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Learning Passport User Manual

Learning Passport User Manual

CONTENT ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
1. How is content organized? ............................................................................................................... 2
2. Creating and managing a category ................................................................................................... 3
3. Adding or deleting courses from categories..................................................................................... 4
4. How to add or delete lessons from a course .................................................................................... 6
5. Creating and managing a learning path ........................................................................................... 8
6. How to download content from the platform.................................................................................. 9
7. How to create course translations ................................................................................................. 10
HOW TO MAKE CONTENT MORE INTERACTIVE ......................................................................................... 12
8. How to embed content .................................................................................................................. 12
9. Creating an assessment .................................................................................................................. 14
10. Creating Certificates ................................................................................................................... 16
11. Managing the feedback form ..................................................................................................... 18
BEING AN ADMINISTRATOR ....................................................................................................................... 20
12. Different Admin rights and what they mean .............................................................................. 20
13. Creating and managing a user group .......................................................................................... 21
PLATFORM ANALYTICS ............................................................................................................................... 25
14. Platform analytics ....................................................................................................................... 25
LP BRAND MANUAL ................................................................................................................................... 26
15. LP branding guide ....................................................................................................................... 26

Learning Passport User Manual


1. How is content organized?

1. Lesson - Lessons are the heart of the Learning Passport, the information in each lesson teaches
users about a certain topic or skill. Lessons are the smallest unit. This is what students have to
complete in order to complete a course. These are only visible, when entering a course, on the
left-hand side.
2. Course - A group of lessons together makes a course. Courses are a group of classes or lectures
on a particular subject. Courses are what learner register in and are visible in the course library
and under "my courses".
3. Category - A group of courses is called a category. A category is a class or group of related
content. The category is the largest content category. Courses are created within each category.
Within the learner's view learners can filter the course library based on the available categories.

Click 1 How is the Learning Passport structured.mp4 to watch the video!

Learning Passport User Manual

2. Creating and managing a category

1. Create a new category

In the left ribbon, go to “content”.
In the left field at the bottom, you can select “New Category”.

2. Category settings
Click this and you must enter a category name.
You can also directly upload a thumbnail.

3. Managing a category
Through the three dots you can also select “New
course”, “Bulk upload Courses”, “View Analytics”,
“Edit Category details”, “Download category
content” and “Delete Category”.

*If you add details, don’t forget to save the changes with the “Save” button on the bottom.

Click 2 Creating a Category.mp4 to watch the video!

Learning Passport User Manual

3. Adding or deleting courses from categories

Courses are what learner register in and are visible in the course library and under "my

1. Request new Category

Contact a user with Global Admin rights and ask them to create a new Category for you. You can
manage the group later however you desire. Also send the phone number/e-mail address (based
on the log-in procedure) ready of the person who is to become the admin of the new group.

2. Add Course
- Click on the desired category to add course
- Select the plus symbol to add course
- Define settings for the new course
- Add lessons/content to your new course

3. Delete a course

- Locate the category you’d like to edit.

- To delete a course, find the course you want to remove.

Learning Passport User Manual

- Hover over the three dots next to the course name.

- Select “Delete course” then click “Ok”.
- Deleting a course will also delete all lessons within that course.

Click 3 How to add or delete courses from a category.mp4 to watch the video!

Learning Passport User Manual

4. How to add or delete lessons from a course

Lessons are the smallest unit. This is what students have to complete in order to complete
a course. These are only visible, when entering a course, on the left-hand side.

1. Adding a lesson
- Find the desired course.
- Below purple ribbon - select "New Lesson" or "New Assessment".
- Add new lesson information.

- Upload lesson content.

You can upload a wide range of files. PDF, word, PowerPoint, Excel are static content and should
be used sparingly. You can also upload a video or audio file; these are a bit more interesting for a
learner to interact with. What the regional Office has used for Learning Passport is articulate, a
third-party platform with which you can create modules. But you can use any other platform that
can export web files.
- Use the LINK option
You can also paste in a link in the correct field. Within a course the link will appear as its own
lesson. When clicking the button in the middle of the screen, the learner will be taken outside of
the platform to a pop-up window. This solution may not be suitable if the platform is used by
children or adults that have a lower computer capacity.

2. Deleting a lesson
- To delete a lesson or assessment, click on the category and course which the lesson is part of.
- Next, click on the trash can icon of the lesson you’d like to delete.

Learning Passport User Manual

- Select ‘Ok’ to delete the lesson.

- Your changes will automatically be applied to the platform.

*After saving, check to see how your new lesson looks by selecting ‘View as learner’ at the top of your
screen. You can ensure the lesson is functioning correctly by completing this step.

