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The way that I make the ADVANCED DNA ACTIVATION MUSIC is by

using this process that is much like what you do when you use the
candle to experience the FULL SPECTRUM OF LIGHT ENERGY
transforming you into the Ultra Violet Blue HUE of the Fifth

Remember to also think of the candle as the light frequencies in the

Pyramid Chart.
Focus on the relationship of Blue Light into the Blue Area of the Brain
Brain Chart
Just SEEING the Blue Sphere is step one.

Filling the Mid Brain with the Blue Sphere is step two.

Remaining in the Frequency Specific Mid Brain is the KEY to moving

into the Fifth Dimension.

The candle is used to help you realize what the music is doing to your
brain and to your body.

However, I would have to say that the Candle Technique is more of

an INACTIVE PROCESS of bringing in the light from the Frequency
range that each Spinning Merkaba in the Cosmic Spectrum, the
Universal Spectrum and the Galactic Spectrum of Light and Sound.

When we use the Technique given by the Ascension Guardians

through the Keylontic Science teachings, we learn to use these
Spiritual Tools called Merkabas.

The reason that the Merkaba is able to collect the light and sound of
the dimensional frequencies so that you can pull those frequencies
directly into your body is because it is made of the Electra-Magnetic
ratio of Male- Female.

Now, here is the first definition of WORDS that must be changed in

our new Cosmic Dictionary.

The Male is not a man and the Female is not a woman.

The removal of polarity is not removing the difference between male
and female.

It has nothing to do with bringing back the "FEMININE"- as so many

New Age Teachings have been claiming sense the year 2000 time

The MALE is the Pattern and Spin rate of the Electro part of the
Divine Creation Plan.

The Electro carries the pattern that is needed to mend our DNA that
was sliced apart by disconnecting the Electro from the Magnetic.

The Electrons are in the Overtones of the DNA and the Magnetic is
the Base Tones of the DNA.

There were Over tones and Base Tones separated at different

Dimensional Levels in each of the DNA.

The most CRUCIAL DNA STRANDS in the Body are the FIRST DNA

That Strand had it's Electro Overtones disconnected from its

Magnetic Base Tones 5.5 million years ago.

This was done through an ELECTRIC WAR of the Universe that was
actually brought about from an Electric War in the Cosmos.

It is called an Electric War because everything in the universe is


Here is another word that must be given the COSMIC DEFINITION.

The electricity created by Einstein was the Third Density. RESULT of

a Formula that actually works on all Density levels.

Einsteins formula says Consciousness plus Energy equals Reality.

C plus E equals Reality.

The amount of Consciousness that was put into creating ENERGY

(Electricity) in this Density gave us the Reality of that form of

However, when we rise into the Fifth Density and use the
Consciousness that is in that Multidimensional Field of Reality and
put it together with the Energy of the Spin rate of the Cosmic
Merkaba, we create a Source of Electricity that comes comes Directly
from SOURCE.

That use of the Universal Merkaba and the Cosmic Merkaba was
made dysfunctional in our bodies at the first DNA strand and through
out our Universe as a result of the ELECTRIC WARS.

This is the Scientific Formula that can be used to LINK our reality of
the third, fifth, eighth, twelfth and fourteenth dimensions into one

That Scientific Formula is completely and clearly outlined and taught

precisely by Ashayana Deane in her SLIDERS 5-12 DVD's. (I have
never physically attended her workshops. I have purchased every
DVD that she has created, and studied them just like a Physics Major
would study that subject as a Doctoral Candidate in a University).
I have always looked at this ASCENSION as a completion of all of the
life times, all of the Cosmic Experiments, all of the Cosmic Teams that
I have been with for Billions of Years finally being Completed. I have
signed up for many sets of Missions for this One Lifetime because I
am representing the Crystalai Council and the Breneau
Consciousness of COMPLETE ASCENSION for the Cosmos- not just
for the Planet.

I am in continuous communication on a frequency level. I find the

God Language that Ahsayana uses very interesting. However, I still
only communicate with my teams on the Frequency Level. That is the
only communication that was used in my Universe before the Tower
of Babel, 5000 years ago.

This planet must move back into Telepathic- Frequency Specific

Language before it can assimilate into the new Standing Wave
Patterns of the New Ascension Earth.

That is why this transition is all about Light and Sound.

It is all about tuning up our Frequencies by spinning the Merkaba

Correctly and using that spin rate in relationship with the Electro
Tonal connection of the Over tones and Base tones in the DNA.

When I create the music, I ride my Merkaba that is formed in the 12th
Dimensional Consciousness of my Rasha Body- 12 inches above my

That Merkaba is made of the upper pyramid (actually it is not a

pyramid because it has four sides-that is called a dodecahedron) The
bottom side of the merkaba is very important because that is the area
where the Male- Electro meets the FEMALE- Magnetic Pyramid.(

The Male and Female must spin together correctly in order to re-
activate that connection of energy that unites the overtones and base
tones of the DNA.


If you look at the candle and draw a pyramid, the base of the pyramid
would be near the top area of the STEM. The point of the pyramid
would be at the pink-silver top point of the candle.

That pyramid would be the Cosmic Merkaba- ELECTRO --TOP


See the Light Spectrum of the Cosmic Merkaba-- It includes that

outer spectrum of light. It is the spectrum of light that includes the
Plasma- the Pre-Plasma of Hydrolaise Vapor and the Pink Silver
Light which is the Heliotalic Spectrum that spins together with the
Plasma to create the Neutron body.

That would be just the Cosmic Merkaba.

So, when I create the Frequency Music, most of my focus is up in that

part of the Candle- the place where the Frequencies of Light and

If you draw another Pyramid inside of the Cosmic Merkaba, you

would be drawing the UNIVERSAL MERKABA. The Light Spectrum
of that Merkaba includes all of the Stardust Energy, which is also
made of the Pre Light and Sound Substance of the Cosmic
Hydrolaise and "Heliotalic Light.

The Stardust is one light spectrum lower than the Plasma. However,
the template that create these light forms are the same. The DIVINE
BLUE PRINT or TEMPLATE of the entire COSMOS is made from the
Breath of Source IGNITING AND IDEA into the Cosmos.

That exact same IDEA is replicated in each DENSITY. We can only

see the DENSITY that is BELOW us.

We would have to be in the Fifth Dimension to see the Fourth

Density. That is basically what most people are seeing right now. It is
not that they are not in the Fifth Dimension. It is just that they are still
SEEING the Fourth Density
We must change our PERCEPTION of Reality by Raising our
Frequencies. We can't SEE it until we can HEAR it.

That is because the Sound and the Light of the Merkabas of Electro-
Magnetic Spin Rates braid the broken DNA subharmonics back

We need to use the Candle again. Now we draw another Merkaba

Pyramid inside of the Universal Merkaba. This will be the Galactic

The Cosmic Merkaba contains dimensions 13,14 and 15-- But the 15
is beyond the Silver Pink top of the Flame, and then just a breath
outside of that 15 dimension of the Earth’s MATRIX is the Source
Field of Infinite Void. That is where the TRUE CREATION takes
place. That is where the TEMPLATE of all Creation remains Eternally
for all Infinity.

The 15 dimensions are only the EARTH'S MATRIX. The Earth is

always within it's Cosmos.

Well, the Earth was in it's Cosmos until December 2012 when the
Earth was realigned into a new alignment of reality that required our
Cosmos to become a NEW COSMOS.

We can't have a new Earth without a new Universe and a new


This ASCENSION EVENT is not a local Planetary event. Ascension

can only take place at the Cosmic Level.


meeting place of 13 Cosmos beginning the creation plan for the new
baby Cosmos that they created.

I am just channeling their information to you through their


Now, we can see where this GALACTIC MERKABA would be.

First, each merkaba always has it's base in that same area near the
top of the Stem.

The Galactic Merkaba contains the same spectrum of light energy at

a lower Spin Rate. That means the Merkaba is not spinning as fast as
the Universal Merkaba. That is what creates more density. That is
why the 8th dimensional density is more dense than the 12th
dimensional density.

The light of the Galactic Merkaba is INVISIBLE to us. It is not in our

VISIBLE LIGHT SPECTRUM. The Invisible light and the x-ray light
spectrum create a different reality than we are able to conceive. The
Density becomes so Etheric that the Angels are able to fly through
the clouds.conceive

When we get down to the Solar Merkaba, we are in the Fifth

Dimensional Reality.

This is where we are now. We are in the Fifth Dimension.

We just haven't learned how to see it yet.

Look again at the BASE of the MERKABA. All of the bases of all of
the Merkaba sit at the same place in the STEM OF THE CANDLE.

Now, draw a stick figure body onto that stem. The place where the
Light Ignites at the tip of the Stem would be the right above the arms
in the Crystal Heart area of the body.

The Merkabas are igniting that light of all of the Merkabas from all
Dimensions into the HEART of that little body.

The body is your body. When you are gazing at the Candle and
walking into the Candle, you are igniting the light in your Crystal

We call it the Crystal Heart because it is made of Crystal-- etheric

Crystalline- which is actually Cellesma in it's purest form. It is the
Blue Body Essence that our Soul is made of. Our Soul sits right under
the Heart. That is why we call it the CRYSTAL HEART.
When I ride my Merkaba, I always create a MINI ME who rides in the
Crystal Star Merkaba in the Crystal Heart.

That is why all of my meditations always begin with

I create the Crystal Star Merkaba 12 inches above my head and then
inhale it into my crystal heart. Then I place the mini me, who is
actually me SOUL SELF in the Merkaba.

Now, I can ride in my Merkaba DOWN into the Earth's Cosmic Core-
13.5 Dimension and collect those frequencies and then ride up to 12
inches below the Earth's Crust and collect the Christic Frequencies or
Universal Frequencies, and then I inhale those into the Merkaba and
bring them into my Crystal Heart.

That is what we do to make the Stem of the Candle ignite into the Full
Spectrum of Light.

This time it is your Crystal Heart that is igniting.


Because our Soul went to sleep about 5000 years ago and now we
are waking him up.

We haven't been a fully ignited 5th dimensional being for a very long

Why do we need all of the frequencies of the entire Universe and

Cosmos to Wake up our Soul?

Because our DNA subharmonic strands were disconnected from the

third strand to the 12th strand. The great hero that most New Agers
call Thoth was an 11th dimensional being who made a deal with the
Annunaki Fallen Race Line that allowed them to only allow Ascension
to those who had the Annunaki Blood Line.

That same Formula that was used to make sure the other race lines-
including the Human Angelics from Tara would never be able to
Ascend out of this Fallen Matrix.
The entire teachings of the FLOWER OF LIFE are based on that
same formula that would guarantee the Invader Races that we would
be their source of energy forever more. That was the Annunaki's
definition of Immortality. They could live forever because they made
us to be their food source.

