Soc Cover Sheet

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Cover Sheet for Submitted Written Work

Please use a separate cover sheet for each piece of work, ensuring that the cover sheet is merged with
each piece of written work (ie please only upload one document combining both the coversheet and the
written work). Please also use the following naming convention for the document:
LastName_FirstName_UCASpersonalID_DocumentName (for example:
Smith_John_1234567890_WrittenWork1.pdf). This work should be submitted by no later than Thursday 3
November 2022.
All work must be original and not re-written or corrected for Cambridge. All written work must be in
English (except where required for Modern Languages and joint courses including a Modern Language).
Please keep a copy of what you send, as reference may be made to it at interview.

To be completed by the applicant and attached to the front of written work

Last/Family name Summer Forename(s) Lola Zuri

Proposed course at Cambridge Human, Social, and Political Sciences

School or college The English International College Marbella

Examination subject for which this written work was done AS LEVEL Sociology

Title of written work Evaluate the view that there is no dominant family type today

Was the work a classroom essay, homework assignment, term project, examination essay, other (please
specify)? Homework essay

What assistance did you receive (if any)? None

How long did it take you to complete? A couple of hours

When was it completed? February 2022

I certify that this is my own work, that it has not been re-written or corrected for Cambridge application,
and that I have acknowledged material taken from other works.

Tuesday 1 November
Signed: ............................................................................... Date: ……………………………………………

Name of Teacher who can be contacted (if necessary) about this written work:
Clare Sutcliffe
Teacher’s Email Address: ....................................................................................

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