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We begin with Pop and Cub walking through the park.

While Pop taps out the ashes in

his pipe, Cub wanders over to a broken down well. Pop sees this and barely manages
to save Cub from falling in. Pop tells Cub to stay where he is, then follows Cub's
gaze over to Cro-Marmot's ice cream truck. When Pop turns back around, however, Cub
is gone, leaving only his beanie behind. Pop, fearing for the worst, begins tossing
a rope down the well several times in hopes that Cub would grab on, coming up empty
every time, until he drops it.

Pop runs over to a picnic table where Lumpy, Sniffles, and The Mole are reading and
eating, demanding help. Sniffles gets an idea, smiles, and they all go to his
workshop where the group begins working on a device, drawing up plans and welding
metal. Lumpy, meanwhile, spends the entire time eating cans of beans. However,
Lumpy eats so many cans of beans, his stomach rumbles, and he is forced to run into
a nearby outhouse.

Handy tries to give directions to Pop.

The next day, Sniffles' creation, a large drill machine, crashes out of the
workshop. They begin burrowing underground, but due to machine's flawed design
(thanks to Pop's impatience), The Mole is instantly killed when a small glass
bubble he rides in is crushed against the ground (because the glass dome he was in
was bigger than the machine's body size, and that dome got destroyed when it
entered the earth). Pop takes the map out of The Mole's dead hands, but is shocked
to learn that the map The Mole drew up is nothing more than scribbles. Pop and
Sniffles stop and ask Handy, who just finished laying some underground pipes, for
directions to the well. Handy explains how to get there, pointing as he does. Due
to his lack of hands, however, Pop can't understand where Handy is telling them to
go. After Handy gets mad and yells at Pop for the confusion, Pop and Sniffles
leave, destroying Handy's pipes in the process. Poisonous gas begins seeping out
through the pipes quickly and Handy, unable to turn the valve to turn off the gas
due to the lack of hands, falls down dead after being succumbed to the poisonous
gas. Back in the machine, Pop's hastiness has taken him over, and now he and
Sniffles are seen fighting over the steering wheel, causing them to burrow in
random directions and jump out of the ground in several places. In the middle of
the street, Mime is seen riding his unicycle while juggling three balls. To his
horror, he notices the fin of the machine chasing him. Mime pedals away in fear,
eventually relaxing when the fin goes back underground. He looks up to see,
however, that Petunia is blindly driving straight at him (Petunia doesn't notice,
as she's looking downwards, apparently trying to look for something). Mime braces
himself for impact, when the fin reemerges and cuts Petunia's car (and Petunia
herself) in half, leaving Mime unharmed. One of the sliced halves of Petunia's car
knocks down the garbage cans in front of Cuddles' house. Hearing the noise, Cuddles
opens a window in his house, and gives a shocked stare at the damage he's seeing.

Sniffles and Pop navigating the underground proves to be harder than expected.
As Pop and Sniffles continue their struggle for control of the vehicle, the
steering wheel breaks off, thus preventing them to control the machine. The machine
pops out of the ground and goes back underground, the force of the impact causing
Mime to fly up in the air. He lands perfectly and throws the three balls he's
juggling at the door to Cuddles' house, as if he was knocking. When Cuddles comes
outside, Mime tries in vain to explain to Cuddles what's happening, but due to his
silence, Cuddles is unable to understand Mime's movements. Suddenly, the fin of the
machine comes by and slices off the front portion of Cuddles' house, which begins
to fall over. As Cuddles and Mime attempt to run away, the portion of the house
that crashes on top of them were the windows. Mime is unharmed, as the window that
crashed on him was opened by Cuddles earlier. However, Cuddles isn't so lucky, as
the window that crashed on him was closed. As a result, the glass from the window
slices the unlucky rabbit into six equal sized pieces like a sliced apple.
Mime is tormented by the drill throughout the episode. Run for your life!
Sniffles and Pop try to replace the steering wheel on the controls, but the machine
hits an underground wall of concrete. The drill becomes stationary in the rock, but
since the machine is still moving, everything gets reversed: now the machine starts
spinning, but the drill isn't. Inside, Pop and Sniffles are getting tossed around.
Pop manages to get into the drivers seat. Sniffles, on the other hand still
continues to get tossed around. To make matters worse, cans of beans from a
cupboard (probably Lumpy's idea to put it there) begin to fall out and bounce all
over the place. Sniffles ends up getting pierced all over his body by the cans of
beans and is finally killed when two pierce his eyes. Pop successfully stops the
machine from spinning and everything that was bouncing around falls to the floor.
Hearing Sniffles' body hit the floor, Pop looks at the dead carcass, and becomes
grossed out by it appearance, making him shudder. Pop, now gaining the upper hand,
sets the drill in reverse, and the machine gets set free.

Not one of Pop's smartest moments.

Back at the well, it is revealed that Cub never fell into the well at all, as he is
seen skipping along holding an ice cream bar just before he retrieves his beanie.
The drill then comes out of the ground, and Pop is happy than nothing bad happened
to his son. The machine begins driving towards Cub, but Pop is concerned that Cub
might get run over by it. He goes to the top of the machine where The Mole was
earlier, and tosses an over-sized anchor to stop the machine. Mime, now out of
breath and moving very slowly, ends up getting his head crushed by the anchor. The
machine stops just short of running over Cub, but Pop accidentally knocks Cub down
the well when he opens the door. Realizing what he just did, Pop lets out a sigh of
exasperation, goes back into the machine, and starts it up again, ready to begin
the search all over again.

Meanwhile, Lumpy still sits in the outhouse with a newspaper in hand. Suddenly, the
ground begins shaking, and the drill pops up from the bottom of the outhouse, and
then Lumpy gets shredded to death.


"Anything worth doing is worth doing well!"

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