Click 4 How to add or delete lessons from a course.mp4 to watch the video!

Learning Passport User Manual

5. Creating and managing a learning path

The Learning Path is the largest organizational unit. No new content can be added, but rather the
available courses can be grouped to create individual pathway a learner follows.

1. Create new Learning Path

- Find Learning Paths
In the left ribbon, go to “content”. At the top, then go to “Learning Paths”.
- Create new Learning Path

In the left field at the bottom, you can select “New Learning Path”.

2. Manage content in Learning Path

To add categories and select the desired courses, find "Add Category" underneath the purple
ribbon with the name of your Learning Path. On the right a ribbon will appear. Here the courses
are sorted by category. Select the courses that you want to be part of your Learning Pathway.
Don’t forget to publish it to make changes available.

Click 5 Creating & managing a Learning Pathway.mp4 to watch the video!

Learning Passport User Manual

6. How to download content from the platform

Downloading content from the Learning Passport platform allows users to learn and interact with
lessons offline or when they are not able to access the platform.
Download a category
Locate the category you wish to download content from. If you want to download all content
within a category, click on the three dots to the right of the category name and a dropdown menu
will open. Select ‘download category content’ and the content will be downloaded directly to
your device.

To download specific content within the category, open the category by clicking the arrow next

to the category name to view the courses available.

To download content within a specific course, click the three dots next to the course name and a
dropdown menu will open. Select ‘download course content’ and the content from that
course will download directly to your device.

Click 6 Downloading content from the platform.mp4 to watch the video!

Learning Passport User Manual

7. How to create course translations

If you have translations of your course available, it is better to add it as a course translation, and
not upload it as a new course. This way the learner will see the course only once, and not multiple
times in the course library. A learner always sees the default version of a course in the course
library (the first language listed in the ribbon). If a learner selects a language for which a
translation exists, the course will appear in this language. This will help you to not crowd the
course library and confuse the learner.

Select the desired course

Select "Add course in a different language"

Give details of course translation

Upload correct files

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You can now see the new language tab in the purple ribbon. As normal, you can upload the
translated content as lessons under the correct language label. It is your responsibility to select
the uploaded files in the correct language.
Change settings or delete course
Right of the course name, you again find the three dots. Here you can change the course details
or delete this translation.

* If your desired language is not available, contact the regional office and we will work together
to make the language available!

Click 7 How to add course translations.mp4 to watch the video!

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Learning Passport User Manual


8. How to embed content

Embedding links in the Learning Passport allows administrators to upload a wider breadth of
content to the platform. Embedded content contributes to more dynamic and interactive content
for users to enjoy.

Locate the platform

First, locate the platform that contains the content you wish to upload to the Learning Passport.
Let’s practice by embedding a YouTube video into the Learning Passport.

Copy the link

First, look for a ‘share’ button, then look for an ‘embed’ option. An embedded link is visually
different from a hyperlink, because it contains open and closed angle brackets. You may then
copy the link into any ‘text and source code editor’, such as Notepad++, BBEdit, or Ultra Edit.

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Learning Passport User Manual

Save and upload the document

You can then save the document as a Hyper Text Markup Language File, also called an html file.
You can then upload this file to the Learning Passport as you would any other document.
*If you would like to watch a video with a more detailed explanation on how this is done, then
you can go to Visit the RO PlayIn platform for a more detailed explanation on how to embed links

to upload a wider breadth of content, and how to make Learning Passport courses dynamic and
Click 8 Uploading embedded links to the platform.mp4 to watch the video!

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Learning Passport User Manual

9. Creating an assessment

Open a category, then the course you wish to create the assessment for. Once you have chosen
the course, click the arrow next to “New Assessment” at the top of the page under the course
name. You will now have the option to choose the type of assessment you wish to create. If you
want to add a non-graded assessment, click the “Add non-graded assessment” button. If you
want to add a graded assessment, click the “add graded assessment” button.

Add non-graded assessment

After selecting this option, a new section will open at the bottom of the page. Fill out the
assessment details, including the assessment title, all questions for the assessment, and all
answer options for each question. All questions must have at least one answer option, and you
can have an unlimited number of answer options.
You may also decide if the question has multiple correct answers by selecting the button next to
this option—the answer options will then have a check box next to them. Be sure to select all
correct answers in this case. Add an answer explanation, photo, or delete the answer option by
clicking on the appropriate icons to the right of the answer option. When you have finished
entering assessment information, click the save icon next to the assessment title to save your

Add graded assessment

Select the “add graded assessment” option to open a new section at the bottom of the page.
You will be prompted to input the assessment title and the passing percentage, or what score

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Learning Passport User Manual

constitutes a passing grade. You can also decide if you want to shuffle the answers or present the
assessment questions in a different order for each user, each time they take the assessment, as
well as the option to show the correct answers to the learner after they complete and submit the
assessment. You can also decide how many attempts learners can take the assessment to achieve
a passing score. Once you have input this mandatory information, simply follow the steps we
took to create the ungraded assessment. Remember to click the save icon to save your work!

