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On the Generalized Fréchet Distance

and its Applications

Theodor Gutschlag Sabine Storandt
University Konstanz University Konstanz
Konstanz, Germany Konstanz, Germany

Figure 1: In the �rst plot on the left, two curves that are similar in their spatial and temporal progression are shown. In the
second plot, the curves are similar in space but not in time. In the third plot, the temporal course is similar, but not the spatial
course. In the fourth, both the spatial and temporal curves di�er signi�cantly. We introduce a new distance measure, based on
the framework of the Fréchet distance, which considers both, spatial and temporal information, and allows to combine them
as desired for the application.

ABSTRACT individual weighting of each dimension on the similarity value by

Measuring the similarity of spatio-temporal trajectories in a sen- using a convex function. This allows to integrate arbitrary data
sible fashion is an important building block for applications such dimensions as e.g. temporal information in an elegant, �exible
as trajectory clustering or movement pattern analysis. However, and application-aware manner. We study the Generalized Fréchet
typically employed similarity measures only take the spatial com- Distance for both the discrete and the continuous version of the
ponents of the trajectory into account, or are complicated combi- problem, prove useful properties, and present e�cient algorithms
nations of di�erent measures. In this paper we introduce the so to compute the decision and optimization problem. In particular,
called Generalized Fréchet distance, which extends the well-known we prove that for 3 2 O (1) the asymptotic running times of the op-
Fréchet distance. For two polygonal curves of length = and < in timization problem for the continuous version are O (=< log(=<))
3-dimensional space, the Generalized Fréchet distance enables an under realistic assumptions, and O (=<) for the discrete version for
arbitrary weight functions. Therefore the theoretical running times
match those of the classical Fréchet distance. In our experimen-
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
tal evaluation, we demonstrate the usefulness of the Generalized
for pro�t or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation Fréchet distance and study the practical behaviour of our algorithms.
on the �rst page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored. On sets of real-world trajectories, we con�rm that the weighting
For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
SIGSPATIAL ’22, November 1–4, 2022, Seattle, WA, USA
of the spatial and temporal dimensions heavily impacts the rela-
© 2022 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). tive similarity, and hence the ability to tailor the measure to the
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-9529-8/22/11. application is a useful tool.
SIGSPATIAL ’22, November 1–4, 2022, Sea�le, WA, USA Theodor Gutschlag and Sabine Storandt

CCS CONCEPTS 1.1 Related Work

• Theory of computation ! Computational geometry. Since its introduction in 1906, many variants and extensions of the
Fréchet distance were proposed to suit di�erent kinds of applica-
For example, in [15], the Fréchet distance was instrumented
Trajectory similarity, Fréchet distance, Algorithm analysis to determine the similarity of time series. To capture the possible
interdependence of data points in time series data, they augemented
ACM Reference Format: the Fréchet distance with a dissimilarity index which takes temporal
Theodor Gutschlag and Sabine Storandt. 2022. On the Generalized Fréchet correlation into account.
Distance and its Applications. In The 30th International Conference on Ad- There are also Fréchet distance variants for trajectory compari-
vances in Geographic Information Systems (SIGSPATIAL ’22), November 1–4, son that are sensitive to polygonal obstacles. For example, when
2022, Seattle, WA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 10 pages. using the geodesic Fréchet distance [17], the leash length is deter-
mined by the shortest obstacle-aware path in the plane between the
position of the dog and the owner (that means, the leash has to bend
around the obstacles). The homotopic Fréchet distance [11] demands
the leash to move continuously over time, that means, it cannot
jump over obstacles. Both, geodesic and homotopic Fréchet dis-
The Fréchet distance is a popular and widely used distance measure tance can be computed in polynomial time. For the isotopic Fréchet
for polygonal curves with use cases in di�erent �elds of compu- distance [12], a special case of the homotopic Fréchet distance,
tation such as computational geometry [1], computer vision [6], where homotopies are replaced by ambient isotopies, no e�cient
data compression [23], or protein alignment [24]. Informally, the algorithms are known so far.
Fréchet distance is the minimum length of a leash required for a While in most use cases of the Fréchet distance only two-di-
dog, walking along one of the polygonal curves, to always stay mensional data is considered, applications on higher dimensional
connected to its owner, who is walking along the other polygonal curves have also been investigated. For example, the alignment of
curve. Thereby, dog and owner are not allowed to backtrack. tertiary protein structures using the discrete Fréchet distance in three
As the Fréchet distance takes the location and ordering of the dimensions was discussed in various papers [24, 35]. In [3], four-
points along the curves into account (while other measures as e.g. dimensional lung movement data was analysed using the Fréchet
the Hausdor� distance ignore this aspect), it constitutes a very use- distance with the goal of detecting lung cancer or tumour displace-
ful measure particularly for the similarity of movement trajectories. ment. In the context of general data clustering and analysis, nearest
It is hence frequently applied for tasks as map matching [4, 13], neighbour data structures for high-dimensional point sequences
clustering [9, 21] or trajectory simpli�cation [25]. Although tra- under the Fréchet metric were studied in [22], and multivariate
jectories are often spatio-temporal in nature, most previous work time series were compared using the Fréchet distance in [28].
only takes the spatial components into account when utilizing the Somewhat surprisingly, little work was done so far on utilizing
Fréchet distance [26]. If temporal aspects are considered, either the Fréchet distance for the analysis of higher dimensional move-
completely di�erent measures are deployed [32] or the Fréchet dis- ment trajectory data. While the (discrete) Fréchet distance is very
tance is merely used as a building block of a more complex measure frequently applied to measure the similarity of the movement shape
[20, 34]. Nevertheless, in theory, the Fréchet distance is capable of in the plane, the temporal component is usually not incorporated.
incorporating temporal or other additional data dimensions, as its A notable exception is the F-constrained discrete Fréchet distance
de�nition can easily be lifted to work in 3-dimensional Euclidean [18], which only allows the leash to connect two points on the two
space. But the problem incurred by this approach is that all dimen- curves if their timestamps are within a given time window F. How-
sions are treated equally when determining the minimum leash ever, the measure is not suitable for continuous curves and very
length (e.g. by using some norm on the 3-dimensional points). Of- sensitive to the choice of F. In [7], the Fréchet distance was studied
ten, though, di�erent data dimensions come e.g. with di�erent data in R3 under polyhedral distance functions and it was shown that
ranges, di�erent levels of uncertainty, or di�erent levels of impor- the measures can then be computed in quadratic time. They also
tance for the result. Hence the uniform weighting of all dimensions rely on convexity considerations in their analysis. However, they
is quite limiting, might lead to undesirable results, and impairs the restrict themselves to a subset of norms while we allow arbitrary
interpretability of the outcome. While some of these issues could combinations of convex functions.
be alleviated with the help of normalization or data transformation, There exist various other similarity measures that can be applied
there is still a lack of �exibility when it comes to choosing the best to spatio-temporal trajectories, as (multi-dimensional) Dynamic
distance measure for a given data set. Time Warping (DTW) [2, 30], the Lock-Step Euclidean distance [33],
The goal of this paper is to overcome this problem by proposing as well as variants of Edit distance [14] or Longest Common Subse-
a new version of the classical Fréchet distance, called Generalized quence [31]. In a recent survey [29], these measures were compared
Fréchet distance, in which the contribution of each dimension to the to the Fréchet distance under theoretical and practical aspects. One
output value can be tuned as desired. We show that this increased drawback of those measures is that not all can be applied to contin-
�exibility does not come at the cost of higher asymptotic running uous curves. Continuous DTW and LCSS versions exist but either
times, and we discuss several application scenarios for which the su�er from huge running times or do not work for the !2 norm
usage of the Generalized Fréchet distance is bene�cial.
On the Generalized Fréchet Distance and its Applications SIGSPATIAL ’22, November 1–4, 2022, Sea�le, WA, USA

