Chapter 3 | Realm Magic 29

Thus, the province level does not subtract from the Because of the mystical link between regent mages and
available source levels in Rhuobhe, a 2/9 province. their sources, they become immediately aware when a
claimed manifestation is disturbed.
Sources This awareness generally ranges from a feeling of mild
Each province has innumerable natural areas through discomfort to actual acute physical pain.
which concentrated mebhaighl flows and pools. Only the Any normal harm done to a manifestation is temporary.
most powerful of these areas exhibit natural manifestations Destruction of a manifestation temp orarily disrupts the
of earthpower that can be claimed by a blooded mage to flow of mebhaighl through the source and prevents the
perform realm magic. The number of source regent mage from tapping the source to use realm magic.
manifestations in a province is roughly equal to the The source will produce a new manifestation in less than a
maximum magic potential of the province. month.
Characters may be able to make an educated guess as to Only damage to the source through realm level actions
whether or not they have located a source manifestation, (such as contesting the source holding, casting the realm
but only druids, wizards, and sorcerers will immediately spell destroy source, or the massive destruction of a
recognize a manifestation for what it is – a supernatural province's woodlands through specific military action) has
manifestation of earth power. any lasting effect.
Druids and true mages can also determine if a source
manifestation has been claimed by a regent and whether or
not the source has been used to power a realm spell within
the previous three 3 months. Source manifestations are
difficult to find.
By their very nature, manifestations are most likely to
occur in the most remote and untracked areas of a
province. Locating a source manifestation is a difficult and
time-consuming process. Even powerful mages wishing to
claim a portion of the magical energies of a province often
enlist the aid of others in their search – sending
apprentices to make initial surveys or sending agents out to
ask locals about unusual natural features or tales of
supernatural events in the wilderness.
A true mage can attempt to locate and claim a source
manifestation through the use of the Create Holding
domain action to create a source (0). If successful, the mage
finds and claims a new source manifestation. In claiming a
manifestation, the mage forces her acceptance as a part of
the environment. Ley lines
In the natural area surrounding the manifestation, the Regent mages who control sources of mebhaighl can
wizard is attuned perfectly to the land – wildlife will not flee command arcane realm magic, the most powerful arcane
her approach, and the wizard can stand within the midst of magic available to human- and elven-kind. In order to cast
the manifestation without fear of discomfort or harm. realm spells, however, a regent mage must draw on the
This area has a diameter of 1 mile/Source level. This power of her source holdings. Arcane realm spells require
connection remains intact unless the mage's holding is that the caster have a source holding in the province in
contested. Through natural and magical means, true mages which the spell is cast. The level of the source holding may
can then enhance the flow of the province's mebhaighl limit the realm spells that can be cast by the regent in the
through their manifestation, claiming more of the province.
province’s power for themselves. Ley lines provide a means of accessing a regent's source
To strengthen their sources, mages use the Rule Holding holdings in other provinces to allow the regent more
domain action. This action represents additional time that flexibility in the casting of realm spells.
the mage spends in the province attuning herself to the Ley lines are mystic conduits that allow a true mage to
land and altering the natural flow of mebhaighl to pool tap the mebhaighl from the source where it collects and
more deeply in the reservoirs available for her use. transport it to a province in which he wishes to cast a realm
As a source's holding level increases, its manifestation spell. A ley line creates a magical link between two
becomes more potent and distinctive. provinces. For the purpose of casting realm spells, the
The maximum source level of a province represents the caster may use the highest level source that he claims from
limit for the amount of earth power available in each either of the two connected provinces. If either of the two
province. If two or more mage regents claim the province's connected provinces is connected to a ley line, then the
mebhaighl then they must contest among themselves for caster may use the highest level connected source
the available source levels. anywhere in the ley network.
