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3 <= FORM TP 2023199 (CANDIDATES PLEASE NULL, mt oi fine ba rior Alt fesled wih pm anon ce shen mre (0 army tt edd eat rest cope 02114010 MAYIUNE 2023 CARTNDEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIMBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION* COMMUNICATION STUDIES Paper 0 AF hour 30 ettnates READ FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY, ‘This test consists of 45 items divided into two sections, Aand B. Section A, based on a communication extract, consists of 7 questions. ‘The extract, which is NOT included in. the question booklet, will be read to you twice but you will be allowed two minutes to look at the questions before the extract is read to you. Section Bi consists af 38 questions, Answer each question based on the information given. In addition to the test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. ‘On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chiosen, Look atthe sample item below. ‘Sample tem Which of the following is an advantage of the questionnaire asa dats collection method? Sample Answer (A) Ease of administration @e@6o (B) immediacy of feedback (C). Openness of discussion (B) Opportunity for clarification The best answer to this itern is “Ease of administration”, so (A) has been shaded. Ifyou want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new: choice. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. Ifyou cannot answer an item, go on to the next one, You may return to that item later. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2021 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. 0211401 0/MJ/CAPE 2023 2. SECTION A 3 Ucn 1-2 {natractlons: Vou wilt oar extracts Ht will fe real tbe. Listem eabetilly before answer, the questions based on the extrnet, Which of the foltavty, he following sentences captures: the MAIN ides ofthe extmnet? (A) Ma aya superstitious chancter (B) The children Were afraid af Ma's hone, {C) Ma's home was an exciting place to sisit, (0) The children were overworked at Ma’s home. Which of the following is reasonably suggested in the passage? (A) Ma was amarket vendor. (B) The narrator was from the city. (C) Ma's land was like an enchanting country, (D) ‘The narrator lost sight of the sea due 10 darkness, The expression “she hacked away thick vines and annihilated whole bushes” reveals that Ma (A) was.a dangerous person 4B) — did not care about nature (C) was clumsy with the cutlass (D) was efficient with the cutlass The reference to Brar Anancy and Brar Leopard is used in the passage 10 (A) suggest the mystica! nature of the land. (B) highlight how dangerous the land was {C) show that they grew up on Ma's Jand ' (Dy keep persons from trespassing'an the fand 5. he ‘The pense “sudden Hithe streams thats... surely have been squabbling” isan exis of (A) simile (8) paradox (C) onomatopoeia (D) personification ‘The expression “Ma bent under'a bunch of plantains that was more than half her size" example of (A) metaphor, suggesting Ma's size (B) hyperbole, suggesting her strength (C) _ personifigation, sugetsting the size of the plantains (D) alliteration, suggesting the heavi. ness of the load ‘The quotation, “And every now and then we would lose sight of the sea and then it would come into sight again down between trees When you least expected to see it”, is sifective in conveying that (A) the terrain was uneven (B) they were on a high hill {C) Ma's land-was.on the-coast (D) the Jand space.was very vast DO NOT WAIT FOR THE EXAMINER TO TELL YOU TO GOTO THE NEXT PAGE. S2UAOIOMIICAPE 2023 GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE SECTION B Asis instructions: Remi the fallowing scemrlo curefully and then answer Items BATT, aay 4-16 age Meghan and Lucy: are conducting research an the reading habits of teenagers i ea 5 ete soup in their community, Luey believes that all that is required is gathering iv asia nen website she found on the Inemet, but Meghan believes that they should examine ot % — Whichofthe following would bethe MAIN 10, What would be the MAIN advantaye oF advantage if interviews are used us the benefit to the researcher we Te method of data collection? Mexhan’s suggestion te Consult other sources? (A) Confidentiality of data (B) nprocessing the data gathered (A) Diminish the effects of bias @ y to probe for further details @ _ Increase the validity of the data (D) Collection of primary and second- (C) Provide more current information ary data (D) Greater coverage of research material 9. Which of the following web addresses is NOT likely to provide the MOST credible UI. - Whichofthe following would be the MAIN information for this research? activity that Meghan and Lucy engage in if they are conducting a survey? (A) Readingteens:org @) Creating and investigating a (C) — treatment grotip (D) — Readingteens.cdu (B) Diagnosing problems and finding solutions, (C) Gathering the sampie’s opinions and beliefs (D) — Obtaining detailed information on a member of the sample 021 14010/MI/CAPE 2093. