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Reading 8; From Egoism to Ecoism: Psychedelics Increase Nature Relatedness in a Stat

Mediated and Context-Dependent Manner by Hannes Kettner et al.

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This article investigates psychedelics' state-mediated and context-dependent potential

to enhance one's relatedness to nature. The authors point out that while it has been shown that

psychedelics boost a person's sense of connectedness to the natural world, the exact processes

by which they do so have not been fully analyzed. The purpose of the research was to

investigate the possible mediating mechanisms as well as the effects of psychedelics on

nature-relatedness. They discovered that subjects who received psychedelic medication

expressed much more nature-relatedness than those who received a placebo. They also

discovered that the context in which a psychedelic was consumed and the state of mind it

caused were mediators of the drug's effects. According to these results, psychedelics may

boost a person's sense of connectedness to nature, but the outcome depends on the user's

mental state and the environment in which the drug is used. This is a significant discovery

because it implies that although using psychedelics may help one feel more connected to

nature, the impact is likely to be complicated and extremely personal. It is necessary to do

further study to comprehend how psychedelics affect nature-relatedness and their


The article does provide encouraging proof that psychedelics may improve a person's

connection to nature. However, some drawbacks are the absence of a control group, the

limited sample size, and the article's neglect of possible long-term impacts. It is difficult to

draw definite conclusions from the article's authors' research since they did not use a control

group. It is difficult to determine whether psychedelic effects are unique to the research group

or may be applied to the general population without a control group. The study's sample size

was also relatively tiny, which might have skewed the findings. To promote mental health,

Gandy et al. (2020) investigate the possible advantages of combining the administration of

psychedelics with exposure to nature. According to the authors, studies have shown that

administering psychedelics may lessen the symptoms of mental health conditions, including

depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). There is, however, little

information on how exposure to nature might enhance the effects of psychedelic use. The

possible long-term impacts of psychedelics were not sufficiently discussed in the paper. Even

though the research concentrated on psychedelics' short-term impacts, it is crucial to consider

their long-term consequences. When using psychedelics, it's crucial to remember the

advantages and disadvantages of doing so for one's mental health.

The article was incredibly interesting and covered much about the discussion topic. It

provides a fascinating look at how psychedelic chemicals might change how people interact

with the natural world around them. The study's results suggest that psychedelics may

strengthen a person's connection to the natural world; nevertheless, further research is

necessary to fully understand the underlying mechanisms and any negative effects associated

with consuming these drugs. This article, taken as a whole, is a fascinating investigation of

the probable implications of psychedelics on a person's relationship to nature, and it does so

in several different ways.



Gandy, S., Forstmann, M., Carhart-Harris, R. L., Timmermann, C., Luke, D., & Watts, R.

(2020). The potential synergistic effects between psychedelic administration and

nature contact for the improvement of mental health. Health Psychology Open, 7(2),


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