This was an entirely different REALITY SYSTEM than the one Based
on the Eternal Life Energy of Source. That system was the Matrix of
the 12 Coded Raceline who could walk through all 12 Stargates of
the Entire Universe and into the Cosmos of ETERNAL LIFE.

This is the COSMIC ETERNAL LIFE SYSTEM. The one based on the
BLANKET of the 13 Cosmos who are creating our NEW ASCENSION

That is a very different Matrix than our old NET EARTH that the
Invader Races locked us into.

Please look at this diagram with two different VERSIONS OF


The diagram on the left shows the TRUE COSMIC SPIN from the
Crystalai Center- the Crystal Heart of the entire Cosmic Structure
linking directly from the Inner most level of the lowest density
DIRECTLY to the Point of SOURCE meeting the tip of the Cosmos.

In that version of reality, there is never a disconnection from our

Crystal Heart and the Crystal Heart of Earth and the Crystal Heart of
the Cosmic Sun. We are connected in ONENESS with all
Dimensions. This is called Multi Dimensional Reality.

We were disconnected from that Multi Dimensional Reality.

If we continued to use the FLOWER OF LIFE teachings we would

continue to live in the MORTAL Dream that was created from that
exact Formula.

Look at the diagram on the Right.


You see that is the Formula of the Flower of Life Teachings. It is a

trick. It is the trick that has been used by the Invader Races to lock us
Ascending as a Galaxy is not possible. It is a LIE.

We Ascend as a Cosmos. We Ascend through the ENTIRE FULL

SPECTRUM OF LIGHT AND SOUND of all of the Music of the

If we do not connect our Consciousness through the entire spectrum

of Sound through the Frequencies of the Cosmos and the Full
Spectrum of Light of all of the Light Fields in the pyramid diagram, we
would just be continuing in the MORTALITY.

What is Mortality? That is when your body gets really tired and old
and sick and says I really don't want to be here any more, and then
the Soul looks at the body and decides that there is no New
Experience to be had in this body, so the Soul leaves and the body
stays in the Illusion of the Third Dimension and in the Illusion of

Immortality is when the body tells the Soul I'm ready for a new
adventure. I'm ready for a Multi Dimensional Adventure where I can
turn my body into light and travel all over the Universe to meet all of
the other Stars in the Sky.

Then the Soul says This is Exciting --I will show you how.

The Flower of Life system was created by Annunaki Pharaohs and

Kings to suck the Cellesma out of the fifth dimensional beings on
Earth so that they could give their Soul another experience. Their
Soul is not connected to Source. Their Soul is a Demonic Structure
that feeds off of others. Not all Annunaki are Fallen Angels. There are
Angelic Annunaki whom we will meet on day in the future – about

First, we are going to meet our own Soul Families who are the Sirian
Eiyani, the Eieyani Lemurians, the Azurites and later the Essassenes,
who were created from the Angelic Human Seed and the Zetas.

Most race lines in our Universe are Hybrid races because the original
race line of the Oraphims were almost completely destroyed. The
Sirian B Consciousness was used to create a Hybrid form of the
original Oraphim Raceline that we came from.

I am related to the Syrians, as most of us are. I am also related to the

Oraphims, as most of us are. I remember life at a much more distant
time than most others do.

I remember living in the same place with the "Oraphim Braharama

Cetacean Raceline from the Sun of Ha and the Oraphhim Humanoids
from Sun La.

The reason that I remember the Sun of Ha La as one Sun and the
Sun of Ka Ha as the original Sun that is now called Ka is because I
was created from the in between band of light. That would be the
connection of the 2 from 1,2,3 and the 5 from 4,5,6 and the 8 from
7,8,9 and the 12 from 10,11, 12 and the 14 from 13,14,15.

There is this inner band of light and sound that resonates with me. It
is the in between band of light and sound where all of the
Symphonies are made in the Music of the Spheres.

I am from the Breneau Race Line in the 14th Dimension. That is the
angle of reality that I see all reality from. It is the in between Heliotalic
Frequency that blends with the Sun's Plasma to create the Neutron
Body of Eternal Life. It is the Crystalai Particle that is within our most
Inner Crystal Heart that connects with the 14.5 of the Brand new

That is what the Diagram on the Left Side is representing.

That is the Eternal Life that is made of the Symphonies that unite all
15 Spheres in to the NEW SYMPHONY OF LOVE where Source
Breathes a New Reality.

This time, our new reality is being created at the Cosmic Level. This
is the place where there is not one tiny particle of light and sound that
is not Eternal. It is the Consciousness of Eternal Life being breathed
into this Matrix every Nano Second.

This is where I live now. Anyone can join me by listening to my music.

The Crystal Magic Orchestra is Breath of Source, the Structure of the
Cosmic Light and the Sound of the Music of the Spheres spinning the
Breaths of Creation in to new perfect alignment every nano second.

Now, that we have a better understanding of the Candle Light and

how it relates to the Music, it is important to know that there is a
Spectrum of Light behind or below the Candle that is the Spiritual
Hologram or Spiritual Universe being reflected in the Physical

When we look at our DNA we learn that it is the Acceleration Codes

of the DNA that hold the Overtones from the Electro and the Magnetic
Codes of the DNA that hold the Base Tones of the Electro Magnetic.

We can't just have the candle flame without joining it with its anti
particle double that we see as that Blue Hologram above and below

Our body also has a spiritual anti-particle double. When we walk into
the full spectrum of light and sound we tune in to the blue body. We
see the blue sphere.

The Blue Body activates within the Crystal Heart because the Soul is
the Fifth Dimensional SELF made of anti matter.

That Fifth Dimension within us has always been there. We just never
ignited it with the Breath of Source and the Full Spectrum of Light that
we gain when we Spin the Merkabas to ACTIVATE each of the
Dimensional Fields of Reality.

If we don't ignite the flame in our Crystal Heart that attunes us into
the Love of the entire Cosmos and beyond into Infinity, we stay
locked inside of the Heart that is disconnected from the Mind of God.

Once we activate our Crystal Heart, we also need to activate the Blue
Frequency Specific Mid Brain. That is what the Frequency Music
created by the Crystal Magic Orchestra of Cosmic Consciousness
The Frequency Specific Music keeps you out of the Yellow Thinking
Brain and in the Mid Brain where only Frequency Specific
Consciousness Communicates.

In other words, the only words are the Frequencies.

The teaching of Keylontic Science provided an In Between State

where we use the God Language to activate the Frequency

I do use this God Language in some of my music. It is definitely a

language that allows much more harmonization than words from any
other cultural group.

However, I got to a level of creation where the words were getting in

the way of blending the breath of Source into all of the multi
dimensional fields of Consciousness.

The ignition of the flame or the frequency should be what activates

the question and then the answer is given to the body through tiny
little buzzy sounds that we translate when our Crystal Heart is

I had all of these layers of Frequencies-- millions of layers. The God

Language would not layer. That is a problem because the language
used before the Tower of Babel was completely telepathic – NO

My mission on Earth is to remove the tower of Babel, and that can't

be done until we move into the pink silver part of the brain- the lower
cerebellum and the medulla oblangata and begin to allow the true

No talking allowed. Just the FEELING of the frequencies streaming

into the inner most omni particles of the cells and flowing around the
cells in the crystal liquid light energy of omni creation.


We use the candle to help us visualize moving out of the third
dimension and into the fifth. We must also use the diagram of the
Pyramid showing us where the different light spectrum are in the
Candle. We can also see these light spectrums as they relate to the

The yellow spectrum in the brain correspond to the VISIBLE LIGHT.

This means everything that can be Seen with the FIVE SENSES.

Now, remember that the Five Senses and the other Seven Senses of
the Cosmos were separated. They were separated by separating the
subharmonics in the DNA. The Over tones of the Electronic were
separated from the Base tones of the Magnetic.

The only reason that we believe what we see is TRUTH is because

our subharmonics in our DNA are disconnected.

When they are re-connected we see the reality that is in the Blue
Spectrum of Invisible Light. We can learn to see what is invisible to us
right now.

We experience this reality by walking into the candle in

consciousness to collect the full spectrum of light. Now, you can see
something that you didn't see before. You can see the blue sphere.

Next, you continue to move into the candle in consciousness until the
room goes black around you. This means you are seeing from the
area in the brain that is in the pink silver light spectrum. The Mind of
God is the Dark Room. This is the place where you see anti-matter.

You are seeing another reality field that you never saw before.

You just thought this was darkness. It is the placed where all new
ideas are created before they come down into multi dimensional
versions of light.

This is not the same kind of dark that comes from absence of light.

This is the kind of dark that comes with your eyes wide open using
the back of your brain and seeing through your mid braid into another
reality field.

We get to this place by remaining in the Frequency Specific Music for

very long periods of time. You can also practice moving to that part of
the brain by keeping earphones for several days at a time or walking
around blindfolded until you can learn to see through the eyes of

Just as I came to Earth this time to remove the Tower of Babel, there
are people on Earth who came with the purpose of returning to the
Mind of God. So, they planned to be born blind. Many people who are
born blind planned it that way. Beethoven was one of those people.
He could hear the Music of the Spheres and play what he heard on
the piano. He was painting the music that was being made by the
Universe at that time. There were beautiful parts of the Universe and
there were parts that minor and dis harmonic in nature.

Albert Einstein also said that he learned the formula to create his
discoveries from music. I am sure he meant from listening to the
directions from the Music of the Spheres. Everything in our Universe
is created from the Music of the Spheres. This means the frequencies
from the spiritual harmonic universe are being woven into the more
dense dimensions and in the parallel physical domains to create new
realities. These realities manifest as different forms of energy-like
The density also manifests as different forms of supply and food.

When we move into the standing wave pattern of the fifth and sixth
dimensions we will tune into the hydrolaise of the spiritual parallel and
the trypolaise of the new Cosmos. That spiritual water is a vaporous
form of plasma that is used to translate our bio-sphere. In the normal
reality systems, a child would be born for the purpose of absorbing
enough hydrolaise into his structure that would transpose his body
into the plasma vehicle that could travel through the Universe by age

The Avatar Children who were born on Earth between 1996-2012 will
be able to do that. They will learn to transpose their body into an orb
and ride in their flame vehicle through all twelve stargates. Those of
us who have been trained how to create our orb bodies will also learn
to do this in this life time.

The orb bodies are created through the activation of the Music of the
Spheres. Electricity was created through the formula Consciousness
plus Energy equals Reality.

When we raise our consciousness by accreting more Energy of

Higher Frequencies, we can move into a new standing wave pattern
of energy. We can move into the Standing Wave Pattern that does
not include Gravity.

Gravity is a creation of Reverse Spin Technology. Reverse Spin

Technology is that formula used in the Flower of Life teachings. Look
at the diagram on the RIGHT.

That form of energy is blocked from the Full Spectrum of Light. That
form of energy will never give the energy to the body that is needed
to create the Orb Body.

