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Application Note

Unidrive SP Operation
with Long Motor Cables

1 Unidrive SP Operation with Long Motor
Cables .....................................................3
1.1 Introduction ...........................................................3
1.2 Increasing the Maximum Motor Cable Length
Beyond the Standard Limits ..................................4
1.3 Multiple Motors ....................................................12
1.4 Appendix: Unidrive SP and Unidrive SPM Current
Ratings ................................................................13
1.5 Appendix: Sinusoidal Filter Components ............15

2 Long Cables Application Note
1 Unidrive SP Operation with Table 1-2 Maximum motor cable lengths (400V drives)

Long Motor Cables 400V Nominal AC supply voltage

Maximum permissible motor cable length for each of
1.1 Introduction Model the following frequencies

When a long motor cable is used between the motor and drive the effect 3kHz 4kHz 6kHz 8kHz 12kHz 16kHz
of the capacitance of this cable on the drive can become significant. At SP1401 65m (210ft)
every switching edge the capacitance must be charged and SP1402 100m (330ft)
subsequently discharged on the falling edge. This leads to a capacitive SP1403 130m (425ft)
high frequency current flowing which must be supported by the inverter
output. This charging current is sensed by the drive current sensing
circuit and may affect the drive current control system or protection, SP1405
causing a loss of torque or over-current trip. This is more of a problem SP1406 37m
for small drives where the cable charging currents may be significant SP2401 75m (120ft)
100m (165ft)
compared to the drives current rating. These high frequency currents SP2402 200m 150m (245ft)
may also have heating effects on internal filter and input stage snubber (330ft)
SP2403 (660ft) (490ft)
components. Again, if excessive this results in a drive trip. This is a
problem for drives which use a controlled rectifier as the input stage.
Figure 1-1 below shows the path for the high frequency earth currents
caused by the switching nature of the drives output, returning to the drive
via input cable line to earth capacitance and input stage snubber SP3403
components. SP4401
Figure 1-1 Circulating ground earth currents SP4402
Supply cable Output cable 250m 185m 125m (295ft)
capacitance to
capacitance to SP5401
Switching frequency (820ft) (607ft) (410ft)
earth earth SP5402
earth currents
Switching frequency Switching frequency Switching frequency
500m 370m 250m
earth currents earth currents earth currents SP9411
(1640ft) (1214ft) (820ft)
Other possible paths for these high frequency currents to return to the SP9412
drive are via the line to earth capacitance of the EMC filter, via the star SP9413
point of the supply transformer if connected to earth and via the SP9414
capacitance of the internal EMC filter.
1.1.1 Unidrive SP Maximum motor cable lengths SPMA1401
Below are the maximum motor cable lengths for Unidrive SP without SPMA1402
derating the drive or adding external components.
SPMD1401 250m 185m 125m
Table 1-1 Maximum motor cable lengths (200V drives) SPMD1402 (820ft) (607ft) (410ft)
200V Nominal AC supply voltage SPMD1403
Maximum permissible motor cable length for each of
Model the following frequencies Table 1-3 Maximum motor cable lengths (575V drives)
3kHz 4kHz 6kHz 8kHz 12kHz 16kHz
575V Nominal AC supply voltage
SP1201 65m (210ft)
Maximum permissible motor cable length for each of
SP1202 100m (330ft) the following frequencies
SP1203 130m (425ft)
37m 3kHz 4kHz 6kHz 8kHz 12kHz 16kHz
50m (120ft) SP3501
SP2201 75m
100m (165ft) SP3502
SP2202 200m 150m (245ft)
(330ft) SP3503
SP2203 (660ft) (490ft) 200m 150m 100m 75m
SP3201 (660ft) (490ft) (330ft) (245ft)
250m 185m 125m 90m SP3507
(820ft) (607ft) (410ft) (295ft)