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Moan 12-18 inswer Items 12, Anatenctions Rew theft ing nconart caefaly amd tHeR st Extract | his tiny. dark, damp roam yi), asnowfloatingonawaveof.,,.. °°! if freedom from his Paper, Int stn whch etn vee tnishatehed furniture, suddenly began t fade. Kor sid The beep-tesp of the hons, fa him, was the sweet sound 0 into the braye, new: werd of education aid advance ily Extract 2 Nonlin MeMain, the chi acount at Mangan Asoo, ebst of tr Children's assistance organiatons, He strongly Believes in elping cl aD ove Srippling disease from which he was rescued. 12. WhithotihefollowingietsibostKomtin 16, Whichoftiefollowing quotations, is suggested by both passages’ arinions? ee 1 5 1. tinthistiny, dar, damp rooq De meanest M, “is a member of three yoru, @ Kointinmadeuseofthe opportunity shildeen's assistance oryay,, he was given. Rn (C) He was once imprisoned but was I, “believesinhelpingchidrenescare later rescued. poverty (D) Ho moved from poverty tohaving ‘crippling disease. (A) land Ilonly Tand Ill onty- (C) Mand Utonly 13. Which of the foltowing literary elements (D) i. tand It is used in BOTH extracts? (@ Pointor view shared 15. Which of the following literary devices (B) Purpose conveyed accurately identifies the expression “wave (C) Theme explored of expectancy”? (D) Setting evoked ® Metaphor (B) Paradox ©) Oxymoron ©) Petsonification SOUOIORAiCAPE 2023 SEE TE NEXT PACE ey Nena toy Uaatouctions: Rene the following Malegue carefully and then wiswer Mens 16-18, Paw: Samanthas Uryan: Am no Like It Paut: Samantha: English; aflarawl ini nau do interview. Bryan: ‘Good morning, everyone, Hew nite you today’? Mi good Paul, though ini fact beyttaen 9 hat in, Mi to feel good heemise Paul eva a try chat holty tity, spewky spokey fo wi an Bryan | donot understand; Were all educated sn we should bespeaking Caribbean Standard English ind not some broken language, Yes imi educated but when mi achat tom) fren dem mi no-afi use Caribbean Standard, Tru Samantha, plus mi naa speak no broken language, | am speaking Caribbean Creole English, 16. When Bryan accuses Paul of speaking “hoity toity” in tine 3, Bryan is supgesting that Paul is using language to (A) assert authority (@ show sophistication (C) make social commentary (D) discriminate against others 17, Which of the following factors would affect the dialectal varieties used by the various speakers in the scenario? 1. Purpose Il, Occasion Mi Audience (A) Land I only (B) Land IIL only (C) Wand 111 only. @ iiland in 0211401 0/MJ/CAPE 2023 Which of the following speakers advocate using language as identification? (A) © «) () Paul, Samantha and Bryan Samantha and Bryan Paul and Samantha Paul and Beyan GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE. Ateins 18-2) menoen and chen answer Htems 19-25 un Lustrwcsionys Rea the following extent fem “Sonny's Lettah” From Prison, Jeb Avene GW, 2tiglast Dear Mama Goad da " I Tete when these few lines: Reach you they may Find you in the best of health don't know how to tell yu dis For { did mek.a solemn pramis¢ TotekearealickleJim An try mibes fi look out fi im. Mama, I really did try mi bes But none di less Sorry fi tell yu dat poor liekle Jim get arres Tt was de miggle a di rust hour ‘When all of'a sudden a police van pull up Out jump tree policeman De whole a dem carryin baton Dem walk straight up to mi. and Jim One adem hold'on to-Jim Seh dem tekin im in Jim tell im fi feggo a im For im muh do nuttn And im nuh tief, not even‘a button Mama, | jus couldn stan up deh an nuh do nuttn Adapted from Linton Kwesi Jahnson, “Sonny's Lettah’ in The Spoken Word Revolution Redux edited by Mark Elevelt, Sourcebook Media Fusion, 2007, “7 19 “Out jump” is an example of whieh — 22. (A) Front focusing (BP Heative adjective ® Unmarked past tense fl Unmarked present 20, The register used by the speaker in the 23. Poem itiay be described as (A) frozen (B) formal (@ intimate (D) consultative 2h Which of the following is the MAIN Purpose for which the writer uses English Creole in the peom? (A) Providing aesthetic pleasure to the reader (B) Persuading readers to reject racism and social injustice (C) Serving as a vehicle of easy com- munication between inmates (@ Providing appropriate communi- cation between family members 21140) 0/MICAPE 2023 Sonny is MOST fikely to be incarcerated in f(A) #, (Cc) Jamaica England Atnerica Barbados Based on the tone of the letter. the relation- ship between receiver and sender may be deseribed:as & (Cc) (b) tense bitter cordial affectionate GO ON TO THE NEXT Wein Aad 38 Hf Anau Ret the ost linker vk sit (Nn se vw, Mise Ma, yon ck Clty ve nv wens Wtonty ante that hingaqyeny vant Kt, Herne tin wy yortt two Pai en ia maa, se Be VAVEE tO avast cfothies ant is the def owe pet a ‘ Auer ever! She ayy vine big tvwtlng beta vl faint weld e raat No ti As gee he gone. Hut you ns know where he dle justas the Yelly, ind Mies Mary, Lelling you the Hod tr JUST till she close hers. y y wy the vom, She A slatow tly out of the mother atid (el right CrO9s eye Uiglet wand is si the dewil esvape,”” ? two head or nothing wring “Well ot knows aut at, Beek certainly dt born with? e Nor. Is just hard ears she hard cars.” Dew $0 me saying?” nd thet anawer Herts 24 anil 24, ly pile evil aw sel when the entry yy) over Aliside that bart the pichi, gid kavow ane day Abe wars poring 4, Yeu’, Standing right there in tye ybanly TUNEAME HEL ASNT Seo, ight inside that ga, ight in, huby boring the midwite ry, with Aidaped