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1. Past simple affirmative: regular verbs. How do these verbs end in the past simple?

use, play, study, visit, like, help, carry, watch, travel, live, stop.

Write your answers in the correct group:

+d: used, liked, lived

+ed: visited, watched, helped

y+ed: played

y+ied: studied, carried

+led/ped: stopped, travelled

2. Write these regular verbs in the past simple.

The Famous Russian dancer, Vaslav Nijinsky, lived (live) from 1890 to 1950. As a small child, he learned

(learn) dancing from his father. At the Nijinsky’s home, Vaslav danced (dance) with his brother and his little

sister. At the age of nine, he moved (move) to St Petersburg and started (start) dance lessons at the

Imperial School of Dancing. He studied (study) dancing for eight years with Russia’s top ballet teachers.

Between 1909 and 1917, he travelled (travel) in Europe, the United States and South Africa. He married

(marry) Ramola in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1913. Between 1919 and 1950 he lived(live) in Switzerland,

France and England. He died (die) in London in 1950.

3. Past Simple: to be. Highlight the correct form.

1. Mrs Thatcher was/were Britain’s first woman prime minister.

2. The Ptolemey was/were kings of Egypt.

3. George Washington was/were the first president of the United States.

4. Leonardo Da Vinci and Sandro Botticelli was/were Italian Renaissance artists.

5. Albert Einstein was/were a physicist.

4. Past Simple affirmative: irregular forms. Complete the sentences with the past simple of the

verbs in brackets.

1. We went (go) to Thailand on holiday last year.

2. Last Sunday, I had (have) breakfast in bed.

3. We saw (see) beautiful paintings by Picasso in the museum.

4. My mother bought (buy) a computer yesterday.

5. Mrs Santoni gave (give) us a lot of homework on Tuesday.

6. Jill wrote (write) seven letters on Monday.

7. My friend met (meet) Ricky Martin after the concert last Saturday.

5. Regular and Irregular forms. Use the cues to write sentences in the past simple.

1. I often make new friends in the holidays (Last summer/three)

Last summer I made three.

2. My sister usually goes to bed late (Last night/two in the morning)

Last night she went at two in the morning

3. My parents are often angry with my brother (Yesterday/angry with him)

Yesterday the was angry with him

4. My grandfather often loses his glasses (Yesterday/them three times)

Yesterday he lost them three times

5. Mrs Rafter usually leaves at eight (Yesterday/ at nine)

Yesterday she leaved at nine

6. David usually works in a shoe shop on Saturdays (Last Saturday/ in a clothes shop)

Last Saturday he worked in a clothes shop

7. John often sings at parties. (Last night/for two hours)

Last night he sang for two hours

8. We usually play tennis in the summer (Last summer/every day)

Last summer we played every day

6. Yes/No questions with to be. Complete the questions about a party last week.

1. Was the party good?

2. Was Maria there?
3. Were Joss and Alice in the band?
4. Was the music good?
5. Were the people interesting?

7. Wh- questions with to be. Complete the questions for the answers given.

Q: Where were you yesterday?

A: We were at the cinema.

Q: when was he in Istanbul?

A: He was there in 1998

Q: why were they angry?

A: They were angry because you were late

Q: who were those girls in the café?

A: They were friends of my sister Soraya.

Q: what was our homework yesterday?

A: It was exercise 4 on page 92.

Q: where was the party?

A: The party was at Rosa’s house.

8. Wh-questions with other verbs. Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Add capital
letters and question marks.

1. did/meet/parents/where/your Where did your parents meet?

2. for/did/have/lunch/what/yesterday/you. What did you have for lunch yesterday?
3. go/did/New York/ Steve/to/why. Why did Steve go to New York?
4. to/did/learn/chess/when/you/play. When did you learn to play chess?
5. at/dance/did/party/Sally’s/who/with/you. Who did dance with you at Sally’s party?
6. did/go/holidays/how/in/often/sailing/the/you. How often did you go sailing in holidays?

9. Use the cues to write questions and answers in the past simple.

1. Where (she/go) last week? ( to Venice)

Q: Where did she go last week?
A: She went to Venice

2. What (he/buy) you for your birthday? (a CD)

Q: what did he buy for your birthday?
A: he bought a CD
3. What time (they/leave) the party? (at midnight)
Q: what time did they live the party
A: they leaved the party at midnight

4. What (all/have for supper)? (fish and salad)

Q: what did all have for supper)
A: all had fish and salad for supper

5. Who (you/meet) at the shops? (two school friends)

Q: who did you meet at the shops?
A: i met two school friends

6. Who (Sally/take) to the dance? (a boy called Tom)

Q: who did Sally take to dance?
A she took a boy called Tom

10. Put the verbs in the past simple negative.

I didn’t enjoy my last holidays. I didn’t meet (meet) any nice people and the sun didn’t shine (shine) once.
We didn’t go (go) swimming because it was very cold. I went to one party on the beach but I didn’t know
(know) anybody and I didn’t dance (dance) because I didn’t like (like) the music.

11. Affirmative, negative and questions. Put the verbs in the correct form of the past simple.

Dear Carol,
Did you have (you/have) any good time in Scotland? Was the weather (the weather/be)
OK? was the people (the people/be) friendly? We went (go) to New York for two weeks. We
saw(see) shows on Broadway every night and ate(eat) really big pizzas! We took (take) a boat trip
to Liberty Island and we didn’t go(not/go) up the Statue of Liberty. I loved(love) New York but I
didn’t like (not/like) the hot weather. Alex didn’t want (not/want) to come back to England.

12. Read the paragraph below. Use your imagination to complete it. Then record an audio of
yourself reading the story and upload it to the classroom.

Last week my friends and I went to the cinema. We wanted to see the last Marvel movie. We
travelled by bus for about one hour. When we arrived, we realized that it was a little bored. We
couldn’t believe our eyes. And now what? Lucas wanted to buy ice cream but Luciana told us she
had no money; Ignacio preferred to go for some hamburgers but Emiliano hates meat. We finally
decided to ate pizza. What can I say? It was not that bad but next time I will bring food to share.

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