Lear Paper

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Mental State

Cooper L. Mitchell

Balko ISD

English IV

Mrs. Frantz

April /11/2023 always spell out your date


King Lear Analysis

Mental State

Shakespear used King Lear's mental state as a warning and message of the dangers of a

leader who is no longer fit to lead. As well as a warning to the people of England Throughout the

entire play King Lear's mental state declines. Readers can see Lear’s decline from the very

beginning. “Meantime we shall express our darker purpose” (Shakespeare 2016. Act 1. Scene 1.

Line 36.) The king's mental state begins to affect his performance as king. Furthermore begins

to take a toll on how Lear thinks and works as a father. The king undoubtedly begins to fade

further and further the longer the play goes on. “For by the scarce radiance of the sun, the

mysteries of the night” (Shakespeare 2016, Act 1 Scene 1, Line 120) Showing the readers just

how bad the mental state of the kind is. The daughters of the king begin to notice, using the

fragileness of the king's mind to benefit each other's wants. As the play continues the readers of

the play can see just how much the daughters of the king manipulate the king. As the king's

health worsens further into the play the readers begin to ask what is honestly happening to Lear.

“Am I in France?” (Sshakespeare 2016, Act 4, Scene 7 line 87)

The article “Mental illness and well‐being: an affect regulation perspective” by James J.

Gross, Helen Uusberg, and Andero Uusberg, helps the readers understand some of the

consequences Lear will deal with. These articles also give the readers a better opportunity to

understand the other issues in the play, these other issues being Gloucester losing his eyes, or

vision. As well as the deeper message that Shakespeare was trying to get across. Gross, Helen

Uusberg, and Andero Uusberg explain why Lear is dealing with the mental issues the king is

dealing with in the play . The article explains just how Lear's mental state came to surface. Due

to the amount of trials and tribulations Lear dealt with in the play and how the mental state of a

person affects day to day life. After reading this article the readers can understand in a more

detailed way of what Lear could be dealing with. Explain what he is dealing with

Understanding lear

When taking a deeper look into both Lear and the article we see that the king has bipolar

disorder. Readers can see this even from line to line. “Pray you now, forget and forgive. I am old

and foolish” ( Shakespeare 2016. Act 4, Scene 7, line 97) More specifically the readers see a

narcissistic Lear, this followed by a paranoid king “ who goes there, O heavens” (shakespeare

2016. Act 2. Scene 4. Line 218) It is clear throughout the entire play that Lear has a rather large

ego. “ Hear me, recreant on thine allegiance, hear me.” (shakespeare 2016. Act 1. Scene 1. Line

193) The daughters of the king fuel this even more so. Telling the king exactly what the king

wants to hear consistently. The king's bipolar becomes even more obvious when Cordelia does

not do as the other daughters. The king is so used to having an egotistical boost from the other

daughters that Lear banishes Cordelia when the same treatment is not given. “Hence and avoid

my sight”(Shakespeare 2016 Act 1 Scene 1 Line 135) This would give the readers an

explanation for multiple different accounts in the play itself .

The role of vision in Lear

At this point in the play the readers see first hand some of the bigger messages that

Shakespeare is trying to get across. Shakespeare uses gloucesters vision as a symbol. The line

”set me where you stand” (Shakespeare2016. Act 4 Scene 6. Line 30) pushes this message even

further. Explaining that Glouchester is relying on edgar. Using Gloucesters fragile mental state

on the cliff to explain the blindness of Gloucester. “ Why do I trifle with his despair to cure

it?”( Shakespeare 2016. Act 4. Scene 6. Line 43) Shakespear uses both glouchesters and the

king's blindness to reality to drive the issues faced even further in the play. The example is based

on Lear's inability to see that cordial is the only daughter that actually loves lear. Instead of

“seeing” this, Lear instead banishes Cordelia for not fueling the kings never ending ego as the

other daughters had. Readers can see the same example with gloucester. Once the vision is taken

away, Gloucester is able to see more than surface level. Being forced to look further into the

situation occurring throughout the play. “ A poor unfortunate beggar” (Shakespeare 2016. Act 4.

Scene 6. Line 85). It is only after Gloucester jumps off the “ cliff” when the readers begin to see

Gloucester look at things through a new perspective. “ I'll bear affection till it does cry itself out”

(Shakespeare 2016. Act 4. Scene 6. Line 94)

Shakespeare's message

The time period in which the play was written England was facing a similar issue.

Fighting over power along with not knowing what to do next as a country causes major issues.

Shakespear wrote this play while a fight for power was occurring in the country. Using king lear

to warn readers of what could happen around England at the time. From the backstabbing and

betrayal, to a king unfit to lead, this was Shakespeare's message. “ come not between the

dragon and his wrath” (Shakespeare 2016. Act 1. Scene 1. Line 135.) This explains why Lear

became so unhinged, why the daughters of the king treated and acted the way Shakespeare

wrote. It tells the readers that other people or individuals do not care what the outcome is, all

that matters is the power that comes with the role.

“ a bleak vision of a world without meaning”(King Lear: Themes

https://www.sparknotes.com Spark notes) What does this mean. Your font changes!


When really taking a moment to understand and looking deeper into the story, readers

can see what it was Shakespeare was trying to get across. From the mental roller coaster of

learning throughout the entire play, to the role that vision plays in it, Shakespeare's messages

become clear. Power causes even families to turn on each other. By using Lear, Shakespeare was

able to reach a broader audience.


Gross JJ, Uusberg H, Uusberg A. Mental illness and well-being: an affect regulation

perspective. World Psychiatry. 2019 Jun;18(2):130-139. doi: 10.1002/wps.20618. PMID:

31059626; PMCID: PMC6502417.

Hidaka BH. Depression as a disease of modernity: explanations for increasing

prevalence. J Affect Disord. 2012 Nov;140(3):205-14. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2011.12.036.

Epub 2012 Jan 12. PMID: 22244375; PMCID: PMC3330161. (2012).

Depression as a disease of modernity: explanations for increasing prevalence.

Shakespeare, W. (2015). King Lear (Barbara Mowat & P. Werstein, Eds.). Folger

Shakespeare Library.


(original work published 1608)

Remember to capitalize names. Also, make sure your font matches all the way through. Also,

go through and make sure you have completely edited your paper. It is fine to use online

resources, but make sure you erase them! Alos, your reference sheet has your other two sources,

but you did not use them in your paper.


In college, you are going to have to make sure you ask questions and go to the writing lab. This

will help you greatly. You are capable. You have to get out of your head that you can’t do

it/don’t want to do it. You have to put in the work. You are fully capable.


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