Long cables Application Note 3
Table 1-4 Maximum motor cable lengths (690V drives) 1.2 Increasing the Maximum Motor Cable
690V Nominal AC supply voltage Length Beyond the Standard Limits
Maximum permissible motor cable length for each of The available techniques for increasing the maximum motor cable
Model the following frequencies depend on the size of the drive and the type of rectifier used within the
3kHz 4kHz 6kHz 8kHz 12kHz 16kHz
For Unidrive SP sizes 1 to 3 and drives being supplied by a standard
diode rectifier like the SPMU rectifier, one of the following techniques
SP4602 should be used.
• De-rate the drive
SP4604 90m • Add an output inductor
SP4605 250m 185m 125m (295ft) • Add a sinusoidal filter
SP4606 (820ft) (607ft) (410ft) For Unidrive SP size 4 and larger, one of the following techniques should
SP5601 be used.
SP5602 • Add additional EMC filter capacitance
SP6601 • Add an isolating transformer
SP6602 If the motor cable length is greater than 500m then one of the following
SPMA1601 may also be required.
SPMA1602 • Add an output inductor
SPMD1601 250m 185m 125m • Add a sinusoidal filter
SPMD1602 (820ft) (607ft) (410ft) 1.2.1 Additional Internal EMC Filter Capacitance
SPMD1603 (Unidrive SP size 4 and larger only)
SPMD1604 For Unidrive SP size 4 and larger the cable length limits are determined
by input stage snubber component heating. For longer motor cable runs
Cable lengths in excess of the specified values may be used only when
it is necessary to add further capacitors in parallel with the existing
one or more of the techniques detailed in this document are adopted.
internal EMC filter capacitor between the positive d.c. bus terminal of the
The maximum cable length is reduced from that shown in Table 1-1 to drive and ground.
Table 1-4 if high capacitance motor cables are used.
For every 90m beyond the limit given in Table 1-1 to Table 1-4, an
Most cables have an insulating jacket between the cores and the armour additional capacitor is required with capacitance of 330nF. The dielectric
or shield; these cables have a low capacitance and are recommended. should be polypropylene or a similar low-loss type because the high-
Cables that do not have an insulating jacket tend to have high frequency current is considerable. In some cases a single capacitor with
capacitance; if a cable of this type is used, the maximum cable length is a larger value could be used, but it is recommended that smaller values
half that quoted in the tables. (Figure 1.2 shows how to identify the two be connected in parallel since then there will be no question whether
types.) their current rating is sufficient. A suitable capacitor for 200V and 400V
Figure 1-2 Cable construction influencing the capacitance drives has the CT part number 1691-0006-02.
Adding additional capacitance to the internal EMC filter will increase the
leakage current of the drive.
If the motor cable length exceeds 500m or multiple motors are
connected to the drive, then an output line inductor may also need to be
Normal capacitance High capacitance 1.2.2 Add an Isolating Transformer
Shield or armour Shield or armour close (Unidrive SP size 4 and larger only)
separated from the cores to the cores
Instead of fitting additional internal EMC filter capacitance, an isolating
transformer can be fitted to the input or output of the drive to reduce
input stage snubber component heating. The cable between the drive
The cable used for Table 1-1 to Table 1-4 is shielded and contains four
and transformer must be shorter than the maximum permitted motor
cores. Typical capacitance for this type of cable is 130pF/m (i.e. from
cable length, and preferably much shorter.
one core to all others and the shield connected together).
When fitted to the input of the drive the secondary of the transformer that
High switching frequencies result in more switching edges which leads
feeds the drive should not be connected to earth by any means. This
to an increase in the capacitive high frequency current flowing. With
gives the high frequency earth currents no path to return to the drive via
Unidrive SP size 4 and larger, the maximum motor cable length reduces
the input stage.
proportionally to an increase in switching frequency. For example, at 9Hz
the maximum motor cable length is 1/3 of that shown in Table 1-1 to When fitted to the output of the drive the isolating transformer isolates
Table 1-4. Where possible when using long motor cables with Unidrive the line-to-earth switching waveform from the motor cable. This stops
SP size 4 and larger, the switching frequency should be kept as low as the high frequency earth currents being created.
possible. The use of an output transformer is not generally recommended except
Heating effects on the snubber components can be reduced in Unidrive in special circumstances. It results in a loss of torque at low speed and is
SP sizes 4 and larger by increasing the internal EMC filter capacitance only suitable for applications where no zero-speed torque is required.
or fitting an isolating transformer. The design of the transformer requires special attention. To avoid
saturation caused by a small d.c. offset at the drive output, the
The effect of the charging current on the inverter current can be
transformer must tolerate a d.c. magnetising current of 10%. This may
managed either by de-rating, i.e. providing the current by using a higher
require the addition of an intentional air gap.
than normal rating of drive, or by connecting an inductor or sinusoidal
filter in series with the output.
See the Unidrive SP Regen Installation Guide for information regarding
long cable operation with a regenerative system.