[5, 8]. Another issue is that in contrast to the Fréchet distance, without backtracking. Any such traversal can be modelled by a so
DTW and most others are not metric. The survey also discusses called reparameterisation.
applications where the spatial and the temporal components should
De�nition 2.2 (Reparameterisation). Given % 2 P3 of length
not equally contribute to the (dis)similarity of two trajectories and
< as well as = 2 N 2 , a continuous non-decreasing surjective
hence more �exibility in the weighting would be desirable.
function U : [0, =] ! [0, <] with U (0) = 0 and U (=) = < is called a
reparametrisation of %.
1.2 Contribution
The following theoretical and experimental results on multi-di- The set of all such functions U is denoted by =,< .
mensional trajectory similarity computation are presented in this De�nition 2.3 (Fréchet Distance). Let %, & 2 P3 be two polygonal
paper: We introduce the (discrete) Generalized Fréchet distance, curves of length = and <, then the Fréchet distance is de�ned as
as a generalization of the classical (discrete) Fréchet distance, this
allows to customize the contribution of each data dimension to the 3 (%, &) = inf max 3 (% (C)), & (U (C))).
U2 =,< C 2 [0,=]
distance value. If the contribution of each dimension is modelled
by a di�erentiable convex function, we prove that the concept of Alt and Godau [1] introduced several algorithms to e�ciently
free space diagrams introduced in [1] can be adapted such that the compute the Fréchet distance of two polygonal curves % and &.
Generalized Fréchet distance can be computed within the same as- Their algorithms rely on answering the respective decision problem
ymptotic running time bound as the classical Fréchet distance. For as a subroutine: Given two curves and Y, does there exist reparameter-
the discrete Generalized Fréchet distance, we show that the dynamic isations such that 3 (%, &)  Y? The algorithms then systematically
programming approach for the conventional discrete Fréchet dis- search for the smallest value Y for which the answer to the decision
tance can be integrated with the individual function choices for each problem is true.
dimension. The applicability of the Generalized Fréchet distance Free Space Diagram. To answer the decision problem, the concept
is demonstrated in an experimental study on real-world spatio- of a free space diagram was introduced in [1]. In case the given
temporal trajectories and generated curves with three-dimensional curves %, & 2 P = are both of length two, i.e. both consist of a single
data points. We describe implementation details and engineering line segment, all pairs of points whose distance is at most Y de�ne
techniques that enable sensible running times, and study the impact the free space
of the choice of the mapping function on the distance value.
Y = {(B, C) 2 [0, 1] 2 3 (% (B), & (C))  Y}.
2 PRELIMINARIES Alt and Godau showed that Y is always a convex set. The concept
In this section, we review basic de�nitions and algorithms for the can be extended to polygonal curves of arbitrary length by applying
classical (discrete) Fréchet distance, which the Generalized Fréchet the free space de�nition to each pair of line segments from % and
distance will be built upon. &. Accordingly, the free space diagram
Given two points 0, 1 2 R3 , their Euclidean distance is denoted Y (%, &) = {(B, C) 2 [0, =] ⇥ [0, <] 3 (% (B), & (C))  Y}
by 3 (0, 1). We use 01 to describe the line segment from 0 to 1, and is composed of the =< cells ⇠8,9 where Y (%, &)\⇠8,9 corresponds to
01 for the line passing through 0, 1. A polygonal curve is described the free space of the 8th line segment of % and the 9th line segment
by a sequence of = points and the corresponding = 1 line segments of &. Given the free space diagram Y (%, &), the decision problem
connecting successive points. More formally, let S3 be the set of all can be answered based on the observation that 3 (%, &)  Y i�
sequences of 3-dimensional points ( = hB 0, . . . , B= i where ( (8) = B8 there exists a continuous curve in Y (%, &) from (0, 0) to (=, <),
for all 8 2 [=] with [=] = {0, 1, 2, ..., =} for any = 2 N. Then the which is monotone in both coordinates.
following de�nition of a (continuous) polygonal curve applies. For (8, 9) 2 [=] ⇥ [<] let !8,9 (or ⌫8,9 ) be the left (or bottom)
line segment bounding cell ⇠8,9 (see Figure 2 for an illustration).
De�nition 2.1 (Polygonal Curve). Given a sequence ( 2 S3 with =
points, a polygonal curve is a continuous mapping % : [0, =] ! R3 , Further de�ne !8,9 = !8,9 \ Y and ⌫8,9 = ⌫8,9 \ Y . Two things
where % (8) = B8 for 8 2 [=] and % (8 + _) = _(B8+1 B8 ) + B8 for follow from the convexity of Y \ ⇠8,9 . First, !8,9 and ⌫8,9 are line
_ 2 [0, 1]. The length of % is then denoted by =. segments, and secondly, it is su�cient to calculate all !8,9 and ⌫8,9
We refer to the set of all polygonal curves in 3 dimensions as to decide whether there exists a a path in the corresponding free
P3 . Unless stated otherwise, we will always assume for ease of space diagram. Let now 'Y be the set of points that are reachable
exposition that 3 2 O (1) in the following. This complies with the from (0, 0), that is, the points on monotone curve from (0, 0) in
Y . Further let !8,9 = !8,9 \ 'Y and ⌫8,9 = ⌫8,9 \ 'Y . Because of
' '
fact that in most applications we deal with low-dimensional data,
e.g., spatio-temporal trajectories are typically three-dimensional the convexity of Y \ ⇠8,9 , !8,9
' and ⌫ ' are line segments as well
with two spatial and one temporal dimension, or four-dimensional and 3 (%, &)  Y i� (=, <) 2 !=+1,<
' . Note that !8,9 and ⌫8,9 can be
with three spatial and one temporal dimension (in case elevation computed in constant time using basic geometric operations.
matters). Based on these considerations, the question whether 3 (%, &) 
Y can be answered in time O (=<) by �rst computing all intervals of
2.1 Continuos Fréchet Distance the free space on the boundary of all cells in the free space diagram
The continuous Fréchet distance measures the maximum distance and then systematically testing for each cell whether its right upper
between two polygonal curves while traversing them in parallel corner is reachable from (0, 0).
SIGSPATIAL ’22, November 1–4, 2022, Sea�le, WA, USA Theodor Gutschlag and Sabine Storandt