rom Oltve Senior, "DO Angels Wear Braxsiere, = A ‘ s ihtning and Other Storie, Longman Caribbean Writers, 1986, p,o5 24. Thespeaker's question inthefinalsentence 25. of the extract indicates that (A) Miss Mary did not understand the speaker (A) {B) the speaker did not understand Miss Mary’s statement {C) (C) the speaker thinks Miss Mary ig ©) saying the same thing @® the speaker and Miss Mary are in complete disagreement MILAOOMNICAPE 2033 Which of the following points on the post. Creole language continuum are represente, inthe speech of the characters? Basilect and acrolect only Basilect and mesolect only Mesolect and acrolect only Basilect, mesolect and acrolect GOON TOTHENEXTI 2b. If a speaker changes his language use between Caribbean Standard Enptist ard Credle English du NE A CONVERS would be engagi (A) code mining code switching (C) semantic substitution (D) semantic differentia Which of the following expressions BEST explains the meaning of the term ‘Tingus franca’? {A) A language which is derived from French and used by African slaves (B) Any language whi native to African peoples who have been transplanted @ A-common language used in dialogue by persons with different native languages (B) Any language which is foreign to @ speaker who moves to a new speech community Which of the following grammatical features is evident in the expression "Me ain't have no money"? (A) Front focusing (@ Double negative (C) — Preverbal marker (D) Unmarked count noun 0211401 0/MJ/CAPE 2023 2% 3. He most appropriate answer for Htems 26-30. Which ofthe following purposes 1s NO 19 Likely reason ee linguistic code-switehing? {@ Attempting to blend in (8) Tinproving one’s social status (C) Gaining an economic advantage (D)—Aficnating persons from the immedinte speaking content Which of the following features of language do Creole and Standard English have in eommon? (A) Hlumanand prestigious (B) Systematic, arbitrary. and static (€) Human, systematic and non- instinctive (@ Nonverbal, syntactic and non- instinctive GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ol Aistuid89 vie ofthe fllowing is a, Me formal technical dia, My Whiluh af the (allowing Jv tha MONE eerie puonieted rego fay Carihibenn.speckers tune is objective any The Ww fe pyotuleot fn this use of atta UA) The mia i ea Unnpiagioss (Oy ind echerent. fanguage is vim, (A) Unlike the fica varietien, the @ Dain mile Create i not language Bae cork here isabeavy content t.. (the Create eannat carry messages wy Tt ae ths ane way stauditd of thought and cogenc, varity can, (C)—Thestandand languagl is ease 10 ‘An example of vertical comm, taterstand, 3 @_ Socivevonvinic meee ‘within an organization is a meetin, associated with the stan Variety, qa) store managers from diy. branches dants from di g) store alten: ifr 32. Which of the folowing technologies does @) ts NOT allow users to interface with Internet (©) heads of department from ditt... . content? managers 4nd assistants 5, @ Compact aise (cp) © different branches. (@) Digital camera (©) Tablet computer (D) Multimedia projector 33. Which of the following. wehnologies BEST allows an untrained person to create and present messages with multisensory appeal? (A) Sma TV {B) Digital camera Multimedia projecior (D) Digital voice recorder NEXT PAGE SENSO1OMISCAPE 2023 GO ONTO THE NENT FAC 4 Hems.46.und 37 Inatremciions: Rend th, © Fallow hon nal vnenigemernt eaeetully and then answer Heme 36 and 37, e eee onthe beach in 37, The advertisement depicts a tranquil scene to to suggest (A) share the diverse fauna of the islands (B) suggest that the islands are a tropical escape (@ serve .as 6 universal symbol of tourism {D) ensure: that the compositi balanced (@ _2earefree time for vacationers (B) continuous sunny weather (C) -wpenceful local culture (D) a hassle-free vacation ie GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE {14010/MJ/CAPE 2023 ak isms 4013 Josiructions: Select the he mont approprinte answer for Ktems 40-43. Which of the following introd oduetory strategies would be Mas es ST elective fora audience ; We 1S Young a limited arent Young and hay iO span’? (A) Definition Humorous story {C) Riddle or paradox (D) Rhetorical question Which of the following IMAIN organizations! stetegy eect a expository essa Juxury vehicl fewy used in an on the topic “Types of (A) Description Classification (C) Chronological order (D) Comparison and contrast ®ilsoromsiCAPE 2023 M2, 43. For which of the following organizational patterns dives a speaker start PY discussing the least impartant idea and discussing the most important 16st? @ Space order (B) Topical order (€) Sequential order (D) Ascending order Which of the following is the correct sequence that a presenter should follow 9 successfully complete the communication process? (A) Encoding the message, selecting the channel, selecting the aul- dience, disseminating the mes- sage (8) Encoding the message, transmitting the message, selecting the chan- nel, disseminating the message © Conceiving the message, encoding the message, selecting the chan- nel, disserninating the message (B) Conceiving the message, inter- preting the feedback, selecting the audience, disseminating the message GO ON TO THE NEXT PAC

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