4 Long cables Application Note
1.2.3 De-rate the drive low and it will usually be found that an inductor is needed, except for
This procedure determines the required current rating of the drive which with the highest power drives.
will operate without output inductors. This technique is mainly suitable • Motor cables exceeding 500m in a continuous run or continuous
for smaller drives where the cable charging currents are significant series - because there is a risk that cable resonance effects could
compared to the current rating of the drive. result in pulse magnification with possible damage to the motor
This procedure can be helpful in cases where there is only a small cost insulation. An inductor is then preferable, or possibly a full sinusoidal
increase in moving to the next higher drive rating. It saves the cost and filter.
space of an output inductor. In some cases, where the overload Please note that there are some approximations in this procedure.
requirement is modest or the motor current rating is lower than that of Generally any error is in the direction of caution, but the cable surge
the drive, it may be possible to show that no drive de-rating is needed. impedance data is based on a limited number of sample tests. It is
The procedure should not be used in the following cases: controlled by simple physical parameters such as wire diameter and
insulation dielectric permittivity, which do not vary much, but a cable with
• Multi-motor applications where the cable has a branching structure,
an unusual construction might have a very different impedance
i.e. anything other than a simple star or daisy-chain structure. Note
that for a star structure the effective cable impedance will be very

Step Action Result

1. Estimate the cable surge impedance Z0. The relevant value is between one core and all other cores plus screen.

If this data is not available from the cable supplier, we suggest using the following values: a
Screened cable with insulating jacket between cores and screen 30Ω
Unscreened cable 45Ω Z0
Screened cable with no insulating jacket between cores and screen 20Ω
Mineral insulated solid copper cable 20Ω
If there are n cables in parallel, i.e. in a star configuration from the drive, then the value for one cable must be
divided by n.
2. Estimate the maximum operating d.c. link voltage Vdc.
If there is no requirement for rapid deceleration or braking then the value is given from the highest a.c. supply
voltage multiplied by a factor of √2. b
If rapid deceleration is likely then use the maximum d.c. link voltage of 415V for a 200V drive, 830V for a 400V,
990V for a 575V drive and 1175V for a 690V drive.
3. Estimate the peak charging current from:

Vdc I ch
I ch =
4. Estimate the maximum required motor current. This must allow for any required short-term overload capability.
(Note that the drive is designed for up to 175% short-term current in Heavy Duty rating, and up to 120% in Normal Im
Duty rating.)
5. The required peak current rating of the drive is given by:

I ch Id
Id = Im +
6. Select the drive, using the data provided in section 4.1 Unidrive SP and Unidrive SPM Current Ratings on page
11. is the appropriate peak current (closed-loop or open-loop), for Heavy Duty, or 1.1 times the maximum
continuous output current, for Normal Duty.

a. The values are valid for conventional cables in the range 1mm2 to 10mm2. Above 10mm2 use 70% of the values given. This data is not
generally available, but fortunately for mechanical reasons it does not vary greatly over the most common cable sizes.
b. This is the light-load value; it applies even at maximum output current when the speed is low.

Long cables Application Note 5
1.2.4 Output Line Inductor It is not advisable to use any other style of inductor. It is not possible to
For cases where de-rating cannot be applied, or where it is too costly, an reduce the losses by using high frequency methods such as ferrite or air
output inductor can be used. cores as the current would simply increase in order to balance the loss
with the dissipation, resulting in excessive current and a risk of drive trip.
The inductor should be an iron cored type designed for use at the
required maximum output frequency, noting that current will be For multi-motor applications where there are several cables connected
experienced at the switching frequency and at a resonant frequency in parallel at the drive, the inductor also helps with other problems such
typically in the range of 20 - 100kHz. as the premature operation of thermal motor protection relays, which are
affected by the high frequency current in the cable capacitance.
The power loss in the iron core will be higher than normal, and is
proportional to the motor cable capacitance. Therefore for very long Calculations
cables the increased losses may cause overheating unless special This is a guide to help in the design of output line inductor to allow drives
precautions are taken, either by additional cooling or de-rating or by to operate with long motor cables and/or multiple parallel cables. The
fitting resistors in parallel with the inductors. method is only approximate but in our experience it is successful.