Figure 2: Intervals of free space on the boundary of a cell.

Computing the Fréchet Distance. Having developed a black box

for answering the decision version of the problem, Alt and Godau
presented two algorithms that systematically search for the small- Figure 3: Two curves %, & and the corresponding free space
est value of Y such that 3 (%, &)  Y holds. At the heart of both diagram for Y = 3 (%, &). A possible path through the free
algorithms is the observation, that there is only a discrete set of Y space diagram is shown in red. Note that Y is of ���� �.
values that need to be tested.
• ���� �: The distance between the starting points or the end-
points of the two curves, that is, 3 (% (0), & (0)) or 3 (% (=), & (<)). the end points of line segment !8,9 and 28,9 , 38,9 of ⌫8,9 modelled as
• ���� �: The distance of a sequence point of one curve to a functions in Y. Then values of ���� � can be described as: 08,9 = 1:,9
line segment of the other. or 28,9 = 38,: for some 8, 9, :. Since 08,9 , 18,9 , 28,9 , 38,9 are functions of
• ���� �: The common distance of two sequence points of one constant degree, a comparison between two of them requires to
curve to the intersection point of their bisector with some check only a constant number of critical values. There are O (=<)
line segment of the other. functions to check which by using parametric search is possible
Figure 3 shows an example of two polygonal curves and the re- within O (=< log(=<)), which also constitutes the overall running
spective free space diagram for a Y of ���� �. There are two values time.
of ���� �, =< + =< of ���� � and possibly =2 < + <2 = of ����
�, overall resulting in O (= 2< + < 2=) so called critical values. Note 2.2 Discrete Fréchet Distance
that each of the critical values can be computed in O (1) with basic The discrete variant of the Fréchet distance is only concerned with
geometric operations.
point sequences in S3 and does not consider the connecting line
Accordingly, the Fréchet distance can be computed in O ((= 2< +
2 segments. With that, the concept of parallel traversal of two se-
< =) log(=<)) by computing all critical values, sorting them, and
quences can be de�ned as follows.
then conducting a binary search algorithm to detect the smallest
critical value for which the answer to the decision problem is true. De�nition 2.4 (Traversal). Let ', ( 2 S3 be two sequences of
Alt and Godau where able to further decrease the asymptotic length =, <. A traversal V of ' and ( is a sequence of point pairs
runtime by applying parametic search [27], speci�cally Cole’s vari- (A, B) 2 ' ⇥ ( that starts with (A 0, B 0 ), ends with (A= , B< ); and a pair
ant [16]. The goal is to reduce the running time for computing (A8 , B 9 ) in V can only be followed only by one of (A8+1, B 9 ), (A8 , B 9+1 ),
critical values of ���� �, since this dominates the running time or (A8+1, B 9+1 ).
of the binary search algorithm. First, they compute the so called
critical interval [Y 1, Y 2 ], which is the result of conducting binary The discrete Fréchet distance between two sequences then is the
search only on values of ���� � and ���� �. So if a critical value maximum distance between pair of points in V, minimized over all
of ���� � is the solution, it must be within [Y 1, Y 2 ]. Let 08,9 , 18,9 be possible traversals.
On the Generalized Fréchet Distance and its Applications SIGSPATIAL ’22, November 1–4, 2022, Sea�le, WA, USA