Source manifestations usually do not require protection A mage can only forge ley lines from a province in which
from ordinary people – few pass nearby. More importantly, he holds a source (the initial province),to a place where he
the earthpower itself enhances the power of the holds another source. Ley lines can be forged over any
manifestation and makes it largely immune to harm. overland distance. A ley line cannot extend over more than
Manifestations resist normal wear and damage from the 150 miles of water. A ley line only connects two provinces
elements (earth, air, fire, and water) including flooding, (the initial and terminal provinces).
erosion, lightning, or forest fire. A ley line that simply passes through a province cannot
Deliberate violence, however, can harm manifestations be used to cast realm spells.
and – rarely – even the source itself. Ley lines, like rivers, curve and meander to
accommodate terrain, but for game purposes are assumed

30 Chapter 3 | Realm Magic

to define a straight line between the center of the initial and When a regent casts a realm spell, he marshals his
terminal provinces. source's magical energy. During this marshalling, the
The length of a ley line is the number of provinces it regent need not be physically present at the source's
touches, not counting the initial province. For example, a manifestation but the mage must remain within the
ley line between two adjacent provinces has a length of 1. province in which the spell is to be cast or to a connecting
To construct a ley line, the caster must spend a significant province. During the period of the mage is in deep
portion of a month in the initial province, and a brief time concentration, summoning the land's mebhaighl towards
(one day) in the terminal province. During this day, the him, preparing the weave of the spell's final form, and
mages goes into a trancelike state during which she loses resting.
track of her surroundings and is largely defenseless. At the end of the marshalling period, the regent mage
If disturbed during this period, the mage's forging channels the mebhaighl he has gathered through his body
attempt automatically fails. Powerful regent mages and empowers the spell.
generally travel with quiet guards or trusted friends Only blooded Wizards are capable of channeling arcane
pledged to protect them during this period of concentrated realm magic; anyone without both the true magic trait AND
effort. the blood of the gods ithin them,
When a ley line is forged, all true mage source regents in that attempted to channel such energies would be
the provinces though which it passes are aware of the destroyed spectacularly.
change in the flow of mebhaighl through their realms. The power is such that the regent is always left
These regents are aware of the direction of the mebhaighl Exhausted and unable to cast another realm spell that
flow and are aware of whether the line begins, ends, or month (though battle spells and conventional spells can be
simply passes through their province. cast normally). Any exhaustion taken by the casting of the
Source regents in any province through which a ley line realm spell cannot be healed until the end of the month.
travels may use their source levels (and RP) to aid or
hinder the forging of the ley line. Once created, however, a Divine realm magic
ley line cannot be detected or destroyed except through the Regent priests primarily use their temples to tend to the
use of realm spells cast for that purpose. Once created, a spiritual well-being of those that follow their deity and to
ley line costs nothing to maintain. However, the use of a ley exert political influence to further the dogma of their
line to perform any realm spell increases the regency point church. However, the divine energies channeled by a single
cost of that spell by the numb er of provinces crossed by cleric, no matter how devout, pale beside the potential
the ley network that connects the province to the necessary energies focused by the massed faith of hundreds of
source. faithful worshippers brought to the peak of religious fervor
Ley lines are a non-transferable domain asset. When a through weeks of ritual, fasting, and prayer.
regent dies, her ley network is destroyed. Ley lines cannot
be used or invested to another caster. The only exception to Casting divine realm spells
this rule is the use of the ley lines by the regent's lieutenant When a divine spellcaster casts a realm spell, she marshals
as part of a lieutenant domain action. her temple's followers in a massive ritual designed to
Casting arcane realm spells channel massive amounts of divine power. The priest
Regent mages primarily use their sources to power arcane spends the marshalling time traveling throughout a
realm spells, extraordinary works of spellcraft strong province to speak to the devout and lead rituals, blessings
enough to effect entire domains. and prayers at each of the various cathedrals, temples, and
Because these spells draw upon concentrated mebhaighl, shrines within the province.
mages can cast them only in provinces where they have When a regent priest casts a realm spell, he marshals the
sources or ley lines to sources of sufficient potential to belief of the faithful.
power the spell. During this marshalling, the regent must remain within
the province and spend a great deal of the time and effort in
the organization and implementation of the many rituals
required to invoke divine realm magic. At the end of these
Rituals, the priest heads a final gathering of the faithfull
and draws upon their energy. The number of devout
worshippers provide the faith which, through the power of
the regent priest's divine bloodline, is channeled into a
divine realm spell.
