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Title: Exploring World Hunger: An Interactive Map Webquest

Introduction: World hunger is a pressing global issue that affects millions of people
every day. In this webquest, you will explore the causes and consequences of hunger
worldwide and create an interactive map to illustrate the extent of hunger around the

Task 1: Understanding World Hunger (Research) Your first task is to research and
understand the causes and consequences of world hunger. Explore the following

1. What are the main causes of hunger globally?

2. How does hunger impact people's lives, health, and development?
3. Which regions of the world are most affected by hunger, and why?

Task 2: Interactive Map Creation (Application) Now that you have a better
understanding of world hunger, your next task is to create an interactive map that
visually represents hunger statistics from various countries. You can use online tools
like Google Maps or Mapbox for this task. Here's what your map should include:

1. Select at least ten countries from different continents and research their hunger
statistics. Include data such as the number of malnourished people, percentage of the
population facing hunger, and any relevant information about the causes in each
2. Create a color-coded map that highlights the severity of hunger in each selected
country. Use a legend to explain the color code (e.g., red for severe hunger, yellow for
moderate hunger, green for low hunger).
3. Add clickable markers on the map that provide additional information about each
country when clicked. Include facts, images, and possible solutions to address hunger
in each country.
4. Provide a link or embed the map on your webquest page for easy access.

Task 3: Solutions to Hunger (Analysis) Now that you have created your interactive
map, analyze the data you've gathered. Answer the following questions:

1. What patterns or trends do you observe on the map regarding hunger distribution?
2. Are there any common factors contributing to hunger in the countries you selected?
3. Based on your research, propose one or more solutions to address hunger globally.

Conclusion: World hunger is a complex and urgent problem that requires collective
efforts to combat. By creating this interactive map and gaining a deeper understanding
of the issue, you have taken a step toward raising awareness and finding potential

Assessment: Your webquest will be assessed based on the quality of your interactive
map, the accuracy and depth of your research, and the thoughtfulness of your
solutions to address world hunger.
Extensions: For further exploration, you can:

1. Compare your map with global hunger indices and statistics from organizations like
the World Food Programme (WFP) or FAO.
2. Research and discuss local initiatives or organizations working to combat hunger in
your community or region.

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