Step Action Result

1. Estimate cable capacitance - from one line to all others.
Typical values:
Multi-core cables, and screened/armoured cables where there is a plastic sheath between the phases and the CCAB
screen: 130pF/m
Screened cables with no plastic sheath between cores and screen, mineral insulated cables: 300pF/m
2. Add an allowance for the motor capacitance. This depends on the motor size, but we suggest a value of 1nF per
motor is a reasonable estimate. This will usually be rather smaller than the cable capacitance. For unusual motors CTOT
such as those with very high pole numbers where the motor is physically large for its power rating, it is worth
trying to get the actual data as the capacitance maybe much higher.
3. Decide on the available charging current margin offered by the drive. This depends to some extent on the
application and the drive, here is the procedure for Unidrive SP:
For Heavy Duty rating:

I mrg = 2 .(2.1I n − kI nm )
For Normal rating:

I mrg = 2 .(1.85 I n − kI nm )

is the nominal rated r.m.s. drive output current in the relevant rating I mrg
I nm
is the nominal r.m.s. motor current at rated load
k is the required short-term overload factor.
Typical values of k are:
Normal duty operation (no torque transients) 1.1
Heavy duty open-loop 1.5
Heavy duty closed-loop 1.75
To prevent nuisance tripping from normal fluctuations around the normal maximum torque, k should never be less
than 1.1.
The factors 2.1 and 1.85 in the expressions above apply to Unidrive SP. For other drives the corresponding
factors must be applied.
4. Estimate the maximum operating d.c. link voltage Vdc.
If there is no requirement for rapid deceleration or braking then the value is given from the highest a.c. supply
voltage multiplied by a factor of √ 2. a
If rapid deceleration is likely then use the maximum d.c. link voltage of 415V for a 200V drive, 830V for a 400V,
990V for a 575V drive and 1175V for a 690V drive.
5. The minimum value of inductance to allow the drive to work with this cable capacitance is given by:
2CTOT ⎡ Vdc ⎤
Lmin = ⎢ ⎥
3 ⎣⎢ I mrg ⎦⎥ 2Lmin
Using standard iron-cored line inductors the inductance at the high frequencies involved will be rather lower than
the specified 50/60Hz inductance. We suggest specifying an inductance of twice that determined by this
calculation, i.e.

6 Long cables Application Note
6. The maximum recommended value of inductance is determined by the
acceptable voltage drop at the working frequency. Calculate it from the expression:

Lmax =
2πf 0 3I nm
x = acceptable inductor voltage fraction, e.g. for 5% use 0.05
Vac Lmax
= motor voltage rating (line-to-line)
= maximum drive output frequency
I nm
= nominal motor current at maximum continuous load
Since the inductor voltage is inductive, it does not subtract directly from the motor terminal voltage. A value of
x of 0.05 gives a voltage reduction of between 2% and 3%, which is generally acceptable. If the application is
very critical with regard to obtaining full rated torque at full speed then it may be advisable to apply a lower value
x , e.g. 0.02.
7. 2 Lmin < Lmax
It will usually be found that and then any value between these limits can be used.
If there is a need to minimise the high frequency current for other reasons, for
example to prevent premature operation of thermal relays, then the highest value should be used. L
2 Lmin > Lmax
If then an inductor cannot be used alone, and a de-rating of the drive is also required. The
above procedure must be repeated with the proposed alternative drive rating.
8. Consideration must now be given to the high frequency power losses in the output line inductors. The loss in each
phase inductor can be estimated from the following expression:

P = 0.8 f s CTOT Vdc2

where P
= switching frequency
The factor 0.8 is a rough estimate of the fraction of the total losses which are dissipated in the inductor. Note that
the loss is proportional to the switching frequency so the lowest acceptable frequency should be selected.
9. It is now necessary to decide whether the output line inductor is able to tolerate this loss, which will appear
primarily as additional iron loss to that which the designer expected. This is a difficult judgement since it depends
on the closeness of its operating temperature to its material limits. As an approximate rule, the loss should not
exceed 0.1 of the VA in the inductor at maximum speed, i.e.

P ≤ 0.2πf o (max) LI nchk



f o (max)
= maximum output frequency
I nchk
= inductor rated nominal current at intended operating frequency
10. If the loss exceeds this limit, the following measures should be considered:
Reduce switching frequency
Use a larger inductor
Add a damping resistor
The resistor should be connected in parallel with each inductor to extract some of the power.
The resistor value is given by:

The value is not critical and variations of ± 50% are acceptable. The power rating of the resistor should be at least
0.8P. Provision must be made for the resistor to dissipate this power without over-heating itself or nearby
equipment. Values of 100W per phase are not uncommon.

a. This is the light-load value; it applies even at maximum output current when the speed is low.

