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The Coop Mitchell

Mrs. Frantz

English II

February 28, 2022

The Truth is important

The truth of our world, the people in it, and the lives of all life. It is something that individuals

have to find for themselves. For some people, the truth may be in how they live or what they do.

For others, it may be finding the love of our life. No matter what or how they find truth in this

world, it is essential to find some truth in one thing or another. Society knows the old saying, “

The truth shall set you free.” in today's world; it truly would set so many free. But instead of

having the truth handed to society, they must fight and survive long enough to find it alone.

Can the human race agree on the truth?

So what is true, what is true? The dictionary defines truth as “the quality or state of being

true.” This is the dictionary definition, but this paper is looking for a more personal definition.

What is true for humanity, or better yet, what does society think is true? This answer will vary

depending on who is being asked. It could also vary depending on where in the world one asks

this question. Many answers will be based on current world events, religions, and even social

media. But how do individuals distinguish between actual truth and lies? The media may or may

not be feeding our people. How does one race come to an agreement on what is true and is that

even possible? As a whole human body on this earth one may be more divided than ever before.

The two major political parties in our country have created fact-checkers that run on everything

the other says to the press or on social media. Ironically to prove rather the other one is telling
the truth. It can be hard for people to find common ground on something or anything if it is

necessary to have to “fact check” everything the people running our country says if the other side

doesn't believe them either. Finding the truth in the things these politicians say can be

challenging to say the least, but the fact-checker can be helpful at times. However, in order for

this to be an effective method of doing this, it is necessary to really do have to check everything

both sides of the party say. Determining who someone supports in today's society can determine

the outcome of certain things and luxuries he or she may get. Say the wrong thing at the wrong

time and it could be the end of that person's career. Finding their own political truth can be

extremely difficult, especially when it's not clear who is telling the truth. This issue can go along

with many other issues that people face today. Just politics can be difficult to imagine trying to

determine which one out of about 4300 religions are true.

That right over 4000 religions revolve around our world. Stretching from Buddhism,

Christianity, to Jewish and Muslim. Our world can not or maybe will not agree true religion.

Depending on where in the world one is can determine the religious beliefs an individual will

encounter. Being in the U.S Christianity is by far the most common and most commonly

practiced religion around. Nearly ¾ of the entire country believes in the same god. But again,

this is just the U.S. How is one supposed to find a common truth around the world like this? If

one country cannot completely agree on religion is there a common truth around the world at all?

Maybe instead of focusing on finding truth in religion alone, an individual needs to find truth in


Focusing on society's truth can still be a messy unclear goal, focusing on any truth can be

for that matter. For comparison a mere fifty years ago lots of the common practices seen and

well, practice today were unheard of. Some may say parts of this world and society are
unrecognizable compared to then. The music that is played on the radio is hardly filtered at all,

the motion pictures on the movie screens and television are virtually incomparable to fifty years

ago. The way politics are run is blurred, even the langue used from 50 years ago to today has

changed tremendously. Like it was stated before a long messy unclear goal. At this rate finding,

one truth in society seems impossible, it may be impossible for everyone to agree on a topic this

large and broad. Step back a minute, maybe one common truth is not necessary. Maybe that's

why through numerous wars, famines, pandemics, and epidemics the world has seen in its

history is why the human race as one body has found a way to get through to the other side of

these tragedies. Now try to follow, if there was one truth collectively the entire human race

would all be worried about the same thing and turn to the same thing for answers. By simply not

being able to or refusing to go about things in that matter, the world uses individual truths and

beliefs to take care of the problem. While some people focus on the religious aspect of the issue,

others on the scientific side, and so on and so forth. By putting all of these different world

opinions together and finding what works for what and who, together humans have found a way

to meet in the middle? Some may argue that if everyone all focused on one thing and the same

thing, these things could be prevented from happening again. Others may say that by using all of

the knowledge from around the world with so many different ways of looking at things together

the race could somehow find an answer to 90% of this crazy world's problems. To bring that

down a lot, agreeing to disagree. Believe it or not, the human race has done a decent job of not

just totally whipping itself off of the earth and this may be the reason why. As humans, it's

common knowledge that not everyone is going to like everything. Whether it be an individual or

an entire nation when the human race has a problem, the world has always found a way to fight

the said problem. This generation is living through a perfect example of this right now, the last
three years alone is an example. Between the covid-19 outbreak and the current Russia and

Ukraine situation. The human race as one is learning as a human race to deal and live with covid.

As crazy as it sounds the Ukraine situation could be a lot worse than it is. But with so many

different people attacking the problem with so many different ideas and different ways of

thinking has for the most part contained the situation. Because our generation has somewhat

agreed to disagree. Maybe not every single person on the face of the earth has but again, this

proves the point even further so maybe instead of trying to find one truth for everyone and

everything, it's best that the world just do what it's doing and ride out the hard times while trying

to find ways to handle them. For individuals that need to find the truth for themselves, let them

figure that part out. An answer for everyone's truth and no one can answer each other's truths.

That is something that as hard as it may be crucial to fight for and figure out alone. If one cannot

find self-truth, the world can be a very dark and scary place. But if the same individuals find

their own truth they will find that anything is possible for themselves. For many, the truth will be

hard to find. But if the time is put into it, it is worked on and the truth will come.
Work cited

Glanzberg, Michael. “Truth.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford University, 16

Aug. 2018, 7 Mar. 2022., 2 Mar. 2022, 7 Mar. 2022.

Mills, Jen. “11 Things That Are Socially Acceptable Now That Were Shocking 50 Years Ago.”

Metro,, 24 Nov. 2015,

socially-acceptable-now-that-were-shocking-50-years-ago-5519731/. 8 Mar. 2022.

“Truth Definition & Meaning.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-,some

%20hard%20truths%20about%20life. 9 Mar. 2022.

“Truth and Religion Reconsidered: An Analytical Approach.” 20th WCP: Truth and Religion

Reconsidered: An Analytical Approach, 7 Mar. 2022.

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