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There were screams all around me. I opened my eyes indolently. I was very tired with the journey of more than 8 hours, from America to Malaysia. It was the first time I will come back to Malaysia for Hari Raya after I pursued my studies in America. I looked at every corner of the plane. It was a horrendous situation. Everyone was screamed and even cried. I was very confused. What had actually happened? Why was everyone screaming? Then, I asked the old woman beside what's going on. She does not answer. I asked again. After that, she pointed her finger to the outside of the plane. Oh gosh ! I cannot believed what I saw. I shooked my head in disbelief. I slapped my face again and again. "Am I dreaming?" I questioned myself in astonishment. No! It is a reality. The right wing of the plane was on fire. It was impossible and I just cannot believe it. The smoke started to fill the cabin gradually. Why this calamity should happen to me? Please god, let me seek for forgiveness from everybody for the last time before I died. Abruptly, a stewardess came to calm the passengers. Many of the passengers get cough and had breathing difficulties. The

stewardess asked us to use the provided mask to obtain enough oxygen. Later, I heard a handicaped girl in front of me asked the

stewardess, "Excuse me, may I know will we land safely? I was very worried with my grandmother condition." the stewardess answered," We have to pray okay, let crossed our finger everything will be fine." the girl replied," Miss, can you promise to me? Can you look after my grandmother if I died? She has nobody in this world, except me. Will you?" Gosh, I was really touched by that scene. How nice the girl to her grandmother. Suddenly, my tears dropped. I just cannot cover my sympathy. The stewardess nodded and embraced the girl with tears. "Bang!" A loud shot was heard. Everyone was shocked. it was very quite and deserted situations after the loud shot was heard. Suddenly, a woman voice was heard," Please, do not do this to me, please!" At the same time, a sound of a baby crying was heard from the front part. Later, a gang of of masked man entered my cabin. Everyone was screamed after saw them with a pistol each. One of them hold a small baby in his hand. Terrorist? Who are they? What do they want from us? Questions came into my frayed mind. All sorts of terrible thoughts came up to my mind. " Shut up, you bitch!". One of the masked gang yelling to us . All eyes were centered on him. Everyone was just too shocked with that gruesome moments. "This plane has been hijacked. If you want to stay alive, follow our insructions. I want this plane to fly back to America. I want the President to see me and stopped the air raid against Iraq. By

hook or by crook, I want this problem to be settled down today." What? Was he lost his mind? It was already three quarter of the journey. He wants us to go back to America with the burning wings of the plane? Impossible and it does not make sense at all. The air was stiffed with tension and I felt that the hours of my life were numbered. I was petrified. My mind was filled with nostalgic memories. When I was young I used to go against my parents advices. I still can remember a incident that closely cost my father life. My mother told me not to play at the abadoned dam near to my house. I was very stubborn. My friends and I was swimmed there. At last, I nearly drowned but I was saved by my father after my friend yelled for a help. However, my father got asthma after he saved me and he was warded for a fortnight at the hospital because of that incident. All of a sudden, Everyone was screaming again. My thought was the masked gang did something annoying. No, my thought was wrong. It was another disaster. Now, the left wing of the plane was on fire too. The plane was shaking. I took a look outside the window. I can see nothing except for the ocean. Maybe this is the last time for me to breathe in this precious air and to see the beautiful wonders of nature. I back down and tried to accept this fate. I have to accept the destiny that has been set for me. Abruptly, the plane was steep downward plunge. It was very fast. Everyone was screaming and crying. I had to

bite my tongue to stiffle a scream. It is really a calamity for all of us. I can see a mother hug her son and daughter tightly. Everyone gave one's self to another. Sweat trickling my forehead. My body was pumped with so much of adrenaline in me. "Bang!" A very loud sound was heard. The plane slammed the wide ocean. Then, I heard nothing. It was too silent and deserted. My head was very heavy and pain. Where am I? I opened my eyes. I can see many people around me. I can see their grateful faces. Thanks god, I was still alive. My mother told me that I was the only one who save in the crashed. My tears flow down. I was very lucky to have another chance to continue my life. On the contrary, I still cannot forget the victims of the crashed. It still vivid in my memories. The incident that nearly cost me my life. One month later, I was brought by my family to the memorial place for all the victims of the tragedic crashed. My tears fell. Now, I know how precious life was. Thus, we should live our life to the fullest and never futile it... By, Muhammad Imran Shah Bin Yacob 5 Wawasan

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