Delete the assessment

If you wish to delete the assessment, simply click the ‘X’ button to the top right of the
assessment title. Be aware that you cannot undo this option should you delete an assessment.

Click 9 Creating an assessment.mp4 to watch the video!

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Learning Passport User Manual

10. Creating Certificates

Enabling a certificate means that a learner will receive a certificate when finishing a course or a
Learning Path.
Certificates (together with a final assessment) enable the platform to provide recognisable
professional development opportunities. Learners can use certificates for future job
opportunities, trainers can demand certificates as part of the training programme, or universities
can demand these certificates as part of their education curriculum.

Add a custom course certificate

Click the ‘Certificate Templates’ tab. Click the ‘New template’ button to add a custom
course certificate. You have two options; you may download a pre-designed PowerPoint
template from the platform and simply input the course details to this template. Or you can
upload a completely original course certificate.

Use the pre-made template

First, to use the pre-made template, click on the ‘Download PowerPoint template’ button.
Next, open the file and use the directions in the first slide to enter your preferred details to this
premade template. You may save the file to your device as a PDF and upload this file to the
platform by clicking the ‘Upload custom PDF template’ button.

Create completely new certificate

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Learning Passport User Manual

To create a completely new certificate design, you must first design the document using a
platform such as Canva or PowerPoint, save the file as a PDF, and upload the certificate by clicking
the ‘Upload custom PDF template’ button.
After uploading the PDF, enter the certificate name, such as ‘Course certificate for 4-6 math
course’, select the language the details of the course certificate are written in, and select save.

Enable certificate
To ensure your custom certificate is available under the correct course, navigate to the course
you created the certificate for. Click the three dots next to the course name and select ‘Edit
course details’. Under course settings, make sure the box next to ‘enable certificate’ has
been selected. A dropdown menu below this line will open, and you can select your custom
course certificate. Make sure to double check the course certificate title to ensure you have
selected the certificate that corresponds with the proper course. Finish by clicking the blue
‘Update’ button at the bottom of the window.

Click 10 Designing a custom course certificate.mp4 to watch the video!

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Learning Passport User Manual

11. Managing the feedback form

The feedback form needs to be created beforehand! Some free options are Microsoft forms,
Google forms or survey monkey. Make sure that the link you are sharing is accessible for external

Using default placement

If you want to use the platforms default way to enable feedback
forms you have two ways:
1. Add the feedback form when creating the course.
Create a new course, in the pop-up menu, with all the other
course settings, tick the box "Enable feedback form" - you can
now enter the link.

2. If you want to enable feedback forms for an existing course -

go to the desired course. Either hover over it and then select the
three dots on the right where you will select “edit course
details”. Or you can select the course, and in the top ribbon, at the same level as the name,
again select the three dots and then select “edit course details”.
Within the pop-up menu select “enable feedback form”. Here you can now add a link.

Learner's View

The leaner will see this button in the bottom left corner. When they click on it they will
be led to your survey.

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Embedding the feedback form

You can also imbed a feedback form. This will allow you to place the feedback as a lesson
wherever you like.
BUT - the platform will not be able to pull data from the users, in case you are using a pre-filled
feedback form!
• To do this, have the embed code of your feedback form ready.
• Open the app "Notepad" or something equivalent.
• Type in the code below. Replace "snipped.html" with the link you would share your form with.
Adapt width and height as necessary.
• Make sure that the link you use is accessible for everyone.
• Go to "File" and select "Save As"
• Select "All files" and name the file "index.html" (photo below)
This file can now be uploaded as a lesson.
Embed code
<embed type="text/html" src="snippet.html" width="640px" height="480px">
Saving file

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Learning Passport User Manual

12. Different Admin rights and what they mean

The different types of admin are: Global Admin, Category Admin, Course Admin and Learning
Path admin.

