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Final exam – Kids 4+

Skyrocket 3- units 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________________________________

Vocabulary and grammar

1. Read and circle the correct word:

Saturday is a very busy day:

1. In the morning, I sweep/ sweeps the floor.

2. You wash/washes the dog.
3. Mum go/goes to the store.
4. Dad work/works in the garden.
5. They cook/cooks lunch.
6. In the afternoon, we play/plays in the park.
I like Saturday afternoons!

2. Look, read and complete the sentences:

never- always- often- sometimes eat- eats- play- plays

1. She ____________________________
________________________ basketball.
2. Mr. Wu _________________________
____________________ an apple.
3. They _________________________
___________________ at a restaurant.
4. The boys ________________________
_____________________ video games.

$2.00 $1.50 $1.25 $1.75 $4.00 2 x $3.00


3. Read, complete and answer the questions:

How much- how many- do- does

1. ___________________________________________ french fries cost? __________________________

2. ___________________________________________ a hot dog cost? ____________________________
3. ___________________________________ popsicles can you buy for $3.00? ______________________
4. ____________________________________________ popcorn cost? ____________________________

4. Circle the correct formo of be:

1. You am/are/is running fast.

2. We am/are/is laughing.
3. She am/are/is having fun at the amusement park.
4. I am/are/is reading the sign at the roller coaster.
5. They am/are/is screaming in the haunted house.

5. Unscramble the questions:

1. screaming/ are/ the boys/ ?

2. the Dolphin/ eating / Is/ ?
3. the girl/ is / flying/ ?
4. the man and the girl / taking / Are / a photo/ ?

5. Look, read and fill in the blanks. Use the present simple or the present continuous:

Mr. Anderson and Mr. Beck are painters. They _____________________________ people’s houses
every day. Today, they ______________________________ the scenery fot the puppet show.

Mrs. Carter is a seamstress. She _______________________________ dresses, shirts and pants for
boys and girls. Today, ____________________________ puppets!

Mr. Radley is a salesman. He _____________________________ new cars for a lot of money. Today, he
_____________________________________ tickets to the puppet show for $5 each.

6. Read and circle the correct verb form:

Dear grandpa,

My birthday party was/were at an amusemente park! There was/ were a lot of rides and games.

In the party room, there was/were a table with streamers and ballons. The balloons was/were
red. I like/ likes that color! There wasn’t/ weren’t any brownies because I don’t/doesn’t like
them. But there was/ were a birthday cake. My friends Molly, Fred and Alex was/were there. It
was/were a great day!

Love, Nate.

7. Read and circle. Then look and answer:

1. Do/Does Nate like riding the log ride? _____________________________________________

2. Is/Are Nate and Alex laughing? ___________________________________________________
3. How much/How many balls can Molly throw for $5? _________________________________


1. Read and label the pictures with KATIE, KELLY or KATIE AND KELLY:


1. Tick the right option: (From


1) For his main course, Andi chooses ...

_____ a normal cheese burger.
_____a double cheese burger.
_____a burger with chips.

2) For dessert, Andi chooses ...

____ice cream.
____chocolate cake.
____banana cake.

3) To drink, Andi chooses ...

apple juice.______
fizzy water.______
still water. ______

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