Only blooded Clerics and Druids are capable of
channeling divine realm magic; an unblooded priest lacks
the necessary link to the divine required to focus the belief
of the masses into the casting of a realm spell.
Blooded rangers, paladins, and other minor divine spell
casters are capable of casting divine realm spells, but due
to the spell level requirements, many realm spells are
beyond them. Some divine realm spells may only be
available to priests of specific religions.
In order to successfully cast a realm spell of a given level,
the regent priest must be able to cast conventional spells of
that level. Furthermore, the regent priest must claim a
Arcane realm spells require varying levels of sources to fuel temple holding equal to or greater than that required to
them; more powerful spells require higher-level sources. cast the spell.

Chapter 3 | Realm Magic 31

Realm spells Spells that target multiple provinces must include the
province in which the spell is cast. Each additional affected
Realm spells are difficult to learn and master. Spellcasters province must be adjacent to the initial province or another
can only learn realm spells by expending significant effort. affected province.
Unlike conventional spells, divine spellcasters do not Duration: The effects of a realm spell begin to be felt at
automatically have access to all divine realm spells. the time of the rituals start. Once the ritual is complete, the
Likewise, arcane spellcasters may not select a realm effect of a realm spell is generally immediate.
spell as a "free" learned spell when going up a level. The effects of instantaneous realms spells come and go
Realm spells must always be researched or learned the instant the spell is complete, though the consequences
directed from another wizard. For Wizards, a realm spell of the spell might be long lasting. For example, the
takes 10 pages per spell level in a wizards book. completion of an alchemy realm spell increases the value of
Both arcane and divine regents need to take the a unit of trade goods. O
Reasearch action as both a Character and a Domain action Once the spell is complete, the resultant change in value
and spend 1000gp/spell level. is permanent and can not be dispelled.
Researching a Realm spell from scratch takes one month Many durations are measured in seasons, months (1
per level of the realm spell and requires an expenditure of 1 action round), or weeks. When the time is up, the spell ends
GB for each month spent (during which Character and and the magic goes away.
Domain actions are spent). If the duration line ends with a "(D)," the caster can
At the end of that time, the character makes an Arcana, dismiss the realm spell at will.
Religion or Nature check (DC 11 + realm spell level). The Saving throws: If the spell affects individuals, a saving
character may receive a +2 bonus to this roll if they have throw may apply.
tutoring or realm spell research notes from another Realm spells that allow saving throws have the same DC
character that has already learned the realm spell. as a conventional spell military units may receive unit
If the roll succeeds, the character learns the new realm saving throws Chapter two: Armies and Warfare).
spell. If the roll fails, the research fails. Special requirements: Some realm spells may have
The character may attempt to learn the spell again, but additional prerequisites, such as the worship of a particular
must pay half the costs associated with doing so. Number deity.
of realm spells known Regency maximums on spell casting: Like a stream of
All spellcasters have a limit to the number of realm spells water, mebhaighl and the power of faith are seemingly
that they may know. No Regent may know more realm endless in supply, but limited in current.
spells than 1/2 lvl + spellcasting modifier. However a
Regent may Exhange realm spells known every time they Realm spell descriptions
gain a level. Re-learning a "forgotten" spell is automatic and Below are some examples of realm spells. These spells
requires only a character action. represent the "common" realm spells. All spellcasters of the
Casting a realm spell appropriate type may know the existance of the spells. Note
All realms spells are subject to the rules noted in this that all components are consumed unless stated otherwise.
section unless the exception is explicitly noted in the spell
description. Alchemy
Casting Time: : Realm spells are a form of ritual magic. Transmutation
The preparations are lengthy and involved; the spellcaster Level: Wiz 1
must spend a domain action engaged in the rituals Target: Personal
necessary to cast the realm spell. However this domain Duration: Instantaneous
action can be taken at ANY time during the month not just Special Requirements: Src (3), RP 2, 1GB of lead
it's ending. One day is needed to cast the realm spell You can invoke a small-scale, permanent transmutation
despite the fact that it uses the Character Domain action effect to turn lead into gold. Casting this spell transforms
to do so. Even if the Character has a lieutenant capable of enough lead to create 1 GB worth of gold.
