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Answers 1 Number Exercise page2 1.791 222 3.7372 4.0066 5.4862 612 7167 8 161 9. 1663 10.241 7 12.386 13.0001 14.156 15. 00288 2176 17.002 18, 00001 19.7556 20, 07854 21. 360 22, 34000 23.18 24,0.74 25, 2.34 26. 1620 77.88 28, 1200 29, 0.00175, 30. D2 31. 200 32, 0804 33.08 34, 0077 35. 0.0009 36. 0.01 37. 188 38,20 39, 0.059 Exercise2 page 3 1.20 2. 256;65 536 BGA 4a aasya + (+1) + [a(e4 P= (8 ++ D 4, a) 54x 9 = 486 b) 57x: 156 o) 52x, 104, 57 X 2 = 114 or 58X3= 174 5.5.28 to32 7, I2unitslong,marksat ,445and 10 & 2 137 Exercise3 paged aig 5S 65 mat a 23.22 Pa oes v7.4) 4 on On os 28.5 30. same Exercisea page 6 1.0.25 2.04 3.08 4.075 6.0375 7.09 8.0625 9.0416 11.08 12.0388 13.0385714 14. 0.128574 16. 0.45 17.12 18.2625 19.23 21. 21875 22, 2385714 23, 2857142 et ae 32.2 32.32 42.142 49. 0.8 47.368 480.60 si Zunsust 9B Suk 56.2 57.2 Exercise5 page 8 1, 3,11, 19, 23,29, 31, 37,47, 59, 61,67, 73 2.a)4,8,12,16,20 b) 6,12, 18,2430 €) 10,20,30,40,50 d) 11,22,33,44,55 _e) 20, 40,60, 80, 100 Answers FEY 3. 12and 24 5.a) 1,236 1)1,2,4,8, 16,32 415 b)1,3,9 ©) 1,2,5,19, 4) 1,3,5,15 ©) 1,2,3,4,6,8, 12,24 6. a) Yes. Divide by 3, 5,7, 11,13, (Le. odd prime numbers « 263) b) No ©) Prime numbers < ViT47 7.2,3,5,41,67,89 8.8) 273 b) 2?x3x5 ©) 2x3°xS 2x3 )2ixs? 4) 2!x5x1 9.4) 12 b) 18 20 ae 210 2 10. a) 120 ») 180 6) 18000 4) 2640 «) $000 #) 3000 nL b) 36 ©) 100 ar «) 1000 2 b) 441 9 lag @) 004 ©) 961 ) 10000 8) 625 h) 75.69 081 5) 6625.96 13, a) 441 om" b) 0.36 cm* 196m" 14.10" 15.7 16.0005 17. Lor 0 18.2 060.2 19, £00.25 20. } or 0.125 Exercise 6 poge10 a 7 yet ys? 1 Rational (V7) 3.4 9A ates? D> D225 3.) both irational ») both rational ‘ tional 1) Bom, tinal inrational 6) 36— 97cm’ irrational 6, A rational number can always be written exactly in the form # where aang b are whole numbers. An irrational number ‘cauiot be weiteit in Use foun 2, 7.a) No Exercise 7 page 11 b) Yeseg. VB x V2 =4 118,22; Add 4 2.30, 3; Add7 3.63, 55; Subtract 5.21,27 6.25 7. 16,22 8 16.30 9.25,15 10, 4,10 n-4,-3 12,7532 13.54 14.22 15, 32,47 16, 840,6720 75-1 18.2.1 Exercise8 page 11 J. a) 2n b) 10m oir d@) iin e) 1000, g) 10" hr nae 3.9, 1113.15.17 4.) 3,4,5,6,7 Bb) 5,10, 15,20,25 ¢) 9,19, 29,3949 d) 97,94, 91,88, 85 Exercise 9 pace 12 Tent 23n+d 3.5n=1 4ans2 5.3n+2 7.50 a2 9. (+2) 10, ml > me Be 4, OE 15, 4n—1 16, 2n-+3 17.9-28 19.0) 2046 bh dn osnt3 20, a) 8 +3 ©) 3n-10 21, a) n+ 1 b) 3001 Exercise 10. page 13 143 22a? 4 be S.nt-7 Ton tan 10430-1041 13.982 12n-1 Answers 4. ~7,~12; Subtract 5 De 4) 1,4,9,16,25 6. 28-3n Re 18. 4n—9. 6.18 12. 20 Frercise 11 page 14 b) 8.17 ) 817 2.a) 20 b) 19.6 9) 19.62 b) 200 ©) 20.04 4a) b) 0815 081 b) 311 ©) 311.14 6a) 0 b) 0275 9028 ) 0.00747 ©) 001 8.a) 16 b) 156 1562 5) 900 <) 900.12 toa) 4 b) 356 1356 b) 5.45 ©) 545 1a) 21 b) 210 9 20.96 b) 0.0851 6) 0.09 14a) 1 b) 051s ) 052 b) 3.07 <) 307 16.57 17.08 wo 20.0.0 tL Exercise 12 page 16 1. 1955 cm 2. 36.5kg 3.3.25 kg 4.95.55 m 5, 28.655 6. a) 15,25 b) 2.25, 235 ©) 635,645 4) 13.55, 13.65 7B ac 9. a) Not necessarily b) Tem 10. a) 165° m<175 4) 0335-5 mc0.345 passe Tears j) 51800 << 52500 11, No, max. card length 11.55 em, min. envelope length 11.5em b) 2555

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