Long cables Application Note 7
1.2.5 Sinusoidal Filter The auxiliary contact on the MCB should be connected in series with the
Where very long output motor cables are required a sinusoidal filter can enable signal to the drive.
be used on the output of the drive. The inductor used in the sinusoidal filter is the same as the regen
A sinusoidal filter is a low pass filter that converters the PWM output inductor used in a Unidrive SP regen system.
from the drive into near sinusoidal waveforms. The sinusoidal output When using a sinusoidal filter it is only the voltage drop in the motor
from the filter eliminates the charging current of the output cables cables that limits the maximum motor cable length.
caused by the high frequency switching of the drive (line to line only). When using a sinusoidal filter the Unidrive SP should be set in open
However, a sinusoidal filter does not eliminate the line to earth switching
loop mode with one of the fixed V/F modes (Pr 5.14 = Fd or SrE)
of the PWM output from the drive. Therefore with Unidrive SP size 4 and
selected. It is not recommended that a sinusoidal filter is used with
larger additional internal EMC filter capacitance should be fitted (except closed loop applications.
for when the SPMU rectifier is used as this has no input stage snubber
components). An isolating transformer fitted to the output of the The output frequency of the drive should be limited to 60Hz when a
sinusoidal filter would eliminate the line to ground switching and sinusoidal filter is used.
therefore additional internal EMC filter capacitance would not then be The main disadvantage with a sinusoidal filter is the voltage drop across
required. the inductor as this will reduce the available voltage at the motor and
See below for the electrical connections of a sinusoidal filter. hence the maximum available torque. An isolating transformer could be
fitted to the output of the filter to compensate for this voltage drop.
Figure 1-3 Sinusoidal Filter

See section 1.5 Appendix: Sinusoidal Filter Components on page 15 for

component selection and part numbers.

8 Long cables Application Note
1.2.6 Worked Example significant regeneration, as these are fan drives with no torque
Question: transients.
A Unidrive SP2401 (7.5kW in Normal Duty) is required to drive eight Answer:
0.75kW motors (380V, 2.02A), each connected to the drive by 140m of First consider the possibility of de-rating, e.g. using SP2402 in place of
screened cable (star connection). The a.c. supply is 380V (-6% +10%), SP2401 to provide the additional charging current. See the drive
the maximum output frequency is 50Hz, and the switching frequency is derating procedure below.
6kHz. Thermal relays are fitted in all motor circuits. There is no

Step Action Result

1. Estimate the cable surge impedance Z0. The relevant value is between one core and all other cores plus screen.
If this data is not available from the cable supplier, we suggest using the following values:
Screened cable with insulating jacket between cores and screen 30Ω
Unscreened cable 45Ω Z0
Screened cable with no insulating jacket between cores and screen 20Ω
Mineral insulated solid copper cable 20Ω 3.75Ω
If there are n cables in parallel, i.e. in a star configuration from the drive, then the value for one cable must be
divided by n.
30Ω ÷ 8
2. Estimate the maximum d.c. link voltage Vdc.
If there is no requirement for rapid deceleration or braking then the value is given from the highest a.c. supply
voltage multiplied by a factor of √2a.
If rapid deceleration is likely then use the maximum d.c. link voltage of 415V for a 200V drive, 830V for a 400V,
990V for a 575V drive and 1175V for a 690V drive.
380 x 1.1 x √2
3. Estimate the peak charging current from:

Vdc I ch
I ch =
Z0 157.6A

4. Estimate the maximum required motor current. This must allow for any required short-term overload capability.
(Note that the drive is designed for 175% short-term current in Heavy Duty rating, and 110% in Normal Duty Im
8 x 2.02 x 1.1 17.8A
5. The required peak current rating of the drive is given by:

I ch Id
Id = Im +
2 129.2A

6. Select the drive, using the data provided in section 4.1 Unidrive SP and Unidrive SPM Current Ratings on page
11. is the appropriate peak current (closed-loop or open-loop), for Heavy Duty, or 1.1 times the maximum
continuous output current, for Normal Duty.
This peak current is clearly completely impracticable, as it would require a SP5401 (55kW/75kW) to obtain
the required peak current for Normal Duty.

a. This is the light-load value, it applies even at maximum output current when the speed is low.