casting realm spells, the same holding cannot be used for For every additional 2 RP spent during the casting of this
more than one spell per month. Doing so reduces the spell, an additional 1 GB worth of gold is transformed.
holding permanently by the source or temple level required. Thus, a wizard casting this spell with a source 3 and
Casting realm spell leaves the regent spellcaster spending 8 RP (2 for the initial requiment and 6 to
physically exhausted. In effect the Regent suffers 3 empower the spell) can produce 4 GB worth of gold per
exhastion for the entire month. casting (for a net profit of 3 GBs.
Level: Like conventional spells, all realm spells have a
level. The level of a realm spell is not dependent on class, Battle Armor
but may differ between arcane and divine spellcasters. A Abjuration
character may not cast a realm spell unless they are Level: Wiz/Cleric 4
capable of casting conventional spells of that level. Target: 1 unit
Target: A realm spell is always centered on the province Duration: 1 week (D)
in which the ritual magic is cast. Realm spells generally Special Requirements: Src/Tmpl (4), RP: 4 RP,2 GB
target one or more provinces or characters, military units, worth of expendable ritual components.
or other domain assets within the target province. The unit upon which the spell is cast is magically
The targets of a realm spell must be in the same province protected from harm.
as the caster throughout the casting of the spell (or on a The unit receives a +4 bonus to its defense and morale
provice in which a lay line ends). ratings.
For every 4 RP used while the spell is cast, another unit
is affected and the spell lasts for an aditional week.

32 Chapter 3 | Realm Magic

Battle Arms Duration: One season (D)
Enchantment Saving Throw: None
Level: Cleric 1 Special Requirements: Src/Tmpl (1), 1GB, See Below
Target: 1 unit You can invoke a province-wide blessing. The increase in
Duration: One Season (D) prosperity brought by this blessing temporarily increases
Special Requirements: Temple (2), 1 GB, 1RP the province level by one for the purposes of determining
This spell adds a +2 bonus to the offensive ratings of the taxation and holding income collection.
affected units. For every 1 RP used while casting this spell, Furthermore, all holdings belong to you are increased by
an adittional unit may be affected. one level for the purposes of determining holding income
Battle Bless For example, a temple (4) in a province (5) would collects
Enchantment regency and gold as if it were a temple (5) in a province (6).
Level: Clr 1 Bless land lasts for one season. Regardless of the month
Target: 1 unit in which it is cast, the spell effect counts during only the
Duration: 2 weeks first collection period occurring after the spell is cast – if
Special Requirements: Temple (3), 1 GB, 1 Rp the spell duration crosses a domain turn boundary, the
regent effectively gets early credit for the remainder of their
Your blessing fills an army's soldiers with courage. Each increased prosperity.
affected unit gains a +1 to all its offensive ratings and Bless land counters and is countered by blight land.
morale. The regency cost of this spell for each province affected
For every 1 RP used while casting this spell, an adittional by the spell is equal to difference of the target province
unit may be affected, and the spell lasts for an aditional level's and the caster's source/temple holdings in that
week. province. A priest that controls a temple (3) in a province
(5) and a must spend 2 RP to bless the province.
Battle Fury If you spend more RP (following the above formula) and
Enchantment and GB during the casting of the spell you can affect an
Level: Wizard/Drd 2 extra province.
Target: 1 unit
Duration: 12 weeks Blight Land
Saving Throw: Unit negates Necromancy Level: Clr/Drd 3
Special Requirements: Source/Temple(2), 1 GB, 1 Rp Target: 1 or more provinces
Duration: One season (D)
Whenever engaged in mass combat, the soldiers of the Saving Throw: None
affected units become enraged and fight passionately with Special Requirements: Src/Tmpl (1), 1GB, See Above
little regard for personal safety.
