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// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.

0 at
// © ParkF

indicator('[_ParkF]RSI+', overlay=false, max_bars_back=1500)

// rsi divergence
// input
rsig = 'RSI'
rb = input(2, 'How many Right Bars for Pivots', group=rsig)
lb = input(15, 'How many Left Bars for Pivots', group=rsig)
sph = input(close, 'Pivot source for Bear Divs', group=rsig)
spl = input(close, 'Pivots Source for Bull Divs', group=rsig)
len =, ' RSI Length', minval=1, group=rsig)
lvl =, 'Lookback Level for Divs', options=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], group=rsig)

// pivot
ph = ta.pivothigh(sph, lb, rb)
pl = ta.pivotlow(spl, lb, rb)

hi0 = ta.valuewhen(ph, sph[rb], 0)

hi1 = ta.valuewhen(ph, sph[rb], 1)
hi2 = ta.valuewhen(ph, sph[rb], 2)
hi3 = ta.valuewhen(ph, sph[rb], 3)
hi4 = ta.valuewhen(ph, sph[rb], 4)
hi5 = ta.valuewhen(ph, sph[rb], 5)

lo0 = ta.valuewhen(pl, spl[rb], 0)

lo1 = ta.valuewhen(pl, spl[rb], 1)
lo2 = ta.valuewhen(pl, spl[rb], 2)
lo3 = ta.valuewhen(pl, spl[rb], 3)
lo4 = ta.valuewhen(pl, spl[rb], 4)
lo5 = ta.valuewhen(pl, spl[rb], 5)

lox0 = ta.valuewhen(pl, bar_index[rb], 0)

lox1 = ta.valuewhen(pl, bar_index[rb], 1)
lox2 = ta.valuewhen(pl, bar_index[rb], 2)
lox3 = ta.valuewhen(pl, bar_index[rb], 3)
lox4 = ta.valuewhen(pl, bar_index[rb], 4)
lox5 = ta.valuewhen(pl, bar_index[rb], 5)

hix0 = ta.valuewhen(ph, bar_index[rb], 0)

hix1 = ta.valuewhen(ph, bar_index[rb], 1)
hix2 = ta.valuewhen(ph, bar_index[rb], 2)
hix3 = ta.valuewhen(ph, bar_index[rb], 3)
hix4 = ta.valuewhen(ph, bar_index[rb], 4)
hix5 = ta.valuewhen(ph, bar_index[rb], 5)

rsi = ta.rsi(close, len)

rh0 = ta.valuewhen(ph, rsi[rb], 0)

rh1 = ta.valuewhen(ph, rsi[rb], 1)
rh2 = ta.valuewhen(ph, rsi[rb], 2)
rh3 = ta.valuewhen(ph, rsi[rb], 3)
rh4 = ta.valuewhen(ph, rsi[rb], 4)
rh5 = ta.valuewhen(ph, rsi[rb], 5)

rl0 = ta.valuewhen(pl, rsi[rb], 0)

rl1 = ta.valuewhen(pl, rsi[rb], 1)
rl2 = ta.valuewhen(pl, rsi[rb], 2)
rl3 = ta.valuewhen(pl, rsi[rb], 3)
rl4 = ta.valuewhen(pl, rsi[rb], 4)
rl5 = ta.valuewhen(pl, rsi[rb], 5)

// bull & bear divergence logic

bull_div_1= lo0<lo1
and rl1<rl0
bull_div_2= lo0<lo1 and lo0<lo2
and rl2<rl0 and rl2<rl1 and lvl>=2
bull_div_3= lo0<lo1 and lo0<lo2 and lo0<lo3
and rl3<rl0 and rl3<rl1 and rl3<rl2 and lvl>=3
bull_div_4= lo0<lo1 and lo0<lo2 and lo0<lo3 and lo0<lo4
and rl4<rl0 and rl4<rl1 and rl4<rl2 and rl4<rl3 and lvl>=4
bull_div_5= lo0<lo1 and lo0<lo2 and lo0<lo3 and lo0<lo4 and lo0<lo5
and rl5<rl0 and rl5<rl1 and rl5<rl2 and rl5<rl3 and rl5<rl4 and lvl>=5

