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LESSON 8: KAREN HORNEY’S ● Self-hatred - expressed as either

self-contempt or alienation from self.

Introduction to Psychoanalytic Social
● men actually develop womb envy as females Theory
have a much more important role in one’s
childbirth and species reproduction. ● culture, especially early childhood
experiences, plays a leading role in shaping
human personality, either neurotic or healthy.
Overview of Psychoanalytic Social
Theory ● social rather than biological forces are
paramount in personality development.

● Psychoanalytic social theory - was built on the

assumption that social and cultural conditions,
Horney and Freud Compared
especially childhood experiences, are largely
responsible for shaping personality.
● Strict adherence to orthodox psychoanalysis
● People who do not have their needs for love and would lead to stagnation in both theoretical
affection satisfied during childhood develop basic thought and therapeutic practice.
hostility toward their parents and suffer from
basic anxiety. ● Psychoanalysis should move beyond instinct
theory and emphasize the importance of
● people combat basic anxiety by adopting one of cultural influences in shaping personality.
three fundamental styles of relating to others:
● man is ruled not by the pleasure principle
I. moving toward people alone but by safety and satisfaction.
II. moving against people
III. moving away from people. ● neuroses are not the result of instincts but the
person‘s attempt to find paths through a
- Normal individuals may use any of these wilderness full of unknown dangers.
modes of relating to other people, but
neurotics are compelled to rigidly rely on Wilderness - created by society and not by
only one. instincts or anatomy.
- their compulsive behavior generates a
basic intrapsychic conflict that may take ● Freud‟s explanations result in a pessimistic
the form of either an idealized concept of humanity based on innate instincts
self-image or self-hatred. and the stagnation of personality.
- her view of humanity is an optimistic one
● Idealized self-image is expressed as: and is centered on cultural forces that
are amenable to change.
I. neurotic search for glory
II. neurotic claims
III. neurotic pride The Impact of Culture

● Cultural influences - primary bases for both

neurotic and normal personality development.
● Modern culture - based on competition ● no single early experience is responsible for
among individuals. odlater personality.
- everyone is a real or potential - sum total of childhood experiences
competitor of everyone else. brings about a certain character
structure, or rather, starts its
● Competitiveness and the basic hostility - development.
spawn result in feelings of isolation. - totality of early relationships molds
personality development.
● Feelings of being alone - lead to intensified
needs for affection. ● Later attitudes to others - not repetitions of
- cause people to overvalue love. infantile ones.
- as a result, many people see love and - emanate from the character structure,
affection as the solution for all their the basis of which is laid in childhood.

● Genuine love - can be a healthy, Basic Hostility and Basic Anxiety

growth-producing experience.
● To grow in accordance with their real self -
● Desperate need for love - provides a fertile
children need to experience both genuine love
ground for the development of neuroses.
and healthy discipline. Such conditions
- rather than benefiting from the need for
provide them 56 with feelings of safety and
love, neurotics strive in pathological
ways to find it.
- these conditions provide them with
- their self defeating attempts result in low
feelings of safety and satisfaction.
self-esteem, increased hostility, basic
anxiety, more competitiveness, and a
● Development of basic hostility - if parents
continuous excessive need for love and
do not satisfy the child‟s needs for safety and

● Basic anxiety - a feeling of being isolated and

Importance of Childhood helpless in a world conceived as potentially
Experiences hostile.
- a feeling of being small, insignificant,
● Childhood - age from which the vast majority helpless, deserted, endangered, in a
of problems arise. world that is out to abuse, cheat, attack,
- sexual abuse, beatings, open rejection, humiliate, betray, envy.
or pervasive neglect, may leave their - wherein repressed hostility leads to
impressions on a child‘s future profound feelings of insecurity and a
development; Horney insisted that these vague sense of apprehension.
debilitating experiences can almost - not a neurosis.
invariably be traced to lack of genuine - the nutritive soil out of which a definite
warmth and affection. neurosis may develop at any time.
- constant and unrelenting, needing no
● Neurotic needs - results from difficult particular stimulus such as taking a test
childhood. in school or giving a speech.
- become powerful because they are the - permeates all relationships with others
child‟s only means of gaining feelings of and leads to unhealthy ways of trying to
safety. cope with people.
Ex: children seldom overtly express this hostility - they become unhealthy when people
as rage; instead, they repress their hostility feel compelled to rely on them and are
toward their parents and have no awareness of thus unable to employ a variety of
it. interpersonal strategies.