Affected units gain a +2 bonus to their melee ratings. The This spell works exactly like Bless Land but it "reduces"
units also gain a +1 to their movement rating and an the province level and your holdings are unaffected.
additional hit. The unit becomes fearless and never fails
morale checks. Due to the soldiers’ lack of regard for their Bloodline Destruction
personal safety, the units receive a –2 penalty to their Necromancy
defense rating. The enraged units must engage opposing Level: Clr/Drd/Wiz 6
units whenever possible. They may only use missile attacks Target: 1 scion
if they are unable to engage an enemy unit in melee. Duration: Instantaneous
For every 1 RP used while casting this spell, an adittional Special Requirements: Source/Temple (5), RP equal to
unit may be affected an the spell lasts for an aditional week. target's score, 10 GB
Battle Seeming This spell allows the caster to permanently sunder the
Illusion connection between a scion and his bloodline.
Level: Sor/Wiz 5 The subject must be present (usually as a prisoner)At the
Target: 1 unit completion of the ritual, the subject of the spell must make
Duration: 1 week (D) a Blood Score save. If this spell succeeds, the scion’s
Saving Throw: Special Spell Resistance: Special bloodline and all blood powers vanish permanently.
Special Requirements: Source (4),1 GB, 1 Rp The character loses the scion template, the ability to cast
true magic without elven blood, and all other scion
The appearance of an entire army is changed as if through advantages/disadvantages.
the use of the disguise self spell. The spell ends for each This spell cannot be reversed, but the character is
creature if it dies. eligible to claim a new bloodline in the same manner as any
Thus, a unit's true nature is revealed if it receives a hit on other unblooded character.
the battlefield.
For every 1 RP used while casting this spell, an adittional Bloodline Ward
unit may be affected, and the spell lasts for an aditional Αbjuration
week. Level: Clr/Drd 4
Target: 1 scion
Bless Land Duration: 1 week
Transmutation Special Requirements: Temple/Source (1), 4RP, 1 GB
Level: Clr/Drd 3 This spell allows the caster to forge a link between the
Target: 1 or more provinces spiritual essence of a willing scion's bloodline and a focus.
Chapter 3 | Realm Magic 33
Due to the protective nature of the magic that creates this A priest regent may cast this realm spell on two regents
channel, attempts to drain or suppress the character's without completing its final stages. The uncompleted
bloodline score are impossible. Any successful attempt to investiture can be completed at any time and only requires
transfer or destroy a character's bloodline causes the divine a single action to complete.
essence of the bloodline to retreat into the focus The priest and both targets must be present and willing
(regardless of distance) instead. to finalize the ceremony.
This spell can only be cast on a willing scion that is Incomplete investitures are a commonly undertaken as
present and touching the object during the final ceremony part of a Ceremony of Designation or before major
of the spell. Once the spell is in place, a priest regent can battles/threats as they allow the priest to finalize the
recast this spell to extend the spell's duration. In this case, investiture on the battlefield should the regent take a
it is sufficient for either the focus or the regent to be mortal wound.
present during the final ceremony. The spell is also used to "bind" a lieutenant to the
Bloodtheft is nearly impossible while this spell is in Regent, make a blood oath (an oath so binding that if
effect. Instead, the dying scion's bloodline is immediately broken the guilty party suffers a reduction of his bloodscore
transferred to the focus (regardless of distance). Only by a factor of 10) , or designate an Heir. It is also used to
bloodtheft with a Tighmaevril weapon can successfully bind a Regent to a province or kingdom. Generally, any
penetrate this spell's protection. action taken with the "Ceremony" Domain action needs a
Bloodline ward also prevents a dying scion's essence Bloodline Investiture spell to be effective.
from passing to his invested heir – the bloodline instead
retreats to the focus. Cure Unit
If the scion's essence should be transferred into the Evocation
focus, he loses all benefits of their bloodline including Level: Clr/Drd 3
blood abilities, bonus hit points due to the scion template, Target: 1 or more units
and the ability to perform true magic without elven blood. If Duration: Instantaneous
the scion survives, he can reclaim their bloodline by taking Special Requirements: Temple/Source (1), 5 RP per
possession of the focus (ending the spell immediately). unit affected, 1 GB.