bear_div_1= hi0>hi1
and rh1>rh0
bear_div_2= hi0>hi1 and hi0>hi2
and rh2>rh0 and rh2>rh1 and lvl>=2
bear_div_3= hi0>hi1 and hi0>hi2 and hi0>hi3
and rh3>rh0 and rh3>rh1 and rh3>rh2 and lvl>=3
bear_div_4= hi0>hi1 and hi0>hi2 and hi0>hi3 and hi0>hi4
and rh4>rh0 and rh4>rh1 and rh4>rh2 and rh4>rh3 and lvl>=4
bear_div_5= hi0>hi1 and hi0>hi2 and hi0>hi3 and hi0>hi4 and hi0>hi5
and rh5>rh0 and rh5>rh1 and rh5>rh2 and rh5>rh3 and rh5>rh4 and lvl>=5

new_bull1= bull_div_1 and not bull_div_1[1]

new_bull2= bull_div_2 and not bull_div_2[1]
new_bull3= bull_div_3 and not bull_div_3[1]
new_bull4= bull_div_4 and not bull_div_4[1]
new_bull5= bull_div_5 and not bull_div_5[1]

new_bear1= bear_div_1 and not bear_div_1[1]

new_bear2= bear_div_2 and not bear_div_2[1]
new_bear3= bear_div_3 and not bear_div_3[1]
new_bear4= bear_div_4 and not bear_div_4[1]
new_bear5= bear_div_5 and not bear_div_5[1]

recall(x) =>
ta.barssince(not na(x))

// bull divergence line plot

rbull1 = line(na)
rbull1 := new_bull1 and not new_bull2 and not new_bull3 and not new_bull4 and not
new_bull5 ?, rl0, lox1, rl1, color=#ff9800, width=2) : na
rbull2 = line(na)
rbull2 := new_bull2 and not new_bull3 and not new_bull4 and not new_bull5 ?, rl0, lox2, rl2, color=#ff9800, width=2) : na
rbull3 = line(na)
rbull3 := new_bull3 and not new_bull4 and not new_bull5 ?, rl0, lox3,
rl3, color=#ff9800, width=2) : na
rbull4 = line(na)
rbull4 := new_bull4 and not new_bull5 ?, rl0, lox4, rl4,
color=#ff9800, width=2) : na
rbull5 = line(na)
rbull5 := new_bull5 ?, rl0, lox5, rl5, color=#ff9800, width=2) : na
xbull21 = ta.valuewhen(recall(rbull2) == 0, bar_index, 0) -
ta.valuewhen(recall(rbull1) == 0, bar_index, 0)
xbull31 = ta.valuewhen(recall(rbull3) == 0, bar_index, 0) -
ta.valuewhen(recall(rbull1) == 0, bar_index, 0)
xbull41 = ta.valuewhen(recall(rbull4) == 0, bar_index, 0) -
ta.valuewhen(recall(rbull1) == 0, bar_index, 0)
xbull51 = ta.valuewhen(recall(rbull5) == 0, bar_index, 0) -
ta.valuewhen(recall(rbull1) == 0, bar_index, 0)
xbull32 = ta.valuewhen(recall(rbull3) == 0, bar_index, 0) -
ta.valuewhen(recall(rbull2) == 0, bar_index, 0)
xbull42 = ta.valuewhen(recall(rbull4) == 0, bar_index, 0) -
ta.valuewhen(recall(rbull2) == 0, bar_index, 0)
xbull52 = ta.valuewhen(recall(rbull5) == 0, bar_index, 0) -
ta.valuewhen(recall(rbull2) == 0, bar_index, 0)
xbull43 = ta.valuewhen(recall(rbull4) == 0, bar_index, 0) -
ta.valuewhen(recall(rbull3) == 0, bar_index, 0)
xbull53 = ta.valuewhen(recall(rbull5) == 0, bar_index, 0) -
ta.valuewhen(recall(rbull3) == 0, bar_index, 0)
xbull54 = ta.valuewhen(recall(rbull5) == 0, bar_index, 0) -
ta.valuewhen(recall(rbull4) == 0, bar_index, 0)