De�nition 2.5 (Discrete Fréchet Distance). Given two sequences P����. Let %, &, ' 2 P3 . By de�nition of g and the minimality
', ( 2 S3 . The discrete Fréchet distance is de�ned as 33 (', () = of U 2 =,< , we get 3 GF (%, &) = 0 , % = &. Since g is a norm it
minV max (A,B) 2V 3 (A, B). follows, that 3 GF (%, &) = 3 GF (&, %). It remains to be shown, that
3 GF (%, &)  3 GF (%, ') + 3 GF (', &). Now let Y > 0 and W, ` 2 ,
The discrete structure enables the computation of 33 (', () in
such that 3 GF (%, ') = XW (%, ') and 3 GF (', &) = X ` (', &). Then
O (=<) by applying the concept of dynamic programming [19].
XW (%, ') < 3 GF (%, ') + Y/3
The idea of the (discrete) Generalized Fréchet distance is to create
a bottleneck distance measure, where every dimension of the input X ` (', &) < 3 GF (', &) + Y/3.
data can be modelled individually and can be arbitrarily combined Further, there exists a CY 2 [0, 1], such that (i):
with the other dimensions as desired for the application. The char-
acteristics of the Fréchet distance are to be retained: sensitivity to g (% (CY ) & (W (` (CY )))) > max g (% (C) (& (W (` (C)))) Y/3
C 2 [0,1]
backtracking, being a metric and allowing for e�cient computation.
We will prove these properties for the continuous and the discrete Let W (CY ) = DY and ` (DY ) = E Y , then:
version, and also examine the relation between the continuous and g (% (CY ) '(DY )) < 3 GF (%, ') + Y/3
the discrete variant.
g ('(DY ) & (E Y )) < 3 GF (', &) + Y/3
Let us start with the following basic de�nition, which is needed
for both variants: By adding the above equations we get:
De�nition 3.1 (Weight Function). Let be the set of all di�er-
3 2Y
g (% (CY ) '(DY )) + g ('(DY ) & (E Y )) < 3 GF (%, ') + 3 GF (', &) +
entiable and convex functions g : R3 ! R+0 for which g (G) = 0 , 3
G = 0 applies for all G 2 R3 . Since g is norm and therefore ful�ls the triangle inequality, we
3.1 Continous Generalized Fréchet Distance 2Y
First, we introduce the continuous Generalized Fréchet distance g (% (CY ) & (E Y )) < 3 GF (%, ') + 3 GF (', &) + .
and prove that it de�nes a norm on P3 for a g 2 3 if g is a metric
Reorganizing and (i) results:
on R3 , which is important for many applications. We further show
that it can be computed within the same asymptotic running time max g (% (C) (& (EC )) Y < 3 GF (%, ') + 3 GF (', &).
C 2 [0,1]
bounds as the classical Fréchet distance.
Since Y is arbitrary and W and ` are minimal 3 GF (%, &)  3 GF (%, ') +
De�nition 3.2 (Generalized Fréchet Distance). Let g 2 3 be arbi-
3 GF (', &) follows. ⇤
trary but �xed. Then the weighted distance of %, & 2 P3 of length
=, < for a given reparametrisation U 2 =,< is de�ned as: Next, we want to design an algorithm to compute the Generalized
XU (%, &) := max g (% (C) & (U (C))) Fréchet distance for any feasible choice of g. In the following, we
C 2 [0,=]
argue that the concept of the free space diagram can be generalized
Accordingly, the Generalized Fréchet distance of % and & is to work also for the Generalized Fréchet distance. To get the same
3 GF (?, @) := inf XU (%, &). asymptotic running times for the Generalized Fréchet distance
as for computing the classical Fréchet distance, we need to show
For example, if we set that all critical values as well as !8,9
⌫ and ! ⌫ can be determined in
q 8,9
constant time.
g= G 12 + G 22 + G 32
Now let g 2 3 be arbitrary but �xed and Y 2 R>0 . The de�nition
for 3 = 3, we would have the classical Fréchet distance using the of the free space can be generalized as follows.
Euclidean norm in three dimensions. But we can also set e.g.
q De�nition 3.4 (Free Space). We call
g = G 12 + G 22 + G 32 g
Y = {(B, C) 2 [0, =] ⇥ [0, <] g (% (B) & (C))  Y}
to re�ect that for the two �rst (spatial) data dimensions, the Eu-
clidean distance is sensible, but the third data dimension (e.g. time) the free space of %, & 2 P3 under Y and g.
should be treated di�erently. Hence the �exibility in de�ning a A necessary condition for answering the decision problem based
suitable measure for a given application is signi�cantly increased. on the free space diagram is that for curves of length two the free
Given this generalized de�nition of the Fréchet distance, we next space is convex.
investigate its properties and how it can be computed e�ciently.
We start by proving that the Generalized Fréchet distance still L���� 3.5 (C��������). Let %, & 2 P3 be of length two, then Y
constitutes a metric when the weight function is di�erentiable and is convex.
P����. Let _ 2 [0, 1] and (B, C), (G, ~) 2 Y . We will show that
L���� 3.3 (M����� S����). If g 2 3 is a norm on R3 , then
(P3 , 3 GF ) is a metric space. _(B, C) + (1 _)(G, ~) = (_B + (1 _)G, _C + (1 _)~) 2 Yg ,
SIGSPATIAL ’22, November 1–4, 2022, Sea�le, WA, USA Theodor Gutschlag and Sabine Storandt