The highest admin level is the Global Admin. People with this status are in charge of the
content, users, and user groups of the platform.
Global admins can create new categories, courses, and Learning Paths, can upload lessons, and
manage all existing content – edit, rearrange and so forth. They can also assign any admin
rights to other users of the platform, this includes another Global Admin.
First, they can assign Category Admin. These admins are in charge of a particular category. They
can assign additional category admins and change the settings of the category. Within this
category they can also create new courses and upload lessons or add translations .
Second, global admins can assign Course Admin. Same concept as the category admin, but
course administrators only have right for a specific course. They can add additional course
admins and manage content at the level of this specific course. They can change the settings of
the course, upload lessons and add translations.
Third, is the Learning Path Admin. These have the right to change the settings of their assigned
learning path and add categories and specific content to this learning path.
And lastly, global admins can assign Group Admin. These are in charge of a specific user group.
They can assign additional user group admins and create the rules on which user groups are
added. They can also assign content to the user group and send broadcasts to these specific

Click 11 Different administrator rights & what they mean.mp4 to watch the video!

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Learning Passport User Manual

13. Creating and managing a user group

User Groups are a great way to use the platform directly for a specific group of people, making
it more engaging or tailored for this audience. Through this the platform can be utilised for
blended learning and be more engaging!

Ø Creating a user group

- Find User groups

On the left ribbon, find the button "Users".

- Create new User Group

At the bottom, select "New Group" - define the name and new admin of the group.

Click 12 Creating a User Group.mp4 to watch the video!

Ø Different ways to assign users to a user group

Way #1
Add single User
Find the desired group. To the right of the group name, you can find
three dots. Select these and a pop-up menu will appear.
For the first way to add users, select “Add user”. Now you can manually
add a user via their phone number. Simply insert the number here,
select add, and the person is part of your user group.
Way #2
Bulk upload Users
Find the desired group, go to the three dots right of the name, select,
and then go to “Bulk upload”.
Here you can upload a CSV file in which you have pre-inserted all the
users you want to have within the course. You can download a sample
file for easy reference.

Way #3

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Learning Passport User Manual

Add users automatically

First, click on the desired group and select “Add User” in the top ribbon. Select "Add Rule".
These rules are created with the profile fields and their answers. The first button will be the
profile field, and the second field will be the answer the user has to have selected, in order to

be added to the group.

Click 13 Different ways to assign users to a User Group.mp4 to watch the video!

Ø How to assign content to a user group

- Select specific user group

On the left side select Users. Here you will find “My groups”, which are the groups you have User
Admin Rights over. Select the group. At the top, underneath the name of the group, you can find
first Users, and the number of users assigned, and then also “Content”. Select “content”, and right
below this a book icon with the text “Assign Content” will appear.

- Assign content

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Learning Passport User Manual

Select this and you can now either select whole learning pathways or course.

For the learning pathway go to this section and select the desired pathway.

For Courses go to this section, and again select the desired courses. You can either select them as
Optional, Recommended or required. A course that is part of a selected learning pathway will
automatically be shown as default, but this can be changed to any of the other settings.

You can mix and match as desired and edit at any point in time.

Click to 14 How to assign content to a User Group.mp4 watch the video!

Ø How to send an announcement to your user group

- Select the desired Group

- Top ribbon find the speech bubble icon "Send Announcement"

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Learning Passport User Manual

- Write the message and send it off!

Click 15 How to send an announcement to your User Group.mp4 to watch the video!

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Learning Passport User Manual

14. Platform analytics

Analytics is the analysis of data or statistics. It is used for the discovery, interpretation, and
communication of meaningful patterns in data. It also entails applying data patterns toward
effective decision-making.

Read Analytics

- Active Users

Begin in administrator view and click the ‘Analytics’ tab on the left side of the screen.

You will first see a graph of the total number of active users currently using the platform, as well as
in the past.

- Couse completions

You can also click ‘Course completions’ to see a graph of how many courses have been completed.
Scroll down to see a table that reveals the top courses on the platform by number of completions
and a table of what courses have not yet been completed by any user.

- Overview of each category

Scroll down again to find an interactive chart that gives an overview of each category. View the total
number of courses within each category, how many users have registered for courses within that
category, and what percentage of those registered have completed the course. Download this list to
conduct additional analytics by clicking the ‘Download list’ button to the top right of the chart.

Click 16 Platform analytics.mp4 to watch the video!

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Learning Passport User Manual

15. LP branding guide

The Learning Passport has an official branding kit to ensure the identity of all platforms, no matter
what country or language they are being implemented in, look uniform and cohesive.

Official Learning Passport logos and colour stories

For this identity, we wanted to create an emblem that can be visually utilized and translated
across multiple languages and utilized in a variety of global products.

The emblem demonstrates the flow of information and the importance to keep the channels of
education open and always accessible to children.

The emblem conveys the power of The Learning Passport through its various partnerships and
technology initiatives. The identity also conveys the importance of reaching out to children
regardless of their location in the world.

*Click Learning Passport Logo package v2 to read Learning Passport Logo Guidelines and download
Learning Passport official logo

Click 17 Using official LP visual assets.mp4 to watch the video!

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