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Part One

Sniffles, Toothy, Cuddles, Flaky, and Petunia before the trip...

The episode begins with Lumpy, the school bus driver, parking his school bus
outside a zoo. Taking attendance, he looks around to see Petunia, Cuddles, Toothy,
Sniffles and Flaky, all excited for a day at the zoo (except Flaky, who is nervous
as usual). The group enters the zoo, holding hands and singing a familiar tune, and
walks up to a sign designating where everything is. While Lumpy ponders what they
should look at first, the others scatter and run off to various parts of the zoo.
Noticing the kids are gone, Lumpy runs after them.

Cuddles and Toothy are standing by the baboon cage, poking the baboon with a stick
and mocking it. The two run off laughing when Sniffles approaches, camera in hand.
An exhausted Lumpy catches up to Sniffles, who asks Lumpy to take his photo with
the baboon. Lumpy has Sniffles back all the way up to the cage, so that his body is
pressed up against the bars. When Lumpy takes the photo, the flash from the bulb
sparks something in the baboon, and as a result, the ferocious baboon begins
attacking Sniffles in a gruesome manner.

Lumpy looks around and spots a blow dart gun and two tranquilizer darts in a glass
case. Standing next to the case is Petunia, who is eating an ice cream cone. Lumpy
runs up to the case, grabs the little hammer hanging from the box, and gives it a
hard swing. Unfortunately, the glass shards end up piercing Petunia all over her
face, making her scream in extreme agony. Realizing he has two problems to deal
with now, Lumpy focuses his attention towards Sniffles when the baboon begins
tearing him limb from limb. He quickly shoves a dart into the blow dart gun, and
aims it at the baboon. He shoots the dart, but the baboon does not stop his
rampage. It turns out that Lumpy hit Petunia, who was stumbling in pain due to the
glass shards piercing her face. Because of this, she ends up falling into a snake
pit, where a snake advances on her.

Lumpy once more tries to knock out the baboon, but as he is too panicked to pay
attention, he unknowingly places the dart into the blow dart gun backwards. He
takes a big breath, but the suction of his inhale causes the dart to fly right into
his throat, making him choke and eventually faint.

Part Two

Several hours later, Lumpy wakes up, yawning and scratching himself (like he always
would after sleeping) with the effects of the dart apparently wearing off.
Suddenly, he remembers that Petunia fell into the snake pit, and goes to check on
her. Unfortunately, the snake that advanced on Petunia has already eaten her, and
is in mid-digestion. Lumpy jumps into the pit to save her, and after a brief
struggle, he winds up getting eaten too. Fortunately, he is able to use his pen to
cut the snake open and free himself. Unfortunately, the snake had already begun
digesting Petunia, as she is smothered in stomach acid. Realizing that there is
nothing else that he can do for her, Lumpy runs off to find the others.

Elsewhere, Toothy stands on all fours while Cuddles stands on his back and peers
through a hole in a wooden fence. On the other side of the fence is a rhinoceros,
which Cuddles pokes with a stick through the hole in the fence. After getting no
reaction, Cuddles sharpens the end of the stick and begins poking the rhinoceros
again. Still getting no reaction, Cuddles sticks a branding iron through the fence
and brands a circle on the rhinoceros' skin, finally getting the animal's

Lumpy runs up to the mischievous duo and Cuddles runs off, giving a mocking laugh.
As Lumpy watches Cuddles leave, Toothy asks him to lift him up so he can see the
rhinoceros through the fence. Sighing, Lumpy agrees, much to Toothy's delight.
While running, Cuddles comes upon a helium tank used for inflating balloons and
decides to have some fun. He inhales the helium, begins singing in a high-pitched
voice, and laughs about it.

Meanwhile, Lumpy hears Flaky shriek in the distance. He turns to see what is going
on, not noticing the sound of approaching footsteps or Toothy's head being impaled
by the rhinoceros's horn through the fence. Determined to see what the problem is,
he places a crate under Toothy's feet and runs off, still not aware that Toothy's
head has been stabbed. The rhinoceros removes its horn from the fence and Toothy
falls down, dead.

Lumpy and Flaky are both traumatized over their accidental massacre.
Flaky is now seen bellowing in terror as a cute little baby chick cheeps and hops
over to her, trying to get some love. Lumpy runs over to tell her that everything
is okay, but he accidentally and unknowingly steps on the chick. This causes Flaky
to start yelling even more. Lumpy picks her up and runs off, stepping on and
killing multiple chicks as he runs. He soon slips, crushing numerous chicks and
covering both himself and Flaky with blood and the remains of dead chicks.

Cuddles has finally had enough fun playing with the helium and starts to walk off.
He stops when he sees the baboon, who has escaped from his cage and is now playing
with Sniffles' camera. The baboon looks over at Cuddles and gets angry, wanting
revenge for the humiliation he suffered earlier. Cuddles turns to run away, but
slams his eye into the nozzle of the helium tank. He is unable to get his eye free
as helium flows from the tank to his head. His head slowly expands as his screams
get higher and higher pitched until they stop altogether. Cuddles now dead, one of
his eyes begins to float up as though it were a long balloon.

The baboon runs off as Lumpy approaches, still carrying a traumatized Flaky. He
sees the balloons and decides to get one for Flaky. Unknowingly, he grabs Cuddles'
inflated eye and makes a balloon animal out of it. He hands it to Flaky, who stops
crying and slowly smiles. He picks her up and carries her off. Unfortunately, Flaky
realizes that the "balloon" she is holding is the nerve of Cuddles' eye, and
because of this, she gives one last scream just before passing out.

...and after the trip (notice how Sniffles is missing).

Back on the bus, an exhausted Lumpy plops down in the driver's seat and looks
around, taking attendance again. He is surprised to see Petunia, Cuddles, and
Toothy laying dead, a traumatized Flaky, and the baboon holding Sniffles' camera.
Lumpy looks suspiciously at the baboon until it puts Sniffles' glasses on. Lumpy
shrugs, either thinking that the baboon is Sniffles or not caring, and drives off.
From outside, a silhouette of the bus is shown. Seconds later, a bright light
flashes from the camera through the bus's windows and the baboon begins screeching.
As the iris closes in completely, the bus crashes off screen.


"Don't bite the hand that feeds you!"

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