hence, g (% (_B + (1 _)G) & (_C + (1 _)~))  Y. W.l.o.g. assume critical values of ���� �. Hence also computing a critical value of
g (% (B) & (C)) g (% (G) & (~)). By the de�nition of a polygonal ���� � is in O (1).
curve and the convexity of g, we get: Since all types of critical values can be computed in O (1), the
optimization problem can be solved in O ((= 2< + =< 2 ) log(=<)) by
g (_(% (B) & (C)) + (1 _)(% (G) & (~)))
a binary search over the respective value set.
_g (% (B) & (C)) + (1 _)g (% (G) & (~)))
T������ 3.7. Let %, & 2 P3 be two polygonal curves of length
g (% (B) & (C))  Y
=, < and g 2 3 . Then 3 GF (%, &) can be computed in O ((= 2< +
⇤ =< 2 ) log(=<)).

To show that !8,9 and ⌫8,9 are computable in O (1), we reduce the To also make the parametric search algorithm from Alt and
problem to one variable and then obtain the value by solving a one Godau applicable to the computation of 3 GF , the end points 08,9 , 18,9
dimensional equation. Let ', ( 2 S3 be of length =, < and let %, & and 28,9 , 38,9 of the line segments !8,9 and ⌫8,9 , respectively, must be
be the corresponding polygonal curves. Then !8,9 is the interval of de�nable as a functions in Y. Rearranging
the line segment ( ( 9)( ( 9 + 1), 9 2 [< 1] which has a distance of g ('(8) C (( ( 9 + 1) ( ( 9)) + ( ( 9))) = Y
at most Y from the point '(8), 8 2 [=]. Due to Lemma 3.5, the set of
for C 2 R results in the respective functions in Y for 08,9 and 18,9 .
these points is a line segment, which means we only need to �nd
Similarly, we can de�ne the functions for 28,9 and 38,9 .
the endpoints of this line segment to de�ne !8,9 . In 3-dimensional
Euclidean space a line DE can be written as C (E D) + D with C 2 R. T������ 3.8 (C��������� O����������� P������). Let %, & 2
Solving g ('(8) C · (( ( 9 + 1) ( ( 9)) + ( ( 9)) = Y allows �nding P3 be two polygonal curves of length =, < and g 2 3 . If 08,9 , 18,9 , 28,9 , 38,9
the endpoints ; 1, ; 2 . Since g is convex, at most two solutions exist. can be described as functions of constant degree for all 8 2 [=], 9 2
Now !8,9 = ; 1; 2 \ ( ( 9)( ( 9 + 1). The computation of ⌫8,9 works in [<], then 3 GF (%, &) can be computed in O (=< log(=<)).
analogues fashion. Hence !8,9 and ⌫8,9 can be computed in O (1).
3.2 Discrete Generalized Fréchet Distance
T������ 3.6. Let %, & 2 P = . Then 3 GF (%, &)  Y can be decided Similar to the extended de�nition of the continuous Fréchet dis-
in O (=<) for arbitrary but �xed g 2 3 . tance, we now de�ne the discrete generalized version.
Now, in order to compute the Generalized Fréchet distance, we De�nition 3.9 (Discrete Generalized Fréchet Distance). Let g 2 3
need to calculate the critical values of ���� �, ���� � and ���� � be arbitrary but �xed. Further let ', ( 2 S3 be point sequences and
in time O (1) each. This is trivial for values of ���� �, as we only V a traversal of ' and (. The discrete weighted distance between '
need to check the distance between the starting and the end points and ( of traversal V is de�ned as :
of the two curves. For the calculation of the critical values of ����
X V (', () := max g (B8 C 9 ).
� and ���� � we apply the same approach as for the calculation of (B8 ,C 9 ) 2V
!8,9 , ⌫8,9 . That is, we reduce the problem to one variable and then The discrete Generalized Fréchet distance of ' and ( is de�ned as
obtain the value by solving a one dimensional equation. Again, let 3 dGF (', () := inf V X V (', ().
', ( 2 S3 of length =, < and let %, & be the corresponding polygonal
curves. Critical values of ���� � correspond to the distance from Based on the same argumentation as used in the proof of Lemma
'(8), 8 2 [=] to 1 9 2 ( ( 9)( ( 9 + 1), 9 2 [< 1], such that 3.3, we obtain the following result for the discrete Generalized
Fréchet distance.
min g ('(;) G) = g ('(8) 19)
G 2( ( 9)( ( 9+1) L���� 3.10 (M����� S����). (S3 , 3 dGF ) if g 2 3 is a norm.
(or from ( ( 9), 9 2 [<] to '(8)'(8 + 1) , 8 2 [= 1]). Since g is convex The de�nition of a traversal is una�ected by the distance measure
and ( ( 9)( ( 9 + 1) is a bounded set, there exists one minimum. By used. But it is important to note, that we can still divide the prob-
de�nition all g are di�erentiable, hence solving lem into independent sub-problems in the same way as it is done
g 0 ('(8) C (( ( 9 + 1) ( ( 9)) + ( ( 9)) = 0 for the classical discrete Fréchet distance. Therefore we can solve
the discrete Generalized Fréchet distance using the same dynamic
returns a C such that C (( ( 9 + 1) ( ( 9)) + ( ( 9) = 1 9 . Accordingly, programming approach as for the conventional discrete Fréchet
computing critical values of ���� � is in O (1). distance, only using the new distance de�nition internally. Thus
Critical values of ���� �, are the common weighted distance of we obtain the following theorem.
two points '(8 1 ), '(8 2 ), 8 1, 8 2 2 [=] to a line segment ( ( 9)( ( 9 + 1)
with 9 2 [< 1] (or ( ( 91 ), ( ( 92 ), 91, 92 2 [<] to a line segment T������ 3.11. Let ', ( 2 S3 be of length =, < and g 2 3 . Then
'(8)'(8 + 1) with 8 2 [= 1]). Let 3 dGF (', () can be computed in O (=<).