Furthermore, a rightfully invested heir can claim the You channel a massive amount of divine energy that you
scion's bloodline through the focus through a normal release in a single burst. All units targeted must in the
investiture as if the regent was alive, present, and willing to same province and traveling as a single army or garrisoned
pass his bloodline in full to his heir. in the same location.
If the focus contains a divine essence and is destroyed Normal units affected by this spell heal two hits. Undead
(or if the spell ends), the contained bloodline erupts from units targeted by this spell take two hits with a unit save for
the focus in a burst of power identical to that released by a half-damage.
slain scion. The ritual that completes the spell require approximately
Focus: The physical object that serves as the focus for the same amount of time as casting a battle spell and may
this spell is a gem of no less than 1,000gp value. This gem be completed upon the field of battle.
must be of a type sympathetic to the nature of the target's
bloodline derivation: the bloodline of Anduiras manifests in
red rubies; Azrai's power pulses within black sapphires; Death Plague
Basaïa's energy lies in bright yellow topaz; Brenna's Necromancy
bloodline is embedded in deep orange jacinths; Masela's Level: Wiz 5, Death Cleric 5
bloodline sympathizes with blue sapphires; Reynir's Target: 1 province Duration: Instantaneous, one province
essence can be channeled through green emeralds; and per month (D)
Vorynn's power lies in diamonds. This gem is often set in a Special Requirements: Source/Temple (5), 2GB. The
ring, pendant, sword, or other object. Regency Cost is equal to the sum of the total levels of all
provinces you wish to affect.
Bloodline Investiture Thus a wizard casting the spell starting in a province (4)
Transmutation and spreading to a province (3) must pay 7 RP.
Level: Clr/Drd 1
Target: Two willing regents touched
Duration: See text
Special Requirements: Temple/Source (1), 1RP, 1GB
This spell allows the priest to transfer the bloodline of a
willing regent to another character.
A bloodline investiture transfers the donating scion’s
entire bloodline, including strength, derivation, and score,
to the designated recipient.
The donating scion’s regency reserve is not transferred to
the recipient. This change is permanent and cannot be
reversed unwillingly.
Bloodline investiture is often used to elevate a ruler’s heir
to the same blood strength that the ruler himself enjoys.
However, both characters must be present and willing for
the ceremony to be effective.
If the target character is already a scion, then the
bloodlines can be combined divided among the two and
redistributed among them. You create a disease of epidemic proportions. Residents of
affected provinces are exposed to Slimy Doom.
Chapter 3 | Realm Magic
Any "named" character may roll a Constitution save to Counterspell: The spell targets an incoming realm spell
initialy avoid the effect. Any province affected by the death before it takes effect. When a spell is casted on a province
plague suffers massive population loss and loses one that has a valid spellcaster for this spell, they are allowed to
province level per month until the disease is cured (by a spend their reaction to counter it (note that the regent will
bless land, a dispell realm magic spell or PC actions). not know which spell is cast only that one is being cast,
Bless land offers no other benefits if used to counter this unless a succesfull espionage action has been taken). This
spell. The death plague affects one province in the month in is the only exception to "one realm spell per domain turn"
which it is cast. rule
In each following month, the plague may move to In that case, a regent mage can use dispel realm magic to
another province dictaded by the caster when he casts the counter an incoming hostile realm spell, before it takes
spell.The effects of the death plague are instantaneous and effect. As with dispel magic, this is not a true counterspell.
thus, dispelling a death plague after it has taken its toll in a You must make a realm dispel check to counter the other
province will not bring the dead back to life, but it will spellcaster's realm spell.
prevent the plague from spreading further.