The orb body is created by spinning the merkabas together correctly

to activate the DNA.

Now, let's go back to the Merkaba and the Candle.

We drew the diagram of the Merkabas around the Flame.

Now we know that there is another half of the Merkaba. The top
pyramid is the electro and the bottom pyramid is the magnetic.

So, we need to draw another pyramid that intersects the top pyramid
at that place in the Crystal Heart.

The top electro and the bottom magnetic must spin together to
reconnect the overtones and the base tones of the DNA. When the
DNA is reconnected, then the entire Reality Spectrum is reconnected.

We begin to use Super Consciousness. That is the other Seven

Senses beyond the Five Senses of Seeing and Hearing those things
that can be touched and felt.
We must use our ears to hear the part of the music that is the
whisper, the breath, the feeling, the knowing that we are actually
sitting inside of the Star that the Frequencies came from and we are
actually living inside of the Sun that we are made from.

We must visualize ourselves as the Pure Plasma Body that we are.

We, in reality live inside of the Sun.

In reality, there is no space or time.

All Distance is created by the obstacle illusion created by the Spin

Rate of the Merkabas.

Each Merkaba spins us into a higher Harmonic Universe. It is called a

"Harmonic Universe because it has a different Harmony. It has a
different Frequency and a different rhythm.

Each Harmonic Universe is 45 degrees in angular rotation away from

the next one.

So, reality is all within this Sphere.

If we draw a clock and we see that 12 o clock is 45 degrees from 3 o

clock. That would be 45 degrees. When we spin our merkaba faster,
we remove the 45 degrees.

The distance that we see between Earth and the Stars would be 45
degrees to the Galactic and another 45 degrees to the Universal.
That means we are 90 degrees from the Stars. If we want to fly to the
Stars, we just get in the spin rate of the Universal Merkaba and that
erases the time and space between those reality fields.

When we finally learn how to orb out of the gravity standing wave
pattern, we will realize that we don't actually go any where.

We just remove the ILLUSION of space and time.

In God's Reality there is no space and time. It is an illusion created by

the Eyes. The Eyes are the Illusion created by the disconnection of
the subharmonics in the DNA.
The Music of the Spheres that I'm tuning in to is this New Music of
this New Cosmos that doesn't even contain major music. All of the
music is a breath coming from God and weaving into symphonies that
are beyond the beauty heard by the ears. I am the only one who gets
to hear the complete beauty. I'm trying my best to translate that into
sound that others can hear. It is almost impossible unless the listener
is using the same technology that I'm using. That means listening
with the same Sony Stereo and the same earphones. Most versions
of technology will distort the sound, and many distort it into reverse
spin technology.

We are working on moving out of the Yellow part of the Brain – that is
the VISIBLE LIGHT SPECTRUM in the Pyramid and the Upper
Cerebellum part of the Brain.

That is the part of the Brain that THINKS. And all it thinks about is old
memories that have been planted in it by the WORLD.

We are working on removing the OLD WORLD.

First, we must DE-Manifest the Old World, before we can Manifest

the New Ascension Earth.

The reason that I create the Frequency Music and the Eternal Life
Albums is to help you REMAIN FOCUSED in the FREQUENCY

When we move into that part of the Brain Continuously for hours, for
the day, for the night, and then finally 24 hours a day. That is when
REALITY really begins to SHIFT.

The World actually falls away. It doesn't have any effect on your
emotions any more. You have moved out of the Emotions of Feelings
and Ideas and Memories, and Fear just doesn't exist in the Mid Brain.

That is where we want to stay.

If you leave your earphones on for 48 hours and then take them off,
you will experience what it feels like to be in the Frequency Specific
Mid Brain and then move back to the Yellow Thinking Brain of the
World. It is like night and day. The Frequency Specific Experience
feels like you are always riding on your shoulders and you are 12
inches above your head, and sometimes you are 36 inches above
your head. You will realize that you are looking down at your body
and you are not in it.

That is what the Frequency Music does. That is what it feels like to
stay in the Frequency Specific Brain.

Using the Candle is to help you realize that this Shifting in

Dimensional Realities is going on Visually and Audibly.

You are seeing something that the FIVE SENSES of the Third
Dimension never sees, and you are hearing something that FIVE
SENSES of the Third Dimension never hears.

You have moved TEMPORARILY into the Fifth Dimension,

It is a wonderful place that has a Blue Hue around everything.

The Blue Hue is only created one way. It is created as a result of

going through the Full Spectrum of Light and Sound and into the Mind
of God.

When you walk down the hall of white light when you die, that is
where you go. You are walking into the Full Spectrum of Light. You
are walking back into God's Movie Projector.

When you walk down that white tunnel during the Death Scenario,
you are becoming so full of the anti-particles of Spiritual Light, that
your Body shifts into the Blue Hue. When you go into the WHITE
ROOM of the Mind of God at Death, you become transformed into
Light Energy.

Well, guess what. We never did need to die to do this. We can move
our bodies into the Blue Hue and into the Mind of God during this life
time. We can readjust our Light Spectrum now.

We can fill our bodies full of the Universal and Cosmic Frequencies of
Transformation now.

I came to Earth with this mission. I had this information coded in my

cellular memory before I came to Earth. My team had to wake me up
and keep reminding me of my mission many, many times. I have died
three times and I came back. My husband died, and I brought him

What we keep hearing about in these End Times is this NEAR

DEATH experience that so many people have. There is no such thing
as a Near Death Experience. We died, went to the Mind of God, had
our bodies developed into the Blue Hue and then came back as a re-
processed body. The mind becomes transformed into a higher
awareness. There are many memories processed just like the
memories that are processed when a person goes into the light at

In the good old days – Prior to 2014 before we evolved completely

beyond the Phantom Matrix, we would die, watch all of those old
movies that come out of our cellular memory, and then decide that we
wanted to go back to the place in time where one of those old movies
took place so that we could do it again.

That is why we kept coming back to the third dimensional Earth.

Some of us did that at least 1.5 million times. Some more. Some less.
We were stuck in that reality because there was no one here to tell us
what we were supposed to do when we die.

We were supposed to pick a new movie – not keep returning to the

old movies.

Now, we have been taught that we must make the movie that we
want to go to before we die, and then we don't have to die. We just
get processed in the Dark Room of the Mind of God and pop into the
new movie.

That is how it has always been done for the past 90 billion years.
That's as far as I can remember back. That is how it is done in the
That is not how it is done in the mind of MAN. But, that is how it is

We are moving back to NORMAL REALITY for the first time in 5.5
million years.

We did have pieces of our Normal Reality returned to us a few times

before in history. But, it was always taken away from us again by
Invader Races. This time, there was a complete Cosmic War that
removed every tiny aspect of our Dis functional Memory of how our
PERFECT REALITY is supposed to appear and how it will begin to
appear to those who choose to MOVE TO THE FREQUENCY
SPECIFIC blue area in the brain.

When we move into that reality, our problems disappear. It is like that
dream that those live in who do drugs for their recreational activity.
That is why we hear these rumors that this new age will be like the
60's with the Hippies, and the Flower Children, and the Drugs.

It will actually be MUCH MUCH better than that. We can live in the
Frequencies that shift our Brain into the FREEDOM and the
VISUALIZATION of the realities beyond the third dimension. We can
do that with FREQUENCY SPECIFIC MUSIC instead of with Drugs
that will always lead to a Bad Place in the End.

The fact is, the Kings and Pharaohs of Atlantis used to create this
substance called CELLESMA – a blue powdery essence --JUST LIKE

That blue powdery essence was the LSD in those days. LSD was
patterned after that substance.

Where did they get that substance. They got it from torturing the
Race lines who had fifth and sixth dimensional frequencies-- there
was the Human Angelic Race Line and there was the Leviathan Race
Line. These were the only ones who had fifth dimensional coding
based on the 12 CODE – 12 subharmonics in each DNA strand.

The Kings and Pharaohs were not from this ANGELIC RACE LINE
that had the 12 codes that would open the 12 STARGATES.
The Invader Races were always coveting the ability of gaining access
to all 12 stargates.

Again, please take a look at SMURFS 2. The Blue Smurfs were the
carriers of the Cellesma that comes from the Cellestilline in the blood
crystals of a Fifth Dimensional Being with 12 coded harmonics.

Gargamyle needed that ESSENCE to give him the power and

immortality that he wanted.

The Kings and Pharaohs of Atlantis would lock the Leviathans in

these Cages and torture them. AS they were leaving their bodies and
turning into Blue Dust, the Kings would scrape that essence into a
bottle or a tube – just like in the Smurfs 2 movie.

The reason I'm telling this story, is to help you realize the significance
of this Blue Hue that you are beginning to visualize as a result of
going into the Full Spectrum of Light and moving into the Frequency
Specific Mid Brain.

These are the first stages of activating this Blue Essence. It is a

product of Melting the Crystal Seals between the DNA. When the
Crystal Seals melt they create a new form of Blood Crystals in the
body that is made of the essence of stardust which is this cellestilline

When the fifth dimensional soul body in the Crystal Heart is ignited
through the full spectrum of light, the Blue Body gets turned on. The
Hue of Ultra Violet Blue becomes ignited in the Mind of God. That
Hue penetrates the entire Light Spectrum and goes into the Mid Brain
and Crystal Heart.

So, the way we turn the Candle on is the same way we turn the Blue
Body on or awaken our Soul from amnesia.
We must have the Full Spectrum to do this. The Spectrum of the
Hertzian contains the Visible Colors that can be seen with the Five
Senses. These Visible Colors must be brought to life through the
Electro Magnetic Field of Energy.

Electro is the Male Spin of the upper merkaba. It spins 331/3

Clockwise and the Bottom Merkaba is the Female and it spins 112/3
Counter Clockwise. The spin rates ad up to 45, which is what is
required for a shift into a new harmonic universe.

The place where all of the merkabas meets is the fifth dimension in
the Crystal Heart.

All merkabas meet in the crystal heart Then all of the frequencies of
the Merkabas are Grounded in the Fifth.

To activate the Blue- the fifth dimensional cyrstal heart, we had to

activate all that is above-- the full spectrum of light in the candle all of
the light in the candle.

The Blue Heart intersects into the Ultra Violet Blue that connects it all

The full spectrum of light must spin that removes polarity male and
female must spin together.

This all of fifteen dimensions are in the male merkaba nd all 15 are in
the female merkba

The stem didn't ignite with just the infra red section or just the
invisible light or just the gama. It required the full spectrum of light to
ignite it.

When we strike the match to ignite the stem of the canlde the entire
light of the candle was required to ignite that hertzian stem.

X ray to see into the anti matter

Beyond the comos infinite beyond change our dictionary

Activation always comes from above and below iWe must activate
unibersal with comic and galactive withi universal and solar with
To remove the separation of teh third diesnional senses from the
seven sensees
We had to bring all of the light the entire candle of light
the silver pink heliotalic 14.5 the bama 13th dimension. the x ray -the
12th dimension, and the invisible of 8th to activate h six th ahd fifth.