⌘(G) = g ('(G) C (( ( 9 + 1) ( ( 9)) + ( ( 9)), 3.3 Relationship

then solving ⌘(8 1 ) ⌘(8 2 ) = 0 for C results in C 1, C 2 , since we are In the conventional and also in our generalized variant, the discrete
again solving a one dimensional convex function. If C 1 (( ( 9 + 1) Fréchet distance can be computed asymptotically faster and with
( ( 9)) +( ( 9) 2 ( ( 9)( ( 9 +1) or C 2 (( ( 9 +1) ( ( 9)) +( ( 9) 2 ( ( 9)( ( 9 +1), simpler machinery than the continuous variant. However, the con-
we add the weighted distance from '(8) to this point to the list of tinuous variant is often deemed superior as it also takes the course
On the Generalized Fréchet Distance and its Applications SIGSPATIAL ’22, November 1–4, 2022, Sea�le, WA, USA

of the curve between the points into account, while the discrete of this algorithm for the Generalized Fréchet distance is rather slow
variant ’jumps’ from point to point. Hence the question is how and might exhibit some numerical instabilities. In the following,
much information is lost in the discretized variant. we describe some ideas to take care of these problems.
Next we want to assess the gap between the discrete and the Solving the equations to compute !8,9 , ⌫8,9 as well as the critical
continuous Generalized Fréchet distance. For given ', ( 2 S3 with values T��� � and T��� � results in long and unwieldy formulas. In
%, & being their polygonal curves, we have 3 GF (%, &)  3 dGF (', () order to avoid handling these, we use a numerical equation solver1 .
as we can de�ne a reparametrisation U, such that, for each (A8 , B 9 ) 2 To decrease the practical running time, we seek to reduce the
V there exists a C 2 [0, =] such that % (C) = A8 and & (U (C)) = B 9 . To number of critical values for which we need to answer the respec-
get a more �ne-grained distinction, we de�ne tive decision problem, in particular those of ���� �. Like in the
⇡ (() := max g (B8 1 B8 ) parametric search algorithm, we construct a critical interval [Y 1, Y 2 ],
8=2,...,= based on the critical values of ���� � and ���� �. Note that there are
for ( = hB 1, . . . , B= i 2 S3 . possibly a lot of duplicates in values of ���� �, which we remove
beforehand. Next, we test if Y 2 r solves the decision problem for
L���� 3.12. Given ', ( 2 S3 , their polygon curves %, & and r > 0 being negligibly small. If the decision problem is false, then
g 2 3 , then we assume the Y 2 is the optimum, otherwise there exists a value of
3 dGF (', ()  3 GF (%, &) + max{⇡ ('), ⇡ (()}/2. ���� � in [Y 1, Y 2 ], for which the decision problem is positive. Since
we already computed the critical interval we can directly discard
if g is a norm over R3 . all values of ���� � which are not in the critical interval.
P����. Let V be a traversal such that X V (', () is minimal. Further,
let U be a reparametrisation such XU (%, &) is minimal. Now assume 4.2 Scalability and Sensitivity Study
we are at traversal step V2 = ('(8), ( ( 9)). We have to distinguish Next, we evaluate the practical running times of the Generalized
between three cases for V2+1 : Fréchet distance and the in�uence of g. The code was compiled
First, let V2+1 = ('(8 + 1), ( ( 9)), let C8+1 with Python 3.8.10 and run on an AMD Ryzen Threadrippe 3970X
⇣ be the smallest C such⌘
that % (C) = '(8 + 1) then & (U (C8+1 )) 2 ,
( ( 9 1)+( ( 9) ( ( 9)+( (8+1) 32-Core processor with 3.7GHz and 256 GB RAM.
2 2
as otherwise V or U would not be optimal. Due to the triangle
inequality, we get: Algorithm 1 Create next data point depending on current direction
and previous value.
g ('(8 + 1) ( ( 9))  g (% (C8+1 ) & (U (C8+1 ))) + max{⇡ ('), ⇡ (()}/2.
Require: 38A42C8>= 2 {0, 1} and previous point ?A4E
The same applies for the case V2+1 = ('(8), ( ( 9 + 1)). 1: function N���V����(38A42C8>=, ?A4E)
In case V2+1 = ('(8 + 1), ( ( 9 + 1)), we again choose C8+1 to be the 2: while TRUE do