Long cables Application Note 9
Derating of the drive is not suitable in this application and therefore an inductor is required. See the inductor sizing procedure below.
Step Action Result
1. Estimate cable capacitance - from one line to all others.
Typical values:
Multi-core cables, and screened/armoured cables where there is a plastic sheath between the phases and
the screen: 130pF/m
145.6 nF
Screened cables with no plastic sheath between cores and screen, mineral insulated cables: 300pF/m
130 x 140 x 8 pF
2. Add an allowance for the motor capacitance. This depends on the motor size, but we suggest a value of 1nF per
motor is a reasonable estimate. This will usually be rather smaller than the cable capacitance. For unusual motors CTOT
such as those with very high pole numbers, it is worth trying to get the actual data as the capacitance maybe
much higher.
153.6 nF
1 x 8 nF
3. Decide on the available charging current margin offered by the drive.
This depends to some extent on the application and the drive, here is the procedure for Unidrive SP:
For Heavy Duty rating:

I mrg = 2 .(2.1I n − kI nm )
For Normal rating:

I mrg = 2 .(1.85 I n − kI nm )

is the nominal rated r.m.s. drive output current in the relevant rating I mrg
I nm
is the nominal r.m.s. motor current at rated load 14.9A
k is the required short-term overload factor.
Typical values of k are:
Normal duty operation (no torque transients) 1.1
Heavy duty open-loop 1.5
Heavy duty closed-loop 1.75
To prevent nuisance tripping from normal fluctuations around the normal maximum torque, k should never be less
than 1.1.
The factors 2.1 and 1.85 in the expressions above apply to Unidrive SP. For other drives the corresponding
factors must be applied.
SP 2401 Normal Duty: √2 x (1.85 x 15.3 – 1.1 x 16.16)
Decide the maximum DC link voltage where the drive is required to produce full torque. This is the same as step Vdc
2 in the de-rating procedure above.
5. The minimum value of inductance to allow the drive to work with this cable capacitance is given by:
2CTOT ⎡ Vdc ⎤
Lmin = ⎢ ⎥
3 ⎣⎢ I mrg ⎦⎥
Using standard iron-cored line inductors the inductance at the high frequencies involved will be rather lower than
the specified 50/60Hz inductance. We suggest specifying an inductance of twice that determined by this 0.322 mH
calculation, i.e.
Lmin = 2/3 x 153.6 nF x (591/14.9)2 = 0.161 mH
2L min = 0.322 mH

10 Long cables Application Note
6. The maximum recommended value of inductance is determined by the Lmax
acceptable voltage drop at the working frequency. Calculate it from the expression:
xVac 2.16
Lmax = mH
2πf 0 3I nm
x = acceptable voltage drop fraction, e.g. for 5% use 0.05
= motor voltage rating (line-to-line)
= maximum drive output frequency
I nm
= nominal motor current at maximum continuous load
Since the voltage drop is inductive, it does not subtract directly from the motor terminal voltage. A value of x of
0.05 is generally acceptable. If the application is very critical with regard to obtaining full rated torque at full speed
then it may be advisable to apply a lower value of x , e.g. 0.02.
Lmax = 0.05 x 380 / (2 x π x 50 x v3 x 16.16) = mH
7. 2 Lmin < Lmax L
It will usually be found that and then any value between these limits can be used.
2 mH
If there is a need to minimise the high frequency current for other reasons, for example to prevent premature
operation of thermal relays, then the highest value should be used.
2 Lmin > Lmax
If then an inductor cannot be used alone, and a de-rating is also required. The above procedure
must be repeated with the proposed alternative drive rating.
0.322 mH < L < 2.16 mH
Choose 2 mH to reduce effect on thermal relays
8. Consideration must now be given to the high frequency power losses in the output line inductors. The loss in each 258W
inductor can be estimated from the following expression:
P = 0.8 f s CTOT Vdc2

= switching frequency
The factor 0.8 is a rough estimate of the fraction of the total losses which are dissipated in the inductor. Note that
the loss is proportional to the switching frequency so the lowest acceptable frequency should be selected.
9. It is now necessary to decide whether the output line inductor is able to tolerate this loss, which will appear prima-
rily as additional iron loss to that which the designer expected. This is a difficult judgement since it depends on the
closeness of its operating temperature to its material limits. As an approximate rule, the loss should not exceed
0.1 of the VA in the inductor at maximum speed, i.e.:
P ≤ 0.2πf o (max) LI nm


f o (max)
= maximum output frequency
P≤16.4W so 258W is excessive
Change to 3kHz switching, bringing loss down to 129W
10. If the loss exceeds this limit, and it is not possible to reduce the switching frequency, then a resistor should be
connected in parallel with each inductor to extract some of the power.
The resistor value is given by:
The value is not critical and variations of ± 50% are acceptable. The power rating of the resistor should be at least
0.8P. Provision must be made for the resistor to dissipate this power without over-heating itself or nearby
equipment. Values of 100W per phase are not uncommon.
R = 161Ω use 150Ω rated at 103W minimum (use 150W)
Therefore the solution is to use a SP2401 and a 2mH inductor. A 150Ω, 150W resistor should also be fitted in parallel with each phase of the
inductor to reduce the power dissipated by the inductor.