Disrupt Mebhaighl
Demagogue Abjuration
Enchantment Level: Sor/Wiz 8
Level: Wiz 2 Target: 1 province
Target: up to 1 province/2 levels Duration: 1 month
Duration: Instantaneous Special Requirements: Source (8), 1GB, 5RP/ province
Special Requirements: Source (3), 1GB. The mage must source level.
pay 5 RP for each grade of loyalty affected in each province; By sending a exceptionally powerful surge of raw
casting a stable domain into rebellion would be very costly. mebhaighl into the target province the caster disrupts the
You influence the loyalty of a province. This pervasive, regular flow of mebhaighl in the province.
subtle enchantment plays upon the fears and loyalties of While this spell is in effect, no one and nothing, except
the population of a province, permanently influencing the the caster of this spell, can draw upon the magical energy
attitudes of its peoples toward its ruler for better or worse. of the province. In effect no magic can be used, as if the
If you want to affect another province, you must pay an province was under an anti-magic field. Any spells affecting
EXTRA cost equal to half the Province's level. For example the province end (with the exception of those cast by the
if a Wizard wished to change the loyalty of a province (5) caster), no spells can be cast or their effects utilized within
and a province (6) by 2 grades and one grade respectively, the province, and all magic items cease to work.
he must pay 10 regency (for the first change of loyalty) then
3 Regency (to affect the 2nd province) and then 5 regency Excommunicate
(for the change of loyalty) or a tottal of 21 regency. Transmutation
The Regent of the Province is aware of this spell and can Level: Clr/Drd 8
counter it by spending the same regency as the caster. Target: 1 regent.
Duration: Instant
Dispel Realm Magic Special Requirements: Temple (8), 1 GB per target
Abjuration holding affected, RP equal to the total level of the target
Level: Wiz 1, Clr/Drd 1 holdings if the target is affected (1/2 of the cost if he is not).
Target: 1 province
Duration: Instantaneous An Excommunication is perhaps the most fearsome realm
Special Requirements: Source (1) or Temple (1), spell of which a priest is capable. Through this realm spell,
1GB.The regency cost of this spell is determined the priest excommunicates the target regent and all of his
by the caster during the bidding process (minimum 1 vassals. The priests followers and faithfull fly into a
RP). mindless holy war against the target regent.
When this spell is cast, the target regent must roll a
Powerful magical effects require powerful counters. blood save with a bonus equal to their highest holding. If
This spell allows a mage regent to counter the effects of they fail this check all of their holdings are reduced by a
any other realm spell in the same manner that a dispel number equal to 1/2 of the temple used to power the spell.
magic works against routine spells. A dispelled spell ends Province level is unaffected. The spell is also used to
as if its duration had expired. Excommunicate fallen church members, and if they have
Note: The effect of realm spells with instantaneous offended their God as well, lose their powers.
duration can't be dispelled, because the magic effect is
already over before the dispel realm magic takes effect. As Legion of Dead
with normal combat, effective use of readied domain Necromancy
actions and careful consideration of initiative order can be Level: Wiz 5, Clr 5
of vital importance in realm-level magical confrontation. Duration: 1 month
Dispel realm magic can be cast in one of two ways: Special Requirements: Source (5) or Temple (5), 4
Targeted dispel: One ongoing realm spell is the target of RP/unit summoned, 1 GB/unit.
the spell. You must make a realm dispel check against the
realm spell. A realm dispel check is 1d20 + spellcasting You raise the buried and unburied bones or bodies of the
modifier + RP spent by the caster to support the check. dead of a province into a legion of undead skeletons and
The DC of a realm dispel check is 11 + it's level + the RP zombies that do your bidding. The legion of dead is
originally spent by the spell's caster. You know the DC mindless and entirely under the control of the caster.
before you finish the spell.

Chapter 3 | Realm Magic 35

The caster must be within one mile of the army at all times Unfortified buildings should be treated as having one
or the spell will be broken and the army will collapse. level of fortification for the purpose of destruction.
This spell effectively raises a "legion of the dead" unit for Although this spell can also be used to destroy
mass combat. If however the regent wishes to utilize them cathedrals, warehouses, and other buildings, such
for another thing, the standard legion consists of 70% destruction does not do any permanent harm to the
medium-sized skeletons 20% zombies and 10% ghouls. political power represented by the holdings that these
The regency and gold bar cost must be paid every month buildings represent.
and the spell recast, else the Undead turn to dust.