smallest ) such
⇣ that % (C) = '(8 + 1). Since
⌘ V and U are optimal so 3: - ⇠ N (?A4E, 25)
( ( 9)+( ( 9+1) ( ( 9+1)+( (8+2)
& (U (C8+1 )) 2 2 , 2 , otherwise V2+1 < ('(8 + 4: if - > 0 then
1), ( ( 9 + 1)). We hence have 5: if direction then
6: if - ?A4E then
g ('(8+1) ( ( 9 +1))  g (% (C8+1 ) & (U (C8+1 )))+max{⇡ ('), ⇡ (()}/2,
7: return X
. Thus the assertion follows. ⇤ 8: with probability 15 return X
9: else
Hence 3 GF (?, @)  3 dGF (', ()  3 GF (%, &)+max{⇡ ('), ⇡ (()}/2
10: if - < ?A4E then
if the chosen g is a norm over R3 .
11: return X
12: with probability 15 return X
In this section we apply the Generalized Fréchet distance to deter- In the �rst set of experiments, we use generated curve data to
mine the similarity of three-dimensional trajectories. In previous have control over the data characteristics. The goal is to gener-
work, typically the Fréchet distance was only used on the spatial ate trajectories that mimic real object movements, such as a car
dimensions of the trajectories. Here, we also incorporate the tem- routes, and are therefore not too random. We hence use th follow-
poral dimension and show that tuning the in�uence of the third ing approach: Trajectories are built iteratively and space and time
dimension heavily impacts the outcome. separately. In order to build the spatial part of the curve, take a
random starting point ? 1 2 [0, 1] 2 . Algorithm 1 now creates point
4.1 Implementation ?8+1 based on ?8 , where x and y coordinates are created separately.
Therefore in each iteration there is a current direction (up and
Although the parametric search algorithm proposed by Alt and Go-
down/ left and right) which is changed with each run with a proba-
dau has a better asymptotic runtime than the simpler binary search 1 . At start the direction for both coordinates are picked
bility of 10
algorithm, it was already noted in the original paper that the former
randomly. After the �nal iteration the whole curve is normalized
is based on data structures that are hard to implement and that
to [0, 1] 2 . The temporal sequence is easier to create, since one can
come with large computational overhead. Hence, in practice, the
simpler algorithm is preferable. However, a naive implementation 1 We use fsolve provided by the Python ����� package in our implementation.
SIGSPATIAL ’22, November 1–4, 2022, Sea�le, WA, USA Theodor Gutschlag and Sabine Storandt


2 0.02 0.00 4.4 0.01 0.00 0 4 7 1.00044 1.06284 0.00110 0.15773
4 0.12 0.01 22.8 0.09 0.02 0 6 10 1.00040 1.03998 0.00234 0.23306
8 0.61 0.05 82.8 0.48 0.08 0 8 5 1.00030 1.06063 0.00124 0.24833
16 3.40 0.21 320.1 2.83 0.34 0 10 4 1.00032 1.00823 0.00094 0.23538
32 16.14 0.82 1184.5 13.94 1.37 0 Table 2: Experimental results for the frequency of the crit-
64 72.02 3.18 4462.4 63.59 5.25 0 ical values of ���� �. Here = is the length of the two input
128 331.87 12.51 17219.5 284.43 20.21 0 curves, #C the overall number of cases in which a critical
Table 1: Results of the scalability experiment. = is the length value ���� � is the optimum. OImp is the average factor, by
of the input curves. ORT is the average running time in sec- which critical values of ���� � improve the optimum and
onds; RTAB is the running time needed to compute critical IC is the average factor by which critical values of ���� �
values of ���� � and ���� �, and #AB is the number of improve the optimum in case the optimum is of ���� �. Fi-
unique critical values of ���� � and ���� �. RTBS is the nally, ORT is the percentage of the total runtime needed to
time for the binary search, RTDP the average time spent compute the values of ���� � and RTC the percentage of the
on the decision problem. Finally #C is the number of cases total runtime needed in case a critical values of ���� � is the
where a critical value ���� � is the optimum. optimum.