if new_bull2 and lo2 == ta.valuewhen(new_bull1, lo1, 0) and xbull21 >= 0

if new_bull3 and lo3 == ta.valuewhen(new_bull1, lo1, 0) and xbull31 >= 0
if new_bull4 and lo4 == ta.valuewhen(new_bull1, lo1, 0) and xbull41 >= 0
if new_bull5 and lo5 == ta.valuewhen(new_bull1, lo1, 0) and xbull51 >= 0
if new_bull3 and lo3 == ta.valuewhen(new_bull2, lo2, 0) and xbull32 >= 0
if new_bull4 and lo4 == ta.valuewhen(new_bull2, lo2, 0) and xbull42 >= 0
if new_bull5 and lo5 == ta.valuewhen(new_bull2, lo2, 0) and xbull52 >= 0
if new_bull4 and lo4 == ta.valuewhen(new_bull3, lo3, 0) and xbull43 >= 0
if new_bull5 and lo5 == ta.valuewhen(new_bull3, lo3, 0) and xbull53 >= 0
if new_bull5 and lo5 == ta.valuewhen(new_bull4, lo4, 0) and xbull54 >= 0

// bear divergence line plot

rbear1 = line(na)
rbear1 := new_bear1 and not new_bear2 and not new_bear3 and not new_bear4 and not
new_bear5 ?, rh0, hix1, rh1, color=#ff9800, width=2) : na
rbear2 = line(na)
rbear2 := new_bear2 and not new_bear3 and not new_bear4 and not new_bear5 ?, rh0, hix2, rh2, color=#ff9800, width=2) : na
rbear3 = line(na)
rbear3 := new_bear3 and not new_bear4 and not new_bear5 ?, rh0, hix3,
rh3, color=#ff9800, width=2) : na
rbear4 = line(na)
rbear4 := new_bear4 and not new_bear5 ?, rh0, hix4, rh4,
color=#ff9800, width=2) : na
rbear5 = line(na)
rbear5 := new_bear5 ?, rh0, hix5, rh5, color=#ff9800, width=2) : na
xbear21 = ta.valuewhen(recall(rbear2) == 0, bar_index, 0) -
ta.valuewhen(recall(rbear1) == 0, bar_index, 0)
xbear31 = ta.valuewhen(recall(rbear3) == 0, bar_index, 0) -
ta.valuewhen(recall(rbear1) == 0, bar_index, 0)
xbear41 = ta.valuewhen(recall(rbear4) == 0, bar_index, 0) -
ta.valuewhen(recall(rbear1) == 0, bar_index, 0)
xbear51 = ta.valuewhen(recall(rbear5) == 0, bar_index, 0) -
ta.valuewhen(recall(rbear1) == 0, bar_index, 0)
xbear32 = ta.valuewhen(recall(rbear3) == 0, bar_index, 0) -
ta.valuewhen(recall(rbear2) == 0, bar_index, 0)
xbear42 = ta.valuewhen(recall(rbear4) == 0, bar_index, 0) -
ta.valuewhen(recall(rbear2) == 0, bar_index, 0)
xbear52 = ta.valuewhen(recall(rbear5) == 0, bar_index, 0) -
ta.valuewhen(recall(rbear2) == 0, bar_index, 0)
xbear43 = ta.valuewhen(recall(rbear4) == 0, bar_index, 0) -
ta.valuewhen(recall(rbear3) == 0, bar_index, 0)
xbear53 = ta.valuewhen(recall(rbear5) == 0, bar_index, 0) -
ta.valuewhen(recall(rbear3) == 0, bar_index, 0)
xbear54 = ta.valuewhen(recall(rbear5) == 0, bar_index, 0) -
ta.valuewhen(recall(rbear4) == 0, bar_index, 0)