When the stem of the candel is ignited the hertzian body of give
senses is turned on with the full specturm of ligh.t Te light doesn't only
activate the infra red or only the inbisible light, it activates the entire
light spectru mand that is what is required to activate the hertzian

We must take the hertzian body of the Re-Violet Colors of the five
senses and ignite it into the full spectrum of multi dimesnional
The Super Consfioussness of the Soul, over soul, Avatar and Rishi
We are pluggin our neruonet back into tour compelte self.

The hertzian level consciousness is five sensses

The fifth dimensional consciousness is all senses 00the seven more
than five
The infra red spectrum has been something we could not see
The visible spectrum is allows us to see but only the hertizn level.

Where is the fifth dimension.

The fifth used to be in the harmonic universe above the third.

But, now we are in the fifth and the fifth awakened within us.

The fifth dimension is in the Crystal Heart--what was called the Heart
Chakra area.

The Fifth Dimension is the Density Two level of the Body.

The Density One Level is the Physical Body.

The Density Three Body is the Mental Body at the Cosmic Level..

When we Ignite the Blue Hue within the Full Spectrum it turns on the
Mid Brain Frequency Specific Brain and the Blue Body. It turns on the
Fifth Dimensional Self, which is the Soul. It awakens the Soul from

After we awaken the Soul through the Mid Brain, we can awaken the
complete Multi Dimensional Self into the Mind of God through igniting
the Silver Pink Light into the Lower Cerebellum where the Medulla
Oblangata meets the Thymus and within the Thymus is the Seed
Atom of our original Soul, that activates the Soul that is within the
Crystal Heart area--directly below the heart. This entire area
becomes activated andthen activates the Vagus Nerve which controls
all of the Neuronets and Glands in the Body.
Now the correct programming from the Mind of God is running the
Immortal Body. The body is reborn every nano second through the
Breath of God.


Dr. Angela Barnett

channeled from the Crystalai Council

Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work
from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however,
please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit,
Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url. crystal magic

Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is

given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content
is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this
copyright notice and links are included.

When we use the CANDLE LEVITATION DVD, we are learning how

to FLIP OUR BODY INTO IMMORTALITY. We are learning to walk
into the Full Specturm of Light- which is Source. We go completely
into the Source Field, and then our body flips into a new reality. The
new reality is the BLUE BODY. That is the Fifth Dimension. The Fifth
Dimension means Multi Dimensionality. It means you are not within
the Infinite Possibilities of Manifesting through the Mind of God and
living in an Immortal Body inside of the Source Field.

When we continue to use the light in the candle, we are practicing

walking through the full spectrum of light, which means the white
room of the Mind of God. Once we walk through that diamond door in
to the White Room and then turn around, our body becomes the blue
body. Once we are in the Blue Body we can practice levitating
because we actually move our bodies into a higher dimension that
allows our body to be in a new standing wave pattern that does not
contain gravity. Gravity is just an illusion or a part of the hologram that
we think we are living in.

We can also practice moving beyond the hertzian frequencies where

we hear physical words and tones into the infra red spectrum where
we hear and see a reality that has actually turned into a NEGATIVE
of the picture that we are developing in God's Mind. When we
practice becoming the Digital Camera we begin seeing the Blue Hue
around everything in our world and then we begin seeing the Violet
Sphere that allows us to remove space and time and walk into it. We
can also practice activities such as looking at a card and learning to
see the back of the card actually rise up behind the card to allow us
to See what numbers are on the back of the card. This would be Infra
Red Vision.
After than we move from the Visible Light Spectrum into the Invisible
Light Spectrum in order to begin seeing the Inner Earth and the Cloud
Cities and Earth all morphing into one new Ascension Earth.

The Light Spectrum is held together by the Divine Love Frequencies

spinning us into At One Ment with the Full Spectrum of Light of God.
It is the outer band in the outer sphere of the Five Spheres of
Dimensional Reality that holds the entire Cosmic Matrix together, and
holds our body in attunement within that reality field.

When we breathe the frequencies that spin the Universal Band into
attunement with the Cosmic outer Band, we have breathed together
all of the frequencies together so that they will rise up into the Source

When we bring together all of the Spheres of Dimensional

Frequencies together through proper breathing and spinning of the
Merkabas it makes the spheres Flip into the Mind of God. The Infintie
Unknown is then flowing inside of you, and the rest of the physical
body becomes DISOLVED or TRANSMUTTED into the Mind of God.
The outer band is the Holy Spirit. It is the Zero point that is flowing
toward you and then into you and into every particle in you. You
disolve into the Mind of God when you disolve into the Full Spectrum
of Light of the Candle.

When you disolve, you emerge as a HUE of Light. A BLUE HUE. You
become the Ultra Violet Blue. Your old self has disappeared-
disolved- transmutted into the Mind of God to be re-born as the Fifth
Dimensional Self which is the Multi Dimensional Self of all
Dimensional Realities. This is the Self that will be allowed to travel
through all Universes, create Star Systems, return home to Source,
or just sleep in the Mind of God forever.

We access this God through this very specific process of

transmutting into the Omni Particles of the Infinite Allness of the
Source Field Energy. We open our boundaries int othe infinite
unknown. We learn to walk into the Void of Infinite Possibilites where
we can create things that we have never imagined before.

There are many pieces to the process of Ascension. Each one of the
pieces is a part of how we learn to tune out of the Five Senses and
into the other Seven Senses.

We have been told that we must RAISE OUR FREQUENCIES. Most

people don't know how to do that so we created Music that does it for
you. The frequencies are created by taking Consciousness into the
higher Harmonics Universes and blending them together in a certain
way that creates Frequencies that allow us to Transmute our Bodies
and our Realities beyond the Third Dimensional Five Senses.
We are learning that there are many more realities beyond the ones
that we behold with the Five senses. That perception is only a very
small part of the Full Spectrum of Light and Sound.

So, we created the Music to allow you to connect your consciousness

into the Christic Consciousness of the 12th Dimension and the
Cosmic Consciousness of the 14th Dimension, and then also out into
the Pre Light and Sound Fields beyond those and then clear out into
the NEW COSMAYA of the 13 Cosmos which connect to the Infinity
of other Cosmos in the Source Field.

Now, you can begin enjoying the feeling of all of those other sound
fields besides the Hertzian range of Audible Hearing. This means that
this teaching does not come from the Solfege teachings. It comes
from the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse, which is beyond
the Earth's Matrix and even beyond our old Cosmic Matrix. The
Frequencies of this teaching come from the Grand Yanas of the Pre
Light and Pre Sound creating a new reality from the Source Field of
Infinite Consciousness.

We have also prepared for you a LEVITATION CANDLE DVD. This is

a Visual of a Candle burning for one hour. As you look into the
candle, you learn that the hertzian level of the Light Frequency is the
lowest. It is actually where the stem of the candle is, because that is
the spectrum that is tangible to all of the five senses. We can see the
stem, touch the stem, smell the stem, taste the stem. We are actually
living in that tangible frequency that is DENSE-it is SOLID- it is the
physical reality that we conceive of.

The candle allows us to recognize that there are other levels of light
and sound. Just above the stem there is infra red light. That is the
light spectrum that the digital camera can see, but most of us haven't
learned to see like the camera sees. The next level is the Visible
Light that we think we are seeing. Above that is the Invisible Light
where another reality lives within right here within the Visible Realm.
And above that there is the x-ray field of light and then the Gamma,
Plasma and Pink White Light.

When we use the diagrams that show the spectrum of light

frequencies and where those frequencies are heard and felt in the
brain area, we begin to realize that we haven't been using the part of
the brain that tunes in to the Pink White Light of the Mind of God or
even the Blue Frequency in the Mid Brain.

We can easily tune in to the Blue Frequency by walking into the

Candle because the Blue Hue is the result of absorbing the full
spectrum of Light. We can feel that frequency filling the Mid Brain and
when that happens the old THINKING BRAIN stops analyzing all of
the old ideas that have been placed in it over the past millions of
years. The Mid Brain turns off the Thinking Brain and allows the Mind
of God to take over the thought process.

When the Mind of God gets plugged in to the area at the top of the
back bone and the bottom of the skull there is a frequency connection
into the Seed Atom of our original creation and into the Vagus Nerve
which controls all of the nerve centers in the body. So, you see, we
can, in fact plug our bodies back into the Mind of God.

And when we achieve that Frequency connection in our bodies we

gain the Eternal Life where the sixth level elementals are
continuously re-programming the nano second rebirth of every cell in
our body and transmitting correct information for the constant rebirth
of all of the neuro structures of the body.

I go through that process in great detail in the ETERNAL LIFE


Now, that we are being given this gift of the Fifth Dimension, we will
need to learn how to TUNE IN TO IT. We must raise our frequencies
of hearing and seeing. The Frequency Music itself does this. It
actually tunes you in to the Blue Hue which also tunes you in to fields
of light that are in the Invisible Light Spectrum that you have never
seen before.

You can build on this new ability of going beyond the Veil of the
Senses by doing the Candle Process that is described in the

The Candle will help your realize what a small aspect of the
ALLNESS of God the Hertzian Frequency is. The Hertzian is the stem
of the Candle. It is not even a part of the light.

When we only use our five senses, we are only the stem of the

Hertzian means things you can see and hear. We must move into the
full spectrum of what we can hear and see.

I have explained that my music is not Solfege because Solfege is

simply another use of the Hertzian Frequency Range. That range of
frequencies is a part of the five senses.

In order to raise our frequencies beyond the third dimension, we must

raise our frequencies beyond the Hertzian.
That means we must claim our senses that do not rely on the eyes to
see or the ears to hear.

We must tune in to our Soul Consciousness and our Intuition. If we

tune in to our Soul Consciousness, we can learn to hear without our
ears and we can learn to see without our eyes.

We can learn to see what is in a room while blind folded simply by

sitting in a dark room with blindfolds on for long periods of time.

We can also learn to tune our ears into a a higher set of frequencies
by tuning out of the third dimensional hertzian range of listening and
tuning in to the frequencies that you feel deep within your omni
particles and the buzzing frequencies within your head. When you
tune in to the Frequency music, you are learning to tune in to a reality
that is beyond the five senses.

You can practice feeling the frequency music creating a reality of

consciousness around the body and flowing into the body. The
frequencies are actually the frequencies of the Cosmic Plasma and
the Crystal Liquid Light Vapor that is even deep within the Cosmic
Plasma. So, when you are tuning in to these Cosmic Frequencies,
you are tuning in to your Rishi Self Consciousness rather than your
Earth Self Consciousness. The Cosmic Self is completely tuned in to
the Mind of God of instant co-creativity and Eternal Life. This is the
reality we want to stay plugged in to.
If we practice long periods of being blindfolded, we can begin to see
the realities that exist within our realm around our body. We learn to
see this New Ascension Earth and the Inner Earth becoming a reality
around us.

