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UNION DES COMORES Examen : Baccalauréat


Série : A1 A2 A4 C D G Stc Sti
Epreuve : LV - Anglais Coeff. : 2 2 2 2 2
Nbr pages : 2 Durée : 3 3 3 3 3
Tous les sujets et corrigés des Bac Comoriens sont disponibles sur le site internet :

We know that humans lived for many hundreds of thousands of years without the same technology we
have today. In fact, even now, there are tribes who don't have access to technology and live happily in
their own way of life. This does not mean however, that technology isn't important to us. Technology
affects almost everything we do and without it we would have to change almost every aspect of our
lifestyles. So, where in our lives is technology important?

Nowadays medical advances are usually technological. Such advances have resulted in increased life
expectancy and It seems that we are incapable of living even one day without our favorite gadgets.
- The fridge and freezer to keep our food cool and minimize bacteria
- The flushing toilets to improve the health and sanitation of developed countries
- The microwave which allows us to make a cooked meal in 5 minutes
- The cars, buses, trains and airplanes that allow us to get anywhere in the world
As you can see without technology life would be altered dramatically, and life as we know would be
almost unbearable.
Technology is very important because it is used in all fields of life. Just consider your one day routine
and count all the technological products which you use in one single day and you will realize the
significance of technology. You use mobile phones, watch TV, drive your cars, use computers and
internet and use machines. In fact we are getting dependent on technology in our communication,
transportation, information surfing, entertainment and for all necessities of life. Man has stepped on
moon which is also because of the revolution in the space technology. Because of the importance of
technology, most of the companies are creating their Research and Development departments.

I - Comprehension.( 8pts)
A . True or false? Justify from the text. (2pts)
1) Many thousands of years ago people lived without technology.
2) Today everyone in the world has access to technology.
3) All the aspects of our life style would be affected if there was not today’s technology.
4) Without space technology people wouldn’t be able to travel to the moon.
B . Answer these questions (6pts)
1) Give a title corresponding to this text.
2) What has technical advances in medicine done to people’s life expectancy?
3) Why did the narrator say that we can’t live one day without technical products?
4) In which field of technology can we classify mobile phones and internet?
5) How could most companies profit from the advantages of technology?
6) Is the narrator against technology? Justify your answer.
II - Vocabulary. (1pt)
Find the synonyms of the following words.
1) advances : . . . (2nd parag) , 2) To get : . . .(2nd parag, to get anywhere)
3) realize : . . (last parag) 4) dependent on : . . . (last parag)
III - Writing. (3pts)
Choose one of these topics.
1) Has the voyage to the moon been important to the humanity’s life? Explain your
answer in a paragraph of 5 lines.
2) Among the advances in technology, which one do you like the most and why? Explain
in a paragraph of 6 lines.
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IV - Grammar. ( 6pts)
A . Complete with the relative pronouns whose or where . (1pt)
1. I bought the painting . . . .seller lives . . . I met you last Monday.
2. In my town, there is a post office . . . you can cash postal orders and the
manager . . . . reputation is very good attracts many customers there.
B . Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense : simple present, present perfect
continuous or the present continuous. (5pts)
1) You cannot meet him now, he ( to sleep).
2) If she ( not to take ) a taxi, she will be late.
3) They often (to go ) out after dinner.
4) We (to help) them for years.
5) I (to listen) to the radio once a week.

V - Translate. (2pts)
1) - The fridge and freezer to keep our food cool and minimize bacteria.
2) - Pouvez-vous diviser ce gateau en deux parties?

Tous les sujets et corrigés des Bac Comoriens sont disponibles sur le site internet :

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