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The Composition of Material Substances

The essence of man and Socrates differ as designated and non-designated, with Socrates being
animality and rationality. The essence of the genus and species differ as designated and non-
designated, with the latter being determined by matter determined by dimensions. The
determination of the species regarding the genus occurs through a constitutive difference, which
is taken from the form of the thing.

The body, in the sense of being a part of an animal, differs from the body in being a genus. The
name "body" can be taken in several senses, such as being in the genus of substance or having a
form on account of which three dimensions can be designated. The genus indeterminately
signifies the whole that is in the species, as it does not signify only matter. The difference
signifies the whole and not only form, as does the species.

The essence of man and Socrates differ only as designated and non-designated, as well as the
essence of the genus and species. The designation of an individual with respect to the species
takes place through matter determined by dimensions, while the designation of the species
regarding the genus occurs through a constitutive difference. The determination or designation of
the species with respect to the genus is not through anything in the essence of the species that
would in no way be in the essence of the genus; rather, whatever is in the species is also in the
genus indeterminately.

The name "body" can be taken in several senses, such as being in the genus of substance or
having a nature on account of which three dimensions can be designated in it. However, the
genus indeterminately signifies the whole that is in the species, as it does not signify only matter.
The difference signifies the whole and not only form, as well as the definition and the species.

In summary, the essence of man and Socrates differ only as designated and non-designated, and
the essence of the genus and species are analogous to matter, form, and composite in nature.

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