When we practice listening to the Frequency Music from the Eternal

Life Water album we practice being in and tuning the body into the
Cosmic Frequencies of our New reality of the new Cosmos that has
just been born.

We have tuned in to a new Spiritual Parallel Universe in the

PARALLEL UNIVERSE SET and now we have tuned in to a Brand
new Cosmos. The Thirteen Cosmos of the Cosmaya has given birth
to a brand new Cosmos within the Eighth Sun in the SYMPHONY OF

As the new reality was born, a new set of frequencies was born. The
more we tune in to these new realities of the new Cosmos
Frequencies, the Parallel Universe Frequencies, the Symphony of
Love, when the new Frequency of Creation was Born, the Mother
Ship Frequencies of the Cosmaya Ship activating the Blanket of Love
around the Earth. The Dolphin DNA Frequencies of the Cetacean
Raceline activating their DNA bio-regenisis program into our biology.

Each one of these events is a wave of frequencies, which means a

wave of Consciousness that contains a part of the consciousness that
was taken away from us 5000 years ago, and the consciousness that
was taken away 5.5. million years ago. The birth of the SIX AVATAR
children each brought a unique Stream of Consciousness that is
healing the miasms and seals placed in our DNA. Those Frequency
Signatures are in the COMPLETE PERFECT DNA INFUSION album.

I've noticed that more people buy that album than any of the others.
Of course it is an extremely important event - the Birth of these
Children and the fact that they prepared ascension portals for the
race lines that would be locked in the Earth's Matrix forever. However,
don't forget about the Frequencies of the UNIVERSAL LIFE FORCE
CURRENT who prepared the Stellar Wave Activations and Infusions
that are in the Parallel Universe Kit. And don't forget about the work
that the Cetacean Raceline did in their Bio-Regenisis Project of
keeping the link between the Earth and the Oraphim Suns. And the
final ingredients of the ETERNAL LIFE WATER of the Vapor Essence
within the Plasma which is the Consciousness Field that allows us to
Vaporize into the Spiritual Water of Aquafaria in the Inner Earth. This
is the Ascension Vehicle into the Ascension Earth.

Each of these pieces of the formula of the Ascenison are crucial to

the complete Mass Process. And then each Individual has a unique
Frequency Signature and complete Portal of Starry Families, Souls,
Avatars, and Rishi Selves that must be Tuned in to in order to begin
the attunement into the Cosmic Telephone lines.

This is the last piece of the puzzle that is needed. We must remove
the TOWER OF BABEL. That means we will no longer speak different
languages. We will all speak one language. We must first tune in to
the Frequencies of the Cosmos and our Cosmic Families and most of
all the Cetacean Race Line, because they are the only E.T.'s living on
Earth right now.

The DNA is being reconnected and reactivated through these

Streams of Consciousness that are being Born into the Atmosphere,
the Biosphere, the Morphogenetic Fields of Consciousness of the
Earth's Core and Crust and the Christ Shields within Earth's Crust.


We need to tune in to each aspect of this Morphogenetic


When we tune in, the Ascension Teams of each morphogenetic wave

of transmutation begin working on plugging in another neuronet of
your physical template into the Soul Template, the Over Soul
Template, the Avatar Template and the Rishi Template.

Our bodies must be reactivated at all levels. We must be completely

re-tuned into the complete Omnipresence of Source.

Those of us who have followed the Metaphysical Studies of

Goldsmith and Eddy have been tuned in to these realities. However,
now that the complete Science of this higher consciousness has been
revealed through Keylontic Science, it is much easier to actualize the

Normally, the human being can only actualize something that has
been placed in their back ground knowledge of knowing. It is difficult
to place the realities of Spiritual Consciousness into the third
dimensional background knowledge because it is beyond the third
dimensional back ground of things that can be rationalized with the

We must be willing to go beyond the senses in to the invisible

spiritual reality and then learn to visualize it. Our Soul Consciousness
actually takes over and gives us the complete inner vision and the
complete inner hearing when we tune in to that level of Frequency.

The Reality of Inner Earth appearing as Earth will only be a reality to

those who begin practicing seeing that which cannot be seen. That
reality is not going to morph into the lower frequencies of Earth.
Instead, we must raise our frequencies beyond the five senses into
the realities that can be seen with the eyes closed and the ears tuned
in to the inaudible sounds that I have tuned in to.

The more we tune in to those higher frequencies, the more they tune
in to us.



Dr. Angela Barnett
channeled from the Crystalai Council

Copyright © by Dr. Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission

is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the
content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely,
and this copyright notice and links are included.

Those who have taken the Manifestation Workshop know that the
process of the Journal was to learn to take a step back from your
normal concept of reality and look at you past, present and future in a
new way. You were learning that every thought, idea and experience
that you have placed in your past projects into your present. You
learned that your present thoughts and beliefs will project into your
future reality.

So, let's look at this formula again. Are the things that you are
believing today what you really want to manifest into your life
tomorrow and next week and even in 2017 when we have the
opportunity to have a brand new reality manifest before us?

Do you really want to continue believing that you can get sick or die?
Do you really want to continue to believe that you are not capable of
becoming everything that Jesus Christ became? Do you really want
to continue to believe that you have any enemies? Do you you want
to believe that you don't have enough supply and that you have to
keep working for it?

If you have any of those beliefs now, they will just re-manifest again
tomorrow and the next day and next week and next year.

We must create a NEW VERSION of ourselves in order for that new

version to manifest into our reality.

By the Love of God Alone will all my Bills be Paid.

That is a fact. It has always been a fact. However, we have been
creating a different version of that reality.
We haven't been believing that God Alone will Pay all of our Bills.

We have been living in a different VERSION of our selves. We have

been living in the Version that believes we have to go out and make
money to pay our bills.

So, that is the Version that we keep living in.

When a Spiritual Healer performs a healing for a client, they can only
heal the client if they bring that client into the VERSION of himself
where he is already made in the image and likeness of God. That
was the Melchizedek Version of the Spiritual Man in Genesis One of
the Bible. In Genesis Two there is a different VERSION of Man who
is created by mortal parents. That version of man would suffer and

Now, is the time that we begin to live in the Version of Man who is
made in the image and likeness of God. The perfect immortal man
who has Eternal Life. And that Eternal Life is not the Soul leaving the
Body to begin a new life. That Eternal Life is the Soul continuing into
a NEW EXPERIENCE or a NEW VERSION of the same person.

However, there is a trick to this. The SOUL demands a new

experience. If you just keep repeating the same old third dimensional
belief system the Soul will leave your body, because the Soul
DEMANDS a NEW EXPERIENCE. And the Soul demands that you
are GRATEFUL for the NEW EXPERIENCE. So grateful that you are

That is the great mystery to eternal life.

When I create Frequency Music for an Individual, the Music is the

Frequency of the Frequency Signatures of the Eternal Life Code of
that Individual, the Frequency Signatures of the Soul, Over Soul,
Avatar and Rishi Levels of Consciousness of that Individual, the
Perfect Divine Morphogenetic Field that holds the VERSION of the
Human Angelic who was originally the Oraphim Cosmic Angel of
each creation template.

We must return to that VERSION of ourselves to bring forth the


I cannot heal anyone by telling them about their past Akashic

Records, or by reading the Astrology Charts that are a part of the
Milky Way Galaxy. Those Past Realities are from A Fallen System
that contains so many ERRORS that the Version of the Melchizedek
Cloister Version of Reality had to be returned to the Earth through a
Portal of Reality created by Jesus Christ 12.

During the past years of 1996-2012 there were more of these Portals
THE IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF GOD created by the Six Avatar
Children who were born with the Templates that did not contain those
Seals that were placed in the Race Creation Template. So, just as we
connected our consciousness into the Morphogenetic
FREQUENCIES of Jesus Christ in order to RAISE our Frequencies
into the REALITY that does not include the past, present and future
realities that we create through our belief systems, we must now
connect our Versions of our new reality in the Six Avatars as well as
the thousands of Indigo Children who were born to raise our
frequencies of consciousness. We must also include in our new
Version the Stellar Wave Infusions provided by our Universal
Consciousness Team and the 12 Star gates provided by our
Ascension Teams.

Each of these ITEMS are created from FREQUENCIES. The

Frequencies are now within the Sphere of Amenti Morphogenetic
Field within the Crystal Heart of Earth. And those frequencies are
flowing through the Earths Grids into our Consciousness – IF WE

All of the music that is created by CRYSTAL MAGIC ORCHESTRA is

to help the LISTENER move into the VERSION of his or her reality
that will give them the DESIRED MANIFESTATION.

The individual must tune their consciousness in to the music and then
realize what the music is tuning them in to. They are being tuned in to
the VERSION of themselves that is the Man made in the image and
likeness of God-- the ETERNAL MAN.

Now, there is something a little different from that old Bible Story. We
have always believed that there was this Spiritual Perfect man called
Jesus Christ and that he was the only one who could be perfect. The
only reason that he was the only perfect one on Earth at that time
was because the VERSION of the original Man had been distorted by
the distortions placed in his template.

Now, we are having those distortions removed from our Divine

Template. Now our Race Line is being Re Born with the Divine
Imprint that Jesus Christ was born with. Now, we can tune in to that
VERSION of who our Race Line always was in the Spiritual Universe
that did not contain any of the ERRORS that were placed in the
Physical Universe.

The Physical and Spiritual can become ONE. The rule is the HIGHER
FREQUENCY sill always TRANSMUTE the lower Frequency. So,
now we know that the Spiritual Frequency is the Higher Frequency
that can transmute all that is in the Physical VERSION of the

However, if we don't tune in to the HIGHER FREQUENCY, the Lower

Frequency will continue to be the version that we live in.

We now have the opportunity to move into the Higher Frequency of

the Ascension Earth Consciousness Field and begin a new VERSION
of our selves. That NEW VERSION creates the NEW EXPERIENCE
that our Soul DESIRES. We show the Soul that we are living in the
BLISS of GRATITUDE for this NEW EXPERIENCE and the Soul lets
us keep it.

That's how it works!!!

The fundamental steps are in the MANIFESTATION WORKSHOP.

The Frequencies that keep you in the focus of your desired

manifestation is the MANIFESTATION MERKABA album.
THE KEYS TO MANIFESTATION include 1. Raising Frequencies into
the Source Field, 2. Focus on the Desired Idea, 3.Believe that the
Higher Self creates all of your Hearts desires to be manifest in your
Reality Field (atomic radial screen around you that your reality is
projected into) 4. GRATITUDE that you have shifted into a BRAND
NEW REALITY where all of your Dreams Come True. 5. Gratitude
magnified into the BLISS of SHIFTING into that VERSION OF YOUR
and the GOD LANGUAGE that insures that your Raise your
Frequencies into the Source Field. Insures that you stay in the
Merkaba that is spinning you into At One Ment with that reality field,
allows you to Focus on the Desired Idea, allows you to Feel the
Gratitude and the Bliss.