● Basic hostility - leads to severe anxiety. ● Compulsion - the salient characteristic of all
neurotic drives.
● Anxiety and fear - lead to strong feelings of
Compulsive Drives

4 Ways to Protect Ourselves from ● neurotics do not enjoy misery and suffering.
the Feeling of Being alone. - they cannot change their behavior by
free will but must continually and
compulsively protect themselves against
● Affection - a strategy that does not always
basic anxiety.
lead to authentic love.
- this defensive strategy traps them in a
- people may try to purchase love with
vicious circle in which their compulsive
self-effacing compliance, material
needs to reduce basic anxiety lead to
goods, or sexual favors.
behaviors that perpetuate low
self-esteem, generalized hostility,
● Submissiveness - neurotics may submit
inappropriate striving for power, inflated
themselves either to people or to institutions
feelings of superiority, and persistent
such as an organization or a religion.
apprehension, all of which result in more
- submit to another person often do so in
basic anxiety.
order to gain affection.

● Striving for Power, Prestige, or Possession

Neurotic Needs
Power - a defense against the real or imagined
hostility of others and takes the form of a ● Neurotic need for affection and approval.
tendency to dominate others. ● Neurotic need for a powerful partner.
● Neurotic need to restrict one‟s life within
Prestige - a protection against humiliation and is narrow borders.
expressed as a tendency to humiliate others. ● Neurotic need for power.
● Neurotic need to exploit others.
Possession - a buffer against destitution and ● Neurotic need for social recognition or
poverty and manifests itself as a tendency to prestige.
deprive others. ● Neurotic need for personal admiration.
● Neurotic need for ambition and personal
● Withdrawal - developing an independence achievement.
from others or by becoming emotionally ● Neurotic need for self-sufficiency and
detached from them. independence.
- neurotics feel that they cannot be hurt ● Neurotic need for perfection and
by other people. unassailability.

● These protective devices did not necessarily

indicate a neurosis, and Horney believed that
all people use them to some extent.
Neurotic Trends aggressive person sees everyone as a
potential enemy. For both types, however, ―the
center of gravity lies outside the person. Both
● Normal and Neurotic attitudes:
need other people.
Moving Away from People - to solve the basic
- mostly or completely conscious of their
conflict of isolation, some people behave in a
strategies toward other people.
detached manner and adopt a neurotic trend of
- free to choose their actions.
moving away from people.
- experience mild conflict.
- an expression of needs for privacy,
- can choose from a variety of strategies.
independence, and self-sufficiency.
- frequently build a world of their own and
refuse to allow anyone to get close to
- unaware of their basic attitude.
- forced to act.
- value freedom and self-sufficiency and
- experience severe and insoluble
often appear to be aloof and
- limited to a single trend.
- if married, they maintain their
detachment even from their spouse.
3 Basic Attitudes/Neurotic Trends
- shun social commitments, but their
greatest fear is to need other people.
Moving Toward People - a neurotic need to - have an intensified need to be strong
protect oneself against feelings of helplessness. and powerful.
- compliant people employ either or both
of the first two neurotic needs.
- they strive for affection and approval of Intrapsychic Conflicts
others, or they seek a powerful partner
who will take responsibility for their lives
● This section looks at two important intrapsychic
(morbid dependency) ―codependency.
conflicts: the idealized self-image and
Moving Against People - aggressive people
take for granted that everyone is hostile.
● Idealized Self-Image - an attempt to solve
- move against others by appearing tough
conflicts by painting a godlike picture of oneself.
or ruthless.
- human beings, if given an environment
- motivated by a strong need to exploit
of discipline and warmth, will develop
others and to use them for their own
feelings of security and self-confidence
and a tendency to move toward
- seldom admit their mistakes and are
compulsively driven to appear perfect,
- extravagantly positive view of
powerful, and superior.
themselves that exists only in their
- 5 neurotic needs are incorporated in this
personal belief system.
- endow themselves with infinite powers
- basic motivation is for power, prestige,
and unlimited capabilities; they see
and personal ambition.
themselves as a hero, a genius, a
supreme lover, a saint, a god.
● Moving toward others and moving against others
Ex: feeling alienated from themselves, people
are, in many ways, polar opposites. The
need desperately to acquire a stable sense of
compliant person is compelled to receive
affection from everyone, whereas the
identity that can be solved by creating an - they try to achieve perfection by erecting
idealized self-image. a complex set of “shoulds” and “should
As people build an idealized image of - tyranny of the should.
themselves, their self-lags farther and farther - “Forget about the disgraceful creature
behind. This gap creates a growing alienation you actually are; this is how you should
between the real self and the idealized self and be’’.
leads neurotics to hate and despise their actual
self because it falls so short in matching the Neurotic Ambition - compulsive drive toward
glorified self-image. superiority.
- They channel their energies into those
Neurotics glorify and worship themselves in activities that are most likely to bring
diverse ways: success.