g2 #C OImp ImpC ORT RTC

pick numbers randomly from [0, 1] without repetitions and sort G 5 1.00027 1.05435 0.00056 0.11206
them in order for it to be strictly monotonously increasing. G2 5 1.00021 1.04322 0.00060 0.12081
Visualized examples of spatio-temporal curves created with this G4 7 1.00034 1.04849 0.00080 0.11406
procedure are shown in Figure 1. G8 11 1.00083 1.07609 0.00153 0.13920
To assess the scalability, the Generalized Fréchet distance was Table 3: The e�ect of g on the occurrence and weight of the
computed for two generated trajectories of size 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 critical values of ���� �.
and 128. To reduce the e�ect of outliers for each input size, the
average of tenqiterations is used. As weight function g : R3 ! R,
g (G 1, G 2, G 3 ) = G 12 + G 22 + G 22 was selected. However, the choice of
the weight functions had no in�uence on the running times. The varied, see Table 3. The input is in each instance a generated curve
results are shown in Table 1. In none of the test runs a critical value of length four. Each test was executed 1000 times.
of ���� � is the optimal Generalized Fréchet distance for two given The experiment shows that the frequency in which critical values
curves. If, after computing the critical interval [Y 1, Y 2 ], the decision ���� � represent the optimum is less than 1% of the examined cases.
problem for Y 2 r is false, then Y 2 is returned. In this case, the Interestingly, the occurrence of cases where ���� � is the optimum
algorithm has an asymptotic running time of O (=< log(=<)) and increases with increasing polynomial degree of g2 as well as their
the measured running times seem to align with that. improvements compared to Y 2 . Since in our test data the third
To further study the in�uence of critical values of ���� �, we dimension is non-decreasing and in [0, 1], increasing polynomial
conducted two additional experiments. In the �rst experiment, we degree leads to an overall weaker weighting of the third dimension
varied the trajectory size = from 2 to 10 and conducted 1000 test runs and therefore increases the probability of values of ���� �. This is
for each =. The results are presented in Table 2. The experiment due to the fact that values of ���� � can only appear if there are
shows that critical values of ���� � represent the optimum in convolutions in the curve. However, since the third dimension is
less than 1% of the examined cases. Interestingly, as the input size non-decreasing, a strong weighting of it reduces the frequency of
increases, the improvements obtained by ���� � values decrease the values of ���� �.
compared to considering only values of ���� � and ���� �. This is Based on these observations, a heuristic that estimates the Weigh-
due to the fact that the critical interval becomes smaller, and thus the ted Fréchet distance by ignoring critical values of ���� � leads to a
possible improvements by a critical value of ���� � become smaller, reduction of the asymptotic running time to O (=< log(=<)) and
as well. The critical interval becomes smaller for larger curves, simpli�es the implementation. This is especially sensible as our
because the number of ���� � values grows quadratically and hence experiments show that with an increase of the curve lengths the
the distance between the values is expected to become smaller. Due estimation quality improves.
to the same reason, as the size of the input curves increases, the
percentage of ���� � values being the optimum decreases. 4.3 Similarity in Geese Flights
For the second experiment, we investigate the in�uence of di�er-
Finally, we use a real-world data set to investigate the in�uence
ent weightings of the temporal dimension on the values of ���� �.
of di�erent incarnations of the Generalized Fréchet distance. The
Therefore let g (G 1, G 2, G 3 ) q= g1 (G 1, G 2 ) +g2 (G 3 ) be the function with
experiments are carried out on geese migration data which was
g1 : R2 ! R g1 (G 1, G 2 ) = G 12 + G 22 �xed and where g2 : R ! R is already investigated in the context of trajectory similarity [10].
On the Generalized Fréchet Distance and its Applications SIGSPATIAL ’22, November 1–4, 2022, Sea�le, WA, USA

Figure 4: Visualisation of the migration routes of 18 geese. To study which geese migrated together not only the spatial course
but also the temporal similarity of the trajectories needs to be considered.

Figure 5: Trajectory similarity of 18 geese migration routes, shown here as heat maps. The redder the square, the more similar
the routes in the respective row and colum. On the left (i), the classic Fréchet distance is used, where time does not e�ect
the evaluation. The middle (ii) and right (iii) graphics use the Generalized Fréchet distance. In addition to the geographical
information, the temporal course is included. In the middle and in the right graphic, the geographical data is weighted by the
Euclidean Distance and the temporal plane is weighted by G in the middle and G 4 in the right graphic.

The goal is to discover which individuals have similar migration (i) g1 : R2 ! R, g1 (G 1, G 2 ) = G 12 + G 22
behaviour and which, if any, have �own together. q
The data set consists of GPS data of di�erent individuals tracked (ii) g2 : R3 ! R, g2 (G 1, G 2, G 3 ) = G 12 + G 22 + G 3
over the same period of time. In preparation of the experiment, (iii) g3 : R3 ! R, g3 (G 1, G 2, G 3 ) = G 12 + G 22 + G 34 .
we did some elementary preprocessing. We removed all trajecto-
ries with less than �ve data points, as those only captured local
Note that (i) is the classical Fréchet distance, while (ii) and (iii) are
movement but not migration. For the remaining 18 trajectories, we
chosen to show the impact of a large di�erences in the gradient of
normalised the coordinates to [0, 1] 2 and the corresponding time
the selected weight functions.
stamps to [0, 1]. Since the data points of the individual trajecto-
The results are shown in Figure 5, represented as colormaps.
ries are close to each other, we subsampled the curves such that
The di�erent patterns emerging in the colormaps indicate that the
the trajectories have an approximate length of 20 on average. The
similarity di�ers greatly between the four scenarios. One obvious
trajectories are shown in Figure 4.
observation is, that in (ii) and (iii), the similarity is more di�er-
In our experiment, we calculate the similarity of each pair of
entiated than (i). In (i) there appears to be a subset of ten geese
trajectories for three di�erent weight functions:
with similar spatial course. However (ii) suggests that there are
di�erences in the temporal course of the routes. In particular, (ii)
SIGSPATIAL ’22, November 1–4, 2022, Sea�le, WA, USA Theodor Gutschlag and Sabine Storandt

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