Chromotography Background

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Chromatography in it’s most basic definition is the separation of mixtures.

The separation of
these mixtures have two states the mobile state and the stationary state. The mobile state are
materials that actively move while separating, while stationary are for materials that remain still.
Along with these states there are several methods with varying complexities. Paper, thin layer,
gas, and high performance liquid chromatography. All of these methods have their own uses
and advantages.

First is paper chromatography, the most common method and is oftened used to teach in school
do it’s relatively easy to understand process. One example of this method is to put dye spots
onto a piece of paper and hang it vertically into a solvent. As the solvent travels up the paper it
will meet the dye. After this process is done, remove the paper from the solvent to leave the
mobile phase.

Next is thin layer chromatography, this method uses a thin plate. Materials are placed into this
plate in a stationary state and a solvent is added. This solvent will cause the materials to enter a
mobile state, in which they will begin to move. As they move they will begin to separate out into
a more pure state closer to the original material.

Gas chromatography method is used to help identify materials that do not have a solid or liquid
state instead separating gasses. This method is unique compared to the previous two methods
as it uses a machine. First materials are added to a machine along with a neutral gas to help
things travel. As the machines activates it will move the materials helping them separate in a
mobile phase. The machine will record the data into a chart that has a series of peaks that
identifies the materials.

High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), it is the most mainstream method of

identification and separation of materials in a biological enviroment. Similar to gas
chromatography this method also uses a machine to help scientists process the information. It
can be used for identification, separation, and analysis. The stationary phase is a solid packed
into a metal column in which its then placed into a machine that will enter it into a mobile phase.
As the liquids are forced through a bond in a solvent, it will separate the material.

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