Compliant people - see themselves as good Vindictive Triumph - most destructive element
and saintly. of all.
- may be disguised as a drive for
Aggressive people - build an idealized image achievement or success, but ―its chief
of themselves as strong, heroic, and omnipotent. aim is to put others to shame or defeat
them through one‟s very success; or to
Detached neurotics - paint their self-portraits attain the power.
as wise, self-sufficient, and independent. - to inflict suffering on them—mostly of a
humiliating kind.
As the idealized self-image becomes solidified,
neurotics begin to believe in the reality of that Neurotic Claims - neurotics build a fantasy
image. They lose touch with their real self and world—a world that is uncoordinated with the
use the idealized self as the standard for real world.
self-evaluation. Rather than growing toward - believing that something is wrong with
self-realization, they move toward actualizing the outside world, they proclaim that
their idealized self. they are special and therefore entitled to
be treated in accordance with their
3 Aspects of the Idealized Image: idealized view of themselves.
- when normal wishes are not fulfilled,
people become understandably
The Neurotic Search for Glory -
comprehensive drive toward actualizing the ideal
- when neurotic claims are not met,
neurotics become indignant, bewildered,
- as neurotics come to believe in the
and unable to comprehend why others
reality of their idealized self, they begin
have not granted their claims.
to incorporate it into all aspects of their
Ex: Neurotic people honestly believe that they
lives—their goals, their self-concept,
are entitled to be near the front of the line, and
and their relations with others.
they feel no guilt or remorse in moving ahead of
- includes three other elements:
Need for Perfection - the drive to mold the
whole personality into the idealized self.
- neurotics are not content to merely
make a few alterations; nothing short of
Neurotic Pride - a false pride based not on a
complete perfection is acceptable.
realistic view of the true self but on a spurious
image of the idealized self.
- neurotics imagine themselves to be - neurotics are frequently shackled by
glorious, wonderful, and perfect, so taboos against enjoyment.
when others fail to treat them with Ex: I don‟t deserve a new car‖. ―I must not
special consideration, their neurotic wear nice clothes because many people around
pride is hurt. the world are in rags‖.
- to prevent the hurt, they avoid people I must not strive for a better job because I‟m not
who refuse to yield to their neurotic good enough for it.
claims, and instead, they try to become
associated with socially prominent and Self-discipline - postponing or forgoing
prestigious institutions and acquisitions. pleasurable activities in order to achieve
reasonable goals.
● Self-Hatred - an interrelated yet equally
irrational and powerful tendency to despise Self-torment - self-hatred may be manifested as
one‟s real self. self-torment, or self-torture.
- they realize that their real self does not
match the insatiable demands of their Self-destructive actions and impulses -
idealized self, they will begin to hate and overeating, abusing alcohol and other drugs,
despise themselves. working too hard, driving recklessly, and suicide.