if new_bear2 and hi2 == ta.valuewhen(new_bear1, hi1, 0) and xbear21 >= 0

if new_bear3 and hi3 == ta.valuewhen(new_bear1, hi1, 0) and xbear31 >= 0
if new_bear4 and hi4 == ta.valuewhen(new_bear1, hi1, 0) and xbear41 >= 0
if new_bear5 and hi5 == ta.valuewhen(new_bear1, hi1, 0) and xbear51 >= 0
if new_bear3 and hi3 == ta.valuewhen(new_bear2, hi2, 0) and xbear32 >= 0
if new_bear4 and hi4 == ta.valuewhen(new_bear2, hi2, 0) and xbear42 >= 0
if new_bear5 and hi5 == ta.valuewhen(new_bear2, hi2, 0) and xbear52 >= 0
if new_bear4 and hi4 == ta.valuewhen(new_bear3, hi3, 0) and xbear43 >= 0
if new_bear5 and hi5 == ta.valuewhen(new_bear3, hi3, 0) and xbear53 >= 0
if new_bear5 and hi5 == ta.valuewhen(new_bear4, hi4, 0) and xbear54 >= 0

plotshape(title='bull_div_1', series=new_bull1 ? 13 : na, style=shape.triangleup,

color=#089981, location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny, offset=-2)
plotshape(title='bull_div_2', series=new_bull2 ? 13 : na, style=shape.triangleup,
color=#089981, location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny, offset=-2)
plotshape(title='bull_div_3', series=new_bull3 ? 13 : na, style=shape.triangleup,
color=#089981, location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny, offset=-2)
plotshape(title='bull_div_4', series=new_bull4 ? 13 : na, style=shape.triangleup,
color=#089981, location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny, offset=-2)
plotshape(title='bull_div_5', series=new_bull5 ? 13 : na, style=shape.triangleup,
color=#089981, location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny, offset=-2)
plotshape(title='bear_div_1', series=new_bear1 ? 87 : na, style=shape.triangledown,
color=#f23645, location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny, offset=-2)
plotshape(title='bear_div_2', series=new_bear2 ? 87 : na, style=shape.triangledown,
color=#f23645, location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny, offset=-2)
plotshape(title='bear_div_3', series=new_bear3 ? 87 : na, style=shape.triangledown,
color=#f23645, location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny, offset=-2)
plotshape(title='bear_div_4', series=new_bear4 ? 87 : na, style=shape.triangledown,
color=#f23645, location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny, offset=-2)
plotshape(title='bear_div_5', series=new_bear5 ? 87 : na, style=shape.triangledown,
color=#f23645, location=location.absolute, size=size.tiny, offset=-2)

// rsi candle (with wick)

// rsi configuration
rsrc = close
ad = true

// rsi function
pine_rsi(rsrc, len) =>
u = math.max(rsrc - rsrc[1], 0)
d = math.max(rsrc[1] - rsrc, 0)
rs = ta.rma(u, len) / ta.rma(d, len)
res = 100 - 100 / (1 + rs)
pine_rma(rsrc, length) =>
b = 1 / length
sum = 0.0
sum := na(sum[1]) ? ta.sma(rsrc, length) : b * rsrc + (1 - b) * nz(sum[1])
u = math.max(rsrc - rsrc[1], 0)
d = math.max(rsrc[1] - rsrc, 0)
b = 1 / len
ruh = b * math.max(high - close[1], 0) + (1 - b) * ta.rma(u, len)[1]
rdh = (1 - b) * ta.rma(d, len)[1]
rul = (1 - b) * ta.rma(u, len)[1]
rdl = b * math.max(close[1] - low, 0) + (1 - b) * ta.rma(d, len)[1]
function(rsi, len) =>
f = -math.pow(math.abs(math.abs(rsi - 50) - 50), 1 + math.pow(len / 14, 0.618)
- 1) / math.pow(50, math.pow(len / 14, 0.618) - 1) + 50
rsiadvanced = if rsi > 50
f + 50
-f + 50
rsiha = 100 - 100 / (1 + ruh / rdh)
rsila = 100 - 100 / (1 + rul / rdl)
rsia = ta.rsi(rsrc, len)
rsih = if ad
function(rsiha, len)
rsil = if ad
function(rsila, len)

// rsi bought & sold zone

plot_bands = true

reb = hline(plot_bands ? 70 : na, 'Extreme Bought',, 50),

linewidth=4, linestyle=hline.style_solid)
rmb = hline(plot_bands ? 50 : na, 'Middle Line',, 80),
linewidth=4, linestyle=hline.style_solid)
res = hline(plot_bands ? 30 : na, 'Extreme Sold',, 50),
linewidth=4, linestyle=hline.style_solid)