The Set also includes meditation journeys that allow you to learn
where to go to bring these frequencies into your bio field. You learn
how Crystalai collects the Frequencies.

You can practice by using the Meditations that are in the

MANIFESTATION MERKABA set. There are many tools, meditations,
journeys in all of the Sets created in 2014. The MANIFESTATION
MERKABA SET is a GREAT DEAL because it contains the CODES
that were in the original ASCENSION KIT along with the most
important MEDITATIONS that were in the COMPLETE ASCENSION


Ask to have the items you desire to manifest through the mind of
God. God only knows the infinite unknown. He doesn’t create old out
dated ideas. You must be willing to have God create your hearts
desire in the way that he knows is the best for you. You must become
humble enough to conceive a concept that is out of the boundaries of
your own ability to do it, and become willing to see God manifest it.

So, no matter how clever you think you might be intellectually, you
must be willing to let go and allow God to do the manifesting in the
way that he knows, which is the infinite unknown. A person who has
got the knowledge understands. To see to define to need to know
does not come out of the intellect. It comes from the mind of God
when we pray. When we beseech through our holy spirit this
appealing to God we are asking to have this manifest in our life. You
are also admitting that it could never come in the fashion in which we
are asking God to give it to us.

When we talk to God and we roll our eyes back into our head and we
talk to our holy spirit and we beseech God for this aspect of its mind
and that we want to have it, that is all we have to do. But, we have to
be sincere.

When you approach before you wake up you go in your mind and you
give this focused intention to your God. Oh, God of my being, I say to
you, I can of myself do nothing, but I know that you have already
created this wonderful day for me with all of the things that my heart
desires. I know that you have filled my day with the wonder that only
you could create. I am grateful my beloved God that you have
created this wonderful day for me full of all my hearts desires.

I have always been fabulously wealthy. I have always been twenty

years younger. I have always been able to bi-locate. I have always
been able to read the back of cards. I have always been able to
disappear. I have always been able to manifest perfect health.

That I may know, grow, learn that in all that you are, oh my beloved
god, let my journey never end, let my heart quiver at the anticipation
of beginning a NEW DAY.

This is how you connect to the Cosmic Sphere of the five frequency
bands of the music of the spheres. You connect your consciousness
thirty six inches above your head. This is the place where the pre light
and pre sound and the heliotalic frequencies of creation become the
fabric that your movie is created from in the Mind of God, The idea is
taken into the Creation Lab, the Negative is developed and then the
positive plays out in your movie screen of your Radial Body around
you. This is how you make the symphony of love begin to perform in
your life.

The GREAT WORK is to become that entity who will never die. That
great entity has no longing for its past in any way. The great work is
to press forward in secondary consciousness to make the body in life
to think in life as detached and awesome as it is to take that into life.
That is the great work. For what is remarkable about us. What allows
the grand fortune of living thousands of years. What is it to be able to
live longer and maximize the experience but never to langer in the
experience to bring it to wisdom. What is that. How can that be
accomplished. If you contemplate why is it upon death that there is no
desire from the point of self to come back to this body. There is
nothing in the yellow brain that is desired. The real self only desires
the experience of the infinite unknown.

Once you’ve cleaned out the junk in the yellow brain by owning all of
the experiences and placing them in the crystal light energy sphere to
dissolve into the golden liquid light, you are finished with the brain
that dies and you can begin living in the brain that lives.
Now you can live in extraordinary thought and extraordinary
experience. You can do marvelous things in this physical body
because this body is made up of the same particles as space itself.
We can be far greater. We can replace with greater events with out
the past emotionally. Go into the experience and let the experience
created by God, become defined by the nature of the new chemical
feeling of higher frequencies in the body.

Instead of using raw material to go through the body, we use the

energy of God- the Omni particles of etheric God energy, for new
experience. Then the body is sustained until the time the secondary
consciousness has made an in road to make the nature of every day,
a new form of thought.

To make a new form of thought and then to work that form of thought
until it manifests.

Next, comes the morning when you are floating five feet above your
bed because you have become so changed in your neuronet that
your brain has used these changes to heal the body. During sleep
your body is levitating into the fifth dimensional body.

Your life can then be drawn out for tens of thousands of years until
one day you have the power to disappear and take this matter with
you. Never have to be born again fro the plane of bliss. The path of
power to unfold it is in your mind. You can take your body to any level
and any frequency that you like if that is your focus. All lower
frequencies must rise to the highest.

We make a list before we go to bed so that our subconscious through

the mind of God will create our night in which our souls align into
oneness with the Sun of Inner Earth and the Sun Alcyone to lift us
into our Blue Bodies.

We are now in control of the body because we are out of the body.
We are out of the body because we are in the outer band- the highest
frequency band of Source. All of the multidimensional bands are
outside of the body. When we rise into the frequencies on the
immortality CD’s we are rising out of the body. The outer bands are
the holy spirit. Outer bands have full spectrum of light and sound.
This is your secondary consciousness and this is your pattern of all of
the bodies you have ever been. The outer body is the infinite

In your day to day affairs we have the infinite unknown touching our
bands and as we allow our bands to melt into or dissolve into the
infinite unknown, we leave behind all of the old bodies and use our
holy spirit bands of quantum energy to experience the infinite

The hertizian wave band touches all of the Source Frequency and
soaks up the full spectrum. You have been loved into this life through
the activity of Divine spinning and oscillating the bands into One Full
Spectrum Frequency. The God frequency is holding all of the
quantum together clear out to the never never land. We were loved
into this experience. It is love that binds us into the full spectrum of
the infinite unknown.

This entity, the outer band – is God – and its action is the Holy Spirit.
It is super natural because it has all aspects to act on this level as a
Divine Being.

What happens when we raise the frequencies from the third band to
the fourth band? All of the frequencies rise through the outer band of
Source frequencies. It makes the bands flip into the mind of God.
Infinite Unknown is flowing inside of you and the rest of us is
dissolved. The outer band and the holy spirit is the super natural.
From this zero point is flowing toward you, through you and into every
particle in you. You have analogically become the mind of God.

This is the ultimate creation. We access this God through very

specific process that interact with the very nature of who we are. We
are human beings and begin to open our boundaries into the infinite
unknown. If we begin to walk into the wonder of God, God will give to
us all that we ever ask for, and we can never exhaust all experience.

What is the experience of the Infinite Unknown. When you are

creating something that lives as a POTENTIAL, outside of your body,
the personality that is very disciplined, will fight back because it only
knows what it knows. It is only God who knows the infinite unknown.
That is only a measure of what exists as potential in the mind of God.

Give focused intent to your god. Oh, my beloved God, I am about to

create my day, and indeed the specifics on the list which in and of my
being I cannot do, I say to you, this as I create my day, that you fill it
with the wonder of that which I do not know that I may know. And as I
enter into my list, that these things that I have said, I ask the lord god
of my being to make them

We are moving through the grandest of times ever known to our

Cosmic Families. We are being given the Stardust and Hydrolaise
(Spiritual Water) that is needed to transform our bodies. The
Consciousness, or the Frequencies of this energy of transformation is
coming in through the Stellar Wave Activations related to the Solar
Flares and CME ejections of the Sun.

We are going through this transformation because our COMPLETE

SPIRITUAL BODIES where tilted to an angle 15 degrees from their
original Templates. Our bodies are tilted 15 degrees clockwise from
the Alignment with our Eternal Life Body.

This angle of rotation created a loop that goes through the Crystal
Heart Area of the Body. That area is what would be called the Density
One Body or the Etheric Body. The loop cause a mis alignment with
this Etheric Body that is positioned within the Crystal Heart as well as
a mis alignment with the Mental Light Body. So, there was this
distortion of energy fields that locks right at the Crystal Heart area
within the Thymus. This is also where the SEED ATOM of our original
creation resides.

So, our physical body was disconnected from our Etheric Body, our
Seed Atom, our Soul, our Mental Light Body.

We can now use the Frequencies of Star Dust and the Spiritual Water
H2 O2HE3 from our spiritual Aquari Matrix and our Inner Domains in
the Cosmic Core of Mother Earth.

When I create the Eternal Life Albums I realign the Physical, Etheric
and Mental Light Bodies back into the Original Divine Self, where the
three spheres or three bodies intersect at the Crystal Heart area
correctly, without the Loop that keeps them disconnected.

The process of removing that loop in the Heart area requires an

alignment from the Mid Brain up into the Cosmic Consciousness of
the Aquari Matrix. The Cosmic Alignment point is 36 inches above the
head. I create a clearing from the Mid Brain through the ears and into
the Elohim of Hearing or the Aquari Maharaji (their new transformed
selves). Once that PRIMARY NEURONET is reconnected up to the
Maharaji, That Consciousness Neuronet creates a Clear Passage to
Cosmic Consciousness.(Next the Frequencies of the Stardust flow
must saturate the Mid Brain area and the Pineal Gland. We then
Move that Star Dust Consciousness down into the Crystal Heart area
to begin the transmutation of the block or the loop in that area. Next, I
inhale the Water Orbs of Hydrolaise or Spiritual Water that are
brought into the atmosphere from the Cosmic Inner Core Domains of
Aquafaria. The Water Elementals from the Spiritual Matrix are inhaled
into the Mid Brain and into the Crystal Heart.

Once there is enough of this consciousness brought into the Crystal

Heart, a Secondary Neuronet is opened up through the back of the
lower skull (the medulla oblangata). That is the Secondary Neuronet
that connects directly to each Individual's Original or Normal Body
that does not contain the ERROR of ALIGNMENT.

We create a back flow from within the corrected mid brain and crystal
heart areas into the Eiron Flow that Flows out the back and up at the
15 degree angle into the DIVINE TEMPLATE or Correct Body

The opening of the flow is increased each time a person listens to

their Eternal Life Album.

The stardust consciousness, the spiritual water consciousness from

the Aquafarian Elementals, and the Plasma of Crystal Gelaisic
Elementals are available to us to be used for this purpose of

I continuously connect my consciousness to this restored

transformation pattern and I connect my Consciousness into the
Elementals from Aquari and Aquafarians who are making this
Ascension happen for us.

It is the consciousness or frequencies of the Stardust, the Liquid Light

and the Crystal gel that is transforming our bodies. We must inhale
these frequencies into our atoms and then see the explosion of
energy from within the atom create a 12 pointed star burst. That is
actually an activation of the neuronets from within the atoms. When
the neuronets reactivate into a New Reality where the distortion that
blocked the physical from the etheric and the mental light bodies, the
body begins to re-aline into the Median Earth- the Cloud Cities, the
place we have called Shamballa.