6 Major Ways to Express Self-Hatred:

Feminine Psychology
Relentless demands on the self - exemplified
by the tyranny of the should.
● psychic differences between men and women
Ex: some people make demands on themselves
are not the result of anatomy but rather of
that do not stop even when they achieve a
cultural and social expectations.
measure of success.
- men who subdue and rule women and
- these people continue to push
women who degrade or envy men do so
themselves toward perfection because
because of the neurotic competitiveness
they believe they should be perfect.
that is rampant in many societies.
- basic anxiety is at the core of men‟s
Merciless self-accusation - neurotics
need to subjugate women and women‟s
constantly berate themselves.
wish to humiliate men.
- If people only knew me, they would
realize that I am pretending to be
● Oedipus complex - it was due to certain
knowledgeable, competent, and sincere.
environmental conditions and not to biology.
I‟m really a fraud, but no one knows it
- if it were the result of anatomy, it would
but me‖.
be universal.
- found only in some people and is an
Self-contempt - expressed as belittling,
expression of the neurotic need for love.
disparaging, doubting, discrediting, and
ridiculing oneself.
● Horney found the concept of penis envy even
- prevents people from striving for
less tenable. She contended that here are no
improvement or achievement.
more anatomical reason girls should be envious
of the penis than boys should desire a breast or
Self-frustration - stems from self-hatred and is
a womb. In fact, boys sometimes do express a
designed to actualize an inflated self-image.
desire to have a baby, but this desire is not the
Neurotics are frequently shackled by taboos
result of a universal male ―womb envy.
against enjoyment.
● Many women possess a masculine protest - Critique of Horney
they have a pathological belief that men are
superior to women.
● falls short on its power both to generate
- this leads to the neurotic desire to be a
research and to submit to the criterion of
- a wish for all those qualities or privileges
which in our culture are regarded as
● rated high on its ability to organize knowledge of
neurotics but very low on its capacity to explain
what is known about people in general.

Psychotherapy ● as a guide to action, Horney‘s theory fares

somewhat better.
● General goal of Horneyian therapy - to help
patients gradually grow in the direction of self ● low rating on parsimony.
- aim is to have patients give up their
idealized self-image, relinquish their Concept of Humanity
neurotic search for glory, and change
self-hatred to an acceptance of the real
● compulsive nature of neurotic trends suggests
that Horney‘s concept of humanity is
● Self-understanding must go beyond information;
- a healthy person would have a large
it must be accompanied by an emotional
element of free choice.
experience. Patients must understand their pride
- a neurotic individual, through
system, their idealized image, their neurotic
psychotherapy and hard work, can wrest
search for glory, their self-hatred, their shoulds,
some control over those intrapsychic
their alienation from self, and their conflicts.
Moreover, they must see how all these factors
- Horney‘s psychoanalytic social theory is
are interrelated and operate to preserve their
rated slightly higher on free choice than
basic neurosis.
on determinism.

● successful therapy is built on self-analysis.

● Horney‘s theory is somewhat more optimistic
- patients must understand the difference
than pessimistic.
between their idealized self-image and
- people possess inherent curative
their real self.
powers that lead them toward
- people possess an inherent curative
force that allows them to move
- if basic anxiety (the feeling of being
inevitably in the direction of
alone and helpless in a potentially
self-realization once self-understanding
hostile world) can be avoided, people
and self-analysis are achieved.
will feel safe and secure in their
interpersonal relations and consequently
● dreams as attempts to solve conflicts, but the
will develop healthy personalities.
solutions can be either neurotic or healthy.
- when therapists provide a correct
● on the dimension of causality versus teleology,
interpretation, patients are helped
Horney adopted a middle position.
toward a better understanding of their
- natural goal for people is self-realization,
real self.
but she also believed that childhood
experiences can block that movement.
- ―The past in some way or other is
always contained in the present.
- included in people‘s past experiences,
however, is the formation of a
philosophy of life and a set of values
that give both their present and their
future some direction.

● Horney believed that most people have only

limited awareness of their motives.
- neurotics, especially, have little
understanding of themselves and do not
see that their behaviors guarantee the
continuation of their neuroses.

● Horney‘s concept of personality strongly

emphasized social influences more than
biological ones.
- Psychological differences between men
and women, for example, are due more
to cultural and societal expectations
than to anatomy.
- Oedipus complex and penis envy are
not inevitable consequences of biology
but rather are shaped by social forces.
- Horney did not neglect biological factors
completely, but her main emphasis was
on social influences.

● Horney‘s theory highlights similarities among

people more than uniqueness.
- Horney described three basic
types—the helpless, the hostile,
and the detached.
- she placed little emphasis on
individual differences within
each of these categories.

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