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Face To Face

Online Communication and
Pyschosocial Development

• Development researches agreement that

the overrarching goal for adolescents is
to achieve pyschosocial autonomy within
this overarching goal,three development
First, adolescents have to development
rm sense of their self or identity that is
they need to achieve a secure feeling
about who they are and what they wish
to become second they have to
development a sense of intimacy , that is
they need to acquire the abilities that are
The closer you look to the
computer, the harder it is on
the eyes !

• The computer requires close work in

order for the images to be seen better
in close study, the muscle in eye adapts
and increases the refraction of our lens
in the eye being constantly adapting
can cause pain the closer one looks to
computer screen , the greater the need
for adaption is made more than
necessary and for a long time, pain mat
occur around the eyes, head and neck
dryness in the eyes burning, stringing
and redness are seen as other symptos
İs Screen Time
Tiring On The Eyes ?

• Eye strain is the tiredness of the eyes as a

result of prolonged and intense use the blink
rate of the eye which focuses on a screen for a
long time and without taking a break decreases
by 1 and 4 the so the eye cannot provide the
necessary moisture gets tired and dries up eye
fatigue and associated dry eyes in both adults
and children can lead to a astigmatism and
myopia provided there is a genetic
predisposition in fact at the congress held by a
Euretina in Copenhagen last year doctors state
that children who spend more time at home
than on the street have higher myopia and
astigmatism numbers due to eye strain
Continuation Of The
Article That I Read
• A total sample of 301 teachers was identi ed without
ages ranging from 22 to 60 years the majority were
female (75.4%) twenty-four point nine percent
(24.9%) of the sample have a chronic disease and
17.3 % has previous LASIK surgery twenty-four point
nine percent (24.9%) spent two to ve hours
teaching before the pandemic versus 60.8% with
online education during the pandemic spent two to
ve hours daily .Fifty two-point eight percent (52.8%)
of the teachers kept the distance between them and
the digital screen at less than 50 cm. Eighty-one
point four percent (81.4%) of teachers reported
severe to modarete e ects of online teaching using
a computer/tablet/phone on their eye health. Fifty-
two point two percent (52.2%)reported headache
• There is an obvious negative a ect re ected
by subjects symptomatology and complaints
in their eyes this should prompt health
authorities to provide better teaching
equipment and accessibility to essential eye
care to teachers
Thank you for listening !

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