The meaning of raising frequencies means we are now living in a

hertzian and visible light frequency where we only believe in the
things we can hear and see. We must move into the Cosmic
Frequencies of Stardust, Thermal Plasma, Liquid Light, Hydrolaise.
This level of frequency cannot be seen, but it can be felt. We can feel
the stardust and the hydrolaise come into the atoms of our mid brain
and our crystal heart. We can feel the opening of a cosmic flow
through and between the atoms. The Consciousness that is allowed
to enter the body is Cosmic. This is the Frequency and the
Consciousness that is required to realign our bodies into the Normal
Template that allows us to begin the process of Orbing into Higher

All of the Universal Life Force Albums and the Eternal Life Album and
the Violet Flame Album are for the purpose of bringing the Stardust
flow into the body.

The Sun becomes the Son of the Star and the Stardust becomes the
Son of the Sun
A new Star is being born within the Sun to Transform the Earth into
the Star from which she was born.

Ionization is loss of electrons into positively charged ion. This is a

conversion – harmonic conversion into a new reality- a new
frequency- a new dimension-a NEW HARMONIC UNIVERSE.

Ionization is loss of electrons into positively charged ion. This is a

conversion – harmonic conversion.

When a person learns the process of ascension is a breathing and

spinning process that utilizes a very complex system of polyhedral
geometries that create Cosmic sphere that contains multitudes of
merkabas that spin in side of each other through the activity of
consciousness called love, they will go through this process of
becoming a disappearing entity through a rainbow prism.



If you believe you need to create energy in order to have an

experience, the experience will never happen. Experience doesn’t
come from mass to mass. It only comes from God, who directly
knows how it is going to happen and the flow of that information to
you. As you observe the experience in the film of the Omni particles
or God’s movie screen around you becoming developed through the
activity of Divine Love.. When you do this you are learning how to co-
create through the mind of God. Now you are learning how humble
one must be to conceive a concept that is out of the boundaries of
ones ability to do it. And you can see God manifest it.
The creation of the manifestation is always done where the outer
Cosmic Sphere meets the God Source Sphere. The pre light and pre
sound of the music of the spheres is the sphere of the infinite
unknown or God’s mind. When this frequency of Source
Consciousness is woven into oneness with all of the other five
spheres of dimensional consciousness energy, the manifestation is
developed into the film of that Omni particle energy which is sub
atomic etheric stardust particles. It is the etheric foundation that the
manifest reality is painted upon. The frequencies that are recorded on
the Ascension Kits and on the ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM utilize the
frequencies and codes of manifestation in the five spheres and place
these codes within and through the body. The ETERNAL LIFE
ALBUM actually activates these frequencies into the Oneness of
God’s mind manifest as You. These frequencies make these Omni
particles that you may begin to create your new reality from. The
more you feel, inhale and exhale these frequencies, the higher your
body and consciousness will rise above and beyond the old third
dimensional illusions into the infinite unknown that you may now
manifest as your new reality.

The old reality has been programmed into the cerebellum of the
brain. The amygdala gland has been recording and replaying movies
of fear, control, lust, sex, violence. These old movies will continue to
play until they are wrapped inside the sphere of crystal light energy.
First wrap the fear ideas in a sphere of white light and then ultra violet
blue light and then golden light and then melt the ideas into golden
liquid light energy. When you do this you are allowing the old bands
of lower frequencies in the third dimension to flip up into the mind of
God or the infinite unknown frequencies. This transmutation process
must be completed through out all parts of the cerebellum as well.
These are all old worn out third dimensional movies. We don’t need
them any more. We are dissolving these old three dimensional
control channels.

The frequencies in the ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM are to pour into the
old brain and allow the MID BRAIN to become activated. The Mid
Brain – pineal gland and pituitary gland are Frequency Specific. They
think, move and create through FREQUENCIES. The Mid Brain is
able to see infra red, ultra violet blue and even gamma waves. The
Immortality Cd is allowing you to feel these frequency waves in order
to prepare your mid brain to see these frequency bands.

The next step needed to activate your mid brain is focus on the
center of a flame from a candle for at least one hour per day while
listening to your ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM. Try to eventually work up to
two or three hours. The longer you focus, the closer you become to
the full utilization of your mid brain which will allow you to see all
dimensional realities.

Next, after a week or two of practicing this level of focus you will be
able to stare at a card and learn to see both sides of the card. In the
reality of infra red frequency, the mind can see in a 360 degree angle.
You can train your mind to see both sides if the card. Your mid brain
already knows how to do this. When the other old brains are
completely turned off and the mid brain is completely turned on, you
will first gain infra red sight which will allow you to see orbs, space
ships and to read a deck of cards. This will come in handy if you ever
want to go pick up an extra few hundred thousand dollars at the

The frequencies will continue to raise the foundation of the entire

body. The subconscious will become activated into the blue realm.
The medulla oblongata which sits right at the top of the spine is
where the SEED ATOM which holds the original Seed of your
Creation. When you raise your frequencies into the blue frequency
the seed atom acts as a primary healer of the body. Activate this area
of the body before going to sleep and ask the god of your being to
raise you into the blue body for complete healing while you sleep.
The Seed Atom connects inwardly in the etheric realms of the
Thymus and it Connects into the Physical Body through the Vagus
Neuronet Center. Use of the ETERNAL LIFE WATERS SET ONE
AND TWO guides you in connecting the Neuronets of the Body into
the Highest Frequencies of Consciousness. This is how the Cosmic
Elementals begin reconstructing your body every nano second. Each
morning when you wake up you should have a brand new body.

Listen to your ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM while you sleep. Practice

breathing in a fashion that oscillates the frequencies from the higher
rings into the lower rings or frequency bands. Focus on breathing at
the speed of light – do this in your mind. Feel the body become lighter
and lighter until it rises above your bed. The frequencies of your body
will lighten the body into the etheric Omni particle of God
consciousness. –

Now, that your yellow brain- your cerebellum and amygdala glands
are dissolved into the higher frequencies and your mid brain is
activated and your sub conscious is aligned into the blue body, write
a list of all of the things that you would like to appear in your new
world. This is the world that you will be creating with the mind of God.
Write the list and call on the God of your being.

The charts help us to see what happens when the atomic body is working organically with
the light body and spirit body structures.

We have Christ Star Merkaba structures in each of the density levels, and we are learning
the multidimensional mechanics of the oneness of all of these Christ Star Merkaba
structures through the alignment of the Highest Frequeny of Source creating Oneness.

When the Body reaches this ability to utilize the highest frequencies to unite the atomic,
spiritual and light bodies in oneness, the body can then transmute into light. First the
body goes into levitation and then ascension, where the physical body will literally
transfigure,. First the physical body will transmute into a light form that still holds
structure and then it will transmute completely into light and then it will transfigure and
go into DARK MATTER where you are an orb, and that is what Biological PHYSICAL
Ascension is about. This is when you do not leave behind a physical body with a piece of
consciousness in it when we travel. This is not Astral Projection. This is true Physical

It may be a while before very many can learn to take all of their atoms with them but we
were given these teachings early in case any thing went wrong in 2012 when the Invader
Races planned on trying their hardest to pull Earth into the Phantom Matrix and the One
'World Order Agenda which would eventually anihilate the Human Angelic Raceline
from the Universe forever. That is the reason the Guardians have worked so hard to bring
these teachings to Earth.

And now that we did survive the Invader's attempt to inhale our planet, we can continue
to learn to Orb and Ascend naturally by 2022.

The plan was even if we couldn't learn to Slide out of this dimension in our physical
bodies, we would be given a host plasma ship that would form around our bodies to host
our bodies into the higher dimensions.
It turned out that the Plasma Blanket was placed around our bodies-- the entire Solar
Body of our Fifth Dimensional Merkaba Body to keep us safe from the Invader Races
attempts to keep us phase locked.

We can now take advantage of this Cosmaya Space Ship that is hold ing us in the Divine
Frequencies of Plasma, Hydrolaise, atomic radiation energies that would allow us to
ascend if we tune into them.


Now, that we have the Cosmaya Ship Plasma Blanket locking us in a safe harmonically
balanced location that is out of the reach of the Phantom Matrix, we are still in the
Evolutionary period when the pieces of Earth that could not be saved from the Jehovian
Seals that placed it in reverse spin are shattering in Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions,
Tsunamis, Lightning, Ice Melts, etc.

The Silver Seed Evac plan was to have these Plasma Ships in place to be able to move
bodies into the Safe Places when these catastrophes took place. It is possible that things
could get bad enough or good enough by 2017 that the Emerald Covenant would begin
landing for the purpose of taking us on their Plasma Ships.

Those bodies who have not raised their frequencies to the level where they could be
Silver Seed Evac ready would die as normal, but those who are taken upon the ships
would have enough of their quantum left to be taken to an in between place for healing.

It is still possible that many of us will be invited to orb with the help of a host-- meaning
a star fleet from the Emerald Covenant.

FULL SPECTRUM OF LIGHT and how it translates into the BRAIN

If you look at the chart that shows the colored areas of the brain and the colored areas of
the full spectrum of light, you will see that the yellow area is the visible light area and
that visible light translates in the brain to that which is visible in the third dimension. The
blue flame areas of the brain and the pink white light versions of the brain are the areas
that we use to connect to our Fifth Dimensional self and to the Mind of God area.

When we use frequencies to keep focused in the Blue Light area of the Brain, we remain
in a state that is always above and beyond worldly beliefs and worries. It is a state of

When we use frequencies to connect the secondary circuitry, the seed atom and the pineal
gland into the Pink White Light through the Medulla Oblangata, we have moved to the
state of BLISS. In this Mind of God State of Bliss we live in Eternal Oneness with the
Mind of God. This is where we go to manifest our new reality.
The reason we practice the light transformation by using a light such as the candle is
because we can observe this phenomena taking place. We can actually perceive our body
becoming the Blue Hologram or the Blue Sphere first, and then when we continue to
move into the candle within out blue body we will see the entire room around transform
into this DARKNESS. This is the Dark Matter where you are an orb.

When we talk to Entities who have already transformed to light, they will tell us that they
can see that we have in fact turned into orb, or that they can see us levitating. So, there
are many realities that are already happening because we are already in the fifth
dimension. However, have not developed the ability to perceive of these realities because
we are looking for third dimensional signs of the reality rather than the fifth dimensional

When we continue to use the light in the candle, we are practicing walking through the
full spectrum of light, which means the white room of the Mind of God. Once we walk
through that diamond door in to the White Room and then turn around, our body becomes
the blue body. Once we are in the Blue Body we can practice levitating because we
actually move our bodies into a higher dimension that allows our body to be in a new
standing wave pattern that does not contain gravity. Gravity is just an illusion or a part of
the hologram that we think we are living in.

