Conroyriley Eportfolioreflection

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Riley Conroy

Professor Munsell

ENC 1102

11 November 2023


Within my ePortfolio I have provided multiple works that best represent my writing

skills, the documents that I provided the audience with are the rhetorical analysis of a

professional text and a lab report from my general chemistry 2 lab this semester. I chose these

assignments because I felt that they best correlated with my career goals showing that I am

interested in pursuing a career in the pharmaceutical field which requires the ability to write in a

scientific manner displayed in my lab report. I felt that it was important to show my passion for

the profession which is why I included my rhetorical analysis of a professional text because I felt

that my passion for the industry was shown through my writing in that assignment. In my

ePortfolio, I also provided an about me section which provides the audience with what I feel is

important information about myself that is necessary to know before reading my selected

writings. Over the course of the semester, I have been consistently researching all different

information about the pharmaceutical industry and trying to determine how I would like to

connect the industry with my English assignment which was not an easy task. Throughout the

process of researching I learned so much more about the field and what is required to achieve a

pharmD degree after my bachelor's is complete. This assignment has also helped me improve my

technology skills teaching me how to create a website promoting myself which is hard to achieve

without coming across too strong.

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For my ePortfolio the academic audience is my peers and professor reading the ePortfolio

to asses my writing skills. While the professional audience is future pharmaceutical employers

looking to learn more about me and my academic writings. In order to engage my audience I

provided a section where any reader of my ePortfolio can reach out to me and ask questions or

provide comments and feedback about what they read in my ePortfolio. I also considered my

professional audience when providing a scientific writing example as well as a rhetorical

analysis geared toward women in the pharmaceutical industry. Places that I might consider

circulating my ePortfolio would be in my resume or CV letters later on in my academic and

professional career when applying for pharmacy school or job positions after graduation.

Providing my ePortfolio as a resource for future employers or future schools will provide the

reader with more information about me and my academic career and writing capabilities.

Through creating my ePortfolio I learned more about my writing strengths and

weaknesses I find that I write better when I am passionate about the topic and that when I find

the topic boring or useless I put in less effort and am less concerned about the message I am

conveying through my words. I also found that my academic writing has improved drastically

over the course of this semester looking back on my various writing from my English class when

selecting an assignment to include in my ePortfolio I read over all of my work from this course

and found that my most recent paper was much better than my first one for the course. I also

noticed that these skills rubbed off onto my other courses' writings as well when I was selecting a

paper from another course to include in the ePortfolio. When looking over my ePortfolio I feel

like my strengths are within my introduction or “about me” section of my ePortfolio. Within this

section I was able to convey so much information about my life as well as academic and career

goals in such a limited space, I feel as if I was able to do this so easily thanks to the number of
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times I revised, edited, and added more to the introduction over the semester. I also found that

the tips I received from my peers through discussion posts were also beneficial to creating a

meaningful introduction section of my ePortfolio. I had lots of fun designing the website and

adding photos of myself and making the ePortfolio aesthetically pleasing for the audience while

making sure it was not too distracting from the important information and writings that I

provided within the ePortfolio. Throughout my ePortfolio I made sure that it was reflective of me

and my professional aspirations and still being somewhat fun to read and look through. I am very

thankful for this assignment and feel as if it helped me better my understanding of my

professional goals as well as being an accurate depiction of myself and my continuously

developing and improving writing skills.

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