Last Monday Organic Chemistry Classwork-1

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Organic Chemistry Classwork

Instructions: Answer the following document BY HAND. NO DIGITAL DOCUMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
Submit your class work evidence in Canvas (No hand-made classwork evidence=0), complete at least 10
exercises for the classwork grade.
1. What are the 3 sustainability spheres? Describe each.
Economic Development
Social Development
Environmental Protection

2. Explain the 4 Sustainability R´s.

Reduce, Recycle, Reuse, Refuse.

3. What is the anthropogenic period?

What we are living right now: Overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and pacific plastic

4. Write the types of wastes and a brief description for each

5. What is the garbage disposal? mention 5 examples.

6. Classify the Residual treatments into chemical and physical methods.

Precipitative softening (chemical)
Filtration, microfiltration, and ultrafiltration (Physical)
Ion exchange (chemical)
Oxidation and reduction(chemical)
Landfarming (biological)

7. Look at the following molecular formulae and classify them into organic or inorganic molecules and
justify your answer using at least 1 property or characteristic seen in class.
Organic: Starch, Glucose, Acetic Acid, Ethyl alcohol
These are organic because their molecular formula includes both Carbon and hydrogen
Inorganic: Salt, carbon dioxide, calcium, chloride.

8. What is the Vitalism Theory? What was the Vital force?

9. Pretend your classmate needs help. Draw 2 organic molecules to emphasize the property of
Tetravalency. Both are in structural formula, but one has the correct tetravalency and the other is not.
Circle the atom/s where the tetravalency is not complete. Each molecule contains 10 carbon atoms in
total and bot are branched compounds.

10. Write a molecule in its display formula to point out the property of Catenation and
Explain what it is.

11. Why is the following molecule a “Branched compound”?

12. Draw 2 aliphatic compounds.

13. Explain why Isn´t Benzene a cycloalkene?

14. Using butane as the base, draw all the functional groups seen in class and write the name for each
molecule. (transform butane into butene, butyne, butanol, butanal, etc….)
15. Using pentane as the base, draw the following isomers: chain isomerism, position isomerism, functional
16. What is a saturated compound? And what is an unsaturated compound?
17. Which compounds have a sigma and a pi bond? Which compounds have 1 sigma and 2 pi bonds?
18. What is density? Why is it important in hydrocarbons such as petroleum?
19. How is density affected by a linear or a branched compound?
20. Which molecule is denser? Butane or methyl butane? Decane or nonane? Why?
21. How can you identify a soluble organic molecule? (what are the types of bonds and atoms that turn a
molecule soluble?
22. What happens to the solubility property as the amount of carbon atoms increases? Does it increase or
23. How can you identify a non-polar compound? Write the name of a non-polar functional group.
24. Consider the following molecules: Propanol, propane, propanal.
Create a chart where you write for each: molecular formula, structural formula, polar/non-polar
compound, solubility (order the compounds from 1 to 3, where 1 is the least soluble), soluble in
water/gaoline,boiling point (order the compounds from 1 to 3, where 1 is the least boiling point), name
of functional group.

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