Long cables Application Note 11
1.3 Multiple Motors Figure 1-5 Correct wiring for multiple parallel cable run

When using multiple motors with Unidrive SP, the drive should be set in
open loop mode with one of the fixed V/F modes (Pr 5.14 = Fd or SrE) Motor protection
selected. relay

Multiple parallel motor cables - as might be used where several motors

are driven from a single drive - cause much higher charging current than
the equivalent continuous run and should be avoided if possible. This is
because the inductance of the cable reduces the effect of the
capacitance, but this benefit is lost for multiple parallel sections. The
effect is illustrated in the worked example above.
If multiple cables are unavoidable then output line inductors should
generally be used. Refer section 1.2.4 Output Line Inductor on page 6 Star connection
for sizing the line inductors.
As can be deduced from the worked example, in cases where a large
drive is used with considerable spare output current capacity, it might be
possible to operate without inductors. Inductor

The following diagrams show the recommended cable connections for

multiple motor applications.
If the motor cables are arranged in any kind of branching structure then it
is strongly recommended that an inductor be used. This is because in
addition to the charging current affecting the drive it is possible for the
pulse voltages to be magnified by more than the usual factor of 2
through complex multiple transmission line reflections, resulting in a risk
of damage to the motor insulation.
Individual motor protection relays are also required
Figure 1-4 Preferred wiring for multiple motor connection

Motor protection Figure 1-6 Incorrect wiring for multiple parallel cable run

Motor protection

Chain connection (preferred)

Star connection

12 Long cables Application Note
1.4 Appendix: Unidrive SP and Unidrive SPM Current Ratings
Table 1-5 Unidrive SP current ratings

Rated Drive Heavy Duty Normal Duty

Current Maximum Open Loop Closed Loop Maximum Peak
Rating Peak Peak Rating
SP1201 4.3 4.3 6.4 7.5 5.2 5.7
SP1202 5.8 5.8 8.7 10.1 6.8 7.4
SP1203 7.5 7.5 11.2 13.1 9.6 10.5
SP1204 10.6 10.6 15.9 18.5 11 12.1
SP2201 12.6 12.6 18.9 22 15.5 17
SP2202 17.0 17.0 25.5 29.7 22.0 24.2
SP2203 25.0 25.0 37.5 43.7 28.0 30.8
SP3201 31.0 31.0 46.5 54.2 42.0 46.2
SP3202 42.0 42.0 63 73.5 54.0 59.4
SP4201 56.0 56.0 84 98 68.0 74.8
SP4202 68.0 68.0 102 119 80.0 88
SP4203 80.0 80.0 120 140 104.0 114.4
SP1401 2.1 2.1 3.1 3.6 2.8 3
SP1402 3.0 3.0 4.5 5.2 3.8 4.1
SP1403 4.2 4.2 6.3 7.3 5.0 5.5
SP1404 5.8 5.8 8.7 10.1 6.9 7.5
SP1405 7.6 7.6 11.4 13.3 8.8 9.6
SP1406 9.5 9.5 14.2 16.6 11.0 12.1
SP2401 13.0 13.0 19.5 22.7 15.3 16.8
SP2402 16.5 16.5 24.7 28.8 21.0 23.1
SP2403 23.0 25.0 34.5 40.2 29.0 31.9
SP2404 29.0 29.0 43.5 50.7 29.0 31.9
SP3401 32.0 32.0 48 56 35.0 38.5
SP3402 40.0 40.0 60 70 43.0 47.3
SP3403 46.0 46.0 69 80.5 56.0 61.6
SP4401 60.0 60.0 90 105 68.0 74.8
SP4402 74.0 74.0 111 129.5 83.0 91.3
SP4403 96.0 96.0 144 168 104.0 114.4
SP5401 124.0 124.0 186 217 138.0 151.8
SP5402 156.0 156.0 234 273 168.0 184.8
SP6401 154.2 180.0 231 269 202.0 222.2
SP6402 180.0 210.0 270 315 236.0 259.6
SP3501 4.1 4.1 6.1 7.1 5.4 5.9
SP3502 5.4 5.4 8.1 9.4 6.1 6.7
SP3503 6.1 6.1 9.1 10.6 8.4 9.2
SP3504 9.5 9.5 14.2 16.6 11.0 12.1
SP3505 12.0 12.0 18 21 16.0 17.6
SP3506 18.0 18.0 27 31.5 22.0 24.2
SP3507 22.0 22.0 33 38.5 27.0 29.7
SP4601 19.0 19.0 27 31.5 22.0 24.2
SP4602 22.0 22.0 33 38.5 27.0 29.7
SP4603 27.0 27.0 40.5 47.2 36.0 39.6
SP4604 36.0 36.0 54 63 43.0 47.3
SP4605 43.0 43.0 64.5 75.2 52.0 57.2
SP4606 52.0 52.0 78 91 62.0 68.2
SP5601 63.0 63.0 93 108.5 84.0 92.4
SP5602 85.0 85.0 126 147 99.0 108.9
SP6601 85.7 100.0 128 149 125.0 137.5
SP6602 107.1 125.0 160 187 144.0 158.4