// candle
plotcandle(rsi[1], rsih, rsil, rsi, 'RSI_Candle', color=ta.change(rsi) > 0 ?
#ffffff : #000000, wickcolor=#000000, bordercolor=#2a2e39)
plot(rsi, 'RSI_Line', color= ta.change(rsi) > 0 ? :,
display=display.none, linewidth=2)

// linear regression
// input
lrg = 'Linear Regression'
linreg1 = input(true, 'Longterm Linear Regression On / Off', group=lrg)
periodTrend =, 'Longterm Linear Regression Period', minval=4,
linreg2 = input(true, 'Shorterm Linear Regression On / Off', group=lrg)
periodTrend2 =, 'Shorterm Linear Regression Period', minval=4,
deviationsAmnt = input.float(2, 'Deviation', minval=0.1, step=0.1, group=lrg)
estimatorType = input.string('Unbiased', 'Estimator', options=['Biased',
'Unbiased'], group=lrg)
var extendType = input.string('Right', 'Extend', options=['Right', 'Segment'],
group=lrg) == 'Right' ? extend.right : extend.none

// drawline configuration
drawLine(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, ExtendType, Color, LineStyle) =>
var line Line = na
Line := linreg1 ?, Y1, X2, Y2, xloc.bar_index, ExtendType, Color,
LineStyle, width=2) : na
drawLine2(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, ExtendType, Color, LineStyle) =>
var line Line = na
Line := linreg2 ?, Y1, X2, Y2, xloc.bar_index, ExtendType, Color,
LineStyle, width=2) : na

rsdcr2(PeriodMinusOne, Deviations, Estimate) =>

var period = PeriodMinusOne + 1
var devDenominator = Estimate == 'Unbiased' ? PeriodMinusOne : period
Ex = 0.0
Ex2 = 0.0
Exy = 0.0
Ey = 0.0
for i = 0 to PeriodMinusOne by 1
closeI = nz(rsi[i])
Ex := Ex + i
Ex2 := Ex2 + i * i
Exy := Exy + closeI * i
Ey := Ey + closeI
ExEx = Ex * Ex
slope = Ex2 == ExEx ? 0.0 : (period * Exy - Ex * Ey) / (period * Ex2 - ExEx)
linearRegression = (Ey - slope * Ex) / period
intercept = linearRegression + bar_index * slope
deviation = 0.0
for i = 0 to PeriodMinusOne by 1
deviation := deviation + math.pow(nz(rsi[i]) - (intercept - bar_index[i] *
slope), 2.0)
deviation := Deviations * math.sqrt(deviation / devDenominator)
correlate = ta.correlation(rsi, bar_index, period)
r2 = math.pow(correlate, 2.0)
[linearRegression, slope, deviation, correlate, r2]

periodMinusOne = periodTrend - 1
[linReg, slope, deviation, correlate, r2] = rsdcr2(periodMinusOne, deviationsAmnt,
endPointBar = bar_index - periodTrend + 1
endPointY = linReg + slope * periodMinusOne
endPointBar2 = bar_index - periodTrend2 + 1

// drawline plot
drawLine(endPointBar, endPointY + deviation, bar_index, linReg + deviation,
extendType, #e91e63, line.style_solid)
drawLine(endPointBar, endPointY, bar_index, linReg, extendType, #e91e63,
drawLine(endPointBar, endPointY - deviation, bar_index, linReg - deviation,
extendType, #e91e63, line.style_solid)
drawLine2(endPointBar2, endPointY + deviation, bar_index, linReg + deviation,
extendType,, line.style_solid)
drawLine2(endPointBar2, endPointY, bar_index, linReg, extendType,,
drawLine2(endPointBar2, endPointY - deviation, bar_index, linReg - deviation,
extendType,, line.style_solid)