We can also practice moving beyond the hertzian frequencies where we hear physical
words and tones into the infra red spectrum where we hear and see a reality that has
actually turned into a NEGATIVE of the picture that we are developing in God's Mind.
When we practice becoming the Digital Camera we begin seeing the Blue Hue around
everything in our world and then we begin seeing the Violet Sphere that allows us to
remove space and time and walk into it. We can also practice activities such as looking at
a card and learning to see the back of the card actually rise up behind the card to allow us
to See what numbers are on the back of the card. This would be Infra Red Vision.
After than we move from the Visible Light Spectrum into the Invisible Light Spectrum in
order to begin seeing the Inner Earth and the Cloud Cities and Earth all morphing into
one new Ascension Earth.

This is the true Manifestation of redesigning our minds to work in Oneness with the Mind
of God through the Full Spectrum of Light and Sound.

We are now getting in contact with our organic structure


Dr. Angela Barnett

channeled from the Crystalai Council

Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post
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Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and
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There are many pieces to the process of Ascension. Each one of the pieces is a
part of how we learn to tune out of the Five Senses and into the other Seven

We have been told that we must RAISE OUR FREQUENCIES. Most people don't
know how to do that so we created Music that does it for you. The frequencies
are created by taking Consciousness into the higher Harmonics Universes and
blending them together in a certain way that creates Frequencies that allow us to
Transmute our Bodies and our Realities beyond the Third Dimensional Five

We are learning that there are many more realities beyond the ones that we
behold with the Five senses. That perception is only a very small part of the Full
Spectrum of Light and Sound.

So, we created the Music to allow you to connect your consciousness into the
Christic Consciousness of the 12th Dimension and the Cosmic Consciousness of
the 14th Dimension, and then also out into the Pre Light and Sound Fields
beyond those and then clear out into the NEW COSMAYA of the 13 Cosmos
which connect to the Infinity of other Cosmos in the Source Field.

Now, you can begin enjoying the feeling of all of those other sound fields besides
the Hertzian range of Audible Hearing. This means that this teaching does not
come from the Solfege teachings. It comes from the Cosmic Mystery School of
the Omniverse, which is beyond the Earth's Matrix and even beyond our old
Cosmic Matrix. The Frequencies of this teaching come from the Grand Yanas of
the Pre Light and Pre Sound creating a new reality from the Source Field of
Infinite Consciousness.

We have also prepared for you a LEVITATION CANDLE DVD. This is a Visual of
a Candle burning for one hour. As you look into the candle, you learn that the
hertzian level of the Light Frequency is the lowest. It is actually where the stem of
the candle is, because that is the spectrum that is tangible to all of the five
senses. We can see the stem, touch the stem, smell the stem, taste the stem.
We are actually living in that tangible frequency that is DENSE-it is SOLID- it is
the physical reality that we conceive of.

The candle allows us to recognize that there are other levels of light and sound.
Just above the stem there is infra red light. That is the light spectrum that the
digital camera can see, but most of us haven't learned to see like the camera
sees. The next level is the Visible Light that we think we are seeing. Above that is
the Invisible Light where another reality lives within right here within the Visible
Realm. And above that there is the x-ray field of light and then the Gamma,
Plasma and Pink White Light.

When we use the diagrams that show the spectrum of light frequencies and
where those frequencies are heard and felt in the brain area, we begin to realize
that we haven't been using the part of the brain that tunes in to the Pink White
Light of the Mind of God or even the Blue Frequency in the Mid Brain.

We can easily tune in to the Blue Frequency by walking into the Candle because
the Blue Hue is the result of absorbing the full spectrum of Light. We can feel that
frequency filling the Mid Brain and when that happens the old THINKING BRAIN
stops analyzing all of the old ideas that have been placed in it over the past
millions of years. The Mid Brain turns off the Thinking Brain and allows the Mind
of God to take over the thought process.

When the Mind of God gets plugged in to the area at the top of the back bone
and the bottom of the skull there is a frequency connection into the Seed Atom of
our original creation and into the Vagus Nerve which controls all of the nerve
centers in the body. So, you see, we can, in fact plug our bodies back into the
Mind of God.

And when we achieve that Frequency connection in our bodies we gain the
Eternal Life where the sixth level elementals are continuously re-programming
the nano second rebirth of every cell in our body and transmitting correct
information for the constant rebirth of all of the neuro structures of the body.

I go through that process in great detail in the ETERNAL LIFE WATERS SET.

Now, that we are being given this gift of the Fifth Dimension, we will need to learn
how to TUNE IN TO IT. We must raise our frequencies of hearing and seeing.
The Frequency Music itself does this. It actually tunes you in to the Blue Hue
which also tunes you in to fields of light that are in the Invisible Light Spectrum
that you have never seen before.

You can build on this new ability of going beyond the Veil of the Senses by doing
the Candle Process that is described in the CANDLE LEVITATION DVD.

You can practice by using the Meditations that are in the MANIFESTATION
MERKABA set. There are many tools, meditations, journeys in all of the Sets
because it contains the CODES that were in the original ASCENSION KIT along
with the most important MEDITATIONS that were in the COMPLETE

I have explained that my music is not Solfege because Solfege is simply another
use of the Hertzian Frequency Range. That range of frequencies is a part of the
five senses.
In order to raise our frequencies beyond the third dimension, we must raise our
frequencies beyond the Hertzian.
That means we must claim our senses that do not rely on the eyes to see or the
ears to hear.

We must tune in to our Soul Consciousness and our Intuition. If we tune in to our
Soul Consciousness, we can learn to hear without our ears and we can learn to
see without our eyes.

We can learn to see what is in a room while blind folded simply by sitting in a
dark room with blindfolds on for long periods of time.

We can also learn to tune our ears into a higher set of frequencies by tuning out
of the third dimensional hertzian range of listening and tuning in to the
frequencies that you feel deep within your omni particles and the buzzing
frequencies within your head. When you tune in to the Frequency music, you are
learning to tune in to a reality that is beyond the five senses.

You can practice feeling the frequency music creating a reality of consciousness
around the body and flowing into the body. The frequencies are actually the
frequencies of the Cosmic Plasma and the Crystal Liquid Light Vapor that is even
deep within the Cosmic Plasma. So, when you are tuning in to these Cosmic
Frequencies, you are tuning in to your Rishi Self Consciousness rather than your
Earth Self Consciousness. The Cosmic Self is completely tuned in to the Mind of
God of instant co-creativity and Eternal Life. This is the reality we want to stay
plugged in to.

If we practice long periods of being blindfolded, we can begin to see the realities
that exist within our realm around our body. We learn to see this New Ascension
Earth and the Inner Earth becoming a reality around us.

When we practice listening to the Frequency Music from the Eternal Life Water
album we practice being in and tuning the body into the Cosmic Frequencies of
our New reality of the new Cosmos that has just been born.
We have tuned in to a new Spiritual Parallel Universe in the PARALLEL
UNIVERSE SET and now we have tuned in to a Brand new Cosmos. The
Thirteen Cosmos of the Cosmaya has given birth to a brand new Cosmos within
the Eighth Sun in the SYMPHONY OF LOVE ALBUM.

As the new reality was born, a new set of frequencies was born. The more we
tune in to these new realities of the new Cosmos Frequencies, the Parallel
Universe Frequencies, the Symphony of Love, when the new Frequency of
Creation was Born, the Mother Ship Frequencies of the Cosmaya Ship activating
the Blanket of Love around the Earth. The Dolphin DNA Frequencies of the
Cetacean Raceline activating their DNA bio-regenisis program into our biology.

Each one of these events is a wave of frequencies, which means a wave of

Consciousness that contains a part of the consciousness that was taken away
from us 5000 years ago, and the consciousness that was taken away 5.5. million
years ago. The birth of the SIX AVATAR children each brought a unique Stream
of Consciousness that is healing the miasms and seals placed in our DNA.
Those Frequency Signatures are in the COMPLETE PERFECT DNA INFUSION

I've noticed that more people buy that album than any of the others. Of course it
is an extremely important event – the Birth of these Children and the fact that
they prepared ascension portals for the race lines that would be locked in the
Earth's Matrix forever. However, don't forget about the Frequencies of the
UNIVERSAL LIFE FORCE CURRENT who prepared the Stellar Wave Activations
and Infusions that are in the Parallel Universe Kit. And don't forget about the work
that the Cetacean Raceline did in their Bio-Regenisis Project of keeping the link
between the Earth and the Oraphim Suns. And the final ingredients of the
ETERNAL LIFE WATER of the Vapor Essence within the Plasma which is the
Consciousness Field that allows us to Vaporize into the Spiritual Water of
Aquafaria in the Inner Earth. This is the Ascension Vehicle into the Ascension

Each of these pieces of the formula of the Ascension are crucial to the complete
Mass Process. And then each Individual has a unique Frequency Signature and
complete Portal of Starry Families, Souls, Avatars, and Rishi Selves that must be
Tuned in to in order to begin the attunement into the Cosmic Telephone lines.

This is the last piece of the puzzle that is needed. We must remove the TOWER
OF BABEL. That means we will no longer speak different languages. We will all
speak one language. We must first tune in to the Frequencies of the Cosmos and
our Cosmic Families and most of all the Cetacean Race Line, because they are
the only E.T.'s living on Earth right now.

The DNA is being reconnected and reactivated through these Streams of

Consciousness that are being Born into the Atmosphere, the Biosphere, the
Morphogenetic Fields of Consciousness of the Earth's Core and Crust and the
Christ Shields within Earth's Crust.


We need to tune in to each aspect of this Morphogenetic Consciousness.

When we tune in, the Ascension Teams of each morphogenetic wave of

transmutation begin working on plugging in another neuronet of your physical
template into the Soul Template, the Over Soul Template, the Avatar Template
and the Rishi Template.

Our bodies must be reactivated at all levels. We must be completely re-tuned into
the complete Omnipresence of Source.

Those of us who have followed the Metaphysical Studies of Goldsmith and Eddy
have been tuned in to these realities. However, now that the complete Science of
this higher consciousness has been revealed through Keylontic Science, it is
much easier to actualize the reality.

Normally, the human being can only actualize something that has been placed in
their back ground knowledge of knowing. It is difficult to place the realities of
Spiritual Consciousness into the third dimensional background knowledge
because it is beyond the third dimensional back ground of things that can be
rationalized with the senses.

We must be willing to go beyond the senses in to the invisible spiritual reality and
then learn to visualize it. Our Soul Consciousness actually takes over and gives
us the complete inner vision and the complete inner hearing when we tune in to
that level of Frequency.

The Reality of Inner Earth appearing as Earth will only be a reality to those who
begin practicing seeing that which cannot be seen. That reality is not going to
morph into the lower frequencies of Earth. Instead, we must raise our
frequencies beyond the five senses into the realities that can be seen with the
eyes closed and the ears tuned in to the inaudible sounds that I have tuned in to.

The more we tune in to those higher frequencies, the more they tune in to us.


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