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Competences assessment: Oral production -

assessment criterion CA1.4.

If you're an auditory learner, you learn best by hearing

information. You have no problem paying attention in lessons and
it's not difficult for you to remember what the teacher said. You also
learn well during class discussions. However, seeing lots of text,
charts, diagrams and pictures might be too demanding for you.

Auditory learners need to study in a quiet place. Get some

headphones, so you can't hear other people talking and listen to
music as you study. But make sure it's relaxing music without lyrics
because lyrics can make it hard to concentrate. It's good to read out
loud, but it's even better to use a recording app to record yourself as
you say the material. When you've finished, play it back and listen.
This is super effective! Learning in groups is also great for you.

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