// trendline
// input
trlg = 'Trend Lines'
o = rsi[1]
h = rsih
l = rsil
c = rsi
log_chart = input(true, title='Use Log Chart', group=trlg)
a_Color_Type = input.string(defval='Monochrome', title='Use Trendlines Color
Scheme', options=['Colored', 'Monochrome'], group=trlg)

a_Show_Primary = input(true, title='Primary Trendlines On / Off', group=trlg)

a_len = input(30, title='Primary Lookback Length', group=trlg)
a_Extensions = input.string(title='Primary Trendlines Extensions', defval=' 50',
options=["Infinate", " 25", " 50", " 75", " 100", " 150", " 200", " 300", "
400", " 500", " 750", "1000"], group=trlg)
a_width =, title='Primary Line Width', minval=0, maxval=10, group=trlg)
a_Show_Breaks = 'n/a'
a_trendline_nr = 0
a_Rising_Upper_Falling_Lower = false

b_Show_Secondary = input(true, title='Secondary Trendlines On / Off', group=trlg)

b_len = input(15, title='Secondary Lookback Length', group=trlg)
b_Extensions = input.string(title='Secondary Trendlines Extensions', defval=' 25',
options=["Infinate", " 25", " 50", " 75", " 100", " 150", " 200", " 300", "
400", " 500", " 750", "1000"], group=trlg)
b_width =, title='Secondary Line Width', minval=0, maxval=10,
b_Show_Breaks = 'n/a'
b_trendline_nr = 0
b_Rising_Upper_Falling_Lower = false

a_bar_time = time - time[1]

b_bar_time = time - time[1]
//primary trendline
// trendline extension
a_Extensions==" 25"? 1 :
a_Extensions==" 50"? 2 :
a_Extensions==" 75"? 3 :
a_Extensions==" 100"? 4 :
a_Extensions==" 150"? 6 :
a_Extensions==" 200"? 8 :
a_Extensions==" 300"? 12 :
a_Extensions==" 400"? 16 :
a_Extensions==" 500"? 20 :
a_Extensions==" 750"? 30 :
a_Extensions=="1000"? 40 :
a_Extensions=="Infinate"? 0 : na

// trendline function
a_f_trendline(a__input_function, a__delay, a__only_up, a__extend) =>
var int a_Ax = 1
var int a_Bx = 1
var float a_By = 0
var float a_slope = 0
a_Ay = fixnan(a__input_function)
if ta.change(a_Ay) != 0
a_Ax := time[a__delay]
a_By := a_Ay[1]
a_Bx := a_Ax[1]
a_slope := log_chart ? (math.log(a_Ay) - math.log(a_By)) / (a_Ax - a_Bx) :
(a_Ay - a_By) / (a_Ax - a_Bx)
a_Ax := a_Ax[1]
a_Bx := a_Bx[1]
a_By := a_By[1]
// draw trendline
var line a_trendline = na
var int a_Axbis = 0
var float a_Aybis = 0
var bool a__xtend = true
a_extension_time = a_Extension_Multiplier * a_bar_time * 25
a_Axbis := a_Ax + a_extension_time
a_Aybis := log_chart ? a_Ay * math.exp(a_extension_time * a_slope) : a_Ay +
a_extension_time * a_slope
if a_Extension_Multiplier != 0
a__xtend := false
if ta.change(a_Ay) != 0

a_line_color_Rising_Falling = a_slope * time < 0 ? a__only_up ?

a_Rising_Upper_Falling_Lower ? a_Color_Type == 'Colored' ? color.gray :
color.teal : na : a_Color_Type == 'Colored' ? #cf0a83 : color.teal : a__only_up ?
a_Color_Type == 'Colored' ? #027521 : color.teal : a_Rising_Upper_Falling_Lower ?
a_Color_Type == 'Colored' ? color.gray : color.teal : na
a_line_color_Not_Rising_Falling = a_slope * time < 0 ? a__only_up ? na :
a_Color_Type == 'Colored' ? #cf0a83 : color.teal : a__only_up ? a_Color_Type ==
'Colored' ? #027521 : color.teal : na
a_line_color = a_Show_Primary and not a_Rising_Upper_Falling_Lower ?
a_line_color_Not_Rising_Falling : a_Show_Primary and a_Rising_Upper_Falling_Lower ?
a_line_color_Rising_Falling : na

if not na(a_line_color)
a_trendline =, a_By, a_Axbis, a_Aybis, xloc.bar_time,
extend=a__xtend ? extend.right : extend.none, color=a_line_color,
style=line.style_solid, width=a_width)
[a_Bx, a_By, a_Axbis, a_Aybis, a_slope]