Long cables Application Note 13
Table 1-6 Unidrive SPM current ratings

Rated Drive Heavy Duty Normal Duty

Current Maximum Open Loop Closed Loop Maximum Peak
Rating Peak Peak Rating
SPMA1401 154.2 180 231 269 202 222
SPMA1402 180 210 270 315 236 259
SPMD1401 154.2 180 231 269 202 222
SPMD1402 180.0 210 270 315 236 259
SPMD1403 205.7 246 308 359 290 319
SPMD1404 248.5 290 372 434 330 363
SPMA1601 85.7 100 128 149 125 137
SPMA1602 107.1 125 160 187 144 158
SPMD1601 85.7 100 128 149 125 137
SPMD1602 107.1 125 160 187 144 158
SPMD1603 123.4 144 184 215 168 184
SPMD1604 144 168 216 252 192 211

14 Long cables Application Note
1.5 Appendix: Sinusoidal Filter Components
Table 1-7 Unidrive SP filter component selection Table 1-10 Sinusoidal filter capacitor
Part Numbers CT Part Number µF A
Model Heavy Duty Normal Duty 1610-7609 5.7 2.1
Inductor Capacitor Inductor Capacitor 1665-2244 24 15
SP1401 1665-2484 48 25
SP1402 1665-8774 77 35
SP1403 4401-0001 1665-2804 80 35
SP1404 Part number 1665-2804 is an alternative for 1665-8774.
SP1405 1610-7609
SP1406 4401-0002
SP2401 4401-0003
SP2402 4401-0004
SP2403 4401-0004
SP3401 4401-0006
SP3402 4401-0006 1665-2244 4401-0007
SP3403 4401-0007 4401-0008
SP4401 4401-0008 4401-0009
SP4402 4401-0010
SP4403 4401-0011
SP5401 4401-0011 1665-2484 4401-0012 1665-2484
SP5402 4401-0012 4401-0013
SP6401 4401-0013 4401-0014
SP6402 4401-0014 1665-8774 4401-0015 1665-8774
Table 1-8 Unidrive SPM filter component selection
Part Numbers
Model Heavy Duty Normal Duty
Inductor Capacitor Inductor Capacitor
SPMA1401 4401-0013 1665-2484 4401-0014 1665-2484
SPMA1402 4401-0014 1665-8774 4401-0015 1665-8774
SPMD1401 4401-0013 1665-2484 4401-0014 1665-2484
SPMD1402 4401-0014 4401-0015 1665-8774
SPMD1403 4401-0015 TBC TBC
Table 1-9 Sinusoidal filter inductor
CT Part Rated Current Inductance Losses
Number A mH W
4401-0001 9.5 6.3 125
4401-0002 12 5.0 146
4401-0003 16 3.75 175
4401-0004 25 2.4 210
4401-0005 34 1.76 285
4401-0006 40 1.5 310
4401-0007 46 1.3 320
4401-0008 60 1.0 345
4401-0009 70 0.78 415
4401-0010 96 0.63 515
4401-0011 124 0.48 585
4401-0012 156 0.38 645
4401-0013 180 0.33 775
4401-0014 202 0.3 845
4401-0015 300 0.24 1760

Long cables Application Note 15

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