Scry Province
Mass Destruction Divination
Evocation Level: Sor/Wiz 1, Drd 1
Level: Sor/Wiz 2 Target: 1 province
Target: 1 or more units Duration: 1 month
Duration: Instantaneous Special Requirements: Source (1), 1 GB, 1RP. The regent
Special Requirements: Source (5) 10 RP/unit affected, 5 must have access to a large polished or reflective surface,
GB worth of expendable ritual components. often a part of the manifestation or an ornate mirror or
You summon a single awesome barrage of devastating fire, pool located in their stronghold.
lightning, ice, force, or acid vapor (caster’s choice). You can see and hear events throughout the effected
Each unit affected takes two hits. The unit may make a province.You may use this spell to gather information about
unit saving throw take half-damage. events taking place in the target province. The difficulty of
Mass destruction usually causes significant coincidental the task depends on how well the knowledge that you seek
property damage, such as fires, flooding, or other is concealed.
environment damage. This damage is not significant This spell creates many magical sensors that move
enough to damage a fortification and is generally too minor throughout the province. Any creature with an Intelligence
to cause any permanent damage to any major domain 12 or higher may feel that they are "being watched".
asset. Scions and their agents may become uneasy and take
steps to increase security. In game terms, the regent or
Protection from Realm Magic regents whose activities are being scryed may spend RP to
Abjuration oppose the scry check (which is a check using your
Level: Sor/Wiz 1, Clr/Drd 1 spellcasting modifier+any RP you wish to spend) This is
Target: 1 province similar to the way in which RP are spent to oppose an
Duration: 1 Season (D) espionage action. Regent spellcasters are fully aware of the
Special Requirements: Source (1) or Temple (1), 1GB, scry realm spell and may spend RP to oppose the scry
RP spent during casting. check even if they are not the target of the scrying.
You may only attempt one goal per scry province and
The caster creates long lasting warding over a province to must clearly state the intent of your studies before rolling.
protect it from future realm spells. The DC is the same as an Espionage action. Unlike the
All realm spells cast against the province must defeat the Espionage action however, the spell has no chance of
protected province's DC which is set during casting and it "backfiring".
is equal to 11 + the Regency Cost the caster puts in the If you are in possession of an object , body part , or other
spell. The attempted casting check is 1d20+spellcasting mechanism for providing a physical connection to the
modifier+regency spent for this specific roll. location of the information which you search, you have
Regardless of the results, the protection remains in effect advantage on the check.
until its duration expires or until dispelled.The protection
has no effect on any realm spell already in progress. Warding
Sustained realm spells that affect mobile units (such as Abjuration
legion of dead or bless army) that move into the area are Level: Sor/Wiz 6
not also not affected. However, realm spells with repeating Target: 1 or provinces
instantaneous effects, such as death plague, are affected by Duration: 1 season (D)
the protection. Special Requirements: Source (5), 5RP/Province,
Protection from Realm Magic does not interfere with 2GB/Province
routine (non realm) spells, and a Dispell Realm magic spell
need not bypass the protection. The dispell check is made You can weave a barrier of impenetrable mists and fog to
immediatly. prevent obscuring all sight and utterly confusing the
direction sense (regardless of equipment) of any who
Raze attempt to pass through the warding boundary.
Evocation Small parties may attempt to pass the barrier together by
Level: Sor/Wiz 3 following a designated leader. The leader may navigate the
Target: 1 fortification warding by making a Wisdom save with dissadvantage if
Duration: Instantaneous they treavel with more than ten people.
Special Requirements: Source (5), 10 RP per level of Life may continue as normal within the warded
fortification damage, 2 GB per level of fortification damage provinces, but normal interaction with the rest of the world
becomes impossible. All trade routes leaving the warded
Castles, fortifications, and other buildings can be reduced areas become contested, Military units cannot enter or
to rubble by means of this spectacular realm spell. leave the and diplomacy with the affected nation is next to
The caster may attempt to simply reduce a fortification in impossible.
level, or they may attempt to destroy it outright.

36 Chapter 3 | Realm Magic

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