// calc pivot points

a_high_point = ta.pivothigh(c > o ? c : o, a_len, a_len / 2)
a_low_point = ta.pivotlow(c > o ? o : c, a_len, a_len / 2)

// call trendline function

[a_phx1, a_phy1, a_phx2, a_phy2, a_slope_high] = a_f_trendline(a_high_point,
a_len / 2, false, true)
[a_plx1, a_ply1, a_plx2, a_ply2, a_slope_low] = a_f_trendline(a_low_point, a_len /
2, true, true)

// secondary trendline
// trendline extension
b_Extensions==" 25"? 1 :
b_Extensions==" 50"? 2 :
b_Extensions==" 75"? 3 :
b_Extensions==" 100"? 4 :
b_Extensions==" 150"? 6 :
b_Extensions==" 200"? 8 :
b_Extensions==" 300"? 12 :
b_Extensions==" 400"? 16 :
b_Extensions==" 500"? 20 :
b_Extensions==" 750"? 30 :
b_Extensions=="1000"? 40 :
b_Extensions=="Infinate"? 0 : na

// trendline function
b_f_trendline(b__input_function, b__delay, b__only_up, b__extend) =>
var int b_Ax = 1
var int b_Bx = 1
var float b_By = 0
var float b_slope = 0
b_Ay = fixnan(b__input_function)
if ta.change(b_Ay) != 0
b_Ax := time[b__delay]
b_By := b_Ay[1]
b_Bx := b_Ax[1]
b_slope := log_chart ? (math.log(b_Ay) - math.log(b_By)) / (b_Ax - b_Bx) :
(b_Ay - b_By) / (b_Ax - b_Bx)
b_Ax := b_Ax[1]
b_Bx := b_Bx[1]
b_By := b_By[1]
// draw trendlines
var line b_trendline = na
var int b_Axbis = 0
var float b_Aybis = 0
var bool b__xtend = true
b_extension_time = b_Extension_Multiplier * b_bar_time * 25
b_Axbis := b_Ax + b_extension_time
b_Aybis := log_chart ? b_Ay * math.exp(b_extension_time * b_slope) : b_Ay +
b_extension_time * b_slope
if b_Extension_Multiplier != 0
b__xtend := false
if ta.change(b_Ay) != 0

b_line_color_Rising_Falling = b_slope * time < 0 ? b__only_up ?

b_Rising_Upper_Falling_Lower ? a_Color_Type == 'Colored' ? color.gray :
color.teal : na : a_Color_Type == 'Colored' ? : color.teal : b__only_up ?
a_Color_Type == 'Colored' ? : color.teal : b_Rising_Upper_Falling_Lower
? a_Color_Type == 'Colored' ? color.gray : color.teal : na
b_line_color_Not_Rising_Falling = b_slope * time < 0 ? b__only_up ? na :
a_Color_Type == 'Colored' ? : color.teal : b__only_up ? a_Color_Type ==
'Colored' ? : color.teal : na

b_line_color = b_Show_Secondary and not b_Rising_Upper_Falling_Lower ?

b_line_color_Not_Rising_Falling : b_Show_Secondary and b_Rising_Upper_Falling_Lower
? b_line_color_Rising_Falling : na

if not na(b_line_color)
b_trendline =, b_By, b_Axbis, b_Aybis, xloc.bar_time,
extend=b__xtend ? extend.right : extend.none, color=b_line_color,
style=line.style_dashed, width=b_width)
[b_Bx, b_By, b_Axbis, b_Aybis, b_slope]

// calc pivot points

b_high_point = ta.pivothigh(c > o ? c : o, b_len, b_len / 2)
b_low_point = ta.pivotlow(c > o ? o : c, b_len, b_len / 2)

// call trendline function

[b_phx1, b_phy1, b_phx2, b_phy2, b_slope_high] = b_f_trendline(b_high_point,
b_len / 2, false, true)
[b_plx1, b_ply1, b_plx2, b_ply2, b_slope_low] = b_f_trendline(b_low_point, b_len /
2, true, true)

// plot
b_color_high = b_slope_high * time < 0 ? : na
b_color_low = b_slope_low * time > 0 ? : na

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